Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Jan 6, 2006


One day while I was away my boyfriend Superman, dressing himself as Clark to work for the Daily Planet was rummaging thru dresser drawers looking for his cufflinks. He stumbled upon my drawer which was filled to the brim with small flat boxes of various colors and styles of purchases of men's pantyhose. Superman thought it was a real turn on for me prancing around the house only in pantyhose and t-shirts wearing nothing but tennis shoes, but he never gave it much thought on wearing them himself since he was so used to wearing his Superman tights almost 24/7. He had a spare uniform at the Daily Planet men's room locker, and he gave it a whimsical thought on trying a pair on under his Clark Kent dress outfit. He unwrapped the box and unfolded what seemed like a pretty skimpy sized pair of sheer tan pantyhose. WOW, he thought, "I hope I dont break the hose apart while putting them on." Superman knew how to be careful with things, and he cautiously set one foot in after the other to slowly slip on the extremely tight pantyhose. Half dressed, he looked himself in the long mirror and noticed he looked pretty good, for a huge man wearing pantyhose, of course. Still only dressed in his shirt, necktie, and glasses, Superman began to admire how his big thick muscled legs looked in see thru attire that were similar to his tights. His calves showed themselves commandingly and his big hairy thighs never quite looked so good. He turned his back around and gazed at how his back legs looked strong and masculine, even in a pair of sissified pantyhose. Just then he heard the phone ring in the hallway and went over to answer it. "CLARK," the voice went on the other line, " . .our neighbor's dog just got hit by a vehicle, I think it's hurt!! Could you. . ." Clark wasted no time and hurried outside the house, paying no attention to how he was dressed for the moment. The dog was indeed lying in the middle of the road squirming something fierce, but not barking or howling. Clark went over to retrieve the poor animal and grabbed the thing in his arms. The dog looked up at Superman and licked him slightly on the face still squirming. She was hit alright, but just dazed and confused with no exterior signs of injuries. This was Mrs. Ogles dog who was standing next to her open garden gate with a look of deep concern. Her garden hose was in the yard with running water and she outstretched her arms as Clark approached her. "Oh, my heavens, thank you Clarkie boy, I am so ashamed for letting Iris escape my yard I left it open for just one minute!" "It's okay Mrs. Ogles, I think Iris just got caught under the car when it went thru the street and not under the wheels. She seems dazed, and confused, and a might ruffled,. . . that's all, " Superman said assuringly. "Clark, I cant begin to thank you enough, you're a real hero, you know that?" Clark then heard a couple of wolf whistles let out by two young teenage boys passing the sidewalk, but didn't pay it any mind, UNTIL. . .Mrs. Ogles commented, ". . .oh, and Clark! If ever you run out of your pantyhose, be sure to let me know and I'll lend you some." Clark turned a beet red as he remembered how he was dressed prior to that call and looked down. There he was standing near the street exposing himself dressed only in a pair of pantyhose and a dress shirt. The boys wolf whistled at him again, as Clark let out an awful GASP!! "Looking good mister!" "Yea, I wish I had those kinds of buns!! WHOO WHEE!!" Clark excused himself quickly setting both his arms in front of his crotch area as he quick walked down the sidewalk to his house, but tripped in his stocking feet! Clark fell on the ground, since his hands were preoccupied at saving his crotch, and hit the sidewalk. "UUMPPH!!," he belted, as his dress shirt fell up and let expose his anused butt high in the air, face flat on cement. It even caused a few new cracks!! "WHOA!!" The two teenage boys started laughing, "Now that's something you dont see every day!" "Hey mister, slow down, who do you think you are Superman?" Clark got himself up and put back his glasses and said, "If you both don't mind, I'm getting ready for work." He turned and jostled down the sidewalk seeming a bit effeminate walking in only short shirt and tan pantyhose. Even with his big muscular legs. Just as Clark got to his open door, one of the boys yelled out, "Hey mister are you available for dating?" The boys laughed again and walked away. Clark was somewhat in shock as to what had just happened right in front of his close neighbor. He looked outside a curtained window to see how things appeared and everything seemed quite normal. You gotta admit, Clark Kent, or Superman looked "mighty cool" bending over like that in those tight pair of hot pantyhose.


Next: Chapter 10: Dominant Space Alien

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