Knocked Off His Perch

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Jan 9, 2023


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The gleaming white Jaguar XJ pulled up to the restaurant and the parking attendants jumped to attention. They recognized this car as belonging to Greg Hannaford, a successful real estate developer. His tall, slender build gave him the perfect youthful appearance. He had big brown eyes, manicured nails, and clear smooth skin. He spent many hours at the gym and shot weekend basketball games with countless friends. His thick, long hair was well groomed and perfectly styled. His suit was tailored perfectly to the contour of his body. His handmade Italian dress loafers were spotless and perfectly shined. Even his socks were over the calf cashmere. He walked with intent, confidence, even a little arrogance. He reeked of wealth and success from his expensive but tasteful jewelry, a thick wad of cash in his pocket and the scent of his imported cologne. Greg was dressed impeccably, as usual, on this typical Friday night. Along with his fiance, Melanie they were a striking couple which turned the heads of men and women. Melanie was wearing a beautiful red dress and made an even greater impression. They were the perfect couple, and regulars at the Plaza Grille, the finest restaurant in town.

The valets greeted their arrival with big smiles because they knew that Greg would tip good to make sure that his car was kept parked out front. Just as Greg and Melanie turned to make their entrance into the restaurant, an unmarked police car quickly pulled in behind them. The detectives approached and asked if he was Greg Hannaford. When Greg bafflingly replied yes, one of the detectives replied that he had a warrant for his arrest. Before Greg could register a protest, he pushed him up against the dirty police car, which triggered Greg to shout out, "Hey man, watch the suit". The detective smirked and used his booted foot to kick Greg's loafers and hollering for him to spread his legs. Greg cringed as he looked down at his scuffed shoes. The detective frisked Greg up and down twice and handcuffed his hands behind his back. The detective was a little disappointed. He had been confident that he would find some coke or at least little weed. At the same time a tow truck backed up to Greg's Jag and began hooking it up. Greg was protesting and telling the detectives that there must be some mistake. The detectives were all business as they read him his rights. A crowd of their friends began to gather around them to watch the proceedings. Melanie began to have a breakdown screaming that she had never been so humiliated in her entire life. She was screaming and sobbing and as usual, it was all about her. The detectives pushed Greg into the back seat of their cruiser and as Greg looked up, he watched as the tow truck drove away with his treasured car. He tried to get Melanie's attention as the cruiser pulled away, but she wouldn?t even look at him.

When they arrived at the police station, Greg was immediately ushered into a small conference room. The detectives opened their folder and spread some papers across the desk explaining the charges. Greg sat quietly and listened. None of this was making any sense to him. He was baffled and confused. It appears his accountant who happened to be his young cousin straight out of college, was in well over his head. There were funds missing from several escrow accounts, federal reports had not been filed and taxes had been under paid or not paid at all. EPA reports were missing as well as shareholder equity annual reports. Greg cried out that this was the first time he was hearing about this, but the detectives pointed out the three violation notices which had been sent. Unfortunately, they had been sent to the accountant and ignored.

The detectives explained that because Greg had neglected his fiduciary responsibilities and there were several shareholder complaints, the federal government had stepped in and frozen his assets. Effective immediately, his credit card and bank accounts were frozen. They have changed the locks on his condo and office as search warrants were being executed. His car would be impounded until further notice. His phone and email accounts would be searched for evidence. His business was on lock down. Greg was in shock as he listened to the horrid details. Over and over he tried to convince the detectives that he was innocent. His pleas were falling on deft ears. They explained to him that after they got through the paperwork, he would be able to leave, providing he could post bail.

The detective told him to empty his pockets. Greg put his cell phone on the table, followed by his wallet, car keys, a money clip with a large wad of cash, and sunglasses. The detective told him to turn his pockets inside out. He pointed to Greg's shoes and said, "get em off", and one by one Greg pulled them off and handed them over. The detective admired the shoes and whistled at their impressive quality. He ran his hands through the inside, once again looking for hidden drugs. When he found none, he had Greg remove his socks, assuming there would be a stash inside. He thoroughly checked the insides and threw them on the table. He asked for Greg's sterling silver cuff links. He took Greg's belt and tie and turned them over, making sure to check the insde. The detective was not used to seeing clothes of this quality. Greg got the feeling that the detective was enjoying this a little too much. The detective pointed to Greg's watch and smiled when he handed it over. He took the rest of his jewelry, logged it all and put everything in a bag.

The detective told Greg to stand up and face the table. He surprised Greg from behind when he grabbed his suit jacket and pulled it off his back. He searched it and threw it on the table. He grabbed Greg's dress shirt on either side at the waist and roughly pulled it up and out of his pants. He rubbed his hands on the inside of the shirt against Greg's back and chest. He checked the pocket to make sure it was empty. He pulled Greg closer and went through all his pants pockets to insure they were empty. He unhooked Greg's pants and pulled them open. He checked the insides for drugs. Greg felt violated and ashamed. Why would they assume that he was a drug user?

