Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Dec 15, 2006



It was nice the quiet gift exchange me and Superman had Christmas Eve. And the hot shower scene right after made it a Christmas I won't soon forget. Superman is such a hunk out of his clothes. Not only does he look dashing in full costume (and quite cute dressed as Clark Kent), but to see him naked is an experiance that escapes words.

You discover that the chisled look he has in his Superman costume is not quite as chisled as when he takes it off. All off! He is extreme to say the least in fine muscle architecture, and high definition. His dark midnight black hair is so evenly spread among his entire body, it looks like nature spent extra time placing it in the proper places. A blender couldn't have spun the hair chests around his puckered tits so well. The hair surrounding his manliness engulfs it with nightshadow that makes it seem more huge than it already is. His big, almost awkward thighs, rub against up each other as he smoothly walks around, and his strong awesome bubble butt moves with a hardness that just makes me sigh. It takes his quiet reasurring smile to put his masculine perfection into the welcome zone.

And his eyes tell me that I'm allowed to touch him. Probably the way a great many people would accept the same invitation if given a chance to do just that. When he smiles in his nakedness, his dimples almost outshine his huge biceps. That evening in the shower was spent heating up the bathroom in a way the hot water didn't. The mirror was covered with moisture so thick, it looked like it had snowed. Of course, his strong manly and loving gestures of buttfucking me for over forty-five minutes added the course of heated pleasure. When he got through with me I was almost drowining head first in the water we were wading in the bathtub. My hands were desperately keeping me from completely being submerged by holding onto the sides of the bathtub, bracing myself steadily.

His strong hands were both holding me down on my backside, as the water in the tub was splashing wildly with each force of his huge thighs jack-hammering into the back of my butt.

If I hadn't ever been so accustomed to his incredible hardcore fucking sessions, I would have been in some kind of traction, I'm sure. I sometimes wonder what it is he's thinking to drive him so incredibly wild with mexican bull top lust. I feel like a washrag screeching back and forth over a very long thick wet faucet. His dickhead, I'm also sure, has a mind of its own. I can feel it many times writhe inside of me as if searching for that area that has yet to be touched by a major dickhead. And as it searches, it is enjoying every moment of triumph. His balls driving and slapping themselves in future delivery of his pure pleasure in searching that cave of mine he loves to haunt. Needless to say, I slept quite well.

He always lets me sleep on his chest after a good fuck session, and he never turns about during the entire night, always holding me with his left arm.

It was the night after Christmas that I remembered to pull the joke on him I had anticipated many months prior to this holiday. I told Superman to check his personalized Santa sock on the fireplace mantle. He reached in and pulled out a small package of nylons. Men's pantyhose to be exact, which I was used to wearing myself, and quite frankly, he liked to see me wearing. He once told me that he wouldn't be caught wearing such a thing himself, since his blue tights managed to bogart his time in tight clothing. He didn't mind me wearing them so much because he thought they made me look sexy. Especially the sheer tan with noticeable seams around my upper thigh. As a matter of fact, he once bought me fifty dollars worth of men's sheer tan pantyhose as a birthday gift.

On the night after Xmas, I decided to try to talk him into wearing a pair just for me. He responded with the two words that declared he was slightly upset. "YOUR CRAZY." I became quiet, which usually drives him up the wall. After five minutes, he took his pants off, and leaving his black swimwear like underwear on, he got the hose I bought him. I got him extra large because I knew his large muscle legs would need all the expanding material it required to surround him iwth nylon pleasure. "You better be right about this. . ." he kept going as he struggled to get the new hose on. In the meantime, I grabbed a polaroid camera I kept next to the chair hidden to take a shot of him while he wasn't looking. Superman was focused solely on getting the pantyhose on without rippiing them apart with his manly muscle strength. Even his Superman curl showed signs of bouncing around irregularly as he huffed and puffed about struggling to inch the tight new pantyhose upward.

As he pulled his strong thumbs around his hard thighs spreading the top part of the pantyhose around his butt, I opened the polaroid and cried, "Superman, look!" His head bobbled up with awkward motion, and I snapped the picture. The taken picture shot out of the camera, and he stopped cold. "I can not believe you just did that, how could you", he said to me. Once the picture slowly developed you could see one of the most muscular and handsome musclemen in the world putting on a pair of sheer soft tan pantyhose underneath his white bulging t-shirt. I laughed til I cried. And Superman just sat on the chair motionless still engulfed in sheer tan pantyhose looking at me.

