Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 23, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 10

Honor, Duty, Pride

Monday night, JJ showed up promptly at 18:00 and went straight to the computer room where he found James and Matt waiting for him. The brothers were in full uniform just like he was and instead of just his backpack; there were two more sitting in the corner of the room.

Matt inspected JJ and nodded his head at the shined boots and the clean MarCams and said; "Alright, lets mount up and move out."

With that, he helped JJ into his back pack and then pulled on his own, while he had been helping JJ; James had already put his on.

JJ looked confused and asked; "What's going on sir?"

James just shrugged and said; "We kind of feel like we fucked up right along with you, so it's only fair that we do the run with you."

JJ didn't know what to say, so he just nodded and figured they would tell him what they meant when they were ready.

Matt led the way and all three of them started the run. James and Matt paced him on either side, letting him set the pace. As with the morning run it didn't take long for him to start sweating again, he was glad to see that the brothers sweated as much as he did, if not more.

After the completion of the run, James looked at his watch and hit the stem on the side of it. Not too shabby, 29 minutes 32 seconds. Good job JJ."

The three went to the kitchen and sat at the table, before sitting down, Matt opened the refrigerator and grabbed three bottles from it, he handed the two of them a liter bottle of Gatorade, opened his and started drinking it.

JJ looked at the brothers and said; "If I may say so, you guys weren't too shabby either, for old guys that is."

Matt almost choked on his Gatorade; James did and shot the green liquid through his nostrils.

Matt started to reach for JJ like he was going to choke him, then both the brothers broke out laughing. The only comment was made by James, that is when he could talk again; "Wise ass!"

JJ finally asked; "How come you guys ran with me tonight?"

Matt said; "We feel like we fucked up just like you did. We weren't there for you when you needed our help and guidance. That was one of the things we promised to each other that we'd do, we want you guys to know that if you ever need help you can come to us."

"I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean, but thanks; I appreciate your believing in me. I know it'll take me awhile to regain your trust, but I'm going to do it, that's my promise to the both of you."

Friday night the three of them completed the last run in 27 minutes and 13 seconds. The brothers once again complemented him on a good run.

The next day was the first meeting of the Unit in November; all the current members were present along with a half a dozen new kids and their parents. The colors were posted and James and Matt moved to the front of the group, ready to brief the Unit members and the visitors on the schedule of events for the day.

James was the first to notice JJ get up from where he was seated, next to his father, and march to the front of the assembled Unit. JJ stopped in front of the brothers and saluted then said in a quiet voice; "Permission to address the Unit Sir!"

James looked briefly at Matt and seeing that he had no idea what was going on turned back to JJ and said simply; "Granted"

JJ did an about face and looked at all of the Unit members before speaking; "Last weekend I made what was probably the biggest mistake in my life. I was caught smoking pot in the restroom by the roving patrol, he could have turned me in, but he chose to give me the chance to turn myself in. With him by my side I told the Unit Leaders what I had done. Instead of kicking me out of the Unit, they gave me a chance to make amends. This is the last part of the requirements that we agreed upon."

He looked at his father and said; "Dad, I screwed up, for that I am truly sorry. I hope you can forgive me and believe me when I say it will never happen again."

JJ turned to the brothers, reached up and removed his Squad Leader insignia from his shoulder and handed to James who accepted it. JJ said; "I apologize to you, I feel that I don't deserve the rank that you gave me last week and wish to resign as squad leader. I also want to thank you for giving me a second chance."

JJ saluted, did an about face and marched back to his chair with his head held high, but also with tears streaming from his eyes.

James stood there for a few seconds looking at the rank insignia; he then put it in the pocket of his Mar Cams.

James looked at Matt then turned back to the unit who had remained completely quiet during the whole of JJ's speech, and started over with the meeting briefing.

When the unit broke up for the individual and group training that had been scheduled, James turned to Matt and said; "What the fuck.... over?"

"I have no fucking idea, that rocket came straight out of the blue."

As Matt was saying this, George walked up to the men and asked; "You want to tell me what's going on?"

Between James and Matt, the whole story from JJ's discovery, his agreement to comply with the three requirements the brothers had set down and the daily runs he had made.

"When we saw you come in with him we thought he had already told you and that we would discuss it with you the first chance we got. We never, in our wildest imagination thought he would do that in front of the entire Unit."

George sighed and said; "The first I heard about this was when he went up front and addressed the Unit, I was just as ignorant as you two. Jesus, I want to choke him for doing pot, but I want more so to just hug the shit out of him for having so much integrity. Christ, I'm sorry you two had to get involved, but I really appreciate the way you handled the whole thing."

