Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Mar 7, 2006


DISCLAIMER: Litttle Tommy was actually 18, but looked very young for his age.

Little Tommy didn't mean to, but the small fire he created in the tool shed was getting out of hand. All he wanted to do was smoke a cigarette and then go home. After laying the cigarette on the wooden table next to the shed entrance, the fire began blossoming rapidly and literally blocked his way to exit safely from the small wooden confinement. To make matters worse, small containers of turpentine and what appeared to be containers of gasoline for motor fluid lay sitting across the way from the fire's reach. Not to mention cans of aerosal strewn across the awkward shelves. The ancient windows were closed tightly with rusted hinges, and the small fire growing rapidlly seemed to thrive on the hard old wood. The door was soon ablaze, and smoke filled the room. Tommy was coughing desperatley while he tried the corroded sink which had only a trinkle of cold water streaming from the faucet. Nothing could be done and his hopes were soon dashed. The fire grew stronger and he managed to push open a solitary window so as to breath air. Pushing himself forward and poking his nose outside the window crevice, still coughing. The room had become almost too hot to bear, and smoke was starting to fill everything. Just then little Tommy heard a loud banging crash, and his first thoughts were that the toxic containers were catching fire. But a man grabbed for him and they both bolted out of the burning wood shed. To little Tommy's amazement he was also becoming airborne! His eyes were still too watery to make instant recognition, but he felt his small body being grasped by a very strong presence. His hair was shuffling in the wind as he used his cowboy sleeve to wipe away the water from his eyes. He wanted to see what was happening. There close to his side was SUPERMAN, giving him a slight grin as little Tommy looked over at him in awe. Little Tommy grabbed with both his arms around the huge man's hunky neck and didn't let go. Superman was a bit surprised by this and didn't know what to make of it. But Tommy knew and quickly kissed Superman hard on his very muscular cheek. Superman still flying in place, decided it was time to let the overly grateful boy down. But before he could reach the ground, little Tommy, still very close to Superman's neck collar, forced his small lips onto the man of steel's mouth, and kissed him squarely on Superman's tightened lips. Superman's eyes widened with utter gasping surprise and tried to pull back, but couldnt because he had barely reached the ground yet. As soon as they both touched ground, Superman patted the boy on the head and said, "Son, you better watch what you're doing to members of your own kind." Little Tommy, smiling radiantly up at the big wheel said, "I'm sorry Superman, I couldnt help myself, I'll do better next time." "Can you find your way from here?" Superman asked. "I better take you home, where do your folks live?" While Superman was addressing him, little Tommy couldnt help the fact that Superman's bulge had grown some, and was showing signs of pleasure in his kissing him. Tommy could see this from the corner of his eye while staring up at Superman. Superman himself showed signs of persperation and a slight rapid of breathing with a little "huff and puff." His masculine armpits were slightly wet as he was wiping his forehead. "My parents arent home, nobody are! They all went to see my grandma. Its her birthday!" "Then what are you doing by yourself?" Superman asked little Tommy. "I was sick, and they left me home with Ralph! He's my pet hamster." Superman grinned and nodded his head, "Well I guess I better take you home then, and we'll wait until your parents arrive back, c'mon let's go!" Just then Superman grabbed little Tommy back into his arms and off they went, as little Tommy directed Superman to his home out in the woods. Little Tommy's house was no better than the small shack that had just burned to the ground with the same type of wood used, and just a hair bigger. A couple of friendly dogs appeared to greet the two of them as they walked up the stairs to the porch. The door was left open and they walked in together. Everything about this house was so typical to Superman, it gave him a chill to think that even his humble beginnings had a more majestic look to it in comparison.The couch looked like it hadnt been dusted in years, but everything else looked tidy. Superman sat on the old couch, and sure enough, a cloud of dust formed as he sat on it hard. "Uh, what time do you expect your folks home usually?" Superman asked with a sarcastic sly grin. Little Tommy was busy in the kitchen looking around almost absentmindedly. "I dunno, anytime I guess. . ." "What time did they leave?" Superman targeted back. Little Tommy taking his time to respond, stumbled a minute. "An hour ago, I guess." Superman thinking deeply, "Well where does your grandmother live?" " She lives a long way from here I know that, and mom said they'd be home by midnite." Superman couldnt believe his ears. This kid had been abandoned to fetch for himself for one whole day. Funny, he didnt seem sick to Superman. Its almost as if he was enjoying his freedom in the kitchen after helping himself to another round of a jelly sandwich. "C'mere kid. Whats your name?" "Tommy." he said rather meekly. Superman looked square at Tommy, "Now I'm going to take care of you until your folks arrive, you hear that? But I'm going to have to report your parents to the officials. I'm afraid they've committed a terrible crime. I'm sorry to have to do this to you." Tommy stood there with not much of an expression, but still holding onto part of an unfinished jelly sandwich bread. "THANKS Superman!" As little Tommy hopped on top of the sagging old couch right next to the big man of steel babysitter. Little Tommy, munching on the last bit of his sandwich, rested his small hand on the Man of Steel's hard bulging thigh. "Superman, what can we do to thank you for saving my life?" "I'm not sure I quite follow you." Superman yielded. "I mean, we dont have