Kok - a Fairy Godfather

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Aug 2, 2000


(fantasy, orgy, rimming, M/B)



Invisibility--how wonderful! I never ceased to be amazed at my newly-acquired powers. Every so often I would test myself and spent several hours experimenting to find out the extent my power could reach. I stood in front of the full-length mirror and concentrated. Every other time I had invoked KOK my cloth- ing had disappeared along with my body. This time I concentra- ted only on my body. I looked into the reflection and watched my face and hands become pale and fuzzy. I blinked, thinking my eyes were out of focus, then stared at the set of clothing standing rigid before me with nothing inside. Just like The Invisible Man, I unbuttoned my shirt slowly and opened it up. I could see clearly the back of my shirt. I walked over and picked up my pen. It moved in the air, seemingly being propelled by its own forces. As I held it tightly, I wished it out of sight. It disappeared. I laid it down and it immediately became visible again.

How marvelous, I thought. I then pointed at the small clock on the nightstand and wished it invisible. Nothing happened. I walked over and picked it up and tried again. It was gone. I realized then that anything that I had in my possession would disappear along with me--my clothing and anything that I carried. I remembered KOK's words: ...one wish at this time. Perhaps I should make the most of it while I can. Would he soon take it away?

Saturday. Before Monday I would have to slip into the administration building and fix the absentee report. Invisibly, of course. Good Lord! What possibilities this power has. Why I could...but no. I realized then that the best way to concen- trate my powers was for the purpose it was intended--sex! Not for good--it didn't come from God. Not for evil--it didn't come from Satan. It came from a BIG PRICK, for the pursuit of pleasure. Voyeuristic pleasure. PLEASURE IT SHALL BE!

I felt a pang in my stomach and realized that it was from hunger. In my excitement I hadn't eaten since Thursday. I chided myself, we must remember we're still human.

I hurried downstairs, almost skipping, feeling silly and extremely happy--almost foolish. I hoped that no one noticed. Mom was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Her eyes grew wide in amazement when she saw me stroll into the room and slide into the breakfast nook exuberantly.

"My goodness! What's got you up so early on a Saturday morning? Thought I'd have to yank you out of bed as usual.'

I laughed aloud, trying hard to hold back my secret. She came closer, staring at me, then put her hand on her hips and spoke in teasingly accusing tone. "Well, we didn't see much of you last night. Did you go to the library after school? You sure stayed late."

Smiling to myself I said, "Well, I was doing research.'

Turning back to the skillet she muttered, "Yeah. I'Il bet! Research. Un hunh... blonde or brunette? Did you walk her home?"

"N-no!" I stammered. "I mean ..."

"That's alright," she said, smiling. "I understand. Anyway, it's about time you developed an interest in girls. Why don't you bring her around some time? We'd like to meet her."

"OK," I said. I simply couldn't keep from laughing, thinking how nice it would be to bring someone like Ryan home with me and announce him as my lover. Poor Mom--she would blow her mind. And Dad. He'd bust a testicle!

On my way to Dennis' house I stopped in at the drug store for a candy bar. As I was leaving I bumped into Carl, one of the gay boys from school. He was well-known around campus--some knew he was queer. He wasn't effeminate in the least, but he had made his intentions quite clear to several of the handsome guys in our gym class.

One day during lunch a group of the guys were talking about sex and George said how long it had been since he had had a piece of ass and that he was getting hard up. Frank said, "Well, if you're that hard up I'm sure Carl Watson could fix you up. He gives pretty good blowjobs!"

Everybody laughed, then George said teasingly, "Well, dear, just how is it you know--from personal experience?"

Frank blushed, then said, "Hell no--I don't go for that queer stuff, but I've seen enough to be sure.'

George retorted mockingly, but with obvious mounting interest, "You've seen? You mean you just watched while he was doing you? Is that it?"

