Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 23, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 14

Christmas Balls, I Mean Bells

About ten minutes later all four of the boys were in their room, wearing boxers and sitting on the two lower bunks. Jordan said; "This might be easier if you told us what you know, or think you know about sex with another guy."

Ted was the first to speak; "Just what we heard about in school, I mean sucking and butt fucking. I don't really think the guys in our class know much more about it than we do, but they're always around when their dads and buddies are at home drinking beer and stuff. Our dad don't talk like the enlisted men, at least around us."

"Now I want you to promise not to get mad. Can you guys cum yet?"

The boys blushed; "Yeah we both started about six months ago, ya wanna see?" Both twins reached in the fly of their boxers and started to pull out their dicks.

Both older boys threw up their hands and said; "NO, No, NOOOOO. We just wanted to know, we believe you."

With slight look of disappointment on their faces, the twins stuffed their semi-hardons back in their shorts. "OK."

"OK, I noticed you're like me, circumcised. Carson turned to Jordan as he continued; "My faithful Indian companion here is un-cut, you guys know what that means?" Connor's last comment got him the bird from Jordan.

"Yeah, he got a different kinda dick than we do."

"Close, his dick is the same as yours and mine, except he got more than we do, understand?"

Justin looked at Ted and then turned to Connor; "Not really, how can it be different and still be the same?"

"His dick looks just like ours, except he has what's called a foreskin, it covers the head of his dick most of the time, at least until he gets hard. You understand?"

Watching the boys think about what he had just said, he realized they didn't know what he was talking about. He looked at Jordan and raised his eyebrows, Jordan knew what he was asking, turned red and nodded yes.

Connor said; "OK guys, time for a little show and tell." Connor reached in the fly of Jordan's boxers and gently pulled his cock in to the open. The Twins got very still, their eyes got wider and they held their breath as Jordan's cock came into view. Connor could see Jordan getting redder, plus his dick started to harden. Connor slowly pulled his foreskin down, exposing the slightly damp glans. The twins took a breath and said; "Holy shit Teddy, look at that, it is just like ours."

Both Connor and Jordan burst into laughter; "Yeah it is, and I like my foreskin, I'm glad I didn't get cut when I was born."

The twins said at the same time; "Cut, wadda ya mean cut?"

"That's what circumcision is guys," he turned to Connor and said; "your turn." Jordan then took Connors dick out of his shorts, which naturally started boneing up, and said; "Come over close and take a look. The twins didn't have to be told twice, both of them stood in front of Connor, bent over looking at what Jordan was pointing at on Connor's fully erect dick. "See that brown skin about an inch and a half down from the head of his dick, that's a scar from when they cut his foreskin off when he was a baby."

Naturally, the twins immediately pulled out their dicks so they could look for their scars, soon there were four very hard dicks protruding from the fronts of the boy's boxers. Quickly, the older boys pushed their dicks back in their shorts and then told the twins to do the same and to go sit on their bunk.

"Haven't you kids been through sex education yet?"

The twins shook their heads no, and told the older boys that they were scheduled for it near the end of the school year.

Jordan sighed; "Here we go, we'll give you everything we got in school, plus what we learned on our own. Your dick is like the barrel of a gun, you understand?" The twins nodded. "OK, your balls are like the magazine that provides the bullets that shoots out of the barrel you know, sperm?" Again the twins nodded. Connor took over; "So when you have sex of any kind, beatin off, someone sucking your dick, or when you fuck, after awhile your body will force the sperm out of your balls into your dick and then out, onto your belly, into your partner's butt or mouth, or if you're having sex with a girl, into her pussy, you understand?"

Justin asked; "You mean you can really sperm in someone's butt?"

"Yeah, but you guys better not try that yet. If you don't do it right you can really hurt your partner. You know what happened to your cousin Phil last summer?"

Teddy said; "Yeah, we heard Uncle Bill and Dad talking about it, but we didn't understand how he got hurt."

"Teddy, you ever stick your finger in your butt?"

Teddy turned bright red and nodded. Justin looked at him and said; "You did? When? Why didn't you tell me? You mother fucker!!"

"Calm down Justin, Teddy you remember the first time you did it how hard it was to get in? It probably hurt too didn't it?"