much to give you", little Tommy went on, "and the shack was burned by accident." "Yes, what were you doing in that small shack as I flew by?" Little Tommy again remained silent. He nudged his tiny hand as falling by accident in between the middle of Superman's legs while thinking. Superman gazed down and coughed quietly, hoping the kid would remove his hand soon, without saying anything. "Superman. . .", little Tommy looked up at the handsome man. "I can make you feel good." Superman stopped to ask, "What do you mean." As little Tommy brushed up against the side of Superman's round mound of bulging crotch with the soft back of his moving hand. Superman was a bit stunned by this and sat upright almost immediately, but the kid moved in and softly reached over to stroke Superman's mound once again with the top of his hand. Exploring it and gently feeling around the soft edges of the hard red trunks. "Do you like that? I can make you feel good!" Gently stroking it even further, and continuing to add friction to the outer part of Superman's red bulging crotch area. Superman still pulling back, but his crotch seemed to want to feel that softness of that hand. "Do you like that," the hillbilly kid asked. "I sort of do this with my brother where we sleep together in the same room." Still stroking at Superman's red crotch, the man of steel felt himself begin to stiffen. "I do this to my brother when he gets hard already, but he never forced me to do it. I like doing it." Little Tommy said with gusto, and sure enough, Superman's crotch was beginning to get a little harder. Tommy continued stroking with his back hand, and the mound got harder and was beginning to grow out. Tommy pushed on the hardening dick with more force from his small hand, and began to push it around inside the man's crotch back and forth, somewhat. Superman was not enjoying this, but his dick was! Superman let out a condescending cough, "That's enough kid." And gently pushed his own dick back into the hard sack from where it was beckoning out. "ohhh, Superman. You were liking it!" Tommy reached yet once again to the red crotch area. "Let me make it feel good for you. I want to thank you for saving me!" He reached over and set his fingers to do the manipulating now. Closing in on it like a spider holding onto it with all fingers and gyrating it around the man of steels yet hardening dick meat shaft from within the pouch. This time Superman's cock showed no mercy, and moved outward with demanding force allowing its predator to show itself a good time in the constant rubbing. This time his dick wanted to feel that manipulating hand give it a nice RUB. The hand kept rubbing it and the hard crotch kept getting harder a little at a time. Finally the massive bulge showed it's true shape and form even within the context of being shrouded in red stretching trunks. Superman couldnt believe this kid was doing him like an old pro. His massive legs were beginning to twitch and turn with each stroke now. He felt himself getting "oh, so hot!" The hand kept molding itself around the man of steels red trunks, burning itself with desire to show the big man a wonderful time of it! Superman felt his dick getting very pleased and the horniness building up inside of it was mesmerizing. His strong eyes were closing shut with sexual agony as the small hand gyrated in and around his pulled out crotching dick. Finally both his hands were burrowing themselves into the very overly soft deep couch seats, and he could feel sudden pleasure jumping up and down the sides of his spinal cord. This kid was having a field day making Superman lust with cringing remorse of having being stroked and coddled by an innocent waif. Superman's dick meat wanted the feeling that was being layed onto it. Disallowing intervention by the man of steel himself to reluctantly sway his captor from doing it's thing. His DICK NEEDED this! And it bulged out like a torpedo extending itself further until every inch of it would be felt and rubbed by this very interested kid. Superman gasped and sweated, but did not make no comment. Leaving his big yearning bulging crotch let loose with LITTLE TOMMY. Superman began sweating quite alot around his forehead and he was afraid of what was what he thought was once impossible. He felt like a child molestor, but it was Tommy that pursued, and it was Tommy that got him right between his massive Superman legs. The man of steel couldnt stand it anymore, as the hand wriggled and writhed his crotching area. He felt it was time to let loose the dragon. The throbbing cock was now getting wet and whispered it's want at allowing it to give the heave ho on manly bodily juice fluids from deep inside the man's balls. Superman looking down at himself getting raped with an aching hand, sweated and heaved hoplessly trying not to give in to his animal instincts! But he couldnt get up, or leave Tommy by himslef, could he? As Tommy kept going at it, the dick remained vigil, and held itself very hard and stern poking out towards the kitchen area, and Superman had to let it out. His juices flowed calmly and serenely, letting themself out as if by single file. Without so much as an gastly huge spurt he managed to keep his juices flowing softly and evenly. However, this slow inkling gesture made the man of steel feel his orgasm still further, making his eyeballs go crosseyed for one whole minute. Superman breathed a huge sigh of relief and couldnt feel better. However, this didnt change the subject of Tommy's ordeal. After coming from the bathroom, and having wiped himself off with a towel, Superman thought it best that when his parents arrived that. . .they forget the whole crisis, and just let Tommy to his parents. Superman couldnt adjust to the ordeal of what was going on as the two boys waited. Little Tommy went up to Superman and grabbed him solidly around his blueish tights legs. "Thanks Superman, I love you." Superman throwing the towel down, "That you do kid. . .that you do. Oh God do you!" Superman brushing himself with the back of his hand. "WHEW!"

The End

Next: Chapter 22: Superman and Peter Pan

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