Knocked Off His Perch

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Feb 10, 2023


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Greg got back in the truck and was headed out of town. As he approached the interstate, he noticed an auto body shop/garage/junk yard on the right. He instinctively pulled in and was thinking about what to say. As he exited the truck, he tried to adjust his appearance but no matter how hard he tried, he still looked like a hot mess. His clothes were dirty and wrinkled, his shirt was half buttoned, and he still had cum dripping out of his ear.

He was shocked when he opened the door and encountered four biker dudes sitting around. They were equally shocked when they looked at him. He politely introduced himself and explained his situation. He was wondering if the shop would give up a couple of hundred dollars for the stolen pickup truck and possibly lend him a car that he could use to get out of town. The bikers were astonished when they heard his story. He was too green to make up something like this. They laughed at his request. He was too shy to be the police, and too intimidated to be a rival. The owner of the shop, named Axel, felt sorry for Greg. The bikers weren't very fond of the police, so they all agreed to help him. They told him that he had wasted too much time. The cops would be looking for him now. They were going to have to take drastic measures and move quickly.

They led Greg out the back door of the shop where there was a used barrel with a small fire burning. Axel told Greg to take off the hat and throw it in the barrel. The fire sparked up as the flames encased it. He told Greg to take off the checkered shirt and throw it in. Greg was hesitant because he had worked hard to get these clothes and they were all he had. Axel replied that it was the only way. The police would be hot on his ass looking for a cowboy. The shirt flared up when the flames hit it. Axel told him the boots had to go. Greg did not want to give them up, but Axel was persistent and demanding. One by one, Greg pulled off a boot and tossed it in the barrel. He watched as the flames destroyed them. The belt with the big buckle had to go and it soon followed the boots into the flaming barrel. The bikers had a discussion amongst themselves and finally decided that the jeans had to go too. Greg thought that this might be another trick and was hesitant. Axel yelled at him to hurry up, they were trying to help him.

They ushered Greg back into the shop and pushed him down into a chair. One of the bikers came over and pulled Greg's tee shirt up and over his head. He went to work tearing it slightly down the front and cutting each sleeve off. He balled it up and threw it in Greg's lap. Another one of the other bikers came up from behind, plugged in some hair clippers and went to work back and forth across Greg's head. He smirked at the sticky and matted mess. Greg could feel his formerly long and stylish hair fall to the floor. The short stubby hair wouldn't last long because the biker soon switched to a straight razor and cream and completely shaved his head. He wiped, oiled, and polished his head. A very strange and uncomfortable look for Greg.

Greg felt a hot stinging sensation in his right ear which was followed by the insertion of a large silver dangling sword. Someone shoved a large skull ring on his finger, followed by a large Celtic cross from a chain around his neck. They pulled a worn do rag onto his head. Someone came back in with a pair of used, skinny leather pants. Greg tried to pull them on, but they were tight and uncomfortable. The bikers told him he would be better off if he lost his drawers. He removed his underwear and the pants easily slid on, hanging low on his waist. He was amazed when one of the other bikers came back into the office carrying a well-worn pair of Doc Martens. One by one he pulled a boot on to Greg's foot, stuffed the pants inside and laced them up on the outside. One of the bikers took the mirrored sunglasses off his face and put them on Greg. Greg looked at himself in a small mirror and was shocked at his reflection. Even he didn't recognize himself.