Frank blushed again. "Aw, stop kiddin' me. Let me tell you what happened. It was late one day after school--about an hour after football practice. I was late cause I'd been working out on some weights in the exercise room. I was all sweaty after- ward so I went into the locker room for a shower. When I entered I could hear voices. I got to my locker and started to remove my sweats. I looked around the side of the line of lockers and I could see Carl Watson and Marty Phillips in the shower stall. They were laughing and talking about football and some of the plays they had goofed up during practice. Then Carl started splashing water all over Marty, who had started to dry off. Marty teasingly said to Carl: "If you don't quit that I'll force you to your knees and shove my cock in your mouth! I'm bigger than you, remember that!"

"I was undressed and ready to jump in with em until I heard that. I kept quiet and watched from behind the lockers. Carl came out of the stream of water and knelt in front of Marty with a serious look on his face. 'Please do,' he said. Marty said nothing but his cock was getting bigger and raising in the air. Carl reached out for it and stuffed it in his mouth. Marty put his hands on Carl's shoulders and started to pump his ass back and forth, shoving his meat in and out. It was wild, guys! But let me get to the good part. Just as Marty was shooting in Carl's mouth, Ken Williams walked in. He'd forgotten something in his locker. He took one look at the two of them and started squawking. 'What the hell's goin' on? You two queering each other?!! Sonofabitch--cocksuckers on the football team. Wait til Coach Reynolds hears about this!'

"Marty quickly pulled his cock out of Carl's mouth and ran over to Ken who was heading for the Phys. Ed. office. 'Wait, Ken! You've got it all wrong. Come on back a minute.'

"Ken reluctantly returned to the stall, stood with his hands on his hips and smirked at Carl kneeling on the floor, looking really scared.

"'Listen, Ken,' said Marty. 'Everybody's different. You and I like girls. Carl here like guys and he likes to suck cocks. Who are we to condemn him? Besides, he's pretty good at it. He sure makes a guy feel good.'

"Carl said nothing. He just looked up at Ken staring daggers at him.

"Marty looked down at Carl and said, 'Carl, come over here!' Carl rose, still dripping wet, and stood shyly beside the two husky boys. Carl's no slough himself, you know, but you should have seen him. Was he ever timid!

"Anyway, Marty said, 'Ken, if Carl gives you a blowjob will you forget about telling Coach Reynolds?' Then Carl spoke up for the first time. 'What! FUCK YOU--I'm not going to submit to blackmail. Let him tell Coach. I might suck cock but at least I only suck the ones I want to!' Marty grabbed Carl's shoulders and spoke so low I could hardly hear. I think he said something like, 'Listen, Carl, You don't know what could happen if he tells. You'd be kicked out of school and maybe even jail. Go ahead and blow him. After that I'Il make sure he keeps his word. If he knows what's healthy for him.' Ken heard this and remarked, 'Okay, Carl, I promise. This whole thing's making me horny as hell. Anyway, I've already heard about you but I just couldn't believe you were a cocksucker. I still think you're alright, though, and I won't tell the coach. I would still kinda like you to blow me, but you don't have to.'

"Then, fellas, Marty seemed more in favor of it than anybody because he didn't give Carl a chance to make a decision. He pushed Carl down to his knees then moved behind and reached around and undid Ken's belt and pulled his pants and jock strap down to his ankles. Then he said, 'Go ahead Carl, suck him. Let's be sure he won't tell. Make him feel good.'

"'Hold it a minute," Ken said. "Lemme strip--in case anybody comes in, I can pretend I'm in the shower, too.' He got naked faster'n anybody I'd ever seen!

"Then, guys, 'ol Carl started honking on Ken! Soft meat sure got hard fast as Carl began moving back and forth on it. He might not have been too keen at first, but once he saw that meat get big and stiff, he got real hungry for it. After slopping it all over, he ducked underneath and got a good taste of Ken's hairy balls. Before too long, Ken started to moan and grabbed Carl's head and pushed hard into his mouth until he shot a load that poor Carl began choking and gagging on. But he still worked fiercely on that big cock. I tell you, guys, it was as exciting as hell. So exciting that I was jerking off while I watched all this. Marty was doing the same and shot off all over Carl's back. I squirted on the locker and dressed quickly before they came out of the stall."

"Wow!" said Chris. "I wish I'd been there."