During lunch, James saw JJ and his father in the front of the Cavern talking quietly, George reached out and embraced his son and just stood there holding him tightly.

Sunday morning when the doorbell sounded, James answered the door to find Phil, Carson, David, Mark, and Phil's' older brother Tommy standing there.

"Morning guys, what's up?"

Tommy took the lead saying; "Morning James, the guys here told me about JJ and asked me to bring them out here to talk to you two. Before we go any farther, I just want to tell you I've been having this problem with my memory lately and I keep forgetting things, so if I ask you to repeat something, that's what the problem is. The fact is I probably won't remember what we talked about the moment I leave today."

James smiled and invited them in. "What do we owe the honor of this visit to?"

Carson looked at the other boys and said; "We want you to give JJ back his Squad Leader rank, he's got more guts' than anyone I ever met, or for that matter than any of us has ever met. What'd ya say James, Matt?"

Matt spoke first, "I don't know that we can do that." "It was his decision and we don't think it would be fare to the Unit to just give it back to him."

"Normally we would agree, but he paid for what he did, and you got to agree that really took balls to get up in front of the entire Unit AND his father and admit to doing it, let alone resign his rank."

James said; "We agree with you, but our hands are tied after he got up in front of God, everyone and resigned."

Phil looked at the other guys before saying; "Wellllllll maybe not, you see we talked with every member of the Unit yesterday and everyone agrees that he should get his rank back, that is every one but one."

Matt looked at Phil, "Who was the one who said no?"

David giggled; "That son of a bitch JJ, a' course. We didn't ask him personally, but we knew that's what he would say."

Everyone laughed and James said; "Matt and I have to talk this over, but thanks for coming out here and thanks for sticking with your buddy. We'll let you know what we decide at the next meeting."

Both Phil and David had been seeing a councilor since their discharge from the hospital. Tuesday afternoon after school let out found Phil entering Derrick Bettus' office located in the `Our Lady of Barodet' mental health center. This was his seventh meeting with Derrick and he felt a little better after each one. Today Phil was feeling depressed, he knew the rape was not his fault, but he couldn't help asking himself whether or not it would have happened if he was straight instead of gay. He told Derrick what had been going through his mind all day.

Derrick said; "Phil, you've got it in your head that this whole thing was your fault; I think a lot of the problem stems from not the rape itself, but the fact that you hold yourself in contempt for being gay. No matter what you've done, coming out to your family, to your friends, to me, hasn't helped, you still blame yourself for being gay, and to top it all off, you refuse to forgive yourself. Your time is almost up for today, what say we close it down early and let you think about what we discussed? On your way out stop by the appointment desk and set up a time for Tuesday or Wednesday next week? Remember Phil, relax and quit beating yourself up, see you next week."

It had been almost three and a half months since the rape and over a month since he got out of the hospital. Phil's body was repairing itself and he felt stronger with each passing day. He still found himself depressed, even surrounded by his friends and family. The only time he felt even a glimmer of happiness was when he was with Davey, in fact if it weren't for Davey he thought he couldn't survive and that he might as well end it all. Then he'd think of Fred Townsend and what his death had done to his family and friends. Mark White still had nightmares about when he was told that his friend had died by his own hand, Phil knew that he had to go on, he knew that he couldn't do that to his friends and family, but sometimes it was so hard. So Phil kept trying to shrug off the pain and misery that the rape had caused him and his lover Davey. Slowly, slowly he was pulling his life back together and slowly, with the help of his councilor, his friends, his family and most of all, Davey, he knew he could do it.

Saturday and the second meeting of the month came around. This was the day when Matt would start his SCUBA training for eight of the Unit's members that had volunteered for the class. Today was also the first time the squadies would experience live fire training on the range. Today was also the day that James and Stephen Peterson would do their imitation of a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Nothing is scarier than a bunch of teenagers, rifles and live ammunition together, in one place, all at the same time. James knew there wouldn't be any problems, he knew that the boys were disciplined and knowledgeable about firearms and firearms safety; he knew everything was going to go like clockwork. Even with all the knowledge, his asshole was still clenched so tight he could have cut stainless steel pipe with it.

Matt, James and Stephen Peterson had decided that instead of going with the standard AR15, the civilian version of the military's main battle rifle in 5.56 mm, they would use the AR10 in 7.62 mm NATO. The 7.62 mm NATO round had a longer range and was more accurate, plus it made a bigger, louder bang.