They didn't have a car for him. He would have to walk out to the interstate ramp and hitch hike. Greg thanked them and headed out. He found it difficult at first to walk in the heavy, clunky boots. His body was still wreaked with pain which forced him to walk slowly. By the time he got to the interstate he felt that it was easier to walk. The leather jeans felt strangely sensual as they rubbed against his thighs and private areas. The top of his ass crack slightly exposed. He stood there and put his thumb out. He waited and waited after dozens of cars and trucks passed with no one stopping. He was getting frustrated when suddenly, a police car quickly pulled up. An officer jumped out and ran up to him. Greg froze in place. The cop looked at him and said, "Where's your motorcycle, boy?" Greg was getting peeved because no one ever called him boy before, and now everyone he encountered was calling him boy. He decided to remain cool and replied that it was in the shop. The cop just laughed and replied, "Yeah, whatever." Greg noticed that he was checking him out from top to bottom. The cop said that they were looking for a cowboy in a white Ford pick-up with New Jersey plates and wanted to know if he had seen him. Greg pretended to think about it and the cop added that the cowboy was about the same size as Greg. He continued to study Greg as he walked around and looked at him from the side. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a flyer that had a composite drawing and a description of the cowboy they were looking for. He was comparing the drawing to Greg. Greg replied that about 5 minutes ago a truck went by with a driver that matched that description. He had noticed it because it flew by at a high rate of speed. He asked Greg for his id and Greg said that he had none. The cop looked at the drawing, back at Greg and was convinced that he was no cowboy. He thanked Greg for the info, hopped back into his cruiser and sped off.

Greg felt relieved and stuck his thumb out again. A short while later a car pulled over and the driver motioned for Greg to open the door. Greg opened the door and asked the man which way he was headed. He told Greg that he was going where Greg was going. This guy looked like a pervert and Greg had learned his lesson. Greg said no thanks and closed the door. He could hear the man scream at him, "Fucking Faggot!" as he drove off.

Greg was entering a severe state of depression. He had lost all his self-esteem and self-confidence. He was a man of the street now, whether he liked it or not. He couldn't understand how he could be transformed into a cock sucking faggot in such a short period of time. He couldn't understand why his friends had dumped him. He couldn't understand why his family hadn't reached out to him. His mind was in a deep dark state.

He was pulled back to reality when a motorcycle pulled up in front of him. It was one of the four bikers from earlier. He had an extra helmet on the back. He told Greg to hop on and come with him. He took Greg back to the shop where he would be safe and secure. Greg didn't know what to say. He was overwhelmed with gratitude. They got him something to eat and calmed his nerves.

Axel and the gang knew that Greg would have too difficult of a time on the streets. He had led too sheltered of a life to pull it off. They suggested to Greg that he stay with them while he got adjusted. But it was not going to be a free ride, he would have to pay his own way.

The once egotistical Greg quickly adapted to his new lifestyle. He used to give orders to his housekeeper now he was the one responsible for the domestic chores. He learned to cook and kept the house clean. He did the laundry and cut the grass. In the beginning when he only had one set of clothes, he would work around the house wearing nothing but a jock strap. His feet toughened up as he was usually barefoot unless he was in public. His soft hands toughened up from the manual labor. When he was sweeping and cleaning the shop, he was always shirtless, there was no need for one. Every night as he prepared for bed, he was always naked. This was never a problem because as much as the gang enjoyed looking at Greg's naked body, he was treated with respect and no one tried to abuse him. Greg had lost all inhibitions when it came to exposing his body, he learned to live with it. He didn't have any money to spend on clothes and it didn't seem to bother him. What little money he did spend, he was satisfied shopping at Goodwill. Neimans, Saks and his private tailor were now a distant memory. He didn't care what the clothes looked like because they meant nothing to him anymore. Once when he told Axel about how much money he used to spend on dry cleaning, he didn't believe him and just laughed.

Axel and Greg's friendship evolved into brotherly love. They were similar in size, but Greg was too skinny, so Axel showed him how to lift weights and bulk up. Greg had always taken care of his body, but now it was in better shape than ever. The two ran together every morning and worked out every afternoon. It didn't take long for Greg's body to match Axel's and people thought that they were brothers. Greg had been sipping fine wines with his girlfriend in his previous life. Now he had learned how to drink cheap beer and chug Jack Daniels out of the bottle. He had never smoked a cigarette before. Now he was smoking cigars and sharing joints.