Teddy nodded again. " Think about how much it would hurt if a dick as big as mine was stuffed up your butt? From what we heard, both Phil and David got fucked by eight guys over and over again, and them assholes didn't care how much it hurt." Said Jordan. "So you guys don't really want to do that yet."

"OK, does it hurt when you get a blow job?"

It was Connor's turn in this tag team match; "Tell me guys, what's it feel like when you cum? If it feels anything like when I cum when I beat off, it feels really, really good."

The twins nodded in agreement; "OK, so multiply that feeling by about ten or twenty times, and you'll get an idea about how it feels to get head."

The twins looked at each other and then back at the older boys; "We're tired now, we want to go to bed."

Jordan and Connor about split a gut laughing; "Hold on guys, you got plenty of time to practice, let's talk about you guys sucking each other's dick. First off have either of you guys ever tasted your own sperm?"

The twins looked shocked; "Why would we want to taste our own sperm?"

"What do you think happens when you suck someone's cock or someone sucks yours? You do it long enough, you cum. It's as simple as that. Think about it before it happens, you need to be ready for it."

"Have you guys ever cum in each other's mouths?" asked Justin.

Jordan looked at Connor and smiled; "Not since last night, we both came in each other's mouth, twice. That's part of making love, he gave me part of himself and I give him part of me. We love each other."

"When we blow each other we usually do what's called a `69', I suck his cock while he sucks mine, and we do this by lying on our sides."

The twins blushed bright red as they looked at each other and then Justin turned to the older boys and in a low timid voice, asked; "Will you show us please?" Both twins turned redder, if that was possible.

Jordan looked at Connor for a long minute, turned back to the twins and said; "You guys owe us big time you hear? Yeah we'll show ya, but both of ya stay on that bunk, ya hear?"

Once again the engine at high rev appeared as the twins nodded their heads yes.

Jordan and Connor stood up and removed their boxers; Connor embraced Jordan and started to kiss him.

"Hey wait a minute, whoa, whoa, Whoa! What's going on, what's with the kissing?" asked Justin.

"Listen guys, kissing is part of making love, a big part. We aren't saying you got to do it, but you'll be missing out on a lot of the fun and pleasure of making love if you don't." Jordan went back to kissing Connor, and the twins saw right away how much the kissing excited both boys, at least if the two rock hard seven inch dicks meant anything.

The twins looked at each other, shrugged a little shrug, and then Justin leaned forward and placed his lips on Ted's. After a few seconds and nothing happened, the twins turned to see what the older guys were doing different. Teddy said; "I got it, I got, I really got it." He then reached over and pulled Justin's head forward and pushed his lips against his brother's, then stuck his tongue past his lips into his mouth. Justin just stood there for a few seconds; it was an epiphany, almost like a light bulb coming on over his head when he realized what he needed to do. His tongue started moving about, jabbing at his brother's tongue, dueling it for the mastery of the mouths. Before either of the twins knew it, they both had ragging hardons. When they finally broke for air, they looked over to find the boys lying on their sides, now completely oblivious to the twins, sucking each other's dick.

Soon, all four boys were beyond caring what the other set of lovers were doing. This, being the twins first time, it only took them a few minutes and they were shooting burst after burst of their sperm into each other's mouths, they no longer worried about the taste. When they stopped coming, and they could find no more sperm to take into their bellies, the brothers spooned up and lay on the lower bunk to watch the two older boys continue making love to each other. Watching them continue to suck each other, it was not long until the twins started round two, round two of several rounds that they would wrestle their way through on this night of discovery.

The next morning after showering and getting ready for another day, the twins returned to the room to find the older boys sitting on the bottom bunk quietly talking. Justin and Ted walked over to them, placed their hands on the sides of the now surprised boys' faces and gently kissed them on the lips. "Thank you!" they said, at the same time, "Thank you for being kind to a couple of ignorant younger kids, thank you for giving us something we will remember for the rest of our lives." The boys turned and got dressed while the two older lovers sat on the bed watching them in complete surprise.

The eight of them ate a good breakfast prepared by James and Matt, loaded up the Gunny's truck and were on the road by 08:00.

James, Matt and Keener went back to the kitchen to have another cup of coffee before starting their day. Keener commented; "Looked like there were some pretty tired squadies at breakfast. Ahhh, to be young again."