The unit also had other firearms they would train the boys on as well, in some cases, the 7.62 mm AR 10's were going to be just too big for some of the boys to handle, so they had purchased twenty 5.56 mm AR15's along with the fifty AR10's from Bushmaster. This large of a purchase got them a whopping 20% discount off the total cost.

The one firearm that James loved shooting the most was the Barrett. This was the mother of all long guns; it was capable of sending a .50 caliber, 600 grain bullet 2,000 yards downrange with an accuracy that had to be seen to be believed. The Unit had two of the Barrett's, both mounted 18 power Leopold telescopic sights with integral range finders. Each rifle had cost close to $4,000, but the sheer fun of shooting them made them worth every penny. Today, two of the squadies would be chosen to be the Unit's snipers, they would be the ones packing these big hogs around in the field.

The day wore on, Matt's training of his underwater specialists was going fine, most of the eight boys had some experience diving or snorkeling so he was slightly ahead of where he thought he would be.

The boys on the rifle range were doing well, being from an area where hunting was common place and the use of firearms was something that most boys, straight or gay enjoyed doing, and so there were a large number of fine shooters.

To everyone's surprise, except his father, one of the two best shots with the Barrett's was Jap. He consistently hit in the ten ring of his target every time he shot, and the recoil didn't seem to bother him at all. They were firing at the long distance range, currently, they were only set up out to 800 yards, besides Jap, one of the new squadies who had joined the Unit just before the Hunter Safety class was the other sniper designee.

The new kid was a 13, almost14 year old, who looked like he was 15 or 16, he and his family had just moved into town before the first Unit meeting. His father was in the U.S. Army and was stationed here as a recruiter, while his father wasn't actively involved with the Unit, he had told James that he would help in any way he could.

While they were waiting for the final results of the Barrett shoot, Jacky Hoffman and Jap sat in the bleachers behind the firing line talking quietly.

"How old are you Jap;" asked Jacky.

"Eleven, I'll turn twelve on December 24th."

"Wow dude, what a fucking bitch."

"Yeah, my birthday and Christmas, two days in a row. It used to piss me off, but I got over it. Mom and dad try to make up for it by giving me really neat shit on Christmas.

"How bout you Jacky, how old are you?"

"I turn fourteen in March."

Jap looked at Jacky and said; "No way dude, there ain't no fucking way your only thirteen."

Jacky was 5' 9" tall and weighed in at 140 pounds, but his wide shoulders and narrow hips gave him the appearance of being 16 or 17 years old. Most people didn't believe he was only an eighth grader.

Jacky blushed at the off-handed complement and said; "No man really, I'm only 13, I know I look older but really I'm only 13."

Jacky looked at Jap, blushed a little and asked; "So, dude, ummm, are you like, like gay?"

Jap looked the bigger boy in the eyes and asked; "Why you want ta know?"

"Well, I mean, you know, this whole Unit thing is made up of a lot of gays, aaah, I guess I just want to know because, you know, I want to be friends and, and, well I'm gay."

Jap looked at him for a second and said; "Good, cause I am too."

Both boys sat side by side thinking about the other boy, hoping they could be more than just friends, hoping that he could benefit from the other's experience. Unfortunately, both were virgins, neither had any first hand knowledge of the sex they heard others talking about, the sex that they both looked forward to. Both were physically able to experience an orgasm, but neither had shared their abilities with anyone else.

Jap got up and said; "Wait here, I'll be right back."

Jacky just nodded and remained seated, watching Jap walk over to talk to one of the squad leaders. He gazed longingly at Jap's tight muscular little butt and wondered what it would be like to grab it.

Jap walked up to Carson and asked; "How much longer until everyone is finished"

Carson looked at his watch and said; "It's 14:00 now, I figure about an hour and a half or so, why?"

"I got something I want to do, me and Jacky are going to head on down to the berthing compartment for awhile. We'll be back around 15:30, OK?"

Carson looked at him with a little smile and just nodded his head yes.

Jap went back to the bleachers and signaled to Jacky to follow him. They entered the house and took the stairs to the fourth deck and Jap steered Jacky to his room in the berthing compartment. Once they were in the room, Jap closed and locked the door. Turning to Jacky he said; "Well what are you waiting for, shuck out of them clothes." Both boys blushed as Jap started to remove his blouse, Jacky stood there for a second watching Jap disrobe, gave a little shake and started taking off his clothes too.

By the time they were naked, both boys had hardons that looked like they could drive nails. Once again it was Jap who took the initiative and reached out to grab Jacky's cock. At first touch, Jacky shot cum all over Jap's hand and right leg, then just stood there shaking.

"Wow man, I am so, so sorry, that was the first time anyone other than my doctor ever touched my dick. Oh shit, wow, I don't know what to say man."

