Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Nov 11, 2009


I finally found that old gay erotic comic book of mine on the internet under the gay superhero Meatman. I had found the Milking Machine story, but this was not the one I was looking for, or had read before at a hollywood blvd newstand. It just goes to show, things can be found if you know the proper name or title of the subject.

Luck would have it I discovered a website fan site for such comics, and one of the members promoted the Meatman comics. So I replied with a question of the storyline I was after about a crazed sexual robot on the loose raping any male adult within his reach. The guy was nice enough to respond with a file to upload, but the file would not upload to my computer, and I was dismayed. I was almost ready to purchase a Meatman book from the website's promotion, when I noticed the name of the file itself. The title was Bionic Fucker, so I googled searched the title along with Meatman, and I got it! After useless searching under just gay superhero Meatman, I found it with the Bionic word.

After gazing at the wonderful site about Meatman vs the Bionic Fucker, and it had the entire storyboard comic in completeness, I was amazed and frankly couldnt believe it, but it was there.

This Bionic guy was a home made robot gone loose by the touch of a wrong button by the college student inventor. He was big, black, robotic, muscles galore, and hung like a horse with a constant state of hardoness, ready to pounce on any guy with a round firm butt. That's all he was programmed to do with the wrong touch of a button selection called SEX MANIAC. I finished reading and saving all the images to my computer picture folder, and was getting ready to call it a night. That took alot out of me.

As I was cleaning my home computer work station, and placing the cover on top of my flatop module, I felt a presence in my room, but I just shrugged it off.

LIttle did I know I was being watched as I was cleaning my work station. Just behind me, and almost next to me, appeared the presence of Bionic Man from a Star Trek like Illumination. He was eyeing me cleaning up everything in just a plain v shaped t-shirt and also wearing my skintight Activskin tights for men, which I usually do in the comfort of my own home. I felt his strange eyes peering at me from behind as he slowly became a solid mass figure. Looking at me slightly bending over the table, he gazed at my buttocks shaking at the cleaning motions. His two helmet antenna had a power source that began an almost lightning communication between the two prods.

Being Bionic Man's huge dick was always in erect position, he was quite already for action of any kind. Just at that moment, while still bending over, I felt a large meaty protrusion enter the backside of my butt. Since I had tights on, the long hard meat went to between my legs, and pushed it's way out the other side. He was so long and huge, and I could feel his dick throb while nestled between my legs. With both his hands, he pulled back and decided that pumping me between my legs wasnt enough for him. So he yanked his horse meat from between my legs, and positioned it to my anal exterior. This robot was powerful enough to push itself into almost anything no matter what was in the way. Both his firm hands held my sides as the huge tip of his bionic cock dove into me slowly, breaking all the sheer fiber in its way.

My tights ripped around the area of his protrusion and he was on his way slowly inside me. Both of my hands gripped the table cover with fear that a stranger had come into my room, and not by any door. He was seven feet tall minimum, had huge carved robotic like muscles, a huge chest, mountainous arms, and a hungry fever for humping. He didnt say anything but didnt have to, because his intentions were all physical, and in a sexual manner. His throbbing long round dick pumped lubrication from his penis, and he was on his way. My legs holding steady as this mountainous leacherous man out of nowhere began to fuck me. Just then his left hand went to my shoulder to keep me in place, as his squirming buttocks began to rock. I could hear him murmur in contentment as his long rigged, almost dildo feeling dickmeat reamed me. His mightly legs shoved all the robot masculinity in and out of me as he became again, the dominant gay top he was programmed to be. I too,

began to rock with the utter motion of his big masculine body top, taking what that robot was giving me, fucking me for whatever it was worth at the long slushing moment. Both my legs inadvertantly spread with the rigourous power of this top guy, giving him more ammunition to pump a bottom boy. I could barely hold myself together as the ripping power of his thrusting joint found its way all up into my sphincter. thrusting heavily all the way in, and then all the way slightly out. Juices flowing from the power of his penis to give him more lubrication to jet set his way inside. He was going to town, and loved every minute of it. His tongue began its own private journey at displaying all the horny lust he was feeling by topping yet another bottom guy in his clutch.

