Knocked Off His Perch

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Jan 12, 2023


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By morning, Greg wasn't feeling any better. The big man was almost on top of him all night long. He couldn't get over the smell of the man's sweaty body, his hot steamy bad breath, and the feel of his big rough hands all over his body. The man didn't let go of his cock all night long. Greg must have dozed off at some point because when he woke up a short time later, he was covered with his own spunk. The man had jerked him off and he didn't even know it.

Just before the lights came on, Greg was thrown to the floor and forced to give one last blow job to the big man. Once again, the big man rewarded Greg with load after load of warm jizz down his throat. The big guy was like an out of control animal with an uncontrollable sex drive.

Greg was an emotional wreck. He felt filthy, dirty, and exhausted. He could feel the crusty cum on his face, chin, ass, and legs. His body was sore with pain from the bruises and nasty hickeys. He didn't get much sleep. He could never get used to the smell or touch of being with another man. The musty chemical jail smell was getting to him. He was humiliated and ashamed that he had not stood up for himself. He should have done a better job of fighting off his assailant.

Greg asked for a phone call and couldn't wait to speak to his beloved Melanie. They were very much in love and had been planning a spring wedding. She had given notice on her apartment and was planning on moving in with him next month. He would put last night behind and focus on satisfying his beloved bride. He could feel her silky- smooth skin and smell her fresh, fragrant perfume. They enjoyed an active sex life and he was excited at the thought of being with her again. He just knew that she had been working with the attorneys all night to get him released and was going to have some good news for him. He was excited to hear her voice and shocked at her response.

She answered the phone screaming at him. Had he seen the newspapers or television? A very stupid question, of course. He was the laughingstock of the city. How could he do this to her? How could she ever show her face at the club again? People were talking about her on social media. She had been to the condo to get her stuff and was denied access because the government had seized it. Mommy and Daddy were furious at her. She never once asked Greg how he was doing and when she finally stopped screaming said that she never wanted to see him again. He couldn't get a word in. She hung up abruptly, and in a quick instant, ended a happy chapter in Greg's life. He was shocked and stunned from her reaction and suddenly felt cold and all alone.

He called his corporate attorney who was surprised to hear from him. He told Greg that because of the charges and the iron clad evidence it would be social suicide for him to represent Greg. Combined with the fact that all his assets had been seized, he had no way of paying his retainer. He also told him that he had done a personal favor and contacted Legal Services to get him a court appointed attorney. He asked Greg how could he be so stupid and incompetent? He scolded him and told him that he was so pitiful that he belonged with the thieves and convicts in jail. Once again Greg was stunned, it was as if he had been stabbed in the chest.

He slowly shuffled his way back to his cell where the big man was sitting and smiling. He was waiting for Greg to return. The stark reality hit Greg. He just could not face another night in this place. For the rest of the afternoon, Greg sat on the bench dazed and confused. His head was hung low, he couldn't look at the big man. No matter how he sat, he could not get comfortable. His body wreaked of pain. He could not spend any more time in this hell hole. He had to get out. He had left messages with several of his friends, but no one was coming to his aid. He couldn't understand how they could turn their backs on him in this time of need.

Late that afternoon, the sheriff came walking through with a couple of deputies. They were in a conversation about a party that the sheriff was attending that night. Greg rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he was seeing. He first noticed the pattern of the custom-made Italian suit that the sheriff was wearing. It was his suit!! Maybe it was a coincidence but that was Greg's blue striped tie. Greg checked out the details. The silver cuff links, his shoes, his blue striped cashmere socks. It was all his. On his wrist was Greg's gold Rolex watch. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. He yelled at the sheriff. What was he doing with his clothes? The sheriff replied that Greg must be mistaken. Greg cursed the sheriff which caused him to laugh. The sheriff looked down at Greg and replied, "Do you think I believe that a convict like you could possibly afford to dress like this"? The group of men continued down the hall and Greg was crushed. Everywhere he turned he was getting abused.

The two drunks were gone, and in their place were two Latinos that spoke little or no English and another old drunk. The big man was still there and eager for the lights to be turned out at which time he ordered the two Latinos to move to the other side so he could be next to Greg.

