Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on May 1, 2008


One hot day visiting a dairy farm, (on behalf of Clark Kent) located near the hometown of Smallville, Superman was invited for a grand tour of the new state of the art Dairy farm before the official grand opening. Farmer Williams spent all he had of his lifetime savings to open this new farm for his growing boys who were off to college. Clark Kent had been invited, but since he was away on a hot story located far away, he was pre-occupied. Little did anyone know, that Superman could manage the affair by swiftly flying to the location for the dairy private tour. Farmer Williams took Superman to the location of the cows currently being hooked up to the latest milk machine technologies-ROBOTIC MILKERS. These new milkers could work on their own steam as long as they were powered and maintained properly. The robotic engineering inside of them allowed them a sort of free will to almost work like independant hired hands, but of course, without thought to salary. That was the clincher for assembling this new extravegant state of the art facility. Farmer Williams couldnt be prouder of his new dairy farm, and was in need of headline news to spotlight his creation.

Superman was more than glad to accompany Farmer Williams on a promised tour, and promised to relay all facts to his good friend, Reporter Clark Kent, for news worthy coverage. The many cows were lined up for milking, and many small circular robots could be seen with long arms and tools ready for the milking process to take place. Just then, Farmer Williams let out a few harsh words of profanity, to exclaim his dissatisfied account of no bundles of hay provided by some of his co-workers for the cows on the left isde. "Sorry for that outburst Superman, it's just that you just cant get good help these days. You pay people for a job, and they leave you with nothing! I'll start some of the robot milkers on this side over here, and you can stand over there and watch them while I go to the truck to fetch some bales of hay for the cows on this other side. I like to keep my cows busy while they're being milked, if you know what I mean. Keeps them from being fidgety. OK. Now lwt's get osme of these baby's working, I've already tried some of them already, and they work pretty darn good. Now you just wait over there while they start milking the cows. Stand over here, and dont stand too close, ok, Superman?" Superman, listening patiently just blew a sigh and was slightly skeptical on the new breed of milkers that have rarely been used in the commercial market. He blew a sigh, and stood propped next to a cow, which is sort of what Farmer Williams told him not to do. But Farmer Williams was too busy with his own concerns to take notice, and ventured on his chore to fetch bales of hay.

The mini robots had been started up by master box on the end of the isle, and were coming to life with moving appendages attached to steel arms with suction cups on some. Those appendages sprang into action, and monitored themselves with electronic action from lobes on top of each robot. These lobes, along with a spy glass built inside each robot could work from input data that told them what to do, and what to look for. They knew their job, and went straight to work. The suction cups on each robotic arm moved in to the cows udder, and began to milk each cow accordingly. The small robot next to Superman did its job too, but seemed a trifle confused as to the presence of Superman. To the tiny robot, anything within its scope was a candidate for the milking procedure, and it had to decide for itself if it was a host to be milked, which was its job.

Yes, Superman did not know what he was in for by standing too close to the cow next to him enduring the milking procedure. The small robot used its scoping scanner and robotically turned the built in periscope around to see Superman's torso. While sucking its tenticles upon the cows udders, the scoping camera was busy scoping Superman, trying to negotiate the reason for this extra presence standing tall next to it. Superman was busy looking around at the sheer size of the huge farm, and didnt take notice of the milk robot looking at him. The scoper used its zoom flex, and steered itself to look deeper at Superman's redish shorts area. A deep bulge was penetrating the soft deep covering, and showing signs of an animal organism much like that of a cows nipple. The organism had the proper requirements of a soft tissue enclosed in tight soft cloth, with a long rigid area at the end. This looked enticing to the robot as an uncultivated source of prime milk that had not yet been attached to one of its unused tentacles. The scoper looked down to the approaching tentacle coming from its bottom side to search for clues on the rare difference between this promising protrusion to the ones currently being milked. The scoper guided the tentacle upward between Superman's semi-crossed legs, and without touching him, forwarded the suction cup vessel toward the bulging organism in the corssroads of Superman's bulging thighs. The robot was slightly nervous because it was not sure it was doing the right thing, but felt it's duty to achieve it's position in other challenging milking possibilities. The tentacle was even jittery, and finally the robot thought it was best to pursue the organism's function to be milked.