Greg didn't have to be told, he took it upon himself every night to clean and polish Axels boots along with his own. He thought about how in the past he used to pay to have his shoes shined. Now he was the boot black. One of the bikers taught Greg the best way to polish boots and Greg had gotten pretty good at it. Every morning Axel awoke to his newly cleaned and polished boots next to his bed, no matter where he left them. Axel taught Greg how to ride a bike, and he was soon allowed to use one of their bikes to run chores such as grocery shopping. Greg saved up what little money he was able to earn from working around the shop. He told Axel that he wanted to get a tattoo on his arm and when Axel asked him what he was thinking, he replied that he wanted a tat exactly like Axel's. At Christmas time Axel wanted to buy Greg a new pair of boots to replace his worn-out Docs. He asked him what style he wanted, and Greg said he wanted a pair just like Axels heavy soled lug boots. Greg often worked outside or around the shop shirtless. Axel teased him and challenged him to get a nipple ring, telling him that would look good on him. Greg immediately went out and had a bar bell inserted through his left nip. Sometimes the boys would playfully twist the metal piece sending shock waves through Greg's body. Greg was the newest member of the group and the one most susceptible to their pranks. More than once, he had a bucket of water dumped on him, his boots were hidden in the bushes, or he was stripped and forced to walk home naked. After a while, Axel discouraged the boys from pulling anymore pranks on Greg.

There was never any sexual tension in the group. They worked too hard to screw up a good thing. Of course, they played hard too. Greg would occasionally receive a playful slap or tap on his ass, sometimes when he was naked. There were bear hugs and the occasional back massages that Greg provided Axel. Axel would bring back the occasional ho to share his bed. His good looks provided him with pussy or a blow job whenever he was in the mood. Greg, on the other hand, had become shy and introverted and mostly stayed to himself. His once insatiable sexual desires became distant memories.

Axel tried to get Greg to open up. Greg was losing additional inhibitions, but Axel was always ready to push the limit. One time in front of the grocery store, he told Greg that he was embarrassed because he had mud on his boots. Greg promptly removed his tee shirt and polished Greg's boots in front of a crowd of people. Another time when they were sitting in McDonalds and Axel spilled ketchup on his shirt, he asked Greg what should he do? Greg promptly removed his shirt and gave it to Axel. The manager came out and told Greg that he would have to leave since his chest was bare. Still another time they were leaving the bar late at night and Axel gave Greg a dare. Greg new exactly what to do. He stripped down to his jock strap and rode his bike home like that. He didn't think about it twice. He made Axel happy and won the bet. A win, win situation for him.

On weekends he wanted Greg to get out, so every now and then they did some charitable work. One Saturday he and Greg spent the day working with Big Brothers. They had been on the west side of town and were headed home to the not so fashionable south side of town. They were riding their bikes down the street, when there up ahead was Melanie with one of her girlfriends putting packages in her car. Greg pulled over and Axel followed. Melanie looked at the two thugs (in her mind) and turned her nose up. Surely, they weren't stopping to talk to her. Greg removed his helmet and sunglasses and her mouth popped open. "Greg?', she asked. "In the flesh," he replied. "But some of the guys call me Grinder now". (This was a name that he earned from trying to drive the old stick shift truck around the junk yard.)

Melanie was flabbergasted and speechless. She was looking at two gang members on Harleys wearing jeans and leathers. She studied Greg's shaved head under his cap and rubbed her eyes. He was wearing an earring for Christ Sake! He had leather gloves on his hands. This cult must have kidnapped Greg and brain washed him. He was going to need help, but she was too busy to bother or care.

For her friend Christina, it was a different story. She promptly extended her hand and introduced herself. She was looking at two of the biggest, hottest studs she had ever seen. She couldn't help but notice Greg's bronzed and bulging chest. His big arms and long legs made her panties wet. His big brown eyes were piercing. She studied the chrome on the bike and the smell of the leathers. She just needed to touch his jacket and ran her hands up and down his arm. She squeezed his biceps and was on the verge of an orgasm. She was playing with Greg and checking out Axel. She was in slut heaven. Her panties were soaked as her pussy was now dripping. Her face was flush, and she felt faint.

