Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 23, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 11

The Redman Cometh

After school on Monday Phil got Tommy to give him a ride to James and Matt's home, as Tommy was on duty, he dropped Phil off at the front of the house and said he'd be back to pick him up in about an hour.

James met him at the front door and followed Phil to the kitchen, admiring his tight bun's as they walked. Matt stood as they entered and shook Phil's hand, then asked; "What's up Phil, we didn't expect to see you until later in the week?"

"Just wanted to ask you about JJ, we thought you were going to give him back his squad leader position at the last meeting. You guys are the boss and we know that, we were just wondering what's happening is all."

"We plan on giving it back to him, but we decided to wait until after the first of the year to do it. We don't want to set a precedent so people won't get the idea they can automatically quit a job, and then get it back right away. Some people like to play the game, and while we're sure that JJ isn't pulling something, we just want to wait awhile."

Phil nodded his head; "Thanks guys, I understand where you're coming from and I'll tell the others."

The three of them talked about how Phil was doing, physically and mentally, what happened to Launy Prince and Bill Jordan at the prison farm and how the Unit was going, When Tommy showed up, Matt and James walked Phil out and said their goodbyes.

Saturday arrived quickly for everyone, and the last meeting before Thanksgiving started at the regular time, 08:00. After the posting of the colors and the daily briefing, two new boys came up to Matt and James and introduced themselves.

"Good morning sir, I'm Jordan Littlelk and this is my buddy Connor Beck. We just found out about your organization and came down from Yakima to see what the Unit was all about."

James looked the boys over as they were talking to Matt, Jordan looked to be 15 or 16 years old, about 5' 7", 5' 8" and about 135 pounds. He had short black hair and brown eyes, his face was classic Indian, with high cheekbones and a hawk like nose set above a generous mouth, he was beautiful, not handsome, beautiful. It took all of James' will power not to pop a woody right then and there.

To take his mind off of Jordan, he turned to Connor and studied him. No help there, instant woody time, right now. Conner was the direct opposite of Jordan, Connor was, blue eyed, blond haired with about the same body dimensions as Jordan, another classic beauty. Whereas Jordan exuded masculinity as if it were sweat, Connor appeared to be effete, almost girlish. Later James would find that this was definitely not the truth.

Jordan and Conner were in the same grade at Yakima Central High School. While Jordan lived on the Yakima Indian Reservation with his uncle, Connor lived at home with his parents and three sisters, which was located between the Reservation and the town.

It seems Connor and Jordan became friends when they had joined a scout troop at about the same time. Being more or less out of the norm for the scout troop's membership, they both felt like they weren't really welcome and that they would be outcasts. Neither of the boys had any friends to speak of so they gravitated to each other and after awhile Connor came out to Jordan. Jordan wasn't really surprised, as Connor was really a flamer, especially when they were alone together.

What really surprised Jordan, was that Connor did a pretty god imitation of `John Wayne toilet paper'. He was rough, tough, and didn't take any shit off of anyone. From the time he and Connor had become friends, Connor had been suspended from school three times for fighting. Twice when someone called him a fagot, and once when he took down three guys that were beating on Jordan.

James watched both boys and new that they had something going, he hoped for their sake, as well as the Unit's that there wouldn't be any trouble about Connor's apparent swishy demeanor.

Matt called Carson over and introduced him to the new boys, "How bout taking Jordan and Connor on a tour and fill them in on the Unit and what we're doing?"

"Sure Boss, no problem."

They started the tour in the `Swimming Cavern' as it was now called. Both the new boys were totally taken by surprise as they entered the huge room. Neither one of them had ever seen a swimming pool the size of the one that was contained in the Swimming Cavern.

"Jumping Jesus on a palomino!" Connor exclaimed; "this must have cost a fortune, my dad owns a construction company and I know that a pool one tenth of this size would cost and arm and a leg."

"It is pretty impressive, James and Matt are rich, or as they say `comfortable. It was Matt's idea, he teaches a SCUBA class every Saturday, and a couple times a week after school. Matt was a SEAL and he wants to have swimmers as part of our combined arms concept."

Jordan looked at Carson a little funny before asking, "Are Matt and James trying to build some kind of a para-military organization?"

