Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 12, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 1 Beginnings

COMING!!!! That was all James heard before he was hit squarely in the face with close to two gallons of cold water. Heart racing, adrenalin pumping, arms waving, James started cussing and spluttering, trying to clear his eyes and nose of the cold water his younger brother Matt had just hit him with.

"What the fuck are you doing asshole, when I get a hold of you, I'm going to rip your head off and shit down your throat. James could not ever remember when he was as pissed off at Matt as he was at this moment. He struggled to free himself from the soggy mess that his sheets and blankets had been turned into, as Matt left him struggling out of bed while he raced up the stairs to the next level of their home.

After finally breaking free of his bedding, James made it to the door of his bedroom and took off after Matt. Reaching the first floor he started yelling at the top of his lungs "MATT, you lowlife communist pig sucking dirtbag, come out and meet your death like a man," James yelled. All he could hear was laughter, lots of laughter. At this point James new he was beaten, it sounded like Matt had the entire Unit waiting for him in the oversized kitchen.

James really hated being right all the time. Matt had all 72 members of the unit standing in the kitchen, dinning room and when he looked, standing behind him in the hallway, waiting for James to come running after his brother. Each one of them had a one gallon plastic milk carton with the bottom cut off that they had filled with water. "James" Matt said, "Are you calm now or do we have to cool you off?"

"I really, really hate you sometimes!" James told him, he knew when he was beaten, but he made a mental note that sometime soon he was going to get his younger brother in a most public and humiliating manner.

"Hey, Mr. Bateman, nice outfit." said Bart, a skinny red headed 14 year old boy. James started turning red, all over. James slept in the raw, and had completely forgotten he was still naked in front of the whole unit of 11 to 17 year old boys. With as much dignity as he could muster, he turned and retreated to his bedroom to the accompaniment of various comments such as; "Nice butt, hey look, he ain't got no tan lines and WOW did you see the size of his nuts?"

James cringed, trying to blot out the comments as he ran back down the stairs to his bedroom, swearing a solemn oath to choke Matt at the earliest possible time, knowing deep in his heart that it was an idle threat. Matt and James were the only family either one had and he knew he could never hurt him, or allow anyone else to hurt him. Fat chance of that happening, Matt had spent four years in the navy and three of those four years he spent as a SEAL. Matt knew more ways of killing, maiming or just ruining someone's whole day than most of the population of Southern California.

Looking at his bed, shaking his head all he could think of was "Thank God it's a waterbed." He stripped the bedding and then dressed in jeans, a light cotton shirt and "Dingo's," a tattered old baseball hat with the "Desert Eagle" logo on it completed his outfit. Finally calmed down, he went back upstairs to find out why he was the recipient of such a catastrophic wake up call.

Reaching the dinning room, he found most of the unit sitting around the huge dinning room table and in the lounge area of the TV room while three of the boys were placing platters of scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast and carafes of coffee, milk, juice and hot water (for tea) on the table.

"This is the only thing stopping me from shooting the whole lot of you." James said as he sat down at the head of the table and started to load up his plate with various items from the food in front of him.

"Alright Matt, you want to tell me exactly why you and the Brat Pack got me up so early on a Sunday morning?"

"What's to tell?" "I told you we would be here bright and early today for our annual Turkey Shoot."

"Whoa, just a fucking minute, I mean just a darn minute, you never told me about any turkey shoot scheduled for today." James said.

Matt looked at him and said; "I most certainly did, on March 14th, just after the snowstorm, I told you all about it and you said no problem." James looked at him for a few minutes and said;

"This is November 12th, that was eight months ago and you haven't said a damn thing about it until just now."

"James, James, JAMES, James, James," Matt said with a look of sorrow, "I can't help it if your memory is going. All the boys knew it was today, I knew it was today, even the county Sheriff knew it was today."

"Matt, I've told you and told you to let me know about these things you set up so far in advance when it gets close to the scheduled date." "What if I had a consult or an actual job set up for today Huh, you and the boys would be shit out of luck, I mean S.O.L." James said.