I must admit, his legs looked awfully sexy in those tight see through pantyhose for men. So I put the camera and picture aside, and knelt between his legs. Or at least attempted to, as he suddenly got up from the chair bemused at my actions. But as he moved away, he came back to me as I was kneeling on the wooden floor. He shoved his covered bulged crotch next to my mouth and said, "So is this what you wanted? To make me look like a jerk?" But as he was teasing me with his remarks, he moved his hips back and forth sideways coaxing me to try to put my mouth on the moving bulge in front of me. His legs looked awesome, and his calves could not be hidden by such kinky attire. To be frank, all I wanted to do was just chew on him dressed as he was. But I got up, and added more humiliation to the scenario. I grabbed a brown wrinkled bag from behind the living room chair and pulled from it a large hand me down over floral designed frilly dress, with the largest foot sized pumps I could find, and a Mary Poppins type hat!

"Oh no," he said. "You don't expect me to wear that thing do you? What exactly is going through your head the love of my life?" He got the dress, examined it, and started a slight laugh. "Where did you pick up this wash rag? You've got to be kidding me! Y-you don't have music you want me sing, do you?" I didn't say a thing, but shrugged my shoulders as he was putting the huge dress on. "I can't believe you are letting me do something as foolish as this. . .dressing in drag. . .what next? TAP Dance??"

Superman said, "H-how did you know my size?" Looking down at the large lavender pumps, he told me, "Give me those. These better be my size, or I'm taking the frilly off. . PRONTO!" I couldn't believe seeing Superman strut standing in front of me, putting the women's heels on. "Now what about the hat!" he said. "Give it to me. My God! Or should I say great Ceaser's ghost, as Perry White would surely say if he saw me in this get up!" He strapped the very light cloth belt around his waist and moved his shoulders. "Do I look beguiling to you now handsome? -Huh?" "I'm afraid tha camera would surely break if I take a picture now. . ." and I laughed aloud, not even finishing the sentence. He was the biggest drag queen I had ever seen, with the most muscular legs. . .ever! "Come, Superman," as I grabbed him by his hand and took him to the back porch. "Let's enjoy the night air so you can feel the wind under your skirt." Superman stopped short at the back door, and turned to me asking, "You aren't going to tell anybody about this?" I said no, and we slowly inched our way out the back door into the night air with the cool breeze blowing the winter cold. "Are you sure you didn't forget my umbrella?" Superman joked.

"OH. . .I do need to get one thing if you just wait here. . .I'll be right back!" I said to him as he stood there waiting in the floral dress standing, and looking at me as if I truely had lost my marbles, leaving him on the back porch dressed in drag. But I closed tha back door as I went inside, and locked it. He went to the side draped window, and said calmly, "Open up. Bobby. . .open this back door, so help me or there will be hell to pay!" I went into the other room and retrieved the camera with one shot left, and took a flash of him standing in the window with his left hand on the glass, and his right hand tugging his frilly dress closed around the collar area. He looked so helpless. I knew he wouldn't bust the door down because we had just remodeled it, and had the house repainted. "Ta, ta Superman! If you want me, I'll be in the living room," as I walked into the front of the house.

"Robert, open this door or I shall never speak to you again!" That was the last thing I heard as I left him in the back porch dressed in women's clothing only. I went into the front room, and expected to hear him knocking on the front door. While I waited, I took off my long pants to straighten my own sheer tan pantyhose I had been wearing all evening long. Meanwhile, Superman was grumbling in the back trying the doorknob gently without breaking it. "Damn!" he said. He walked to the side of the open back porch, and stumbled on some empty boxes that had been stored there. Literally falling over his pumps which he forgot to take off. .. he overheard a man calling from the backyard.

"Can I help you miss?" the man said with a dog leashed to his arm. The man managed to walk thru the back wooden gate which was not secured. He was an older chap with ragged clothes, a strange vest, and a balding head. His dog appeared like an old hunting dog to Superman, and was busily putting his nose into the situation on the back lawn. Superman looked up and tried to mimic a women's voice. "No, I'm ok sir.. .just leave me alone." "Nonsense, maam" the man insisted. "You've took a mean spill, and I just wanted to see if you weren"t hurt. Allow me to help you up." Just as Superman struggled to stand in that silly dress, the man let out a gasp. To him it suddenly appeared to be a huge lady.

"My!" the man said. "You sure are a hefty lass, my word indeed!"

"Please, sir" Superman went on in a hgh pitched voice, "No help is necessary, thank-you. I'll be just fine if you let me alone.. . don't you see?"