Frank looked at George and said, "Well George, what do you say now? Still hard up? Gonna go see Carl?" he laughed.

"Listen, Frank, I still like Carl and if I ever let him satisfy me, YOU won't know about it. It was a good story but I don't think you should have told us all. Carl might like to suck cock but he's an alright guy as far as I'm concerned. But you're a BASTARD for trying to run him into the ground!'

Then George turned to the rest of them and said, "I think we should keep this a secret between us. Let's not tell anyone else--it would only hurt Carl. And you Frank, if this gets around any further because of you, I'm going to beat the shit out of you!"

"OK. I'Il tell no one. I mean him no harm. Besides, I guess I was part of that orgy in a way. I could have left instead of standing around flogging my meat."

Remembering hearing that story had me excited as I stood near Carl, excusing myself for bumping into him. I studdered and stammered while making my apologies, and I'm sure he must have seen the admiration and lust in my eyes. Yet in a way he seemed to be looking right through me--as though he didn't even see me. I always felt he tried to avoid me. But then why not? He seemed to be getting the hunks with little trouble.

Then a thought occurred to me. If I played it right, perhaps I could spark his interest by going on the offensive and betraying a slight interest in such behavior, and then bait him with an ounce of truth...

"Sorry, Carl! I guess I wasn't watching where I was going."

"S'alright...uh...Randy, isn't it?"

"Yeah. I'm surprised you remember. We've met before but you always seemed to be disturbed by my presence. I guess you were much more interested in the good-looking guys I was with."

Carl was taken aback and hesitated before replying. "Well ...what do you mean? I...ah...I was just trying to be nice to them. I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm sorry."

"Oh, FUCK! Don't bullshit me, Carl. I know your scene. I've heard about you're being a faggot going after all the big meat in school."

"But...that's just dirty rumors," he said defensively.

"Carl, Carl, don't try to kid me. I've watched you staring at crotches. I'm sure I didn't mistake that look of excitement in your eyes. Of course, I can't understand what you see in another guy, but I gather you like to suck big cocks. And this is what strikes me weird."

Carl nervously pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered me one. When I declined, he pulled me aside to take us out of earshot of anyone near.

"Alright, so you believe the rumors. I always thought YOU were a little faggot--'til you said cocksucking was weird."

Playing the game as well as I could on the spur of the moment, I replied: "Well, sure it's weird. But what's even weirder is I've seen the guys you've supposedly been with in gym and they don't have the BIG meat I hear you like."

"Are you kidding! Hell, Carson's got eight..." He stopped too late. He'd just given himself away. "Ah, I mean..."

"Inches, Carl, the word is inches," I teased. "Of course I couldn't care LESS. Being bigger than all of them, it just seems strange that you wouldn't be after mine. But I don't go that route so it doesn't really matter."

Carl then interjected. "You...you mean that your cock is bigger than..."

"Ken Williams or Marty Phillips!" I said, trying hard to sneer at him. Then suddenly I felt that I should explain my knowledge of his liaison. Lying, I told him the story Frank had related, but put myself in his place and said that I had seen the sexual party in the shower room.

"SHIT! OK, so you saw it," he admitted, giving up any pretense.

"Yes, it was disgusting," I lied through my teeth.

He looked straight into my eyes and seemed to gather his composure and self-confidence. His eyes surveyed my crotch as if looking for an expected surprise. The conversation had aroused me. He noticed this and smiled.

"Yeah, sure Randy. Your DISGUST is showing all over your pants!" he laughed. "I must admit, from what I see your description was maybe under estimated!" He actually licked his lips!

I quickly replied, "I guess I'd better be going, Carl." Then I baited the final hook. "This is ten inches you won't get!"

I watched his eyes light up as he grabbed me gently by the shoulders.

"Twenty bucks, if you'll meet me tonight. I'd love to take care of that bulge in your pants!" He said the last part slowly as his eyes purposely moved down to the separation of my thighs where the obvious outline of my prick, hard with energy, was displayed. It was reaching for my knee and pressing outward against the fabric of my Levis. The offer of money honestly repelled me, but I thought this a good indication of his promise to give me a good, enjoyable time. I figured it best to accept on his terms.

