Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Jan 5, 2006


It was 12:05 pm, just as Clark Kent decided what to eat for lunch, he received notice from Perry White's intercom that a burning building was seen at the corner of Market ave.and Fourth st and to get right on it! Clark begged Perry to send another reporter, but most of his best reporters had already gone out for lunch, which left Clark as his priority choice. Clark reluctantly accepted, with stomach gurgling, when Perry said, ". . .and hurry, there are people trapped inside!" "Great scott!!", said Clark to himself, and bolted for the mens dressing room door. Once inside he tore off his reporters suit and burst on to the scene as Superman!! Jumping out the window he sailed into the sky with mighty force speed and on his way to the designated area. Clouds of smoke could be seen even without the aid of supervision, and the sounds of sirens approaching the building were already surrounding the corner area. Superman ducked into a nearby alley seeing the billowing puffs of smoke seething out the sides of the buildings tightly screened windows. With his mighty force he jolted the wooden door down that had previously been chained locked. Oblivious to the smoke he helped men in scanty white towels escape outside the burning building. The place seemed to be deserted in a hurry with the men coughing outside atrociously, when Superman scanning with his X-ray vision noticed a solitary body sitting alone in a vacant room by himself. Superman could hear the firefighters break into the building thru another part of the building dousing slashing water on the walls right next to him. His main concern, though was the lone occupant sitting by himself in the room down the hall. Superman layed a pillar strength shadowed figure standing in the open doorway, looking as handsome as ever, yet concerned. The man inside was sitting with a head full of black hair bowed down as if waiting for something. He too was only dressed in a white towel around some very sexy dark complected almost shaved legs. Superman approached the man and said to him, "Are you alright? We need to leave now, the building is on fire." The man half looked up and responded, "Thats OK, I really didnt want to get out." He began sobbing. "Whats wrong?" Superman asked him. "I-I-(boo hoo, boo hoo) I, started the f-f-ire," the man replied as well as he could. "For Gods sake, man, why??" Superman asked startled. "Because Im in love with someone and they dont know it!" The man fell down into his hands and began sobbing somemore. "We need to go outside," said Superman calmly. "I just want to die, leave me alone, cant you see. . ." Just then the man looked up with an overcome surprise on his face. "SUPERMAN, youre here! I cant believe it, its really you. Its YOU!" "Cmon, I think it best we talk outside. . ." Superman tried to coax the man into walking out with him. "Dont you see, its you Im in love with! Its you." "The smoke seems to be dying down a bit, why dont you try to calm yourself so we can leave." "Superman your the one I wanted to commit suicide for, thats why I set the fire in the breakroom, thats all! I knew Id never have a chance to be with you ever in my life. S-so I wanted to end it." Superman did the unfortunate thing of sitting next to him and try to explain things. "Look," he said, "I'll let you in a little secret. I myself have experimented with some members of my own sex, its not that farfetched to. . ." Just then the man gasped and took a long look at the Man of Steels muscular bulging thighs sitting right next to him. He reached over and set his hand on Superman's left leg drifting it into the inner crack of where Superman's legs met. "You see its not so hard", Superman said reassuringly. "I can change that," the man looked to Superman with a quiet calm almost captivating soft vigor. He slid his hand upward to meet Superman's giant crotch and commenced to suck hard on the Man of Steels left chest nipple thru his Supes outfit. Biting hard at first, then licking it all over. Superman felt a sudden chill run thru his body in spite of the overheated atmoshphere. The man was so curious about Superman's body, he kept sucking away at the nippled muscular huge chest while his hand caressed the crotch area. The worm inside had taken its cue by adjusting its size according to how the hand was feeding it. Mounting upward little by little, while Superman's head prodded upwards with eyes closed gently. Superman's mouth slightly opened also as the man knelt between the super legs and pushed them apart. The man licked his tongue between Superman's bottom lined trunks and his blue tights letting his tongue dare to invade inside the trunks seam. With both hands he reached on top of the yellow belt and brought the trunks down to release the aching cock of steel. His licking lips went to work on the huge hairy cockmeat while making a solid journey towards the cockshaft head. His hands kept dragging the trunks still down further as he gulped what was his biggest dream. SUPERMAN'S COCK! Gorging it with all the love lust he ever dreamt he could dish out. Feeling the hard muscular thighs and trying to push them farther apart to make room for his bobbing throat. "OH, doctor! Who put the lights out," Superman said with his big chest protruding high above the man's hard sucking mouth. Just as things were getting good, the man had an idea. He grabbed with both arms under Superman's mega thighs and brought the Man of Steels legs up in the air. He then reached again with his mouth to engulf the high flying dick to ramrod it to the hilt. Superman bent backward with agonizing surreal pleasure as the man buried himself between Superman's hard aching thighs. Sucking his nine incher from cockshaft to hairy filled bottom. While the man struggled to hold his big tight legs steady, Superman himself was beginning to see stars circle around him in the smoke thinning room. One thing the Man of Steel had a penchant for was a damn good blow job, and this was it! His back was feeling cranky and wanted to expand itself further back. He wanted room to stretch out and grow more comfortable while the guy was "going to town on him." He noticed the back of his head had touched the wall behind him and he couldnt help notice also a stirring was accumulating in his groin. He felt his interior juices flow and like a silent volcano, was getting ready to burst. The sucking power of the man's mouth was unbearable now, and Superman gave into a rather clumsy foolish grin of gratitude. The continuous sucking motion was gathering momentum around his captured cock busily having itself a good time nestled around a fierce warm tongue. Superman's own tongue was having a struggle of its own trying hard not to stick itself out of his mouth with exploding luster. All of a sudden Superman could not keep it contained no longer and felt his long shlong provide a pathway to internal juices. HE WAS CUMMING! With a heavy shudder of muscular neck strength he lambasted his head against the wall and tore right thru it, exposing himself with heated overflow to resting firefighters on the other side. Superman let out a huge gasping yell as spurts of cum juice blasted into the man's hungry mouth. His neck protruding out further in viens and shredded muscle. The firefighters somehow knew what was going on in spite of wild surprise. One cute young firefighter grabbed a shut off hose and turned it to Superman"s head covering him in water. Superman sputtered and spat out water from his mouth with a look of confusion. "We thought we had to put out another fire, Superman!!!"


Next: Chapter 9: Pantyhose Caper

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