Knocked Off His Perch

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Feb 17, 2023


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Greg's bed until this point had been on the enclosed back porch. After that first fateful night he moved himself and his paltry possessions into Axel's bedroom. It didn't matter that he didn't have much because soon they were switching clothes back and forth. They alternated clothes, even exchanging their boots because they could. They were the same size and the socks and underwear became communal. They became a couple and grew madly in love with each other, even though it wasn't discussed. No matter what was happening, the two were always seen together. The other bikers quickly figured out there was a sexual relationship between the two, but it didn't matter. No one cared that these two sexy men were sleeping together because nothing else changed in the house. Everyone had a job to do and did it well. Greg continued his domestic responsibilities because that was his job. He often did it while wearing a jockstrap because that was the way that Axel liked to look at him.

One Saturday night, the group decided to go to the local dive bar to let off steam. They were shooting pool and having a fun time. Greg needed to go to the bathroom and headed down the back hallway when he was jumped from behind by a rival biker who was soon joined by 2 others. They shoved him into a nearby back storage room. This biker had heard the rumors of Greg's relationship with Axel and jealously had watched the two happily together in public. He could not understand that two extremely handsome men could be in love with each other. He incorrectly assumed that Greg was Axel's little bottom boy bitch, he did not realize that Greg had been working out physically as well as mentally with Axel.

He pulled a knife out of his pocket as he pushed Greg's head against the wall. He held the knife against Greg's throat as he reached around his waist, unhooked his belt, and then unzipped his pants. One biker on each side roughly pulled Greg's pants down to his ankles. They laughed at Greg's smooth shaved, hairless body. They were envious of his 6-inch cock. Greg couldn't move as he was pressed against the wall and felt the metal blade of the knife against his back. The blade pulled against the elastic of his jock strap until it cut through. He felt the blade move up his back and heard the ripping noise of his tee shirt being torn from his body. Greg's naked body was being pushed up against the cold cinder block wall. His pants were around his ankles. One of the thugs pointed to Greg's nipple ring and commented that this was going to be too easy. Greg waited until the three had let their guard down and made his move.

The one with the knife had put it away and was busy with his zipper trying to fish out his tiny cock. The other two followed the lead and were opening their pants as they prepared for the sexual assault. They would humiliate Axel by raping his boy toy in public. His pretty little boyfriend would soon be transformed into the town whore. It didn't matter that Greg was a man, they would have done the same thing if Axel had a girlfriend. It's the way they operated.

Greg seized this opportunity to fight back. He easily sucker punched the first guy and knocked him on his back. The second one took a swing at Greg and missed which gave Greg the opportunity to punch him in the face, probably breaking his nose. Greg quickly pulled up his pants and was able to drop kick the third guy into a stack of beer boxes. Greg picked up the knife from the floor and extended it towards the group. They stopped in their tracks.

Hearing the commotion, one of Axel's guys came back to check on Greg's whereabouts. He was shocked at what he saw. Greg had taken down these three men by himself. He called Axel and told him what was happening in the back room. Axel and the others came back to investigate. They quickly disarmed the three thugs of their remaining knives and guns. While considering their options on how to handle the situation, Axel ordered the three men to strip. They were surrounded and had no choice but to comply. The three were not so tough now. They sheepishly started removing their clothes. One of them had a nice leather jacket. Axel cut the patches off and gave it to Greg to wear. It was a perfect fit. Each of the men pulled their boots off and added them to the clothes pile. This was soon followed by their jeans, underwear, and socks. The men were smart enough to realize that they had no choice. Axel relieved them of their watches and jewelry. One even had to pull the hooped earing out of his ear and hand it over. He went through their pockets and wallets collecting their cash. He handed the entire wad over to Greg and said that was for him. Axel wasn't satisfied until the men were left with nothing. Absolutely nothing. He made each of the thugs walk up to Greg and repeat, "I'm sorry Sir, that I thought that I was man enough to try and rape you." One by one they got down on their knees and kissed Greg's boots repeating, "I worship the boots of a greater man".

Axel found a Sharpie marker and used it to write on the thugs' bare chest and backs. He passed the marker around and everyone got to write something on their bodies. One thug had PUSSY in big black letters written over his tattoo and a big hairy dick drawn on his back. Another had FAGGOT written across his chest and a bullseye on his back with an arrow pointing to his ass and FUCK ME HERE. When they were finished, the thugs were covered in graffiti and drawings.

