Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 23, 2004


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Kombat Kids By GhostRyder15

Chapter 13

Kombat Klaus

Tuesday afternoon around 14:00, Matt opened the gate to allow a dark blue 4 X 4 Dodge four door pickup entry to their property. He called James up and told him that he thought that the Gunny was here and to meet him at the front door.

The truck pulled into a parking slot directly across from the front door of the house, both front doors of the pickup opened and two men climbed out . The older of the two, an average looking guy about 5' 10" and a170 pounds with graying dark blond hair dressed in blue jeans and a long sleeved wool shirt stretched and gave a small wave to the brothers. The other man, much younger, maybe 22 or 23, 6' 1" or so and about 200 pounds had dark brown hair; he was wearing blue jeans, a tan shirt and a light windbreaker.

The first thing the brothers noticed was that both men were armed. They were wearing an automatic pistol on their right hips and a magazine pouch on their left.

Both men walked up to the James and Matt and the older one held out his hand and said; "Good afternoon sir, I'm Stan Mcnaughten and this is Keener Webb, General Stanton said you were expecting us.

After everyone shook hands. Matt said; "Come on inside gentlemen, I'll buy you a cup of coffee."

"Thank you sir, I'd like that. But first is there someplace secure we can put my truck before we go inside?"

James said; "Sure, give me a second and I'll get the garage door opened."

James went inside the front door and a couple of seconds later, the sound of a bell ringing could be heard. The two marines looked at what appeared to be a regular roll up two car garage door as it started to slide to the right. Bright lights could be seen shining out through the rapidly widening gap. When the door was fully open, the bell ceased ringing; a second later James came back outside.

"Why don't you back it in and leave it so the back end is near the elevator door, it'll be easier to unload when we get around to it."

While the Gunny was backing his truck in, Keener was looking around the garage; he couldn't get over the size of the place. He counted four HUMVE's, the military version, not the H2's that you saw all over the place, ten dune buggies and about a dozen quadrunners.

"Son of a bitch, what do guys do for a living, run an indoor car lot?"

Matt looked Keener in the eye and said; "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you."

Keener's eyes kind a bugged out and his mouth dropped open. He heard the Gunny say; "Kids these days, you can't live with them and you can't shoot them"

The three older men started laughing, Keener started turning red in the face, and Matt said; "Come on inside and let's get that coffee."

Matt got everyone a coffee; "General Stanton said you have a secure weapons storage facility, before we off load the truck, you mind letting me see it?" Gunny asked.

"No problem it's down on the third level, follow me please."

"Question Gunny, is Keener here going to be coming over with you every weekend, or is this just a one time thing?"

"General Stanton and I talked about manning, and decided it would be a good thing to have an armorer working with us. I grabbed him from the base armory and he agreed to come with me and get things straightened out, so to answer your question, yes sir, he'll be with us for six months or longer."

"That's what I needed, watch me as I dial the combination, both of you are going to need access here anyhow."

Once in side the arms room, Keener was surprised at the number of firearms and the available equipment present. "Kee-rist, I'm getting a little tired of continually being surprised every time I turn around, what the fuck is this place, just tell me than you can shoot me."

Keeping a straight face Matt said; "This is a secret CIA facility and we're getting ready to invade Canada."

Once again everyone but Keener broke out laughing.

"Let's go back upstairs to the kitchen and sit down, and we'll fill you in."

The men sat around the kitchen table while Matt filled Keener in about the facility, the Unit and what General Stanton was going to do to the Recon units next summer."

About ten minutes after they had been in the kitchen, Keener looked up to see five of the youngest looking Marines he had ever seen walk into the kitchen. Doug and Martin James, Jacky Hoffman, David White and Phil Martin had volunteered to help out with some unspecified work at the facility. Once again Keener's mouth dropped open.

Matt turned to him and said; "Keener, if you're going to be here for any length of time, you're going to have to stop doing that every five minutes."

