Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Sep 9, 2012


Lex Luthor made a bet with his henchman Otis that someday he could get the man of steel to cross his eyes in a funny manner. The bet wasn't so big, but the problem was. Lex spent many a night wondering what he could conjure up to get the man of bozo to helplessly cross his eyes. In agony, ecstasy, or erotic gesture? He thought and thought and thought, until he realized his solution was right under his nose in his own underground factory. A sucking machine made from an old vacuum cleaner in the guise of a robot. Now the next dilemma was to pick a proper place for such an occasion. The fireworks ceremonies for the last game of the baseball season was indeed a well received event by the amiable man of muscle in that many times before Lexxie spotted him stand in salute to the flag ceremonies in complete attention, and alone on top of a highest building with the best view of the city streets. All he had to do was construct a sucking machine that could fly and meet the man of steel on top of that ledge during the ceremonies. Many weeks past by, and he had his developers develop a high tech robot out of a used vacuum cleaner that was remodeled into a tin can type robot with aerial wings, a motor that could run it, and of course the long tube with the suction apparatus stuck inside the machine lay hidden until usage. The day had arrived, and he programmed the machine to recognize it's target. A big man of 6'4" massive muscle wearing nothing but blue and red tights to protect him from such a devouring machine such as this. The same structure and mission of the standard milking machine for any simple cow was embedded, but structured with a vacuum sucking nozzle. Something like this catching the man of bulging crotch standing head forward in total salute could quite possibly do the trick. The sucking power of the android gizmo would be set on several motions but with an ultimate hard drive! The last day of the Metropolis local ballgame was beginning, and Lex was ready and waiting with his remote in hand to signal the gizmo to function on command. Once it was set, the operation was totally within control of the functions of the machine, and what it was programmed to do. Massive suction sexual power!!!!! The beginning of the flag ceremony had begun, but Lex could not spot the man of steel standing in his ordinary spot on top of any building around. Suddenly he overheard a loud shrieking noise of wind beckoning from distance, and a blue streak appeared and landed on top of an old bank building nearby the ball park. Superman would go and stand there for hours during some games as to not be a distraction to the ball game itself with his presence in the ball field, and would view the game from there with his strong cue ball vision. The beginning of the flag ceremony had begun, and so did the pregame fireworks offset by some local jets to line in sync. Lex pressed the green button for the machine to be on it's way, and the motor immediately came to life, and floated upward and away. Now all Lex had to do was look patiently with his binoculars to see if his plan would click. Lex had incorporated the focal's to also be able to record the ongoing event for a computer upload if the plan worked. The machine began to grow smaller as it drifted away to the tall standing man in salute and attention. It landed on the side of the building on the top ledge and was unheard by the man of steel due to the commanding ceremonies and occasional fireworks exploding. Superman was not standing on the edge of the building but somewhere on the roof. The machine made it's way to the front of the man of steel, but Superbuddy was too preoccupied with watching the sky fireworks display. The man of steel did have a magnificent mound between his hard legs, everybody noticed it, most said nothing out of respect, but it was large, round, and bountiful. The machine had no trouble recognizing it's target, and quickly spotted it with it's computer eye. Inspecting the bulging crotch before the machine, it noticed large mounds of balls quite beneath the soft head of the dick which could barely be viewed, but if you got close enough you could see it directly. The singer for the opening ceremony began to sing, as the fireworks continued their explosions, this time many. The loud thunder roar, and the sight of the fireworks display put Superman in total relaxation mode as he stood at attention and lay his right hand across his giant S chest. The chest size alone could have obstructed any view from the compact machine standing before him which barely went past his knee caps. Already the inner tube started closing in by stretching out, and the nozzle attached began it's suction power from the quiet end. Just as it positioned the tube the suction power was already siphoning Superman's member to get a hard on, as if the thing had a mind of it's own, and knew what was coming. It quickly met the outer ring, and Superman looked downward to see what it was that was touching him. But it was too late! His dick had already been devoured by the mechanism and was slowly going in. It was here the machine did a dastardly thing by turning on the juice sky high and making the dick seep inward the tube as the machine grabbed and sucked it making his shorts come with it. Everything was being gulped down, and Superman