Axel had one of his guys pull their truck around to the back door and it was filled with their new bounty of clothes, jewelry, and boots. He informed the three thugs that they were going to have a walk of shame. He marched them down the hall, through the crowded bar and out the front door. Their heads were hung low in embarrassment. First the bar got quiet, then it was filled with wolf whistles and then smart comments as everyone watched with surprise and laughter. When they got out front, Axel ordered them to do some jumping jacks. He had them slowly walk a gauntlet which allowed the bar patrons to spank/slap/beat/kick their asses. They were ordered on their bikes to go home butt naked. Axel told them that he didn't want to see their ugly faces or even uglier asses around there again. He reached in his pocket, pulled out the keys to their bikes, and tossed them to each of them. The entire bar was outside cheering them on as they pulled out of the parking lot. These guys were so humiliated that they would find another bar to hang out. They were not about to return to this place.

This was the night that Greg's status changed. The gods had tested him, and he passed with flying colors. His status immediately changed from domestic house boy to second in command. He had earned the respect and admiration of his fellow crew. From this point forward, Axel was still in charge, Greg was his lieutenant, and everyone else was equal. Greg was still humbled and knew that it was his job to maintain the domestic chores of the house. He continued to clean, and polish Axels boots nightly, not because he had too, but because he wanted to. The biggest difference these days was the Greg was asked about his opinion on matters, as the guys looked up to him and respected his thoughts.

Greg also took over the administrative functions of the shop. He was trusted to set up a new computer system with bookkeeping and inventory control. He successfully invested money and earned generous returns. The shop was not only running well it was now making more money than ever. Greg even found enough time to invest in real estate on the side. It was on a smaller scale than in his previous life and it was in the less affluent part of town; and instead of finely tailored suits, Greg was comfortable in his jeans, boots, tee shirt and leather vest. He finally made enough money to buy his own refurbished Harley and drove it everywhere. He could now afford the luxuries that he had been used to, but now preferred a simple life. Instead of the fine cotton boxers that he used to wear, he now preferred jocks from Wal-Mart. He bought some new jeans and tee shirts which were immediately taken and worn by Axel. Greg didn't care, he was happier than he had ever been. He had one pair of boots which were his pride and joy. He still cleaned and polished them every day along with Axel's. No more hundred dollar hair cuts, he kept his head shaved. He enjoyed the outdoors and fresh air he received from riding the bike and his previously fair skin now how a tanned and healthy look. He was enjoying his new life and never looked back at the life he used to have.

A couple of months later, Axel was riding his bike back to the shop when he was pulled over by a county cop. He was by himself because Greg had been working on a real estate deal. Axel was street smart and always aware of his surroundings and had no reason to be alarmed. The cop approached Axel and asked for his license. He checked out the license and his demeanor immediately changed. He told Axel to get off the bike and walked him to the hood of the police car. He came up from behind and said he was under arrest. He pulled his hands behind his back and cuffed them. He frisked Axel for weapons and relieved him of the small pistol that he kept strapped to his belt. He told him that he needed to take him in for questioning, pushed him into the back seat of the car, and said that he would send someone to impound the bike.

They headed towards the police station and the cop used his cell phone to make a call. Just past a small bridge, the cop turned off a side road which to a secluded area underneath the bridge. He opened the door and pulled Axel out about the same time a group of bikers pulled up. He was trying to figure out what was happening and soon his worst fears were realized. He recognized three of the bikers as the ones who tried to rape Greg. The cop told Axel that he was accused of assaulting, robbing, and kidnapping his friends and they were going to have a trial. He tossed Axel's pistol to one of the bikers who stepped forward and kept it pointed at his head. Another biker stepped forward and said that Axel had ripped off his paycheck that he had just cashed and that he was expecting to be reimbursed. He pulled the helmet off Axel's head and the sunglasses off his face which he put on his own. He reached into Axel's back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out the cash and threw the wallet on the ground. He went through his front pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Another pocket had his bike keys which he tossed to one of the other bikers. He found the shop keys and yelled out, "Jackpot". He didn't stop till his hands had been through every one of Axel's pockets. He pulled the watch off Axel's wrist. He called to one of the other bikers named Ace and asked him what he thought. Aced stepped forward and said that he wanted his boots. He bent down and one by one pulled each of the boots off. The crowd cheered. The first biker got in Axel's face and looking him straight in the eye, unhooked his belt, whipped it out and threw it into the crowd. He used one hand to unhook and then unzip his pants. He used both hands to pull his jeans and underwear down at the same time. The one holding the pistol stepped closer to insure Axels co-operation. Axel had no choice but to allow the biker to lift his leg and pull one side of his jeans off. He pulled Axe's sock off at the same time. He repeated the process with the other leg and removed the other sock. The crowd cheered again. Axel was naked from the waist down and his impressive cock was secretly being admired by the crowd. The cop stepped forward and removed the cuffs. Someone from the crowd hollered that he wanted the jacket. The first biker ordered Axel to give it to him. He had no choice but to slowly remove the jacket and hand it over. Another biker complained that all was left was his tee shirt. Axel was ordered to give it to him, and he slipped it over his head and off. He tossed it to the man which left him butt naked. He looked around and saw one biker in dirty and worn socks pulling his polished and cherished boots onto dirty feet. Another was trying on his jacket, and the first one was counting the cash that he had taken from Axel.

