Knight Takes Pawn

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 10, 2014




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Graynor cocked an eye at Ewen when the manor servants brought them the costumes. Ewen lifted up the hose first, of course, for they were all nude now and Graynor grinned as Ewen regarded the central gap in dismay. Ewen saw him looking and ventured a comment. "These seem to be torn."

"No, that's how they're supposed to look." Graynor told him. "You and I are to be the performers at an entertainment in the ducal main hall. Just put on the clothing and follow everyone else's lead and you'll be fine." He would say more, but he knew that the Duke preferred his "performers" to face their first exhibition totally innocent.

Ewen obeyed and when he was done, Graynor looked him over. "Now you're ready to perform for the Duke." He chuckled.

"As are you." Ewen pointed out. Graynor was wearing a more elaborate garment than Ewen's. Of the sixteen members of the Ducal Guard which had been chosen, eight of them were dressed as Ewen, a costume that was an abbreviated and somewhat comical (in a carnival sort of way) version of a foot-soldier's uniform. Graynor had similar clothing, but his was of a horse-soldier and his helmet was formed as a horse's head. Both of them had their bodies exposed from just below their waist to mid-thigh, leaving their buttocks and genitals in full view.

"Take a look around and see if the clothing reminds you of anything."

Ewen looked and Graynor did as well. Eight foot-soldiers, two with helmets like a castle's ramparts forming a ring around the top, another one with a horse-head helmet like Graynor's, two with helmets like a bishop's headpiece, and the other two with crowns, one small, one large and ornate. "A chess game?" Ewen burst out. "We're dressed like pieces in a chess game!"

"Indeed we are." Graynor praised him. "And that's what we'll be doing, entertaining the Duke and his guest by forming half of the pieces of a life-sized game of chess. The main hall has a central area of large squares that make the board, and above it are two balconies at opposite ends, where the Duke and his guest can sit and observe the game and order the moves we'll be making. "A gigantic game of chess!"

Ewen was as amazed by this as any young recruit to the Ducal Guard would be. Then his handsome, still-boyish face crinkled in puzzlement. "But why are we all exposed like we are?"

"That you will find out when we play the game." Graynor said as the other Guards chuckled. Six of the "pawns" in the game were raw recruits like Ewen, the other two were smaller, thinner men to simulate youth for the game. Graynor didn't doubt that Lord Carenthal, the visiting guest, had chosen from his own Guardsmen with a similar view and his mouth watered in anticipation of the benefits of the game.

Ewen's did as well, but for a different reason. "Five ducats of gold each for the game." he said.

"And more if you please him much during the performance." Graynor added.

"I can keep one of those for myself, and send the other four to my mother, it will let her buy grain and dried meats for the winter." Ewen went on.

"I'm sure you'll make her proud this afternoon." Graynor agreed.

"And with the one piece I keep, I'll buy myself a feast."

"No need of that." Graynor added, as they were summoned by the manor servants to walk to the great hall. "This evening will be a large banquet, and we will be served in a separate room ourselves, so keep your appetite well-whetted for then."

"I shall, I shall." Ewen was as delighted as a puppy that has found his master's best church shoes. Graynor let him keep his enthusiasm intact, he'd find out the price for this entertainment soon enough, soon enough!

He was flattered that Ewen chose to be the King's Knight's Pawn, given that he stood in the pawn's square in front of Graynor. Palace servants moved the two experienced "pawns" to the two Rook's Pawn's positions. Graynor nodded, the two rook's pawns were most likely to survive the game intact. The rest were fodder for the more powerful pieces.

He surveyed the men of Lord Carenthal. The Lord had chosen all men of darker skin, hair and many with mustaches, that contrasted well with the Duke's Guard's contingent, which tended to be lighter-hued skin, blond or light brown hair, and clean-shaven. Black and White, and the Duke loved playing White. All wore a breastpiece that bore their liege-lord's noble emblems upon them, for the Duke, a red lion rampant, for the Lord Carenthal, three golden falcons in flight. Their shirts and tights were white, the Lords' men wore black, to add further to the chess-piece motif.

After some minor foofooraw which Graynor ignored, the game began. The King's Pawn was advanced, a beautiful, golden-haired young man that must have had the two Lords panting, for the Lord Carenthal brought out his own King's Knight, a brawny man of formidable proportions and after a couple more moves, which had both Ewen and Graynor moved forward to stand side-by-side, and gave them a good view as the move was made. Knight Takes Pawn.