could feel it immediately what it was trying to do to him. His hand came down from salute as the machine put itself on full force and forced the entire member to go in the suctioning tube mechanism. Superman reached down to grab it, but by this time the machine was beginning it's gesture to move in and out with the sucking power. Superman's long thick hardening member was being devoured whole, and suddenly Superman could hear the sucking noise over the opening ceremonies which was just coming to a close! The audiences in the stadiums were sitting after applauding, but Superman was up there on one of the highest buildings getting a blow job from an android machine that came out of nowhere. Meanwhile, Lex was peering through his strong movie taking binoculars with a cheering grin from ear to ear, and unwittingly put the binoculars away from the scene at hand. He immediately put them back up to his eyes and could not wait to show Otis what he was currently recording. The man of steel was standing on top of the building helpless with the machine Lex so carefully invented and put to work, giving the man of muscle his due by sucking him through his drawers. Superman felt woosie, and began to perspire. He almost felt faint as he could not have figured what or where this freakin' thing was doing to him at the moment. Thank goodness he was away from anybody that could see him, or so he thought. Little did the muscle man in awkward blue tights realize his moment of sexual frustration was being recorded for later viewing. There was no time to think at all! The sound and suction of the suctioning tube was becoming unbearable, and even precum juice had slowly secreted to show stains at the sucking dick. His legs were becoming weak with agony, he wanted to hold back the idea that the machine was setting himself up with a hard sucking power with continual motion that was aching his balls to muster a savage load in the near future. His balls were bouncing just outside the outer tube chamber, but his dick meat had been totally swallowed in to lengthen all the way into the suctioning tube where the machine's power stabilizer was delivering rhythmic motion as the sensation became too much, even for a man of muscle. His knees began to wobble, and he felt he wanted to lean on something but there was definite structure around that close that he could lean on. Just then his mouth began to quiver, his eyelids bleeding with Superman moisture as his mouth began to cringe with achy sexual feelings that was being delivered all around his dick of which he never quite felt before in his life by anyone or anybody he could think of. It was a whole new experience being sucked by a machine, and he didn't know where it came from either. He was perspiring all over now, as the machine continued to suck, and suck, and suck some more tirelessly and endlessly, giving Superman the ride of his life. His head turned ever so abruptly as if trying to go into denial, and his large handsome thighs were begging for release, but at the same time he was holding back as strong as he could. This was a catch-22 however because the longer Superman kept holding back from exploding with cum juice, which the machine wanted, the more his balls were mustering up the largest wad he ever had as the achy dick was being randomly sucked and sucked to no end in sight! Finally his mouth opened, and his tongue felt to the side as he was beginning to think there was no way out of this but let the machine have it's way with him. The tube was completely wrapped around the man's stiff cock, still inside his elongated shorts, being tampered with a machine that knew what it was doing, and knew how to do it thoroughly giving a man thorough sensations that only he could define as being the ultimate pleasure from any Superman here on earth. The sound of the sucking moisture was also driving the hard muscle man crazy, as he felt cum building, and building, and building deep within his large round balls crashing against the side of the sucking hole. Finally he let go a great big heave, cause he could hold it no more, and just let it go, entirely without pause. The cum juice went traveling from his Superman balls all the way down through his long 11" inch cock meat, and he felt the juice travel like a shuttle in an airport hallway, traveling forward, until finally it went out!! SPURT, UPON SPURT, UPON DREADED SPURT!!! Out the head of his throbbing dick, and being devoured whole by the continual sucking power into the machine chamber. This felt so good to Superman, he couldn't help but roll both his eyes, as they deeply crossed. In the most funny agonizing manner, the man of steel crossed both his eyeballs til both pupils were looking directly toward one another as the cum juice that had been building for over twenty minutes, left him. He felt like jelly putty, and could barely stand. The machine swallowed, put the tube back inside, and before it left, it turned to Supermuscle and said in recorded voice, "Thank-you, have a nice day." Then flew off. Lex was on the ground, but he had fallen asleep during the filming, and when he reviewed the recorded tape, he noticed that his zoom had gone too far in, and all you could see was Superman's writhing numskull head making funny faces at the camera. THE END.

Next: Chapter 45: Bull Suck

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