"Well, gee." I shuffled my feet. "I could sure use 20 bucks but..." I hesitated for a moment, pretending to contemplate the situation. "Tell you what. Meet me in the park tonight about 9, on the west side, and I'll let you know, okay?"

"Sure. I'll see you tonight, then. And listen, guy, I promise you won't regret it for one minute."

He left quickly and I felt sure that I would certainly not regret a moment! I could hardly wait for that beautiful guy to put his lips around my virgin cock. My boldness had startled me, bringing out a self-confidence I didn't know I possessed.

I continued on to Dennis' house, went around to the back yard and rapped on his bedroom window. A light sleeper, he soon aroused and pulled back the curtains. He looked at me groggily and half-smiled, motioning me to the sliding glass door a few feet away. I stepped in, watching his naked body slip back into bed and under the sheets. "Damn, you're up early."

"Yeah, I guess I am for a Saturday, but I couldn't wait!"

"Wait for what?" he asked.

"Aw, come on!"

He shot up in bed with enthusiasm in his eyes. "OH, YEAH! Wow, how could I forget!?! You want to hear about last night, hunh?"

I nodded patiently, but sarcastically.

He then related the whole story while I listened intently, gasping at the right moments, and looking completely dismayed throughout the rest of his summarization. Surprisingly, he related the story quite honestly, admitting to the humiliation he had been put through--even his adventure with Carol. He only left out one small item. And of course he included his final triumph as he mercilessly plunged Ryan's ass. I could see by the rise in the sheets that reliving it all had aroused him. He followed my smiling eyes to the spot.

"Well, hell," he blushed, "it was quite a hot night!" He put his hand under the sheet to push down his erection.

He was smiling sheepishly when, without meaning to, I said, "What about the part where you were forced to stick your tongue up their rearends?"

"Oh, yeah! I forgot that part," he said automatically. Then he blushed beet red and his eyes expanded in amazement, For a moment we were both startled at what I had said. Damn! I had given myself away and he was realizing it.

"How did you know that?!" he demanded. "They said they wouldn't tell anyone. They promised! They promised!" He was frantic, beating the sheets with his fist.

I moved onto the bed to calm him. He was feeling deeply ashamed and hurt that he had been betrayed. Cursing myself, I decided it would be better to confess to my best buddy.

"Denny, your friends didn't tell on you. I was there. I saw."

"Bullshit. Don't fuck with me. There was no way to see in."

"Relax, man. Don't be so defensive. Have I got a story to tell you!"

I started at the beginning and told him everything. Finally, he started laughing in disbelievement until I demonstrated my powers to his complete astonishment.

"Are you somehow putting me on! I'm not asleep--I just pinched my cock--and I haven't had any drugs."

After several more parlor tricks he was convinced.

"Boy, are you lucky! And that's how you saw me? I kinda wanted you to be there, but I probably would have been self- conscious, what with all they put me through. But I'm glad you were there. Wasn't it hot?"

"You better believe it!" I told him about squirting my load twice, watching the cum shoot out of mid-air, and about licking Junior's butthole in secret. "Denny!" I cried suddenly, "are you beating off under the covers? "

"Yesss," he panted. "It's too much. I'm so turned on!"

"Well, pull the damn sheets back and let me watch! After all, I've seen you do everything."

He did, glad to get rid of the obstruction. I gazed intently as I watched my best friend work his jock to a fever pitch. I had wanted him for years and now was my chance. I leaned over and put my mouth on his pulsing organ. His crotch smelled so good. I loved it--having a guy's peter penetrating my throat. I pulled it out and nibbled on it. Taking full advantage I moved my mouth downward and licked his balls as if I could devour them. Then I moved up and licked on the shaft. I felt that big vein begin to pulse and quickly placed my lips over his knob to receive the honey. Then.. blam! My virgin mouth held its first load. And a sweet one it was. He ejaculated powerfully into my mouth and flung his naked legs up and around my shoulders, not caring about anything but the pleasure he was receiving. For the rest of the day the taste of Dennis' cum permeated my mouth. It was delicious.