Without hesitation, the robot turned on the suction power source for the suction cup and landed itself on the protruding soft bulge encassed in soft cloth. With a little extra duty, it was quite possible to get the milk from this thing even with a guard covering it. Superman quickly uncrossed his standing crossed legs, and quickly looked down at what the robot was doing to him at this time. The robot was not wasting time, however, because it was not programmed to dawdle. It set out it's motion to do it's job, and by doing so, brought the culprit into order. First it set it's high power suction power to grab hold of the protrusion, and secondly, to bring it gradually inside the suction power shaft, by sending the soft surrounding sucking to throttle the bulge deeper, and deeper inside the clenching shaft. Superman was agast at the ultimate sensation this robotic milker was sending to him in his swiveling brain. The milker had mistaken him for being a cow in need of a quick miliking, and had proceeded to do so without his knowledge or say so. It took him by surprise and grabbed the head of his dick thinking it was a possible source for cow's milk, continually sucking the hardening bulge that was being coached inside the hard suctioning shaft. And it was beginning to feel good. The shaft had grabbed a good strong hold of his dick and led it inside, thereby coaxing it in further, sucking, sucking, sucking, sucking, and sucking the meat in his legs farther and farther. . . . deeper into it. The robot could not figure out how this particular nipple was much larger in mass than the other cow's nipple, but proceeded to keep doing what it does best, and programmed for. It's sucking tentacle had finally brought the Man Of Steel to an awesome end by engulfing the entire Superman bulge into it's hardcore suction shaft, doing it's business. SUCKING!!!!!!!

Superman was beginning to feel warm under his long red cape, and tugged clumsily at the upper regions of his Super suit, hoping to give himself some air. He looked around and the truck was nowhere to be seen yet, and very thankful for that. Superman thought about grabbing the robot, even kicking it, but the robot had a mission and just kept doing it's thing without Superman's supervision. The robot turned on its power drive because the hardened "nipple" had just grown to a very massive choking size, but the shaft capabilities could handle it, and brought the Man Of Steel's hard on into it more dutifully. Superman was starting to sweat, and his muscle legs were beginning to feel like jello. As the strong amiable cow next to him was casually being milked. . . . SO WAS HE! His red shorts, that were supposed to be very snug, to be discreet about his masculinity in public, were now stretched out of their goured, exposing his pubic hair, and the outline regions of his blue tight seams. The robot was really sucking him him good now, and managed to quirk the aching soft precum as a sign of empending squirts of milk. Both of Superman's knees began to bend slightly into each other as he was getting royally milked by this unknowing robotic hell of a milk machine, sucking and sucking his throbbijg hard member which had been grasped, yanked, pulled, and led into a hard swashing suction power hose like tube line. The milker let out a few clumsy sounds of hard air, which only made the Super member feel dizzying in jaw dropping hardcore agony. Superman's brow was now like Niagra falls in sweat beads, and he could hardly keep his eyeballs in his sockets as this jetset robot was giving him the blowjob of his lifetime. The part of his right hand had now yanked at the cow's upper back hair, and the cow moved uncomfortably. Superman immediately let go, which led him to not rely on anything to stand on, or next to. The robot thought to get this job over with as soon as possible, and bit the bullit by allowing it's shaft to engulf the entire length of Superman's dick, continually sucking him excrutiatingly to oblivion.

Superman bent over backwards somewhat as both his massive arms lay waste. He felt like useless rubber as the sucking shaft lay it's final glowing throbs of hard suction to achieve it's goal of getting all the milk it was destined to get from this long hard struggling pile of meat, with a huge dome begging to be set free. And free it was, as Superman's manhood couldnt take it anymore, and gave the robot milker what it had sought. Gobs, and gobs of wads of milk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! !

Farmer Williams came back to find Superman wearing a towel. "What's with the towel, Superman?"

"Oh, just don't want to give your milkers any ideas. . . .you know??"

Farmer Williams said to himself, "whew. . . it takes all kinds. . . . "


Next: Chapter 34: Marriage to Superman

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