The cop said that he had done his part and needed to leave. He really didn't want to be a part of what the boys had planned next. He held out his hand and the first biker gave him an envelope containing $1000. That was his payment for delivering Axel. He got in his car and drove away.

The bikers pulled Axel over to a fallen tree. He felt more hands than necessary to guide him. They were rubbing and touching his sculpted body. They couldn't keep their hands off him. They used his jacket as a blanket over the tree to protect his chest. They did not want to scar this work of art. The bikers split up, some in the front and some in the back. Axel was soon going to get the workout of his life. He could hear the sounds of zippers and pants being lowered.

Ace stepped forward and told Axel that he sure had a pretty mouth. He used his index finger to circle around his lips. Axel put up some resistance and heard the pistol cocked against his forehead. After the second go round, the finger easily slipped into Axels mouth with absolutely no resistance. Axel tried to protest, and Ace grabbed his head from behind and rocked him back and forth on his finger. Another hand was fondling Axels impressive cock. There were several other fingers that were probing his ass hole. He tried to squeeze tight to prevent their intrusion but was unsuccessful. They too soon slipped in and were sliding back and forth.

Ace told the guys that Axel needed to be prepped first. He pulled the thick leather belt out of his pants. One of the bigger guys sat on Axels head, holding him down. Another biker shoved his boot in Axels face and told him to clean it. Ace went to work wickedly whipping his belt across Axels ass. The noise was deafening, and Axel screamed out. It didn't matter, because they were hidden in the woods. A lesser man would have been in tears, but Axel tried to maintain his calm. Ace whipped him again, and again. He was getting frustrated because he couldn't get Axel to shed tears. Axel's naked body was soon covered in bruises, scars, and welts. Ace worked his way up Axel's back. He was enjoying fucking up the pretty boy. When the whipping stopped, Axel laid across the log, limp, drained and exhausted.

Ace used his belt around Axel's throat to pull his head up and aim it into position. The first biker stepped up and shoved his cock into Axel's mouth. The crowd cheered again as he rocked it back and forth with Axel wheezing, coughing, and gagging. Another biker stepped up behind and aimed his throbbing cock towards Axel's inflamed hole. Axel cringed as he felt the tool plunge inside of him. He had never been fucked before and his tight hole was putting up a lot of resistance.

The bikers were whooping it up, passing around bottles of Jack Daniel's and Ten High. There was plenty of weed to go around. They were loosening up Axel by pouring shots down his throat. The party was going strong.

Greg had been headed home from his appointment when he noticed Axel's distinctive bike on the side of the road. He looked all around and didn't see him anywhere. He decided to drive slowly thinking that Axel's bike had broken down and he was walking for help. As Greg crossed the bridge, he heard the commotion underneath. He parked and looked down and couldn't believe what he was witnessing. He quickly called the others back at the shop and told them to bring some artillery.

The bikers were getting sloppily drunk and taken totally off guard when Greg and the others stepped out from the woods with their rifles drawn. It was easy to disarm the thugs since most of them still had their pants around their ankles. They asked Axel about his clothes and belongings and one by one he pointed around the crowd collecting his clothes, boots, and other items until he had gotten everything back. Greg fired one shot in the air and told the thugs that next time they would not be so easy on them. They took Axel home and Greg lovingly nursed him back to full recovery with warm soaking baths and body massages.

Next: Chapter 8

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