"That's OK Mr. Bateman, we know what shit is" piped a pre-pubescent voice from the far end of the table. Everyone at the table including James burst out laughing at the comment from Josh, the youngest member of the troop.

"Thanks for reminding me Jap, (Readers Note: Jap is short for Joshua Allen Peterson)" James said as his shook his head wondering how he got involved with the troop, and thanking God that he had.

"So when exactly is this Turkey Shoot going to happen, I mean what time do you plan on starting it." asked James.

Matt didn't hesitate with his answer, "We've all the Unit members from this side of the mountains here and we already policed the range so all we're waiting on is you, the Range Officer."

"Alright, let me get my ears and shooting glasses while you take the Squaddies down to the arms room and break out the firearms, ammunition and the hearing and eye protection. I'll call Sheriff Martin and let him know we'll start live fire in about an hour." James said.

On the way back to his room, James watched the unit members follow Matt down to the third floor and couldn't quite believe that all of the kids were so good looking, physically fit and so well mannered.

Watching them move down the stairway, he remembered how Matt had gotten him involved with the troop.

Just after Matt's discharge from the navy, James was called by the County Sheriff to come and claim his brother from his custody. It seems that Matt was having a quiet drink in one of the local watering holes when a drunk bumped into him and spilled Matt's beer. Matt just shook his head and ordered another beer. The drunk, was one of the guys he went to high school with and never had any use for. The drunk didn't like Matt, and said in a loud voice that could be heard throughout the bar "watch it you fucking faggot." Matt just looked at him and went back to his beer. This flat assed pissed the drunk off to no end, the drunk being what he thought of as a "Big Man," took exception to Matt's lack of concern with his presence. About this time, three of his buddies gathered around "The Big Man" and listened while Delbert Prince continued bad mouthing Matt, occasionally chipping in their two cents. Matt continued to ignore them, that is till Delbert grabbed Matt by the shoulder and spun him around yelling in his face, "Don't you turn your back on me while I'm talking to you, you fucking faggot."

The bartender an old friend of Matt's backed away and punched in 911 on the closest telephone extension and told the dispatcher to get some police and emergency medical people down to Chaney's Inn, there was about to be a fight. Just as the bartender was requesting help, Eddy watched Delbert do the most amazing thing he had ever seen, actually, it looked like a special effect in an action movie. Delbert seemed to fly the 12 feet from where he had been standing bad mouthing Matt right straight through the plate glass window, landing with a wet thump on the side walk out front, where he just laid really quiet. Delbert's three buddies didn't appreciate Delbert's flying lesson so they attempted to beat the hell out of Matt. The key word here folks is, "Attempted." One of the dirtbags actually hit Matt in the mouth, splitting his lip. As you can imagine, this hurt Matt's feelings, going on instinct and his SEAL training, Matt commenced wailing the shit out of the three guys. The final tally from the hospital report was two broken arms a broken wrist, a shattered kneecap 14 broken or knocked out teeth and two broken noses, and oh yes, Matt's split lip.

When the three Sheriff's Deputies arrived, they found the four dirt bags groaning in their not so peaceful sleep and Matt sitting on a barstool drinking his beer and talking with Eddy, Chaney's Bartender. Deputy Sheriff Tom Martin, Sheriff Martin's oldest son walked up to Matt and said; "God damn it Matt, you only been back for a week and you're already trying to thin out the local gene pool."

"Tommy, it wasn't my fault, Delbert laid hands on me and after he learned how to fly, his three bozo buddies tried to beat the shit out of me. See, that scumbag over on the pool table, he actually hit me and split my lip." What's a guy supposed to do, stand there and take it?"

"All right Matt why did he start the fight?"

"Well Tom, they didn't like the fact that I'm gay, I tried to ignore them, but they kept calling me a faggot and a bunch of other derogatory names. Then Delbert grabbed my shoulder and spun me around and was about to sucker punch me when I had enough and made him go outside."

"Usually Matt, when someone goes outside they use the door, not the plate glass window." Tom said trying to keep a straight face.

"Yeah I know, but he kind of rushed me." Matt said. "Listen Tom, ask Eddy, he was right there talking to me when the dickhead started the dance, it was either take them out or let myself get hurt, and you know I had enough of that shit in high school."