Greg tried to fight off the big man, but his little defense was no match. He received a black eye and some bruises to his face. The big man was pissed that Greg could be so defiant. He raised Greg's arms over his head and easily slid his shirt up and off. He balled it up and threw it across the cell. Greg was shocked as the cold air brushed against his chest. The big man pushed Greg back onto the bench and grabbed his pants at the waist pulling them down with no resistance. He raised Greg's left leg and pulled the plastic slipper and white sock off. He repeated the process on the other foot. He grabbed both legs of his pants and pulled them completely off. He threw them across the room. He left Greg sitting on the bench, naked and helpless.

Greg was scared and vulnerable. His macho defense was weak and short lived. He was just a jail house bitch. The other three men watched quietly as Greg was abused. The difference tonight was that the man was pissed that Greg had tried to resist his passions and was more physical and more violent. He told Greg that he loved him, which Greg found repulsive. He took no mercy on Greg as he fucked him first in the mouth and then in the ass. One of the Latinos pulled out his cock and stroked it as he watched the abuse. He was enjoying the show and jacking off at the same time. The big man finished and invited the Latino to hop on. While the Latino fucked Greg wildly, the other Latino went around, pulled Greg's head up and shoved his cock in his mouth. Greg was getting it from both ends at the same time. The old man that was watching couldn't hold back anymore, walked over, and shot his load all over Greg's face and head.

The big man pulled the others away from Greg and sat down. He pulled Greg's naked body onto his lap. He shoved one of his white socks into his mouth. He quietly began to spank Greg's ass which quickly turned a brilliant red. Greg bucked from the pain and screamed into the sock, but no one could hear him. No one cared. The other men just watched with admiration as the big man abused Greg all night long. Once again, he could not keep his hands off. He explored every inch of Greg's body.

Just before sunrise, the big man grabbed Greg's dick and pulled him closer. He pulled Greg into position and forced his cock into his mouth. Greg prepared himself to give another blow job. This time was different because Greg soon felt a stream of hot acidic piss headed down his throat. The big man told Greg that he was too tired to get up to use the toilet. Besides his pretty little mouth was nicer than that nasty toilet. The big man held Greg's nostrils together as he was forced to swallow. The rancid taste coated the inside of Greg's stomach and once again he was nauseated and sick. He pulled away at the first opportunity, leaving the big man with some piss left in his dick. He told Greg that he needed to mark him as his property and proceeded to spray his face and body with the remaining piss. Some of it got in his eyes and was stinging. The smell was nasty and clung to his naked body. Greg shook his head as he tried to get the smell out of his nose. The two Latinos watched the abuse and nodded their approval.

The big man ordered Greg to get dressed. Greg had to shamelessly walk around the cell, pick up his clothes which had been strewn in different directions and covered himself as quickly as possible. When Greg was finished, the big man put his hands in Greg's pants, grabbed his cock and twisted it hard. The pain was so intense that Greg felt that he was pulling it off. The big man whispered in Greg's ear that the love that they had for each other was special, but what they had needed to be kept between the two of them. He had a lot of friends in different places and they could cause a lot of harm if Greg decided to share their special secret. His big hands were around Greg's neck. He squeezed hard as he asked Greg if he understood. Greg nervously shook his head yes.

He told Greg that the lights would be on shortly. Until then, he was to sit on the floor and give the big man a foot massage. Greg did not want to touch or smell the big man's stinking feet and hesitated. The big man kicked Greg squarely in the balls and Greg fell to the floor. The big man used the opportunity to stick his right foot in Greg's face and ordered him to suck on it. For the next 20 minutes Greg was forced to use his mouth and his hands to worship the big man's feet.

Greg was ashamed and thought about how he got himself into this position. He thought about the guys he played basketball with and his buddies at the gym. He wondered how they would have handled this situation. He thought about his best friend Steve and wondered if Steve would have allowed himself to get raped. Greg always thought that he was a bigger, stronger more macho man than Steve. There was no way that Steve could have defended himself against this rapist. Greg was convinced that Steve would have received the same treatment. He envisioned Steve with his long legs in the air getting pounded by the big man. He thought about Steve's handsome face wrapped around the big man's cock. He tried to shake these gay thoughts from his head. He could not believe that he was thinking about how the man would have abused his best friend.

Next: Chapter 3

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