Keener closed his mouth and turned to the Gunny; "Gunny, I thought you and I were the only Marines who were going to be here?"

Once again everyone laughed; "I am really getting tired of everyone laughing at me, can't you guys cut me a husk?"

James said; "Keener, you two are the only Jarh.. I mean Marines here. These are some of the boys from the Unit; they volunteered to help with the stuff you brought over."

The boys had immediately picked up on the statement made by Keener to the affect that he thought they were Marines. All five of them swelled up like a cow dead for five days in the summer heat, they knew they looked good in the MarCams, but to hear someone from outside the Unit, a professional Marine to boot, tell them so, caused them to just about burst with pride.

Matt introduced the boys to the two marines and said that they had brought some stuff over from the Wet Side from Phil's Uncle and needed some help getting it down below.

Matt said; "Phil, how about going down to the arms room and opening it up for us? The rest of you guys head up to the garage, we'll be right with you." The boy's nodded and to both of the marines surprise came to attention and said; "Aye Aye sir, by your leave Sir." Did an about face and left the kitchen.

Keener looked at Gunny; "Gunny, I don't know how much more of this I can handle. If they keep chucking shit at me, they won't have to shoot me, I'll die of apoplexy."

More laughter, this time Keener joined in, he figured that if he just listened and watched, everything would become clear. "Yeah right, clear as mud," he thought.

When the boys got to the garage and saw the long bed Dodge pickup sitting low on its springs, David sent the James Brothers over to the other side of the garage to bring back two flat bed dollies. The James boys were just rolling the dollies over to the back of the truck when the four adults entered the garage.

"Good thinking guys, one of you climb in the back and start handing stuff out."

The boys couldn't believe the stuff the truck contained, they ended up making three trips to the arms room before they got everything unloaded. The last trip found Phil trying to shift some of the ammunition cans around and James jumped right square in his shit.

"What the fuck are you doing, you know your doctor said for you to hold off doing any heavy lifting until at least January. I catch you pulling a dumb fuck stunt like that again and I'll have your dad come and drag your ass home, understand?"

"Aww come on James, don't ..."

"I said do you understand?"

"Yes sir." Phil said, really unhappy about the order and tired of being an invalid.

While Phil took care of the paper work and Keener, assisted by the other boys unpacked the firearms, to much ooooooing and awwwwwwwing as each one was removed from their packing material, James, Matt and the Gunny went back up to the kitchen for another cup of coffee.

Over coffee, Gunny asked what had just happened with Phil.

"Back during the middle of July, David, (James watched the Gunny as he told the story carefully, to gauge his reaction to his next comment) Phil's boyfriend and him went fishing down on the Yakima. Eight boys' ages 15 through 18 tied them up, beat and stomped them and then gang raped them, several times. Phil was close to death when they got him to the hospital and spent 17 hours in the operating room; David wasn't as badly injured and only spent four hours being operated on. The next day, the doctors had to go back in for two more hours to stop some bleeders they had they missed the first time when they operated on Phil. Phil was unconscious for nine days. He's been pissed off ever since he got out of the hospital because everyone has been playing nurse maid and not letting him do anything strenuous.

Gunny turned pale, and sat there grinding his teeth; "Did they catch the son of bitches?" he asked in a low, deadly voice.

"Yeah they did, Phil's brother had stopped by to check on them, he's a deputy sheriff and was on duty that day. He had dropped them off at the river and luckily he stopped back, he heard some shouting from where the boys were supposed to be at so he grabbed his riot gun and went down to find out what was going on. When he got there, he saw his brother on the ground, hands tied behind his back and one of the little bastards holding his feet back by his head. The ring leader of the group, a fat tub of shit whose father is the Scout Master for the local Scout Troop, was standing over Phil trying to get a hard on so he could fuck him again. Both boys were bleeding and Phil was unconscious. Tommy almost took them all out with his riot gun, but then his training and personal integrity stopped him from committing murder. He fired one round into the air, walked over to Launy Prince and butt stroked him. David said that from his position on the ground, Launy almost did a back flip from the force of the hit. Tommy put the other kids on the ground, all except one who he had cut David loose. He had David secure the little assholes using plastic cable ties and then called for back up and a med evac. When Phil's dad arrived, who incidentally is the County Sheriff, Tommy had to butt stroke his own dad, Bill was about to put a round right between Launy's eyes when his son cold cocked him.