I strolled around the park, since I was early, avoiding the meeting place where I was sure Carl would soon be waiting. I didn't want to seem over-eager. The park was almost deserted, except for a few old men sitting on benches. I had to pee so I headed for the restroom. Dennis always called them T-rooms but I never knew why. It seemed empty as I headed for a urinal, unzipping my pants. Then I heard a noise coming from one of the stalls. As I listened more closely, I recognized the sounds of sucking. I gasped audibly. The noise stopped. Quickly, I dematerialized just as the door to the stall opened and someone stuck his head out to look around. It was Carl! Seeing no one he closed the door and the familiar sound resumed. Unfearingly, I approached the rear of the restroom.

Looking down I could see Carl's shoes and pants. In the next stall I saw another pair of shoes, and trousers laying upon them. I knelt down on the floor and peeked up so I could see each side of the partition. Carl was sitting on the toilet with his pants down, stroking his cock. He was slobbering all over a long, very thick cock that was protruding through a hole in the partition. He was sucking hungrily on the intruder. On the other side was a grey-haired man of about 50, balding but still in fair muscular condition. He was standing, both palms pressed against the partition, pushing his cock rapidly in and out of the hole, and in and out of Carl's sucking mouth. A groan in his voice betrayed that the man was coming. I switched to the other side in time to watch Carl swallowing the spurting juices down his throat. Carl was masturbating but stopped short of coming. He stuffed his prick in his pants and quickly left. I happened so fast he almost stepped on me. I followed.

It was nearly 9:00 and Carl headed for the other end of the park. I thought to myself, Wow, what a size queen! As long as it's hard and big he'll suck it off. My cock was throbbing in my pants--bigger and harder than ever--and I was sure he would like it. I ducked behind some bushes and became visible.

As I approached the dark, lonely spot I had picked for our meeting place, someone came up behind me and grabbed me tightly, putting his hand over my mouth. I was pulled roughly into the bushes, powerful arms holding me and roaming over my body. I turned to face Carl. Before I could say a word he flashed a crumpled $20 bill at me and stuffed it into my shirt pocket.

"I'm glad you came. I'm very horny and I'm not going to give you a chance to say no. You've been paid--now I expect to get my money's worth!" His hands worked fast at my belt buckle and soon had my pants down around my ankles. I wasn't giving any resistance, though he hardly seemed to notice. My joint had softened considerably when I was grabbed, but it now rose rapidly and he grabbed for it. Then he lowered his right arm and put it behind my knees. With his left arm across my back, the muscular boy swiftly lifted me into the air and cradled me in his arms. He ducked his head and swooped down on my hard cock. He was much stronger than he looked. He spread his legs wide and shifted me so that his right hand was grasping my buttocks. He resumed his sucking. I put my arms around his shoulders and shifted my weight upward to better penetrate his mouth. He had me at a fever pitch when suddenly he put me down.

Carl opened his pants and dropped them to the ground, showing a hard, but rather average cock. He forced me to the ground onto my back. I thought sure he was going to shove it into my mouth. Instead, he lowered his head and sucked my cock energetically and left it moist. Then he spit into his palm and rubbed the saliva back into his hole. Damn fool, I thought. I would have been more than happy to rim it for him. I layed there, not saying a word, as he straddled me, panting and kicking his pants completely off. He brought his dripping cock to my lips and demanded: "Kiss it--just kiss it!" I kissed the wet knob, sucking in a little of his pre-cum. Then betraying my enthusiasm, I stuck my tongue out and licked around the head. He became even more excited and pushed back while his hand guided my prick into his asshole. I was surprised and pleased as he began to ride my virgin cock. He became frantic, bouncing up and down on my long shaft, eventually getting every available inch right up inside his hot hole. He squeezed his ass muscles, gripping my cock tightly--nearly as good as my own fist. He jacked his cock and rambled on: "Oh cock! Beautiful cock! I love cock--big, hard, hurting. Up my ass! A big stiff prick! In my mouth, shooting down my throat! OOOH, AAAH!!"