"Nonsense madam," the man cleared his throat, "You're hurt, I can see that. . .let me help you please." The man let his dog to roam free as he outstreched his arms in a heavy coat.

"Honestly, sir. . .I don't need your help!" Superman almost lost his high pitch. "But before you leave," Superman tried his utmost high pitch female in distress voice. "Perhaps you could go to the front of the house and find my boyfriend who is in the front room living room, ok? That would be nice, if you could just do that."

"Certainly maam, of course. Does he know you are back here? I mean all alone by yourself in the dark, its not very nice of him to leave you by yourself like this."

Superman could not believe his ears. "Just do it. . .please."

The old man struggled himself around the house leaving his hunting dog with Superman. As he finally got to the front door, the man peered into the window to see who was inside. Unfortunitely, the blinds were slightly open to the big window in front as he saw me straightening my pantyhose around my curvaceous legs. He let out a slight gasp, as he was bisexual. He became very quiet and did not let his peering presence be known. He gazed at my body wearing only a thin tank top, with the sheer mens pantyhose exposing my buttocks. He noticed I was only wearing tennis shoes and my back was turned to him as he watched. "Well, well" he muttered. "Not bad. .. not bad indeed."

With that, he motioned his left hand to the crotch of his pants. "Oh, my. I could really get into something like that." Stroking himself continually through his bulging pants, it goes to show some men never lose it, even at a ripe old age. The man felt his dickhead grow at the sight of my soft round curvy butt. "Jee-whiz, what a guy. If I knew I had a neighbor like that I would have visited this house years ago. Where did he come from? And in that pantyhose of his, he looks hot." Finally he knocked on the window to catch my attention. "Your lady is stuck in the back porch!" He kept saying several times. I stopped what I was doing, and grabbed a nearby robe. "My God!" I thought. "What have I done?"

I put the robe down on the couch quickly, and went for the window of which he was pounding on. I decided, for some reason, to open the window from inside. The man just as quick put his head into the open window, and said to me, "Your other half is stuck in the back porch alone, you meathead!" I couldn't believe how rude this man was. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I tried to play innocent to the largest detail. "Let me in", he said. "I want to have a word with you if you don't mind." As he was about to tell me off, he dragged himself inside throught the open window and landed on the couch. I started to fall myself, and he tried to give me a hand to lift me up.

Suddenly he landed on top of me, as I was bracing myself with my arms straight out, facing down to the wooden floor. This man was on top of me, and I could hear him let out an "OUCH!" But as he did that, pretending he had a bloody nose, I could feel him rubbing his crotch up against my backside. I could actually feel his long cock from beneath the crotch of his pants stroking it next to my butt. The material from his pants were very rough, but that didn't stop him from fidgeting his mound up and down the side of my pantyhose leg. He almost acted like a sudden dog in heat, I would have quessed.

"I'm sorry.. . I don't know what came over me," he said apologizing. "But you feel so good. I'm not usually like that, you know. But I've havent had some in awhile. You looked so good to me, I couldn't resist. I'm sorry if I was out of line. Let me help you up, please."

The man helped me up, and began to dust me off, when I felt his mature hand softly stroke my butt. "That's good," he said quietly. His hand did not stop at that, but continued to feel every inch of my round ass, and put the side of his hand into my crevice. He blew a slight breath in the side of my neck, and said, "I could really get into that." Before he could continue, Superman appeared dismayed on the front door porch still dressed in drag shivering. Just at the same time, a huge spotlight appeared from behind him in that window.

"Hello!" said a voice over an intercom from the street. "Is everything ok in there?" It was the local police and they had spotted all three of us causing a comotion. Superman did not turn around at first, but let out a gritted teeth remark. "Oh, great." The hem of his flowing dress was breezing in the slight wind, as he turned to the spotlight and said in the most feminine voice he could muster, "Good night officers, and thanks for coming, but everything is just peachy here. Toodle-oo!" Waving with his one hand, the sudden breeze blew his dress sky high, and Superman let out a yelp as he tried to cover himself abruptly. Both his pantyhosed legs exposed themselves quickly for a few seconds as he tried to straighten himself out. The policemen left into the police car, and I think I could overhear one of them saying to his partner, "Very strange house, indeed."

Superman turned back towards the house straightening his frilly dress, as the other officer said aloud, "But did you see the legs on that one? HOT STUFF, No?"

THE END.dancer5612004

Next: Chapter 28: New Years Superman Rape

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