"Jesus, James, I don't know if I could've stopped myself from taking them all out, if it had been me, I would have probably fragged the whole lot of them, Phil's brother must be one hell of a guy."

"Me too, anyway, they had to remove one of Phil's nuts, his spleen, repair his lung from having a broken rib drove into it. I think Bill, Phil's father, said they had to sew up six tares in his colon and three rips in his anus, plus assorted bruises and dislocations."

"You don't have to worry about him trying to do stuff he shouldn't around me and Webb, I'll make sure of that!" Gunny said emphatically.

"Thank you, how about Webb, how's he going to handle the fact that a good portion of the Unit's membership are Gay?"

"Did Phil tell you about my son and how he died?"

"Yes he did Gunny, and you have our deepest condolences."

"Thank you. When Tim told me he was gay, he had his aaah, his.. Aw fuck it, he had his boyfriend with him for moral support. Keener stood along side him when he told me he was gay and that they loved each other. So no, I really don't think there'll be a problem. Now Keener might get the surprise of his life when he finds out about most of your troops, but he won't have any problem about them being gay." The three men laughed.

They finished their coffee and went back down to the arms room. When they entered it, all five of the squadies and the one Marine came to attention.

"What's this shit coming to attention when I entered the room Webb?"

"Well you see Gunny; the guys here explained to me about what the brothers here have done, I mean setting up the Unit and all. I just thought it was only right to pay them the same respect that I would pay one of our officers."

Matt said; "Ok guys lets get one thing straight, the only time I expect military courtesy is during meetings and Unit events. All and I mean ALL other times we're James and Matt, understand?"

The six answered in unison; "Sir, yes Sir!"

"Aww fuck you guys, I don't have to take this shit."

Everyone laughed. Then James said; "All kidding aside, we really only want you to render courtesy's when we have the meetings or events, you guys really need to comply with this request."

The five Squadies and the one Marine looked at each other and turned to the brothers. Keener said; "All right, we'll honor your request, we don't have to like it, but we'll do it."

James and Matt went over to the table and watched Keener field strip an M60, one of four that he and the Gunny had brought with them. After another three hours working with the firearms and other ordinance that the two Marines had delivered, James called a halt and ordered pizza for all of them.

While they were eating the pizza, the Gunny asked; "Is there a half way decent motel near by? We need to get settled in for the night."

Matt said around the pizza in his mouth: "Oo n swed ere."

Gunny looked at Matt and said; "Excuse me?"

Matt finally swallowed; "You can sleep here, we have plenty of room."

Gunny shook his head; "We drew advance per diem, and we'd have to give the lodging allowance back if we don't check into a motel."

"No problem, welcome to the Bateman Motel Bar and Bodyshop. We'll even write you out a receipt for the cost of lodging, which will be, how much did you get?"

"$155.00 a night."

"For $155.00 a night." Matt giggled. "I'll make you out a receipt on Bateman Brothers Inc. stationary, no problem."

"I guess we can give it a try, all they'll do is make us pay it back if they don't like the receipt we turn in."

"Gunny, do you have the General's phone number?"

"206-555-0981, that's his home phone, he should be there now."

James punched in the number and heard it connect. After two rings the phone was picked up and he heard "General Stanton."

"Sir this is James Bateman, I'd like to ask a favor. Can we get Lance Corporal Webb assigned to us TAD for an extended period of time?"

"What's going on James?"