"OK Matt, I kind of figured it was something like that, but you're going to have to come down to the station and file a complaint. I don't think there will be any problems, seeing as how there are so many witnesses and seeing as how this is typical of Delbert and his buddies.

When James got to the Sheriff's Office, he found Tom and Matt playing rummy while Sheriff Martin (Bill to his friends) was kibitzing. "OK Bill what's it going to cost to get my idiot brother out of hock?"

"As far as I'm concerned, nothing." the Sheriff said, "it was a clear cut case of self defense, I mean shit James, four against one is a little bit much don't you think." "I talked to old man Chaney and he said what wasn't covered by insurance, he would get from Delbert and his jerk off buddies."

"Thanks Bill, I really appreciate your attitude about this whole thing. Any time we can be of help to you or yours, all you have to do is ask." pledged James.

"Well now son, I do have a problem I need help with. "Said the Sheriff. "My 15 year old son Phillip came to me the other night and told me he thought he was gay. At first I didn't know whether to kick his ass out of the house or hold him and tell him everything was OK. I finally hugged him to my chest and told him it didn't matter, I would always love him and so would the rest of the family."

"The problem I'm having is that I don't really know how to relate to him, I can't answer his questions and to be frank, you and Matt are the only gays I know of in the area. At least the only ones I trust with my son." Said the Sheriff. "I love him dearly, but I can't give him the help or answers to his questions that he needs. Can you guys help me out here, please." the Sheriff pleaded.

James looked at Matt who just nodded his head. James told the Sheriff that they would help Phil any way they could. James told the Sheriff to tell Phil to come on over to their home tomorrow and they would talk to him, see what questions he had and try to answer them as best they could. Bill looked at the brothers and you could see, almost feel the weight lifting off his shoulders, all he said was, "Thank you."

The next day around 10:00 AM, the Sheriff and his boy Phil pulled up to the gate in Bill's classic "57 Chevy two door". When the gate alarm went off and James saw Bill and Phillip in the car, he hit the gate open switch. Bill drove up to the main entry point of the house, which looked like nothing more than a large double wooden door set in the side of the hill. Both Matt and James were waiting for them when they arrived. Both of the men said "Mornin Sheriff, morning Phil, how are you two doing today?"

Bill said "Great and you?" Phil just stood there and looked at the ground, saying nothing. James said; you got time for a cup of coffee Bill?"

"Not really" Bill said, "I have to get to the office, Colonel Moffet out at the Site wants to brief me on their latest security status and threat assessments. Give me a call and I'll pick Phil up when ever you guys are done talking." Bill gave his son a hug and a quick kiss on the forehead and said, "I love you son." Phil turned a little red and said, "I love you too Dad, thanks"

The three guys stood at the front door watching Phil's dad drive off.

No one said anything for a second, Phil just stood looking at the two brothers, not knowing what to say or do.

Typical of Matt, the first thing out of his mouth was "So Phil, are you a Top or a Bottom?"

James almost shit himself; Phil turned scarlet and started sweating. "For Christ sake Matt, what kind of a question is that to ask a 15 year old kid, he's not even sure whether or not he's gay and you go and ask him a question like that, damn brother use your fucking head for a change?"

Phil's mouth dropped open and he just stared at the brothers. "You know, my dad told you, I can't believe he did that. Please don't hurt me, I'll leave, I'll walk home you guys won't never see me again I promise."

"You can leave if you want, but I don't know why you'd want to, didn't your dad tell you that the both of us are gay too. The reason you're here, is for us to try and answer any questions you have, we may not have all the answers, but maybe we can help you find where to look for the ones we can't answer."

Once again Phil just stood there, tears forming in his eyes, gapping at the two brothers, not really believing there were other people who thought and felt the same way he did. Matt came over to him and took his arm, pulling him toward the front doors of their home. "Relax Phil, both James and I have been through the confusion and pain you're feeling now, it's something we all have to go through at one time or other during life, we both know what a bitch it is." Matt said softly.