"Now you find out the real game going on." he said to Ewen in an aside.

The blond Pawn was confused. He started to walk off the board as the Knight approached, but his comrade nearby, a Bishop, held him back and gestured him to go back into place. He stood as he was when the Knight walked up, the Pawn was turned around and Graynor saw, and saw Ewen see, the Knight's hard cock being aimed at the hapless Pawn's butt.

"He's a hairy one, isn't he?" Graynor said to Ewen, as he looked at the thick pubic patch and the hairy buttocks that looked as if they belonged on some beast instead of a human, enough to make it hard to see where the cut-out tights ended and the butt-hair began. "Hair like a monkey and a dong like a donkey's."

The young Pawn howled as the Knight's cock invaded his anus. His comrades were whispering to him (they'd all been warned to speak only in low tones) to stand proud, take it like a Guardsman, don't flinch no matter what, but he ignored them, he slowly went down to his knees and the Knight followed him down and began hunching at him and then threw his head back and whinnied, his horse helmet's nose pointed to the heavens!

"A nice touch." Graynor said to the scandalized Ewen. "A horse's mounting. That ought to get him a double-grant from this evening. I wonder if I would get the same when I mount someone, or if I should add a snort or two?"

In frantic whinnying sounds, the Knight blasted his load up the Pawn's ass, and the Pawn slumped down and cried loudly as the manor servants hustled up, half-dragged and half-walked the ass-ravaged Pawn off the board. The Knight stood up and pounded his chest and howled in raw pleasure.

"What is all this?" Ewen asked under cover of the noise.

"The Duke's way to play chess. He's done this before, of course, he and some other lords have these events several times a year. If you get chosen for enough of them, it can make a nice addition to your stipend. Now buck up, you're a Pawn this year, but you can work your way up to a higher post in future years."

"Oh, dear Lord!" Ewen breathed.

A White Bishop soon captured a Black Pawn, and was then taken by another Black Pawn. These moves overlapped, so that the White Bishop was the center of a Black Pawn man-sandwich, fucking while being fucked, their breastplates clanging against each other in a raucous clamor.

"The Duke is down a good deal already" Graynor mused. "We have to hope he plays better before it's our turn."

Ewen was moved forward another place, and this put him into a position to be taken by both two Black Pawns and the Black Knight which had captured the King's Pawn, but he was protected by both the remaining White Bishop and the White Queen (a studly man of prodigious power beyond his position as the most powerful chess piece). Graynor was more worried about himself, a Pawn left behind in Ewen's new square would be in position to capture him in a subsequent move!

Ewen was trembling in fear. The Pawns before him were grinning at him, they knew that one or the other of them would have him.

And then there was a Black move on the other side of the board, it captured another White Pawn, but then the move came from the Duke, "Knight's Pawn takes Bishop's Pawn."

Graynor whistled. What a move! They'd all been so focused on the spot Ewen the Pawn had been, they hadn't looked at where he could move! Any piece that attacked Ewen (the Black Queen was in position for this, but Graynor the White Knight could take her/him if that move was made, he was protecting Ewen now!

The Black Pawn had had several moves to decide on his reaction, and he lay down on his back and raised his legs and said, "Come and get me, White Pawn."

"Fuck him hard!" Graynor urged him. "Fuck him hard and fast."

He worried if Ewen would "rise" to the occasion, but Ewen looked at the dark-haired man lying on the square before him and then he was diving down to kneel between those legs, to plunge into the nether depths between them. Their breastplates hit with a clang as he thrust into the Black Pawn's ass, and the Black Pawn cried out in his violation. All such penetrations were met with the loud cries, the Duke and Lord Carenthal craved such sound effects. And now there were moves upon moves, with the men still coupling when another move was made to add another man to the mixture or move the action to another part of the board.

And here came the Black Queen, out to capture Ewen. Ewen was still humping the Black Pawn and was oblivious as the big Black Queen walked up to get behind him and Ewen's first warning that he had been captured was when those big palms of hands was grabbing and pulling his ass up.

Ewen groaned when he saw that big man behind him. "Oh, God, no!" he cried out. "No, no, I'm not ready, let me grease you up some first, I...OWOOOOOOOO!" as he was impaled by the biggest dong Graynor had seen in a long time!

"Come on, come on, Knight Takes Queen!" He called up to the Lords playing above him. "Knight Takes Queen!"

