Knocked Off His Perch

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Feb 22, 2023


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Greg looked around for another attorney to represent him as the Federal Government continued their harassment of him. His previous attorney was now representing his girlfriend and wouldn't have anything to do with him. Other attorneys turned him down when they researched his background. Others denied him when they saw his appearance. His striking good looks was offset by his shaved head, piercings, and thick boots. Axel remembered an attorney that he had used once prior and encouraged Greg to talk with him. He did not impress Greg as being that capable, but it was all he could get. He cautiously agreed to let this lawyer represent him. The attorney's experience had been mostly around drug and weapons charges with the bikers.

The attorney set up a few ground rules which could have been a deal breaker. Greg confided in Axel who said that it was his only choice. He hated it, but Greg was going to have to do what the man said. Every time Greg came to his office, he had to get naked, get under the desk and blow the wretched man. The attorney was calling meetings even when one wasn't necessary. The first meeting he demanded Greg's prized boots. He displayed them in his bookcase like a prized possession and forced Greg to ride around town in his worn-out trainers. He was always keeping Greg's jock to the point where Greg just went with no underwear. More than once Greg was sent home with no shirt. It got to the point where Greg would strip off his clothes in the parking lot and enter the attorney's office in just a pair of worn jeans and ragged tee shirt. No socks, no shoes, nothing else. He couldn't afford to lose anymore clothes. The attorney was always getting high on horse and pills and then would let loose on Greg like a stallion. He'd fuck Greg and pass out. Then Greg would quietly slip out. He knew that Greg was Axel's second in command Lieutenant but insisted on treating him like a street whore. The man had a real power trip and took his frustrations out on Greg.

Turns out the guy was a real bulldog. He went after Greg's accountant's insurance company and charged them with fraud and neglect. He was such a terror that they settled out of court. They paid all the past due charges, late fees, and interest. They brought in a large accounting firm which could make sense of the books, and quickly balanced them. Greg was straight with the IRS as well as the federal and state governments. In addition, Greg received a lump sum payment of 2 million dollars for additional losses.

Greg's ex-fiance, Melanie, was now married to his former best friend Steve. The two of them did not approve of Greg's new lifestyle and incorrectly assumed that they could kick him around. Melanie filed charges against Greg for breach of contract and pain and suffering among other things. Greg's attorney, without his knowledge filed a counter suit.

The judge ended up dismissing Melanie's $750,000 lawsuit and instead rewarded Greg with a 1-million- dollar counter claim. Steve and Melanie did not have insurance, so most of their personal assets were seized including both their cars, their house, all their cash and jewelry. Greg used the proceeds from this settlement to build low income housing in the neighborhood.

The federal government ruled that Greg's property and possessions had been improperly seized. He was able to get back all his clothing, furniture and possessions that had been sent to a warehouse awaiting auction. Greg was enjoying his new lifestyle and had no interest in returning to the past. He donated his expensive suits to a mens shelter to help those transitioning back into the work force. He took his dress shoes and trainers down to skid row and passed them out among the homeless. He traded the condo for an apartment building which he transformed into housing for single parents. He sold the Jaguar and treated himself to a new top of the line customized Harley, his only indulgence. Since a lot of his personal effects and household items had been thrown out, the federal government awarded him a 3-million-dollar settlement.

These settlements could have easily returned Greg back to his previous life. He was being compensated for all the mistakes of others. Greg had no desire to go back. He enjoyed his current simple life which included more love and happiness than he had ever known. He still owned one pair of boots because that was all he needed. He was still sharing the rest of his clothes with Axel.

He was back to dealing with his west side associates on some high-end projects. They did not like Greg's appearance and wanted him to change back, but he continued to resist. One large investor came up with a plan. He offered Greg $10,000 for his favorite charity - the Boys and Girls Club foundation if he would attend and prove to everyone that he was back in the game. Greg was hesitant and discussed it with Axel. They both agreed that it was a lot of money that the foundation could use, and Greg agreed to attend.