He was ushered over to the wall where he was fingerprinted, and his picture was taken. The realization sank in that he was being charged with a felony. He sat in a tiny holding cell and waited. He asked if he could have his shoes back while he waited and was told that he didn't need them. The bail bondsman finally came in, introduced himself as Harry, and told him that his bond was set at $100,000. Greg would need to pay him $10,000 for his release. This would not be a problem for Greg, just an inconvenience. He gave Harry his credit card which was promptly declined. Two others were also declined, because all his accounts were frozen, just as the detectives explained to him. Harry could tell that Greg was no criminal based on his appearance and clothing. Greg confidently said no problem, he had a solution. His Rolex and other jewelry were worth $25,000. He pointed to the bag and suggested that Harry use the contents as collateral. The contents was worth a lot more than what he was asking for. It was not common practice, but Harry picked up the plastic bag and examined the contents. He knew a good deal when he saw one and told Greg that he would make an exception for him and said yes. A detective told Harry to hold on a minute. It was not possible as the jewelry was the property of the courts until further notice.

The detectives allowed Greg to use the phone. He called Melanie who would not answer. Others did not recognize the jail phone number and did not pick up. He tried calling his bother in Pennsylvania and he would not accept the collect call, since he didn't know anyone in jail. He called several business associates who were not available. He was beginning to panic. Harry waited around for a while but eventually told Greg that he had to leave and to call him when he got the money. He took one last look at Greg as he left. He thought to himself that this poor bastard is going to get eaten alive in jail.

Another officer came into the room and told Greg that his time was up. Since he was unable to post bond, he was going to be their guest until further notice. He would be headed to General Population.

The officer pulled Greg up by the arm, out of the chair, and down the hall. Greg was uncomfortable because his pockets were still inside out, he was in his bare feet, his cuffs were hanging open, the top three buttons of his shirt were open, his shirt tail was still hanging out and he barely had time to grab his jacket off the table. The officers and employees that passed him in the hall knew exactly where he was headed. They secretly enjoyed it when the pretty young executives were sent to jail, usually on drug charges.

He was led into processing where he was promptly ordered to strip. He was numb and motionless when the officer yelled into his face, "NOW". Greg slowly handed over the jacket. He presented it to the officer who threw it on the table. As he unbuttoned his shirt, he noticed that the four other men in the room were intently watching him. He added his shirt to the pile, followed by his tee shirt. He was almost in tears as he unfastened his suit pants and let them fall to the floor. He picked them up and put them on the desk. When the officer screamed at him, "Everything!" he lowered his boxers, and put them on the table. His body reacted to the cold air. All eyes were on him as he stood there stark naked. He could feel their inquisitive eyes checking out his 6-inch shriveled cock. They roughly pulled and twisted as they examined every inch of his designer clothes, once again looking for anything that may have been missed. Greg observed that they had no respect for his stuff. They were used to dealing with cheap jeans and tee shirts. They left his clothes in a wrinkled pile on the desk after they didn't find any drugs hidden in them. Next, every inch of his body was searched which left him cold and shivering. He had to bend over and cough while a plastic gloved hand probed his private parts. They examined the inside of his mouth. They tousled his hair and fingered his ears. Greg was humiliated as no part of his body had been left untouched. He had never even been handled like this by a doctor.

He was led into the showers where he was sprayed with a chemical and ordered to shower. A very large and intimidating man instructed him on how to scrub himself with the unscented lye soap. This was no simple rinsing off, he had to scrub until his skin was raw and smelly from the stinking soap. He came out and toweled off. Greg felt dirtier after the shower. There was no comb, so his hair was askew, and now he smelled like the jail house bathroom. He was given an orange inmate uniform shirt and scrubs pants with white socks and plastic sandals. A couple of hours ago he was headed out with the love of his life to enjoy a great steak dinner and some vintage wine. Now he is wearing an inmate uniform and headed down the hall to a holding cell. As he walked away, he overheard one officer tell another that his ass was too skinny. Another of the officers was describing in detail, Greg's fine clothes and expensive jewelry to the Sheriff. He asserted that this one was special.