I raised up and tried to get his cock into my mouth before he shot. He rammed his ass down on my shaft, reached up and pulled my head toward him. I couldn't quite make it and he shot a stream into my mouth and the rest all over my face. For a little dick it sure sprayed a hefty load! At the first taste of his cream I spurted my own load up his asshole.

He fell forward, exhausted, and pressed his lips to mine. With a loud 'pop' my cock snapped out of his rearend and fell dead between my legs. My first piece of boyass and I felt glorious. Carl raised up and looked into my eyes. "That was great. Whew! You know...you act like you've never done this before, but you perform like a veteran. I got my money's worth--how'd you like selling yourself?"

I laughed. "Wow, you can buy me any time, Carl! Only next time pay me off with a few more kisses, willya?"

"You bet!" he said, pulling on his pants. "But right now I've got to be going. See ya around. Some day I'd like to plug that pretty fanny of yours."

He walked off hurriedly--running a comb through his blond locks--probably back to the T-room to suck off some old fart again. But I was happy. I stood, brushing the dirt and grass from my bottom, feeling pleasantly giddy after experiencing my first piece of ass. I got out my handkerchief to wipe my cock-- surprised at how clean it was. Lifting my hand to my nose I breathed in Carl's intoxicating odors. Instead of wiping it off, I carefully stuffed in back in my pants. I'll save his smells. It'll be nice for when I jack off later.

Sunday...dragged out of bed...off to church...falling asleep...a nudge...finally over. Outside--a cute altar boy. Sure would like to follow him home. Get invisible and watch him beat off.

That evening I decided to stroll around the neighborhood, invisible of course, and look for adventure. After all, my powers were there to be enjoyed and I longed to take full advantage of them. I hopped off the back porch. Unlatching the back gate, I felt a surge of excitement about the prospects ahead. This was the first time I had gone out hunting for the unexpected. Perhaps I would find nothing--but I was sure I would keep up the search until I found something nasty. Unfortunately, there were very few interesting people on my block, but I peeked into a few windows. Pretty boring, unless you consider stimulating the sight of old Mr. Hubbard playfully pinching old Mrs. Hubbard on the ass, only to get a slap, gentle as it was, as a rebuff. Or 40ish Burt Simons glued to the TV with a can of beer in his fist while his halfway decent wife tried desperately to arouse him by caressing his shoulders and running her fingers through his hair. He was completely unaffected. Or Fred Curtis.

Mr. Curtis lived alone. I guessed him to be mid-30ish. He owned a small sailboat and several times had asked me to go sailing with him. For one reason or another I always had to turn him down. Perhaps in the back of my mind I felt there was more to his kindness and it scared me. When he spoke to me he'd put his arm around my shoulder. Pleasant, but not quite fatherly. What the hell, I thought. I was tired of walking so I figured I'd just hang around. Maybe catch him beating his meat. Something was better than nothing. Besides, I had to be up early for school.

I crept into his back yard and could hear the television. I opened the screen door, shuttering when it squeaked. Through the kitchen, the darkened dining room, and into the living room I tiptoed. Fred sat in an easy chair in a very masculine smoking jacket, sipping on a fancy drink--a martini or something. I decided to just go home. Then I noticed the boy. He was on the floor, in his pajamas, his head cradled in his hands as he watched the TV. Oh, yes, I remember. Fred had a nephew that would sometimes visit him and they would go sailing. He seemed to be trying to father the boy--always engaging him in sport activites. I think the kid had no father. I had met him once a couple of years ago. Charles was kinda cute but very young. He looked about 13 now. I squatted down next to him and studied his angelic face. Hmmm, maybe it'd be more fun to watch how the kid fngers his dick. If he does at all. I sat down on a chair and studied the two. Charles would occasionally squirm to a more comfortable position, pushing his pert bottom into the air. Fred would divert his attention at these times and gaze intently at the boy. He'd get a lustful grin on his face. Possibly betraying impure motives? After a while, I decided to leave for one last try. Something had to be going on in this town!