James and Matt threw some left over toast at him; "Ahhh, to be young again? Where the fuck did you come up with that line? And where do you get that young shit from, you ain't but a couple years older then them."

"Aww, I don't have to take this shit." Keener then got up with a little smile and started picking up the breakfast mess.

About 18:00, Keener was lying on his bed when Matt knocked on his door and entered without waiting. "Up and attem Jarhead, we got people to go and places to do."

By now Keener had become comfortable with the brothers and gave as good as he got in the continuing verbal warfare that the brothers fired at him.

"What the fuck you talking about squid?"

"Tonight, I am going to introduce you to the wide and varied night life of our great metropolis."

"I guess that means we're going pub crawling, huh?'

"Who says Jarheads are dumb, you got it on the first try."

By 18:30 the two were seated at the bar in Chaney's, putting down what Matt hoped to be the first of many beers that night. Shortly after their third beer Matt started telling Marine jokes.

"Hey Eddy," Matt called out, "What do you get when you cross a Marine with an ape?"

"I don't know Matt, but you're going to tell me whether I want to know or not, right?"

"You got it! Ya get a retarded ape!"

Eddy just stood behind the bar and shook his head while he polished glasses, waiting for a come back from the new guy sitting along side Matt.

He didn't have to wait too long; ""Hey Eddy, how do you confuse a sailor?"

"I don't know Keener. How?"

"Put em in a round room and tell them to piss in the corner."

Eddy shook his head and thought, "This is going to be a long night."

"Hey Eddy, get us another beer, please."

Eddy, thankful for a break in the jokes set them up another round.

Short break. "Hey Eddy, what does shit sound like when it hits the fan?"



"Now that was just low." Keener said.



"Hey Eddy, what do you get when you cross a sailor with an elephant?"

"I'm afraid to ask, what?"

"A dead sailor with a six inch wide asshole."

"Talk about low..."

"Hey Eddy, how many marines does it take to screw in a light bulb?"

"Tell me Matt, I can hardly wait."

"Two, but it's gotta be a really big light bulb."

On and on the jokes were shot at each other for the next two hours or so and being Sunday night, Chaney's Bar wasn't very busy, the few customers had a good time listening to the two guys try to out do each other. Neither one of the two guys at the bar were really drunk, they were just having a good time, not bothering anyone.

About 21:45, Delbert Prince and three of his buddies, three different ones from the last time he and Matt had a discussion here last summer walked through the front doors. Matt saw them coming towards him and said softly to Keener; "Get ready for GQ."

Eddy slowly moved down to the other end of the bar, and picked up a telephone and dialed 911. "Mabel, this is Eddy down here at Chaney's, I think maybe you ought to start moving some deputies and maybe an ambulance or two this way, thanks, yeah, have a good night too, bye now."

As Eddy turned around, he saw one of Delbert's buddies' smack Matt up side of the head with a pool cue, Matt went down like a ton of bricks. Before Delbert and his buddies could do anything, Eddy thought he was back in time to last summer. Delbert seemed to fly past him, hitting the front doors and ripping them off their hinges on his way through. By the time Eddy turned from watching Delbert bounce around the front sidewalk before taking a nap, Delbert's buddies were lying down taking their nap too. Keener was down on his knees checking to make sure Matt was Ok when once again Tommy Martin and several other Sheriff's Deputies came flooding into the bar.

"Sheeee-it" was all Tommy said.

James was watching TV when the phone rang; "Hello, Keener? What, is he all right, who, that son of a bitch, I'm on my way.

James ran to the garage hitting the door open switch as he passed it, jumped in the Jimmy and headed for the hospital.

Luckily the roads had cleared during the day when the temperatures had risen above freezing, so James made good time getting to the hospital. Hurrying through the front doors, he walked up to the information desk, the volunteer at the desk who James had known all his life said; "Hey Jimmy, I hear Matt got blind sided by that tub of shit Delbert, when's that boy going to learn to never turn his back on that asshole or one his friends?"

Even with all the worry about his brother, James had to laugh when old Mr. Hampton said that; "You got that right, where's he at Mr. Hampton? Do you know how he's doing?"