Jap just chuckled; "Well at least you didn't go soft, if it's OK with you I want to try again."

Jacky just nodded his head yes.

Jap reached out and gently stroked Jacky's cock, this time Jacky didn't shoot his wad all over Jap, he just stood there groaning softly, eyes closed, with a little smile on his face.

Jap knelt before Jacky and got his first close look of another boys cock. He knew what Jacky felt like just before he shot his load, and it took all his will power not to blow his wad. Jacky had a really nice dick, about six inches long, nicely circumcised just like Jap was. After stroking him for a few more seconds, Jap leaned forward and took Jacky's dick in his mouth.

Jacky's eyes flew open and he looked down to see Jap looking up at him. Jacky could not believe that this cute boy was kneeling in front of him sucking his dick. This was the answer to the dreams and prayers he'd had for the last two years and he felt like he had died and gone to heaven. Jacky reached down and gently grabbed Jap by the ears and urged him on, knowing that it wouldn't be long before he shot the second load of his life without touching himself. He slowly rocked his hips back and forth, wishing Jap was able to take more that the three or four inches of his cock into his magnificent mouth. Four minutes after his cock entered Jap's mouth, Jacky shot his load deep into Jap's mouth and throat. The only thing he could say was the almost universal cry of climax; "Uuuunnnnnngggggh!!" When he stopped cumming, Jacky collapsed in front of Jap, panting and sweating.

Jap looked at him and said; "So, was it good for you?" and then he laughed quietly while Jacky recovered from his soul shattering orgasm.

Jacky looked Jap in the eye reached over and pulled his head to him and kissed him on the lips, forcing his tongue into Jap's mouth, tasting his own sperm for the first time.

Jap pulled away and with a happy smile on his face he asked Jacky; "UMM, would you, would you mind..."

Jacky laughed; "Would I? Get your skinny little butt over here and I'll show you if I'd mind." It was Jacky's turn now, and he was rapidly getting hard again thinking about sucking Jap's dick. He reached out and grabbed his dick and pulled Jap forward. It was his turn to inspect the first dick other than his own that he ever touched. Like his, Jap's dick was cut, but was about an inch shorter and thinner, all in all just the right size cock to start on.

Jacky opened his mouth, grabbed Jap by his ass checks and pulled him forward. Jacky had been reading a lot of stories from the Nifty Archives and according to most of them a guy had to relax his throat muscles and swallow while a dick was entering his throat. He didn't know how much truth there was in it but he tried it, he figured that if it didn't work, he would try something else.

To his surprise and Jap's great pleasure, it worked perfectly. Jap's cock slid right into his throat, slicker than shit through a tin goose. Jap held his dick in place and then gently started to pull out and thrust back in, slowly at first, but building up speed quickly. Just like Jacky, he had absolutely no staying power and after two minutes, he felt his dick expand and his first orgasm with another person exploded into Jacky's throat.

Both boys collapsed on the floor of Jap's room, both in a state of bliss they never knew existed, both only wanted to caress and hold the other, and never let go. The two of them laid there on the floor gazing into each other's eyes, both happily thinking how their lives had changed because of the other. After about thirty minutes of staring, fondling and kissing one another they both heard the PA call for all shooters to lay to the rifle range.

Carson was talking to James and Matt when he saw Jap and Jacky walking toward them, Carson noticed the slightly shell shocked expressions on both the younger boys' faces. Turning so the two couldn't see his face he said; "Don't look now, but it looks like the latest victims of the `Love Bug' are coming over here."

Casually, Matt and James took a quick, surreptitious glance at the boys and turned back to Carson, grinned, than winked. "Yep," was all James said.

Before the boys could approach closer, James called all of the shooters and had them find a place in the bleachers; "We've tallied the scores for everyone; we have some really good shooters in the Unit and some people who still need a little more work. After the first of the year, we plan on forming a shooting team; members of the team will attend, with the permission of their parents or guardians, shooting matches wherever we can find them. If we can get enough experience by next summer, we may field a team to attend the Camp Perry Match next summer."

Matt took over at this point; "James and I have discussed it and we have selected two primary and two alternate Unit Snipers. The following individuals step forward; "Douglas James, Joshua Peterson, Martin James and Jacky Hoffman."

"Based on your scores, Joshua Peterson and Jacky Hoffman are designated as the Unit's primary snipers. Douglas and Martin James are their backups and will act as their spotters."

"OK guys let's break out the cleaning gear and get these firearms cleaned up and put away.

End of Chapter 10 Next; Chapter 11 The Redman Cometh

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 11

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