The program had ended and Fred opened his mouth as if he had been holding off until the program was over. "Charlie, come here."

The boy rose happily and innocently and approached his uncle. "Gee, that was a good show, wasn't it, Uncle Fred?"

"Yes. Did you enjoy it as much as sailing this afternoon?"

"Oh, no. Sailing's always fun with you!"

"Here, sit down, right here," he said, patting his knee.

"On your lap? But Uncle Fred, I'm kinda grown up now. I'm 13. I don't think I should sit on your lap anymore."

"You're right, Charles. You're much older now, but I guess I still think of you as my little nepew. You're growing into a young man too fast. But just this one more time come sit."

"Uh, well, okay. Just one more time." Charles sat down on his uncle's knee as the man put his arm around the boy's waist.

"Now, how 'bout a kiss for your uncle, Charlie?"

"UNCLE FRED! You're my favorite uncle, you know that. But I can't kiss you like before. What would the other guys think?"

"But no one's here but us. I've always tried to be a father to you, Charles. I guess I kinda consider you my boy and I love you. I just can't help showing affection for you. Of course, I don't mean to embarrass you." Fred rested his hand on his nephew's leg.

"Well, gee, Unc. You're not embarrassing me, but...it just don't seem right somehow."

Fred Curtis began to slowly move his hand up and down the boy's leg, causing Charles to squirm uncomfortably.

"Uncle Fred, uh...are you trying to play with me...like you did before when we were on your boat last summer?"

"Did you mind it last time?"

"Well, no Unc. It kinda felt good, but..."

Fred's hand approached the boy's crotch. A prominent bulge became apparent through the thin cotton material of his pajamas.

"It's just that I feel funny having you look at my...my... you know!"

"Your COCK, Charlie?"

"Uh, yeah, my c-c-cock."

"Don't feel embarrassed about it, boy. It's the sign that you're becoming a man. See, it's getting bigger. Last summer it didn't get that big."

"But..." Charles tried desperately to push down his rising erection, but it just kept popping back up--each time a little bigger and a little harder. Fred reached for it. Charles instinctively put his hand over that of his uncle's, but withdrew it slowly, resigning himself.

"That's your love pole, Charlie. It gets big when it's excited, and my talking is making it excited. Let me teach you all about it and how to use it." He reached inside the flimsy material and drew out the small, hard organ. He stroked it lovingly and looked at the boy who began to breathe heavily. "See it, Charlie? See how it grows? Does it feel good?"

"Yeah! It feels real good, kinda like last time. But last time I was pretty sleepy." Charles seemed to warm to the situation, feeling more comfortable. Hmmm. Wisb I'd had an uncle like this, I thought. "Why does it get hard, Uncle Fred? Why does it feel so funny. It never felt like this before. Will it get bigger?"

"Woah, boy! One question at a time. It gets hard because that's the way it has to be when you use it. I'Il show you how to make it feel even better. As you grow, it will grow too. Open my robe and reach inside my pajamas and pull mine out and you'll see how yours will look in a few years."

Charles was excited, but became very hesitant about doing this. Fred grabbed his hand and rested it between his legs, letting the boy feel the powerful instrument that lay inside. "It's so hard, Unc. AND SO BIG!"

"Well pull it out boy and take a good look!"

The boy was really curious now, and reached down to explore while his own cock was getting stroked slowly and unashamedly as he sat in his uncle's lap. As if he couldn't wait, with both hands he drew the cloth away, exposing his uncle's tremendous cock. He stared in amazement. "Golly, Uncle Fred. Will mine ever get that big?"

"Sure it will, Charlie, sure it will. Get down on the floor and kneel between my legs and give it a good examination. Look it over carefully and feel its softness."

The lad rose from his uncle's knee and chuckled nervously as his little peter sprang upward, proud and new. He knelt before the older man and rested his hands on Fred's legs, slowly grasping again the mature staff, as if it were a fabulous new toy. He fingered the organ, turning it over and around, even peering into the small hole in the tip of the knob. "Are you enjoying yourself, Charlie!"