"Oh he's fine, got a cut on the side of head and a lump the size of a chicken egg, and I'm thinking right about now one hell of a headache. He's down in the emergency room, waitin on the results of an MRI they done on him."

"Thanks Mr. Hampton." Said James as he started walking toward the ER.

"No problem Jimmy, say Hi to that hard headed brother of yours for me."

It only took James a few minutes to get to the emergency room where he found Matt lying on a gurney surrounded by Bill, Tommy and Phil Martin, Keener Webb, Bobbie Winston and Dr. Bahari. Matt saw James as he walked through the door and flashed him a sheepish smile.

"Listen James, it wasn't my fault, honest, me and Keener were just sitting at the bar in Chaney's having a beer when Delbert comes in and started chucken shit at me. Next thing I know, I'm waking up and there's all these people surrounding me."

James looked at Keener and asked; "So what happened, and are you Ok Keener?"

"No sweat sir, I mean James." Keener than went on to relate what happened in the bar, down playing his part in it.

"Bullshit!" Tommy said. "I talked to Eddy and he told me it was just like last summer when Matt took out Delbert and his merry band of idiots. The only difference was Delbert went out the door this time and it was Keener here who taught him to fly instead of Matt."

"Eddy identified the guy who hit Matt with the pool cue, and when he's released he's going to be spending some time in my jail. Delbert and the other two will probably get off because they didn't have time to get at Matt before Keener here took them out."

Keener just stood there and blushed; he wasn't use to being the center attraction. He was also worried about what would happen when the news of what he did at Chaney's got back to the Gunny.

James walked up to Keener and put his hands on Keener's shoulders and said; "Thank you, I, we owe you one."

Keener looked like a ten year old boy, his hand s behind his back, the toe of his one shoe making figure eights on the tile, his head bent down watching his toe making the figure eights, and blushing brightly.

Keener looked up for a second and said; "There wasn't anything else I could do, I just couldn't let those assholes beat up on the poor, defenseless squid, now could I?"

Everyone laughed, except Matt who lay on the gurney with a wounded expression on his face, trying to come up with a quick, witty come-back. Unfortunately nothing came to him, so he just lay there and bided his time, thinking on how to get back at his new friend in a most spectacular way.

The test results came back and Matt was released, James had the two younger men ride back to the house with him, leaving the HUMVEE parked at Chaney's until they could pick it up later on that day.

On the 20th of December, the local School District released the schools for the Christmas Break. On the 21st, the Unit met and started to make the preparations for the annual Christmas Parade held in downtown Moreland. The HUMVEE's and the dune buggies were decorated with Christmas present wrapping paper, foot wide ribbon and miniature tree lights.

While the vehicles were being decorated, the Gunny had 30 of the squadies training on close order drill as part of the Unit's foot contingent. When Gunny was a corporal way back when, he had been a member of the Corps Silent Drill Team in Quantico, using his training and experience he turned what was normally a gaggle of kids into a polished team. The more time he spent working with the Unit, the more he felt like he could do this job, no, more of a calling, for the rest of his life.

When Gunny and the kids arrived the previous evening, he was surprised to see Matt sitting in a recliner in the game room, before he noticed that one side of his head had been shaved and was sporting a bandage. Not disturbing him, he entered the kitchen where he found Keener and James preparing supper. "Evening James, Webb, I see you got the Lcprl mess cooking, good, it keeps them in line if they got to do it once in awhile."

"I saw Matt sleeping in the game room, what's with the bandage?"

"Nothing much, one of the asshole buddies of Del Prince got him when he wasn't looking, sixteen stitches and a concussion. If it hadn't been for Webb here, he probably would still be in the hospital."

James related the events of the previous Sunday night and how Keener took the four dirtbags out before they could finish the job they started on Matt. The whole time James was talking, Keener kept on working on supper, not even glancing at the Gunnery Sergeant.

When James finished, Gunny turned to Keener and asked; "Well Lance Corporal, you got anything to add?"

Keener looked Gunny in the eyes for the first time since he had arrived and said; "No Gunnery Sergeant" Keener just stood there, waiting for the blast of shit he knew was going to hit him between the eyes.

Gunny nodded once and said; "What's for supper?"

End of Chapter 14 Next; Chapter 15 Gifts

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apt.141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 15

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