"Absolutely not!" Carson answered. "If you guys join the Unit, you'll find that everything we do is set up to give each guy a sense of worth." Carson took a deep breath before continuing, "In case no one told you guys, about 75 to 80% of the Unit's membership are gay, I'm gay. I don't know if you're gay or straight, it doesn't matter, at least not to us. We're here to have fun, make friends and learn new shit."

As they exited the swimming pool area and entered what looked like nothing more than a Food Court you'd find in any large mall, Carson pointed to a little red headed kid, "That's Jap, short for Joshua Allen Peterson, last Saturday he was designated as one of our primary snipers. That little fuck totes a 35 pound rifle in the field all day long and can hit anything he aims at out to 800 yards. 800 Yards is as far as we can train on our range at this time, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be within 2,000 yards if he were pissed at me."

"Maybe you heard about a couple of our guys getting raped last summer, one of them almost died. Phil and David are both active members of the unit and both are planning to take karate classes James plans on starting after the first of the year." At the mention of Karate classes, Connor's eyes lit up, you could see that he was very interested in what Carson had just told them.

Leaving the cafeteria they moved on with the tour, both boys seemed to be in awe of the berthing area, the change room and all the other facilities available to the Unit members.

When the tour was over and they had returned to the Cavern, Jordan and Connor shook hands with Carson; "It don't mater to us."

Carson being quick witted responded with; "Huh?"

"It don't mater to Connor and me that you're gay, or that anyone else is. We, well we're gay too. Hey man, thanks for showin us around, we'll talk to you later."

Carson just nodded and left as they looked for James or Matt. Spotting James, they walked up to him and Connor said; "How do we join your Unit?"

"Carson filled you in on everything, I mean you both understand that the majority of the people here are all gay, right?"

"Yes Sir he did, and like we told him it don't mater to us, we're both gay too We tried the scouts up in Yakima, but we always felt that we really weren't wanted so about two months after we joined them, we quit. From talking with Carson and seeing everyone enjoying themselves so much, we want to be apart of it."

James smiled and nodded; "OK, let's go over to the Admin Offices and get you guys started filling out the paper work. We will have to have your parents sign one form, but you can take it home with you when you leave today. Get it signed and bring it back after Thanksgiving.

On the way to the office Connor said; "Carson told us you were going to give karate lessons after the first of the year, is that true?"

"Yes, I have about 30 of the other boys who've already signed up, why, are you interested?"

Connor smiled and nodded his head; "Yes I am, I thought, maybe if you want, I could, well, maybe I could help you teach."

James looked at him and asked; "What discipline and what rank?"

Connor blushed a little before responding; "Tai Kwan Do, second Dan."

James' mouth dropped opened, after a second he snapped it closed. "Let see if I heard you correctly, you're a second degree black belt?"

Connor smiled shyly and answered; "Yes Sir, my dad's a fifth Dan and he started teaching me when I was six. I more or less had to learn as all my sisters have been taking it too; it's more or less a case of self preservation if you know what I mean."

James and Jordan just laughed at Connor's last comment. James said; "I would very much like having you as a co-instructor, and I look forward to sparing with you. Mater of fact, bring your gear to the next meeting and we'll put on a demonstration for the Unit, kind of give them an idea of what to expect."

"It would be my pleasure Sir, may I ask what your discipline and rank is?"

"I'm a seventh dan, and like you, Tai Kwan Do. I look forward to working with you Connor."

Connor and Jordan quickly filled out the paper work and were turned over to JJ to set them up with room and locker assignments, clothing and gear issue.

Having spent a good portion of his life in the outdoors, Jordan was astounded at the quantity and the quality of the clothing and equipment he was being issued. As they were entering the winter months of the year James had made poly proprolen long underwear part of the clothing issue along with Carhart coats and bib overalls in the Mar Cam pattern. The two pair of Corcoran jump boots was now supplemented with insulated waterproof boots.

Jordan asked JJ about the gear, knowing there was no way that he could afford the stuff that he was being issued.

JJ chuckled; "Don't worry about it man, if we had to pay for this stuff, none of us would be able to afford it. I asked Matt what all this stuff cost and he told me that the original issue was around $2,500, with the new cold weather gear it boosted that up to just over $3,000."

"Fuck dude, who's paying for all this stuff?"

Once again JJ laughed; "The same people who paid for all the facilities down here, have you guys seen the Units vehicles yet?" Connor and Jordan shook their head no. "Right now we have four HUMVEE's and ten dune buggies, and in the spring Matt's got two 35 foot dive boats coming. Matt and James are rich, together they're worth close to $300,000,000 and they decided that when they started the Unit, they would pay for everything."