"Knight Takes Queen!" came the command from above.

Graynor grinned a large, evil grin as he advanced on the Black Queen. The man had heard, he knew it was coming, but he was busy stuffing a young hot ass attached to a wailing young man, he just kept on hunching even as Graynor stepped over. He couldn't kneel and get to this asshole, he'd have to squat and this!

The Black Queen just snarled. "Come on, horse-dick, give it to me as hard as I'm giving it to your little asshole buddy here!"

"Fuck you, you bastard!" Graynor returned and drove his dong all the way in to his fat, hairy balls!

"Ahhh, yeahhh!" the big man retorted. "I love hard cocks, the bigger the better, I'll take a real horse if you'll bring one in here, come on, fuck me, fuck me harder!

Ewen threw back his head and moaned and came into the Black Pawn's ass. The servants had been waiting, when Ewen was done, they dragged the Black Pawn away. "Thanks for the hard fucking, fellow!" the Pawn called out as he was pulled to his feet.

The chess board was a mass orgy now more than a game. Moves were being called, but Graynor wasn't paying attention, not until he heard the word. "Rook takes Knight!"

He was the only knight left on the board. The Black Queen roared and blasted into Ewen's ass and he was led away. That caused the Black Queen's ass to convulse on Graynor's dong and watching Ewen's pretty ass as it dripped hot white come out of it as he was picked up, he felt his climax striking him like a clapper strikes a gong! WHANG!

"AH-HAH-HUH-GUH-HHUHH-GUHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He blasted his wads into the Black Queen's ass, and the big man began to work his ass in a way that drove Graynor right up the wall. Damn, what a hot ass!

The Black Queen was removed and Graynor was staggering as his cock, still dripping droplets of jizz from it, dangled before him, and then he was caught from behind and a hard cock was driven up his ass!

"Holy fucking shit!" Graynor groaned. "OW-OW-OW-OW-OWWWW!"

The Rook had a huge dong, bigger than he'd noticed. Who pays attention to Rooks anyhow, they only show up in the end game worth a damn! But this was endgame, the pieces were dropping like flies right and left, and it was his turn now. He was captured, he was getting fucked, and the man who was doing it had a club for a cock!

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!" he groaned as he tried to keep his feet. His body was being shaken to the core by every thrust from the big, hairy man behind him. He'd been so busy watching out for Ewen, he hadn't been watching for himself. Though what he could have done in this game, he didn't know.

Grit your teeth and bear it! He told himself firmly. What would a horse do in this situation?

He threw back his head and he cried out the call of a wild stallion being broken to the saddle.

Ride them hard, and put them away wet! "Whee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee!"

The Rook began to grunt like he was coming, but it was more than five agonizing minutes before he managed to unload into Graynor's pummeled, dripping ass. The salty sting was so long in coming that he welcomed the pain it brought, for it meant he could stagger away and join the other casualties in finding a place to sit down and massage his poor, hard-fucked asshole.

Ewen was there and looking oddly triumphant. "I got one first!" he crowed when he saw Graynor. "I was worried that I was going to be fucked and tossed out right away, but I got to pound one of them first, I did!"

"You certainly did." Graynor groaned as he lowered himself gingerly to sit beside Ewen. "Me, I got pounded by the King's Rook, I think it was. I lost track of who was who out there. That was a really messed up game, usually they wait until each time's done before they make another move unless they want to set up a threesome like they did early on."

"Does it really matter?" Ewen asked him.

"I guess not." Graynor moaned. "Only that I managed to get taken by the biggest dong out there, I think. Oh, Lord! I won't be sitting in the saddle for a week or more, not in comfort!"

"So we have these games often?"

"They come along every week or so during the warm months when the lords visit each other most." Graynor nodded.

"Then we need to work on getting you and me more relaxed out there." Ewen said. "If we have to take big cocks up our asses, we ought to stretch ourselves."

Graynor looked at Ewen with new respect. "I can see you've thought this out. Any idea on how to do this stretching best?"

Ewen's hand on Graynor's thigh punctuated his next remark, "I had an idea or two how to get started."

Graynor smiled then winced, "My ass needs a couple of weeks in bed before it tries to exercise again."

"I'll keep it in bed as much as I can." Ewen leaned over with his lips pursed for a kiss.

"Pawn Takes Knight," Graynor breathed as their lips met, "and Knight Takes Pawn."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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