With Matt in the lead, and James following behind Phil, the two men and the boy entered the house and went to living room. James pointed to a comfortable chair and told Phil to have a seat, while Matt and he sat on sofa. James asked Phil if he would like a cup of coffee or something else to drink, when Phil declined, Matt asked; "How long have you thought you are gay Phil?"

Once again Phil turned bright red, started sweating and generally took on the appearance of a trapped animal. He was finally able to stammer out that he always felt different, always liked looking at his buddies rather than girls and couldn't understand why he didn't have the same thoughts as his friends did about sex.

James took over the conversation at this point; "Listen Phil, let's get one thing straight (no pun intended) right from the start, while you think about having sex with other boys instead of girls, there is nothing wrong, I repeat, there is nothing wrong with you. God made you, and, if in fact you are gay, he made you that way, just as he made your friends straight so stop being down on yourself about it.

"Because of today's society, being gay is a burden that is hard to bear and is down right impossible without the support of family and friends. Matt and I have gone through the same stuff you're going through right now, it may have been a little bit easier for Matt because I had already experienced a lot of the pit falls of being gay by the time Matt came to me and told me of his feelings. We hope we can help you through your doubt, fear and embarrassment the same way my dad helped me and I helped Matt. So with that said, let me just say one thing more; If you have a question, ask it. If you don't ask we can't answer and will think you know about something that you really don't have any idea about."

Phil sat in the chair, the thoughts and questions almost bouncing around in his head were almost visible to the two brothers sitting across from him. Questions about being gay, sex , how to really know if he was gay and a multitude of other questions vied for primacy, not knowing where to start he just sat there looking dazed.

Matt could see that Phil was having trouble so he asked the first questions. "Phil, when did you first start thinking about boys being more than friends?"

Phil thought for a moment; "I can remember when I was about five or six watching some older boys playing Simon Says, only they were stripping when they made a mistake. I can remember getting hard then, I didn't know why, but it really felt good. When I was in 6th grade, a friend of mine, Drew Lawrence, and I played with each other. Actually he just laid there and I played with him, I had a hard on like you wouldn't believe, and that was before I ever beat off for the first time so all I did was suffer. I still haven't had sex with anyone; I guess I'm scared of it getting out that I like boys."

"Well, I guess that pretty much confirms you're gay, or maybe bi-sexual, just don't think that you may never be attracted to girls, who knows maybe tomorrow you may go out to the store or someplace and run in to a nice young lady who really rings your bell." Matt said.

"Yeah maybe." Phil said halfheartedly, "but I really doubt it."

"Phil, is there someone you have an interest or a crush on now?" James asked. "The reason I ask, is that right now hormones are flushing through system all the time and you probably have a hardon 24/7. I know I did when I was your age." James said. "You really want to be careful, don't let your dick do your thinking for you and get the rest of your body in a jam."

Phil sat there turning a deeper shade of red, nodding his head yes. He than spoke, "Your right, I sometime feel like grabbing this guy in my class and throwing a lip lock on him just before I rip his clothes off him and...well, I don't really know what I want to do with him, just that I want to do something."

"When you first got here, Matt asked you whether you were a Top or Bottom, do you know what he was talking about?" James asked.

"Kinda, maybe, not really." Phil responded blushing furiously.

"Listen Phil," James said, "I know this is really hard to talk about with a couple of guys you hardly know, but I really want you to understand that neither Matt nor I will laugh at you, or think you're dumb because of anything you say. As I said before, both of us went through this, in my case, it was before you got out of pre- school, but I still remember how difficult it was so try and relax."

"Thank you James, I'll try, but I really blush easily and this is the first time I've ever talked to anyone about this stuff." Phil answered.

James and Matt both laughed at Phil's last comment and told him they understood and not to worry about it.

James took a quick look at his watch and said; "I don't know bout you guys, but I'm starving, why don't we continue this discussion in the kitchen while I throw together some lunch." The three of them got up and headed for the kitchen on the other side of the first floor, Phil, wondering how he got so lucky as to meet two such all around nice guys as James and Matt.

End of Chapter 1 Next; Chapter 2 The End of the Beginning

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 2

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