"I was watching Webb working on the firearms he brought over and was greatly impressed with his skill with weapons and his ability as an instructor, I had five of my squadies helping today and all of them got qualified on field striping the M60. I think if I can keep him on hand here and have the Gunny down on the weekends, we may be able to cut the projected schedule by as much as a month, maybe two.

"Is the Gunny handy?"

"Hang on a second," James got up and hit the speaker phone button on the cradle. "Go ahead sir."



"What do you think of James idea, and can we steal Webb from the base armory without causing too big of a commotion?"

"No problem sir, Webb was placed in the armory four months ago to help them get caught up on maintenance. I took him out of Recon, so he belongs to me and to be truthful, I think it would work great."

"When you coming back Gunny?"

"I plan on leaving around 08:00 tomorrow morning, that should put us back around 14:00."



"Do you have a car back here?"

"No sir."

"General, James again, I think I know where you're coming from and we can lend him one of ours."

"That's taken care of. All right then, Webb you follow the Gunny back and pack your gear, I want you back there by Thursday noon, do you see any problems doing that?"

"No sir, and Sir, thank you."

"Anything else I can help you with James?"

"No sir"

"Gunny, Webb you got anything?"

"No sir." Chorused the two Marines.

"All right, carry on." With that, the General hung up.

"Do Jesus, you boys got some kind of pull." Said a highly impressed Webb.

The next morning, Webb and Gunny headed up to the garage, upon arriving there Webb almost swallowed he teeth, again. Matt had the front garage door opened and a HUMVEE was sitting alongside the Gunny's Dodge with the engine running. Webb just shook his head and followed the Gunny as he headed for I-82 west and back to the coast.

The first Meeting in December arrived along with the first major cold front of the year. The Columbia Valley had a light dusting of snow during the night and until the sun broke through the clouds the snow caused the roads to be slicker than whale snot.

Posting the colors went off without a hitch, then James called the two marines to the front of the Cavern and said; "I'd like to take a moment before starting on the announcements and introduce two new volunteers. Master Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten and Lance Corporal Webb of the Fleet Marine Reconnaissance Battalion, from Whidbey Island have volunteered to assist us in providing specialized training. Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten will be with us on the weekends and Lance Corporal Webb has been assigned to the Unit on TAD orders. General Stanton has made it possible for us to have the service of these men, plus the loan of some specialized equipment that everyone will be trained in."

James turned to the two Marines and said; "Welcome aboard, we all look forward to working with you. One more thing and then I'll get on with the announcements; as of 15:00 Friday, The United Sates Marine Corps has officially agreed to sponsor our Unit." All the Unit members stood and applauded, whistled and shouted their firm approval.

The first item was the Christmas Party, Matt and James had discussed it with Phil, David, Carson, the twins and the two Marines. The party was to be held the weekend before Christmas on Saturday evening.

While the brothers could easily pay for the entire Adopt a Family program that they wanted the Unit to sponsor, they also wanted the members of the Unit, all 49 of them to participate in it. So Friday night when the Marines and the twins arrived, they sat everyone in the TV room and explained what they wanted to do. Amongst the gathered people they were able to flesh out the idea and complete a polished format to be delivered during the meeting the next day.

When the idea was brought up, the entire Unit bought in to it. All of them straight or gay remembered what it was like before they joined the Unit, and each one wanted to spread around to other people, people who were for the most part, less fortunate then they.

The remaining announcements had to do with training. Before the squadies were released to the different training classes, the twins were introduced to the Unit and it surprised everyone that they were making the trip across the mountains every weekend to attend the meetings.

Gunny and Webb took the first group of squadies up to the arms room to pick up firearms and ammunition. When Webb started pulling the M60's out of their storage racks he could just about hear everyone of the boys popping a woody. While Webb was getting ready to go through field stripping the 60's, the Gunny had the sniper teams get the Barrett's and ammo for practice on the 800 yard known distance range.

