Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Feb 7, 2007


"Time for bed!" Superman said to me, while I closed my book from under the standing room lamp. I was exhausted after reading several chapters, and outwardly stretched my limbs in eager anticipation of a good night's rest. Superman, dressed as Clark, had just turned off the tube from watching the news, and I put on my slippers to go to the kitchen and double checked the area for any turned on appliances. All was clear, the stove was off, and I turned off the light. Superman was taking a quick shower, as I already had taken mine, and nestled myself off into the covers pronto. It was quite chilly, and the double comforters were quite the refuge from the seeping coldness. I was very sleepy, and the soft pillows awaited my command for slumber. Finally my man entered the covers himself, and turned to me holding on to my head, and kissed me on the forehead. He cowered below the covers and turned towards the other side. I turned towards the opposite side also, facing the wall.

He grabbed my left arm from where he was at, and asked me to come on his side. So I moved over, and let his right arm guide me to gently move my hand to the bottom part of his abs. From there I could hear him breathe a big releaved sigh.

After several minutes of laying very close to each other, I could hear him begin to snore soundly. So I let my hand venture upward to his hard, yet soft stomach. His breathing was nice and firm, and his mound thick head of black hair was already tossled in the pillow. "My gosh," I thought, "he's still wearing his Clark Kent glasses." Sometimes he forgets he's wearing them, and doesn't take them off. So I reached over to gently slide them off and when I did, I put them on the wooden nightstand next to him. From there he surprised me, because he stretched to waken a little and moved to face me.

"You love me, don't you?" he asked curiously.

"Ohhh," I responded, and went over to give him a nice quick kiss on the cheek. His cheek was very masculine, and rough from not having shaved for a whole day. He then grabbed my right hand, and looked at me. "You know how much I care about you, don't you?" "Yes," I said. "There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, you know that?" he asked futher. "Uh-huh." I said.

"Kiss me. . ." he quivered. I went over to give him a good french kiss, and his tongue met mine. Without hesitating he wrapped his both big huge arms around me, dragging the strength of the two comforters with him, and wanted to get involved. Our tongues melted into each other, and he let my tongue explore his mouth. His breath was very heavy, as his nostrils heaved air to and fro. "Come on," he silently said off the corner of his mouth. "Kiss me baby, I need it bad." So I dove in. Without worrying about throwing myself on him, I let all my inhibitions go, and went for the big one.

Deep in the dark nestling of the two deep dark comforters, we held each other. The dark room only luminated from the exterior hall nightlite. The bedroom door, just halfway open, and the digital alarm clock was the only thing visible from total darkness. The two of us embraced on what was to be a night full of man to man kissing. No sucking, no fucking. . .huh, maybe. Just oral illumination and stimulation, mano y mano. Our tonges lingering like two snakes making the court dance gesturing back and forth scouring all four corners. His big masculine breath towering above mine, making sure that he was being followed. . .while following me. "Come on, baby, give it to me. . .really kiss me this time." As if I wasn't kissing him enough. I was wondering just what length or strength of tongue I had left in me. So I devoured him. Putting all my mouth, surrounding his mouth whole, and tonguing the top part of his interior mouth cavity. He was so masculine. His big muscular arms just established what it was about him in the first place. Kissing him was like kissing a sexy male relative, but this time, you could get nasty without the incest conotations.

After two smaller like kisses, he got up halfway out the bed, and turned on the nightstand light. Sitting up next to the headboard, he asked me to suck him off. Since he was wearing no underwear, this situation was very easy. I dove into underneath the covers, and took his hardened dick into my mouth. After licking the sides a bit, I began to suck him off gently. He unveiled the covers and put my blow job into the limelight. From there I could see his hard buffed body sitting up with that huge mounding chest pounding the hard breaths.He put those glasses back on, and I supposed fantasized about being blown as Clark Kent in bed. Both of his hands cupped the back of his black mopped head, as he let me do my thing to him. The rest of the situation was not hard to do, as I gazed upon those creamy dreamy thighs and legs of his. This was the gourmet delight for any man quenching suck-o-holic!

"Oh. . .oh. . .oh. . . .sssss. .. . oh, yea, baby.. .. oh," Superman kept saying. His huge thick pumping hips began gyrating slightly up and above the mattress. His big balls were bouncing around the sides of his big meat, like players in the NBA.

Without too much struggle, he let out a nice load of cum that spurted around the shaft. I reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out some soft tissue kleenex. After polishing him off, and cleaning him, he asked me with his glasses still on, to come up to him and kiss him some more. We kissed for what seemed like hours from then on, in the soft lighted nightstand lit room. It's too bad it was only eleven thirty, because the night for us had just begun.


Next: Chapter 31: In Here Clark

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