He was placed in a cell with 3 other inmates. Two of them were drunk and/or had some sort of mental issues. The third one just quietly stared at Greg who was obviously out of place. Greg was tall, this guy was taller, at least 6'4" and bigger. He looked at Greg and licked his lips. Greg focused his eyes on the gray walls or dirty dark ceiling. Anywhere but at the man who was staring at him. One hour later the lights in the cell went out. The only light was from a dim bulb in the hallway. The other man took the opportunity to pull his pants slightly down and a gigantic 8-inch uncut cock came flopping out. Greg panicked and couldn't comprehend why this man would be exposing his cock to him. The man stood and approached Greg and before he could scream for the guard the man bitch slapped him hard across the face. Greg went to protest, and the man slapped him hard again. He held his finger to his lips indicating for Greg to be quiet. He curled his fist and pulled his arm back, ready to slug Greg hard in the stomach. Greg responded by putting his hands in the air. He did not want to get beaten again. He told Greg that he was in his house now. He was going to have to do as he was told or risk taking a pounding. The big man pulled Greg off the bench and shoved him to his knees where he came face to face with the gigantic cock. The man took two of his big fingers and shoved them in Greg?s mouth. He was finger fucking Greg by demonstrating how he was expecting to get his dick sucked. He leaned over and whispered, "no teeth". Greg didn't have time to panic because the big man grabbed him by his hair and forced the big cock down his throat. Greg choked and gasped as the huge tool filled his mouth. The man slapped Greg on the side of his head and commanded him to get started. Greg slowly figured out how to suck a cock. First time in his life. It was also the first time Greg had cried in his adult life. Tears were now streaming down his face. His confidence and self-esteem was being sucked from his body. He had instantly been transformed into another man's bitch. He could feel the big cock throbbing in his mouth. Greg was panicked that the man would leak some of his cum on his face or body. He didn't have to worry about that because the man held him tightly by his hair and shot load after load of the warm salty jizz down his throat.

Greg was coughing and nauseous. The big man held his large hand over Greg's nose and signaled for him to swallow the entire load and be quiet at the same time. Greg fearing another beating, quickly and quietly swallowed everything in his mouth. The other two men were sitting across the cell and pointing and laughing at Greg. Greg had missed dinner and not eaten anything all night and now he could not get the taste of this man?s cum out of his empty stomach. He ran to the toilet in the corner and vomited. The mental and physical abuse was too much for him.

Before he could sit back down on the bench, the big man approached him from behind. Greg could feel his warm breath on his ear. The man held him tight and licked the back of his head. He nibbled on Greg's ear and then twirled his tongue inside. He felt the stinging pain as the man planted a large hickey on his neck. The man turned Greg and planted a large kiss on his lips, which was soon followed by his tongue down his throat. Both man's hands went up under Greg's shirt and were playing with his nipples. They were being stoked, twisted, and turned which sent strange sensations through Greg's body. He was repulsed by the intimacy of this man but didn?t dare push away. He had done everything the man had demanded, what could he possibly want now? The man continued to probe and explore Greg's body.

Greg shuddered as he felt his prison pants being pulled down. He was frozen in place as he felt the man's large hand grab Greg's cock and stroke it. The stark reality it him when he felt a finger penetrate his ass. He was getting fucked and stroked at the same time. Soon, one finger was replaced by two, and then three. The warm breath on his neck was getting heaver and faster. He was panicked and didn't dare move or scream. In a quick and sudden action, he was pushed over and the fingers were replaced by the big man's horny and throbbing cock. Greg quickly realized that he was going to get raped. He could feel the cock slowly approaching his ass, he squirmed as his ass was penetrated, jumped as the cock continued its brazen march and then screamed as he felt the big man's body smashed us against his, realizing that the offending cock was totally inside of him. The big man had his arms around Greg's waist, and pulled him tight. He forcibly banged Greg's head against the wall. The pain ripped through Greg's body. Greg was really caught off guard when the throbbing cock soon dumped load after load of warm sperm into his gut. He wondered how this man could cum twice so quickly. He could feel the gigantic load of cum in his ass and running down his leg. When he was finished, he picked Greg up and spun him around. Once again, he shoved his cock into Greg's mouth and told him to clean the spunk and ass juices off it. He forced Greg to wash his sweaty and stinking balls with his tongue. When he was confident that Greg had done a good job and was finished, he shoved him back into the corner. The two drunks continued to point at him and laugh. Greg's sheltered life had never prepared him for anything like this.

Greg thought that the man was finished with him and that he would be able to sit by himself in the corner for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, he was mistaken. The big man was smitten with Greg. He couldn't take his eyes, or his hands, off Greg. He sat down next to him and trapped him in the corner. He pulled Greg's shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. For the remainder of the night Greg felt his body being probed and stroked. The man used his hands and his mouth to abuse Greg's body. He licked Greg's arm pits and caressed his chest. More hickeys were applied. He bent Greg over and rimmed his ass. Greg?s shriveled cock was getting hard from the constant attention. Greg was repulsed and too scared to protest. He could not explain the sensations that he was feeling. He was 100% straight all-American male and knew this type of behavior was wrong He was definitely not gay. All he could think about was his beloved Melanie and how couldn?t wait to have her in his arms again. He had just lost his manhood. He could never tell her that he had been converted into another man?s jail house bitch.

Next: Chapter 2

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