Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Sep 20, 2006


It was getting late, and I had just stepped out of the shower to get ready for the Hollywood Halloween Street Fair Party. Living in central California wasn't a problem, since my lover Superman was planning on flying both of us there. Where was he, I thought. Oh, I could hear him doing a masculine loud burp in the kitchen. This never seemed to offend me since his belching had a sort of deep tenor quality that made it seem sensual. I was planning on dressing as Robin The Boy Wonder, and believe it or not, Superman planned on dressing like Superman. . .with a solitary blue glowing eye mask. He had this theory that no one would believe the real Superman would appear at a gay function. I quickly went to the master bedroom to adjust my Robin costume laying on top of the bed sprawled out. It was the classic TV Robin Boy Wonder Costume that Burt Ward could have easily worn, with one exception. Instead of beige tights, I would be wearing the new line of Activsking pantyhose tights for men under the green shorts. The tights I chose also had the seams showing to spoof the fact Robin could have very well been wearing pantyhose all along during the tv show. Besides, Superman had his own fetish for me to wear those type of garments. Even out in public, when wearing simple gym shorts and tennis shoes. So, the answer was simple. . .for Robin. Superman was already dressed, and it certainly didn't take him long to put on his costume. All he had to do now was put on that fabulous mask. I don't know where he got it, but it almost glowed in the dark on florescent level. I could hear him down a few light beers, he was planning on having a good time tonite. It took me 30 minutes to put on the Robin costume and get it to adjust just right. I made sure my costume fit smoothly and snug to the undergarment pantyhose tights I was wearing. (I wanted so much for my man to be pleased). I made doubly sure my pantyhose tights showed the seams at proper alignments around the upper thighs of both legs. After slipping on what I call "Elf shoes", I skipped down the stairs. The bright yellow cape gave me a sense of superhero wonder, if you can call it that. The material was very nice and satin like. My gloves reached almost to my elbows, and the black velvet mask was tight enough to not want to slip off. "Holy beer belly!" I shouted into the kitchen. Superman nearly spat out the swig of brew he just ingested. As a matter of fact. . .he did. It landed on the kitchen floor, and a little on himself. I could see the beer drops around his handsome jawline. Its OK, I said, as I affirmitively stepped up to him and licked the beer drops from his mouth. I could tell he was feeling the beer, because he instantly gave me a nice leering huge open mouth french kiss. His tongue was as strong as his physique. Very beefy! Like a cow. Don't tell him I said that. He didn't grab me with his arms, but he let his ornery mouth do the talking. He was feeling amorous, and a slight eager wet smile illuminated from that aching hard jaw of his. It's funny, I could still feel his eyes beaming into the curvature of my legs as I walked away from him towards the front door. "Let's go I don't want to be late, it's already 6:30, and the street party starts at six." He let out one more hard belch, and plopped an empty solidly on the counter before turning out the kitchen lights. I do believe he was getting drunk. Suddenly he grabbed me up into his arms, and took me outside. He let me lock the door behind us and off we went. I was so used to his joyrides, I simply snuggled up to his bulging left shoulder and half closed my eyes. I was a bit scared of flying, but knew I had nothing to fear when his incredible arms were wrapped solidly around me. Unfortunitely I overheard him let out some gas. . .but is there anything about this man that doesn't somehow seem sexy. I scratched my nose several times, and dozed for a few seconds. Perhaps even napped, I dunno. Before I knew it we were there in Los Angeles, and Superman decided that it would be best to land in a quiet alley nearby our destination. I totally trust this man, and don't question his judgement, so most of the time I'm complacent. Before he let us land though, I could feel his massaging right hand stroke the underside of my legs. Soon we landed and adjusting our costumes walked out into the sidewalk towards the direction of the Hollywood Street Fair. Superman put on his mask, and gave me a reassuring smile. We held hands. Superman holding hands with Batman's boy! Walking towards the crowd, I could instantly tell all eyes were on him. He was a commanding figure at 6'4" and solid as a brick wall. His shoulders appeared like a broom handle could have propped his Superman cape. His massive legs told the world who was in command, and his bulging calves announced thier dedication to upholding the biggest man in town. The swaggering bulge between his awesome brushing thighs left many onlooker with mouths gaping. I even wonder if they knew he was walking with someone else? However, Superman was either oblivious or didn't care. He just kept holding on