HIs interior reading became obscure to him, but he read them like this: "Top man getting hornified by jousting male specie lovingly. Must produce impact, must produce careful loving top for boneified male hormone. Putting male obstical into oravice and getting bonefied greedy. Feeling good, perhaps getting too loose while pouncing on receptical. Must feel good. Getting hard and horny!"

He no longer conversed with his reading, and began pouncing heavily ready for orgasmic action, when Superman (my lover) also appeared out of nowhere and pinched his helmet hard enough to grab him off of me. But as Superman was beginning to give him a verbal bashing on raping me in our own home, the bionic man just disappeared into thin air out of Superman's grasp. Superman looked in disbelief, and was ready to get angry at me, when he noticed me sprawled on the table bent over it in a just fucked daze. He looked down at me, and noticed cum juices flowing down my buttocks with the obvious ripped tears of sheer cloth around my anus. He took a deep sigh, and scratched the back of his head, when he suddenly felt a stirring in his own groin. He was getting a hard on at the sight of my spread legs and butt showing with open hole dripping with moisture from the last fucking. HIs own dick was growing deep within his red tight trunks, because his dickmeat wanted

a piece of the action just like the other guy did. He could stop it no longer as his dick struggled to grow and grow longer in his very tight skimpy Superman shorts. His cock steadily upping itself into postion as Superman slowly walked over to my slumped over the table body, and nestled his cockshaft hard on into my anus cavity. He didnt bother to pull off his trunks or yank himself out, but let his stretching trunks do the talking as his dick pushed itself into me inside his trunks. The soft tenderness of the already fucked opening allowed his big manliness to give it what it wants as he slowly slipped in further and further.

He couldnt help himself as he gave into his own dick's want, and that was to ream me on top of what the other thing did. With both his hands on the sides of my buttocks, he began his dick's work of fucking me from inside his red hard on trunks. My sloppy butt, still half dazed and confused by the last powerful plow, not able to think clearly enough to care what my man was doing. Superman began fucking me harder now, and allowed himself to plow my butt harder with each stroke. He was in heaven as he knew he had his arms filled with the bottomest boy in town. He fucked, and fucked, and fucked until his red hard on pushing shorts became drenched from the previous lube job the robot had given me. Superman bent over the table too putting his hands on my sides as he pounced on me, His body jet propulsion making his dick seek vengeance on the previous rape by fucking me spearly with his dart. I found myself in a mountainous maze of not believing I was getting

pounced on again by two mightly men. My butt could do nothing but stay in place as it was being prodded against the work computer station table. Again, Superman's tongue leered outward as his dick wad began to ooze out a strengthening power of jet stream which saturated his shorts on top of all that lube. My butt had been pounded on until it could go no further at satisfying any other male member, and thank goodness there was no one else as I lay there in sheer disbelief. My aching backside got up off the table cloth and went for the bathroom to do my business.

Superman, meanwhile, towled himself off and began coordinating his clothes because he had to continue his night patrol in the city streets.

As I heard Superman leave the house this time, I drew out a powerful sigh at all the dickmeat I just took in less than an hour, I thought. All of a sudden a powerful thrust drew me to the floor, and I fell on my stomach but was quick enough to catch me with both hands on the floor carpet.

That powerful presence drew itself behind me with its long dripping thickening dick slobbering between its legs for more. "So! Is your boyfriend finally gone?" he asked in robotic evil tone. I didnt say anything, but just lay there. I was so tired of getting fucked, but the force of his action plopped me down with my butt yet exposed again to his domineering top action presence by the bottom of my feet. With that, he got down all around me, and slapped his dick robot meat cock against my open butt side, and began slushing it around the topside of my butt. Then he thrust himself back inside deep down my hole and let it slip all the way down into it. With both his big huge muscle robot arms he held me in a wrestling hold, and began to pump me fluently.

"Good!" he said. "Because this is going to take several hours!!!!!!!!!!!!"

His two protruding antenae giving each other random shots of electricity while reaming my bottom. "Now this is what I call Sssssssssssssuuuuuuuuppppppeeeerrrrrrrrrr!"

Next: Chapter 44: Cross Eyed Supes

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