He met in the investor's office on the night of the event. They had planned to ride over together. He arrived wearing his typical jeans, boots, and leather jacket. He had even bought a collared shirt for the event. The investor was annoyed but not surprised. This was a black-tie event and the social party of the season. This was not the image that the investor wanted to portray. Fortunately, he had planned for this. While they were fixing a drink, his door opened, two other partners entered, and the three men surrounded Greg. The investor ordered Greg to take off his clothes. He looked at his peers with confusion. The investor told Greg that he was going to take his clothes off or they would do it for him. Greg was confident that he could take one of the guys, but not all three of them at the same time. He slowly slid his leather jacket off his back and threw it to the sofa. He was going to bolt for the door as he slowly unbuttoned and removed his shirt, but they kept him surrounded. He tossed the shirt on the sofa. Greg realized these guys were serious and pulled off his left boot, kicking it aside. He followed with the right boot. Greg was self-conscious because all eyes in the room were on him as he unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants. He stepped out of them and threw them to the sofa. He was standing before the three men in his plain white tee shirt, worn jock, and white cotton socks. The senior investor disapprovingly looked at Greg and used his finger to motion for Greg to get them off. Greg thought about it for a minute and then quickly pulled off his remaining underwear and socks. He did it. He was standing before his three partners completely naked and uncomfortable. You could tell they were impressed with his body. They couldn't stop staring. The youngest partner thought to himself that the rumors were true. He was hung like a horse.

One of the other investors scooped up Greg's clothes and boots and left the room. They were not going to give him an opportunity to change his mind. Greg had an idea of what was planned for him, but in the meantime they all awkwardly stood around. The investor returned to the room carrying a garment bag along with several other bags and boxes.

They presented Greg with a fancy pair of black patterned boxer briefs and black cashmere over the calf socks. They handed him a crisp white tux shirt and a pair of gold cuff links. They pulled out a black tuxedo that had been crafted by Greg's previous tailor. It fit perfectly. They opened a box and pulled out a brand-new pair of crafted Italian loafers. Greg used to own a pair just like this. Greg couldn't believe that he remembered how to tie a formal tie as he finished dressing and adjusted himself. He uncomfortably looked in the mirror. He was not happy, but he wanted to get these guys off his back, and it was only for one night. The guys were excited about Greg's handsome new image. They were patting him on the back and stroking his arms. They couldn't get enough of him. The senior advisor said there was one more item. He reached in his desk drawer and pulled out an expensive Hublot watch and handed it to Greg. He told him to put it on and Greg complied. Now the look was complete.

They had arranged for a car to take Greg to the club, but there was one more surprise. Since they assumed that Greg was single, because there was no woman in his life, they arranged a date for him. The car would stop at her house to pick her up. Greg was thinking this night couldn't get any worse as he jumped in the back seat and the car drove away.

They stopped at a nice house in the suburbs and out came a beautiful young lady in a long black dress. Anyone else would have been excited to have this beautiful date, but Greg couldn't take his mind off his beloved Axel. He would preferred to have spent a quiet evening with him and unfortunately it showed in his face. After riding quietly in the back seat, Greg felt obligated to tell her the truth. He admitted that she was a beautiful lady, but he just wasn't interested, because he was gay. Holy shit, he couldn't believe that he said that out loud. It came out so casually and easily. He was gay. He had never thought about it before, but it was the truth, and felt good to say out loud. He told her about Axel, the love of his life. Instead of getting pissed, she smiled. She told him that she could tell he was not interested and was glad that he told the truth. She suggested that they just enjoy the party and have a good time. They made quite the impression and became lasting friends. That was the one and only time Greg wore the tuxedo. He became good friends with the girl and socialized frequently with her and Axel. Greg made it perfectly clear to the other investors that he would attend future parties only under two considerations: 1) He would never have to wear that tuxedo again and 2) He would only attend with his husband, Axel. The investors were shocked at first but learned that Greg was still the same savvy professional, the only change in his life (besides his appearance) was the love in life was now a man.

Whenever someone would try to set up Greg with a "nice young woman" he would now proudly tell them that he was a gay man in a committed relationship. He was out and proud. He and Axel made a great team. Their power and strength discouraged anyone else from messing with them. They lived a happy and comfortable life together.

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