"Holy fuck, how come there aren't a thousand people signed up as members."

"Because James or Matt have to approve of a person who wants to join up. If they don't get a good feeling about a person, they don't join. No one outside the Unit knows about all the stuff we get issued and we plan on keeping it that way."

"You know how it was in the scouts, if you weren't part of a clique, you weren't shit. Here the only clique's are the ones like the shooters, the divers or any other specialty we got going, and anyone can be a member of any of those if he wants to be."

After receiving their issue, JJ took them to the locker room and got them each a locker. Then stood there, ostensibly to help, but in reality he wanted to scope out the newbie's.

He told them about the need to be in full uniform and that the skivvies were apart of the uniform. As the two new guys stripped, JJ felt himself boneing up. He didn't know which one turned him on most, the really hot blond kid or the super sexy Indian boy. He decided that it didn't mater he'd go down on either or both in a heartbeat. Jordan was uncut and about four inches soft, Connor's dick was about the same size, but he was circumcised, both of them made JJ's mouth water.

When they were finished JJ took them out to the rifle range and they watched the shooters practice. Surprisingly Connor was the most excited about the firearms and the chance to learn how to shoot, both the boys took an immediate interest in the sniper teams.

JJ took them into the building and turned on the big plasma flat screen attached to one of the walls. He then brought up a view of two targets that pretty much didn't have any black left in the center of the target.

"The target on the right belongs to Jap and the one on the left is Jacky Hoffman's, they're pretty much even as far as shooting goes. Their spotters are almost as good and getting better. Jap and Jacky are a couple, but they still try to out shoot each other.

Jordan and Connor looked surprised when JJ made the comment about the two snipers being a couple. JJ saw their expressions and said; "Hey guys I'm sorry if I embarrassed you when I told you about them being a couple, it's just that I thought James or Matt had told ya about most of the guys being gay, so I didn't think it would bother you when I said it.

"Yeah they did, but where we come from you don't advertise stuff like that, I mean it doesn't matter to us, we're a couple too in case you didn't know."

"If you guys are ready, let's go get some lunch."

Jordan blushed; "I'm not really hungry, I think I'll just sit up here for awhile and watch them shoot."

Connor said; "Bullshit, I got money, get off your fat ass and let's go eat."

Jordan looked at Connor and said; "To begin with my ass ain't fat, and I already told you I ain't hungry so just drop it."

It only took a second for JJ to figure that Jordan didn't have any money. He said; "Hey dipshit, what part of `everything is provided' didn't you understand. You're a member of the Unit now, all meals are included while you're here in the facility, so knock off the bullshit and get you're skinny Indian ass down to the mess decks!"

Right about then Jordan didn't know whether to punch JJ out or to hug the guy. He finally opted for just laughing with his boyfriend and JJ as they headed back downstairs.

The day continued with what seemed to be one surprise after the other, before either of the boys realized it, it was 18:00 and the colors were retired. Every one of the boys they had met and even some they hadn't, wished them well and said they looked forward to seeing them at the next meeting. Jordan and Connor had never felt so accepted before and for a change actually looked forward to something besides just being together. As they were filing out of the Cavern with the rest of the Unit, James called their names and told them to hang loose for a minute, they wanted to talk to them.

Standing at the entrance to the stairwell, as the other boys filed by, Jordan felt a quick spike of fear. He asked himself, "Did I fuck up someway, are they going to tell me I can't join, what the fuck is going on?"

His fear vanished as James and Matt smiled at him and Connor. James said; "If you guys got a minute, we'd like to talk with you for awhile, get to know you a little bit. By the way how are you getting back to Yakima?"

Connor spoke for the both of them; "My mom and dad told me to give them a call when the meeting was over and they'd come and pick us up. I was going to see if I could use your phone on the way out."

Matt said; "No problem, come on up to the kitchen and you can use the one in there." Connor punched in his home phone and talked to his mom for awhile and started looking depressed. He looked over at James and asked; "Mr. Bateman, can we wait here for a couple hours, my dad got called out to the construction site of one of the jobs he's contracting because of a major problem and won't be able to come for us until 9:00 or so?"

