Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Dec 28, 2005


Superman arrived at the specified address of the home, Lois Lane, fellow newreporter, had instructed to attend. He knocked on the door politely and no one came to answer it. So he checked to see if it was open and opened it. The noise resonating from the interior was of massive bass music thumping and people having a good time. The time was of 10:35pm New Years eve and it didnt seem like Lois would have recommended this kind of party. But it was unusually chilly and even Superman wanted to get inside to get warm. He was asked to attend the party as a special guest and after he closed the door it was so dark inside it just seemed uneasy. All he could see were bobbing heads dancing to thumping dance music and people blowing streamers. Everyone seemed to be ignoring him, and then a young kid of possibly 19 asked him to dance. This was a young cute skinny guy who seemed to want to be social and get him involved in the party. Superman, however, bent down slightly to ask the kid a question. "I'm looking for Lois Lane. Is Lois Lane here??" "There's no women here darling," the kid responded, ". . .and it's so good of you to dress up as Superman!! Was this Ron's idea? RONNIE!! YOUR DANCER'S HERE. . .Ron's in the kitchen I think, I'll go fetch him." Superman stood there and shrugged a bit, turned and made for the door. However, a very young cute brunette kid with dark hipnotic eyes was standing against the door with arms slightly crossed and holding onto a cocktail. "Excuse me please," Superman leaned over to tell the young guy close to his ear. But as he did the young good looking guy turned and smooched Superman on the lips. Superman backing up a bit was caught by the young guys sudden hand behind his neck and made sure to let the Man of Steel know who was in charge. Superman found his tongue slipping into the young man's mouth which made the young guy move in closer and meet his tongue with his own. The young man smelled enticingly perfumie with a deep sexy musk scent that seemed to turn Superman on. He found himself almost unwanting to tear himself away and was drawn in to enjoy the romantic soft and powerfully sexy kiss. The kids lips were incredibly soft and full, and gave some of the most romanitc kisses Superman has received in a long time. Suddenly he could feel the kids hands approach the surrounding area of his hard buttocks, and reach below the lowest spot and grab it firmly. He let go of the kisses and gasped. His dick was becoming hard in his red trunks and beginning to bump the leg area of the coaxing kid. Just then an arm grabbed him from behind and forced him into the middle of the dance living room floor. The disc jockey, in the meantime, changed the music abruptly to the Village People's MACHO MAN dance theme song while the entire room of young men began clapping and shouting loudly. The room cleared in the middle and Superman felt compelled to dance a solo act of jiggling around his STUFF. "Macho, Macho man. . .I've got to be . . .A MACHO MAN!!" Superman clapped his hands once hard and did an invisible do the limbo rock he had once seen in a video. He shook and shimmied his upper torso and let his huge muscular chest rock the house. The room went wild and before long dollar bills were being stuffed into his trunks from every direction. Finally he danced in a circle motion, clapping his hands above his head and started to break out in a sweat. He began to yell in a "WHOOOAAA. . . ." and the guys inside the house went nuts. The music went even louder than before and several guys joined him in his private dance. It was obvious to Superman that somehow he had entered the wrong party, but was going with it anyway. Everyone was having so much fun, and he had no hard feelings against gay people. He knew he was bi-sexual himself and even quite enjoyed the rambunctious attention he was getting. He was actually enjoying himself and when the song ended he accepted a cocktail of a bloody mary. After awhile he excused himself to the lighted back porch and reviewed the address that was given him. "What's wrong Superman?"asked another young blond guy close to him. "Is this 1223 w. Giffen street?"asked Superman. "No, this is my father"s house 1223 e. Griffith avenue. Giffen is in the neighborhood just north of this one." "I'm so stupid," clipped Superman. "I was late for a 10 o clock party speech I was suppposed to give for the local chapter." "Then, you're not a dancer I hired? The guy shook Superman's hand. "My name is Ron and I took the liberty of throwing a new years party while my folks were overseas in London visiting family. T-T-Then y-you really are Superman? Hey guys!!" Ron began shouting, "Look who we have here. . ." Superman's mouth dropped. And his glass did also. Superman was getting ready to bail out and fly away when that one brunette guy grabbed for his muscular arm and pulled him back. "Come and join us Superman, we've got a ham in the oven." Superman lamely went back inside and he noticed it was 11:47 on the clock wall. Everyone inside was getting their party hats on and blowing whistles. Superman could feel his butt getting pinched as he strove thru the crowd of merry makers. The brunette guy held onto Superman's arm with a vengeance and began smirking at him. The music came on with Gloria Gaynor's I WILL SURVIVE." "At first I was afraid, I was petrified. . ." All the guys inside the room were singing in unison. Superman didnt know all the words to the song but tried to adlib himself, looking around with a slight smile. At one point of the song, the DJ faded the music down completely and the room was filled with a chorus of "GO ON NOW GO. .WALK OUT THE DOOR! JUST TURN AROUND NOW, CAUSE YOU'RE NOT WELCOME ANYMORE. . ." all the guys singing together and laughing. The music came back up and everyone was dancing. It was now 11:57 and Superman wanted to leave the way he came in. He walked towards the door, but didnt make it. Hands were pulling at the back of his trunks and stretching them out to an amazing stretch behind him. It was 11:59 and guys were clearing their throats for the final countdown. Someone turned on the Wall TV monitor and there was the New York glitter ball falling. The countdown had begun, and Superman was spending it with a room full of gay men. "10, 9, 8. . ." Superman was becoming seasick in his stomach. "FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO. . .ONE!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone was suddenly holding onto each other, and just then, the young good looking brunette guy came running up thru the crowd and ran up into Superman's arms, and smacked him with his lips right on his choppers. Making Superman involuntarily kissing him in a room full of hand clapping young guys. Superman's arms and hands outstretched themselves in a quirky windy motion as the brunette deep throated him with his tongue. Once again the room went crazy with delight as they both went and fell on the carpet floor. "Happy new years you big hunk of man," said the brunette sitting ontop of Superman. Superman spent the rest of the evening with Tony, the brunette. Until breakfast was being served in the early morn of ham, pancakes and eggs.


Next: Chapter 7: Superman Getting Sucked

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