to my hand tightly and never let go. Finally he suggested we enter a busy nightclub for some drinks. "No cover charge, Superman!" said the door men dressed in black T-shirts.My God, they know it's him I thought. Then I heard them say behind us, "That's not the real Superman is it?" We walked in and he suggested we sit at the bar, which was fine with me. I love my man, he knows it too. I sat on a stool, and he moved his red cape to one side as he spread his muscled right leg to sway over the stool he had chosen. He did that on purpose, I knew it, but he didn't let on. The bartender hurried over and layed out two napkins in front of us. "What will it be gents?" "I'll have a gin and tonic, and my friend here will have a bud, please." Superman said calmly. He knew I favored bottled beer, and hardly bothered to ask what I wanted when it came to alcoholic beverages. We got out drinks, and Superman kindly put his masculine left hand down to meet my green gloved right which was sitting between my legs. He felt so strong and good, we just automatically kissed a quick smooch right then and there. The music was loud and roaring, though nobody was dancing quite yet since it was only 7:30. Everyone was walking around on the street and mingling inside the club. I often wonder how I ever lucked out at becoming Superman's true love. Was it just mere luck at being in that isolated elevator when he walked in by himself horny as hell. Maybe he just drew the line at his carousing days right there at that moment. I'm not really sure, but somehow he tapped into my domestic wife wannabe, and he became the satisfied husband. He knew I would not leave him unless he wanted me to. I can't possibly think of another man that could fill his red shoes. Honestly! Sometimes I feel I even think to loudly, as he smiled at me and gently brushed his regal hard nose up into the side of my cheek. He patted my leg, and we finished our drinks. He said, "C'mon. Let's go, we've got alot of walking to do my eager pal." He left a tip, and waved to the bartender as he took my hand. Somebody wolf whistled loudly from the side at us, and Superman went, "Numbskull." He put his right arm completely around my Robin shoulders and jaunted off leaning next to me saying, "Don't they know you're the only one for me?" MY WORD, I thought. I tried so hard from smiling, but it was impossible. I briefly looked the other way, and let out the biggest smile I could muster. I felt for sure my Robin mask would bust. All I could do was put my arm around his back as if holding him upwards from drunkenly falling. But he was ok, just carrying on a bit. Or so I thought. The moment we got outside he circled himself around me and cornered me against the nightclub wall with both his extending arms. "Did I ever tell you I think you look so hot in those pantyhose bikini briefs you are wearing?" He viciously tonged my neck in front of everybody without biting. He put himself solidly close up against me and I could feel his hard body wanting to writhe his muscles all over my body. His crotch began to move closely around my right thigh, and he moved in to kiss me around the nape of my neck.He had become very sweaty, and his breath was becoming very hard and meaningful. "Superman is a fag??" I heard some young blond boys lament. Without so much even two seconds, Superman outstretched his right arm and took the rowdy teenager by the neck, lifting him up. The boys black and white tennis shoes were clearly dangling. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that." Superman said without looking towards him. "Nothing," the boy tried to belt out, as Superman let him down again. The two boys took off, and didn't hesitate to not ever show up again for the rest of the evening. I don't know if it was the booze, but Superman didn't care. He just kept both his arms as if cornering me against the wall and seemed to like his designated structure of domination. He looked at me as if he had just discovered me from all of the crowd. His brow was sweaty, and he said, "I want to take you home and fuck the hell out of you. You know that don't you?" I never heard him swear so much in one night. He was really HOT. Still looking at me without attempting anything else, he smiled. I hadn't noticed he was not wearing his blue mask. And then he yanked it out from a secret hideaway, and adjusted it on. From there he gave me a special mouthwatering smooching kiss, and held me gently with both hands on both my arms, slightly squating down. His kiss was dreamy to say the least. For a man that is supposed to be as hard as steel, his lips were as gentle as pillows. "Be gentle!" I said to him. He broke out a laugh, and couldn't stop laughing. "Rob, you are too much. Lets go for a quick walk, and then we can go home, ok?" Feels good to me. There is nothing I could fancy better than to spend the rest of my halloween with the one and only true blue Superman himself. He lifted me to sit over on his strong shoulders as he strutted down Santa Monica Blvd massaging my legs slightly. I felt like a kid, again.


Next: Chapter 26: Remembering My Santa

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