James shrugged and said; "No problem, in fact, why don't you ask your mom if you can spend the night here and then they can come out and pick you up tomorrow morning?" Connor told James that he and Jordan didn't want to put the brothers to such trouble.

James and Matt got a good laugh at Connor's statement; "Earth to Connor, Earth to Connor, do you really think having you two spend the night after having 40 some boys here all day would be a problem?"

Connor laughed; "He told his mother about the invitation." Listened for a few seconds and then handed the phone to James.

James figured he knew what was coming. "Hello, yes he told me, no, no problem, yes we have plenty of room, OK, yes, yes, we look forward to seeing you and your husband tomorrow, 10:00 AM great, see you then, good night." James turned the phone off and handed it to Jordan. "Go ahead and give your parents a call and tell them you're spending the night and will be home tomorrow afternoon."

Jordan glanced at Connor; "That won't be necessary sir."

Matt asked; "Why not Jordan?

As Matt and James watched, Jordan seemed to deflate, he thought for a minute before saying; "We, that is my uncle doesn't have a telephone, and even if he did he wouldn't give a shit." Jordan sighed and looking more depressed than he should have, especially over a simple thing like not having a phone in his home. Connor reached over and was about to take Jordan's hand in his when he remembered where they were and pulled his hand back.

Jordan started talking; "If I'm going to be in the Unit, I guess I ought to tell you about me and my uncle." For the next 45 minutes, Jordan told the brother's about his life.

Jordan's mom died when he was seven, his father tried to take care of him but just wasn't able to properly care for him. Then when Jordan was twelve, his father was drinking in a bar in Yakima and got into an argument with a migrant laborer up from Mexico for the apple harvest. The Mexican pulled a knife and stabbed Jordan's father five times before he fell. The Mexican ran from the bar and was never seen again. By the time the para-medics and the police arrived, Jordan's father was dead. Jordan remembered the night when his uncle, Richard Littlelk came to his house and told him that his father was dead. He remembered how his uncle hugged him and how they cried together for a long time. Jordan moved in with his uncle and things went well for the next six months. His uncle lost his job at the Casino on the Res, then he started drinking heavily, he started getting down on Jordan for the least little thing, never striking physically, but using words to injure him more deeply than any slap to the face or punch to the gut would. Until last year when he met Connor, Jordan was seriously contemplating ending it all. Connor gave him the thing that he had been missing and craving for the longest time, friendship, friendship that quickly turned to love for both of them.

After Jordan finished telling his story, James stood and walked around the table, took Jordan's hand and pulled him to his feet. Before Jordan had a chance to say anything James pulled him in to a gentle hug, at first Jordan didn't know what to do or say, he just stood there while James embraced him. After a few second he started to relax, then James did something that Jordan would remember and cherish for the rest of his life. James moved away from him slightly, placed his hands on Jordan's shoulders, leaned forward again and kissed Jordan on the forehead. The kiss was gentle, in no way sexual, it was the same type of kiss he remembered receiving from his mother when she kissed him good night or when she comforted him when he was sad. At that moment Jordan felt safe, actually he felt like he was back in the loving arms of his mother. He couldn't help himself, he started crying, soon he was sobbing the deep soul racking sobs of a person who had held himself in check for a long, long time, never daring to show weakness, never able to show anyone, not even his best friend and lover the pain and sadness he kept buried deep within his heart.

Connor watched as James took his boyfriend in his arms and then kissed him, he was shocked when Jordan broke down and cried. It frightened him, frightened him badly, he had known of Jordan's home life, but he had no idea the cumulative effect it had on his lover. Connor got up from his chair so quickly the chair fell over backwards to the floor. He rushed to his lover and joined the embrace that James had initiated, speaking softly, telling his friend that he loved him, that he was sorry, that he had no idea the pain he was suffering and then, over and over that he repeated his love for him.

Finally, Jordan stopped crying, he wiped his eyes and gave James a strong hug and turned to Connor, blushing slightly, he kissed him deeply for two or three seconds, then pulled back and said simply; `Thank you, thank you all."

For the first time, Matt spoke; "No problem dude, anyone want some pizza?"

James, Connor and Jordan just looked at Matt like he had two heads, then all three of them burst out laughing.

James said; "You know brother you really are an insensitive cocksucker."

Matt looked wounded and said with great dignity; "I am not insensitive!"

End of Chapter 11 Next; Chapter 12

Kombat Kids and the Crotch

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 12

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