Melanie was pissed that her good friend Christina would behave like this in public over two wild animals. She said that she needed to leave and ordered Christina to get in the car. Christina reluctantly got in the car after blowing each of the men a secret kiss. Later when he got home, Greg would discover Christina's business card in his back pocket. He had no idea when she had the time or the opportunity to stick it in there.

When Melanie got home, she couldn't wait to tell Greg's former best friend Steve about what she saw. They both had a good laugh at how the mighty have fallen. In their eyes the once overconfident and arrogant Greg was now hanging with vagrants, living in the streets of the dirty city. His MBA was just as worthless as everything else he once owned. He didn't even own a car; he was riding a motorcycle!

Greg on the other hand was seeing a side of Melanie that he had never noticed. He always knew she was slightly selfish, but this was a dark side he had never experienced. He realized that since he had no money, status, or reputation to offer her, he was completely worthless and useless to her. He admitted that she was ruthless and stuck up. She was climbing the social ladder and could not have him holding her back.

One Saturday night the group went out to party and all of them except for Greg got hammered. When it was time to leave, Greg put two of the bikers in the back of their pick-up, the rest inside and got them safely home. He ushered Axel into his bedroom and dropped him on the bed. He struggled to pull each of Axel's boots off and was finally successful. He turned to leave the room and Axel told him that he slept naked and needed help getting his clothes off. Not getting much help from Axel, Greg roughly pulled his pants and underwear off, followed by his tee shirt and then his socks. He was exhausted and off guard when Axel was able to pull him into the bed with him. He told Greg that he wanted him to sleep next to him tonight, and Greg cautiously stretched out on the bed. He figured that he could slip out in the middle of the night, and Axel would not remember anything in the morning. Axel told him that he couldn't sleep like that and insisted that he remove his clothes. He kept prompting Greg until he was completely naked. Greg was afraid of ruining a good thing. He complied with the directions to get naked but sat on the bed until Axel pulled him under the covers and held him tight. They spooned each other the entire night.

Secretly, Greg was in heaven. While his simple life was a new adventure for him every day, the one thing that he missed was the love and affection of another person. Of course, he always assumed that it was the affections of a female that he was missing. Was it possible he could receive this love and attention from another man?

Greg slept contently through the night. He awoke in the morning and decided that he needed to slip away un-noticed. He was unable to pull away from Axel because he was still being held in his clutches. He gently tried to pull away, but Axel whispered in his ear for him not to leave. He asked Greg if he was ok and if he was enjoying the moment. Greg stuttered and quietly replied that he had been waiting for this moment for a while. That was not the response he meant to utter. He didn't know where that came from and was confused and excited at the same time.

Axel shushed Greg and told him to relax and enjoy. They laid there for a few minutes and Greg boldly decided to ask Axel for a favor. He wanted to try man on man sex again, this time with someone with emotional attachment. Could he please feel Axel inside of him? He needed some love and there was no better person to receive it from than Axel, the man that he secretly admired.

Axel confirmed that was indeed what Greg wanted. He retrieved some lube and stroked his dick which enthusiastically responded. He approached Greg's now throbbing hole and entered slowly. This time was different for Greg. The initial pain was quickly replaced by a warm sensational feeling throughout his entire body. Greg was able to relax as the smooth strokes of Axle's body rubbed up against his back and the throbbing rod rocked back and forth inside of him. Axel tried to hold on as long as he could but ultimately was unable to contain himself. Greg could feel the quickly intensifying pulsations of Axel's cock and Axel was trying to pull away. Greg wouldn't let him. He stayed on the cock which forced Axel to fire load after load of warm jizz inside of him. It was a feeling that Greg had never experienced in his life. A feeling so strong that Greg's own cock was able to shoot a load without him even touching it. Both men were sweaty, exhausted, and completely satisfied. Two straight men who were destined to be together and perfectly suited for each other.

Next: Chapter 7

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