The members of the sniper teams were thankful that they had been issued the cold weather gear, lying on the ground, even though the temperature was up to 40, would have been miserable for them without the clothing.

Each team member fired ten rounds of .50 caliber ammunition at the thousand yard target that had been set up on the 800 yard stand. After everyone fired, the Gunny had to agree with the assignments of the primary and secondary snipers on each team, for eleven to fifteen year old boys they were really good shots. True, they wouldn't win any national matches, but the Gunny knew that he would change that.

The unit meeting went well, the members received some good training, and with that training, they also received the personal guidance, the praise when they deserved and more important criticism when they deserved that as well. Praise was given in front of everyone, criticism waited to be given until the instructor could do it in private, never where they would be embarrassed in front of their friends and fellow squadies.

About 15:30, the snow started falling, by 18:00 when the meeting broke up, there was close to two inches of snow on the ground and it had started to stick on the roads. James talked to Jordan and Connor. Connor had called his father and found out that he had to go to one of the construction sites and hadn't yet left to come and get him and Jordan. James told Connor to call his family and tell them that he and Jordan would spend the night at the brother's home. Gunny overheard him talking to Connor and told him that he could drive them home when he and the twins headed back to the coast the next day. Connor's father thanked both the Gunny and James for helping out his son and Jordan and he would see them tomorrow.

James and Matt fixed dinner for everyone and the twins, Jordan and Connor cleaned up after everyone finished. The twins said they were tired and wanted to take a shower and get some sleep. As they had been assigned to share a room down in the berthing compartment with Connor and Jordan, the two older boys decided they may as well call it a night also.

As the four of the boys headed down to the berthing compartment, Matt turned to James and said; "What da ya think, sex ed 101?"

The four adults laughed and went in to the TV room to see if they could find anything worthwhile watching on the 400 plus channels available. It was doubtful.

Even though the twins were only thirteen, they exhibited no body modesty in front of Jordan and Connor as they stripped out of their MarCams. None of the boys bothered to wrap a towel around their waist as they headed for the showers, the twins following behind the older boys got hard almost immediately. The were used to seeing boys naked after gym class in the shower room, but those boys were all the same ages as they were and looked nothing like the two beautiful boys walking in front of them.

When they entered the showers, Jordan and Connor noticed that the twins had boned up and just smiled. The twins blushed but didn't try to hide their five inch boners, they both said; "Sorry, I guess you guys figured it out that we are, uumm, you know gay."

Jordan laughed; "No, really? Maybe that's because you guys have been pointing them `Cum Canons' at us ever since we got into the shower."

Once again the twins blushed; Connor took pity on the boys and said. "Don't worry about it, as you can see, we got the same problem, every time I see my boyfriend here naked, or when he's wearing his boxers, or for that matter a snow mobile suit, I bone up right then and there."

The twins caught the comment about Jordan being Connor's boyfriend; "You mean, you two are gay, I mean like us?"

Connor laughed and went in to his English accent mode; "By George, Jordan, I think he's got it!"

The twins laughed also, Justin asked; "Aaah, umm, listen, do you guys think you might..."

Before he could finish his question Jordan said; "Sorry guys, me and Connor agreed that we were a couple and that we wouldn't do anything with anyone else."

"No, no, that's not what I meant, I, I mean we just wanted to ask you some questions. You know about, umm sex."

Connor laughed; "I'm not laughing at you guys, I was laughing at myself for thinking you wanted to have sex with us."

"But we do, but we didn't think you'd want to have sex with us cause we're so much younger than you two."

Ted spoke for the first time; "What numbnuts means is that we would really like to have sex with you guys, but we really wanted to ask about sex cause we never done nothing but beat off together."

Jordan said; "Lets finish showering and we'll talk about it back in the room, OK?"

The twins just nodded, their heads, which kind of reminded the older boys of a piston in an engine at high rev.

End of Chapter 13 Next; Chapter 14 Christmas Balls, I mean Bells

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 14

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