"Ohhh, yes, Uncle Fred. I always wanted to look at my own like this, but I couldn't get this close. You sure got a lotta hair on your balls." Charlie spoke his first spontaneous nasty word in his uncle's presence.

"Here...let's pull these pj bottoms off so you can see much better. Why don't you take your pajamas off too?" Fred lifted his ass up to slip them off and his cock hit the boy on the nose. They both laughed and Charles quickly pulled off his clothing. I had taken my unseen prick out and was working it steadily.

Fred stretched his legs out and wide, pushing his midsection closer for the boy's inspection. "Smell my balls, Charlie, go ahead! See how they smell."

The lad cradled the big balls in his hands and ducked down to sniff them. "Kinda sweaty, Uncle Fred."

"That's when they're good, boy!"

Charles breathed deeply, and started stroking the shaft up and down. "Oh, Uncle Fred! Are you going to PEE?"

"No, of course not. Why did you ask that?"

"Well...there's some pee coming out a little."

Fred laughed and mussed up the boy's hair. "That's not pee--that's what they call premature juices. It comes out before you shoot your load."

"What do you mean shoot your load? What's that?"

'You know--when you jack off."

"Oh, that. I've heard of that from some of the guys, but I've never known how to go about it. Would you show me?"

"My gosh, Charlie. You're more of a virgin than I thought. But I'll show you that and a lot more before you leave for home. Take your finger and scoop some juice up and taste it."

"Taste it!!! But isn't that bad for you?"

"Of course not! It tastes very good. Try it--you'll see."

Charles did as told and fingered up a glob and licked his finger clean. "It's weird ...and kinda yummy." He squeezed the tip, forcing out more of the mysterious fluid. There was much in the canal and it began running down the side of the hot knob.

"Get it Charlie--don't let it go to waste!"

Unthinking, he ducked his head sharply and lapped up the escaping juice with his tongue. He looked up, startled at this own behavior. "Oh! I don't know why I did that. I hope you don't think I'm horrible.'

"Ohh, Charlie, that was wonderful. Do it again, please."

Presuming it was alright, the boy again touched the throbbing cock with his tongue and licked it all around the knob. Then he began to lick up and down the underside of the shaft, catching the overflow, thoroughly engrossed in his toy.

"Keep licking boy, and look upward and watch it shoot out! Oh...here he goes... ahh!" He threw his head back as the sperm squirted high in several violent eruptions, running down the sides of his prick into the kid's mouth and splattering his face. The boy didn't pull away. He was ecstatic. His lips moved over the slippery rod. He stood up to wipe off his smeared face.

"That second stuff was kinda strong...not as good as the first stuff. But I liked it, I guess." He was stroking himself absentmindedly. "Gee, Uncle Fred, my thing's getting wet. And it's...gee...it feels real funny.'

"Quick. Hop up on my chair and stand on the arms!" Charles jumped onto the chair and the view of his little tight ass almost brought me off.

Fred grabbed the boy's naked cheeks and pulled the eager body to his lips. He immediately engulfed the hard little pecker down to its base. A few rapid slurps and Charles became frantic. The boy's eyes lit up and he instinctively pumped in and out of his uncle's suctioning mouth. He then leaned forward, over Fred's head, and rested his hand on the back of the easy chair. Then he really started to ram his fuckin' little cock uncontrollably into his favorite uncle's mouth. He pistoned it in and out furiously and soon dumped his very first load of hot cum. Fred gulped it down, digging his fingers into the boy's squishy buttocks and rubbing his butthole. I shot wildly, having thoroughly enjoyed the devilish, yet beautiful, seduction scene. As I was leaving, the kid was slipping his pajamas back on. Uncle Fred was secretly sniffing his finger-- obviously enjoying the smell of his nephew's anal fragrance. I knew it wouldn't be long before the crafty pervert had his tongue burrowing deep within the kid's musky little shithole. Something I wouldn't mind doing myself!

In fact, I just might surprise Dennis some morning. Waking him up--invisible or not--by spearing my tongue up his delicious-looking rump!

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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