Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Feb 22, 2006


The air was cool and swift, just right for the opening of the Metropolis St. Patricks day parade running in the middle of the downtown street. Superman stood firmly ontop of the highest building overlooking the festivities below for any suspicious goings on from any unruly pranksters. He stood with arms stretched out leaning against the high barrier of the high tower wall viewing the premises with a discerning eye, yet happy to be apart of the security procedures for one of his most popular events. His whole attitude for the fables that were sewn into the affair mesmerized him with whimsy. He loved the enchanting tales of small people and thier love for adventure and romance. Without thinking he began to verbalize his thoughts alone on that high desolate rooftop. "Well the parade has just started. It's amazing! This is the fifteenth Parade of St. Patricks that I've overlooked and still have'nt seen a real leprechaun. I doubt there really is such a thing as. . . ." Just then, a wee voice behind him interrupted Superman's thoughts. "WHAT'S THAT U SAY? Have'nt seen a real leprechaun?" Superman turned his face around, and low and behold, levitating himself with feet crossed, was a small man wearing only green trousers, vest, brown boots, and green hat. He had a redish bushy beard and smoked on a tiny pipe. He looked eager to speak to the man of steel with a wry grin from ear to ear. His knickers had socks that varied colors unlike the rest of his outfit. Superman shook his head momentarily and grimiced his eyelids. Upon looking again, the man stayed firm floating himself in midair. The small man continued, " Now don't be worrying your head about us wee folk, Superman, we've all heard nothing but convincing stories on how strong yu are, and wouldnt be surprised for me to wanna gets to know ya!" Superman stood still there dumbfounded, with his strong jaw slightly open from surprise. Could this be some sort of trick or illusion, he thought. The man floated himself ontop of the wall barrier and decided to introduce himself. "My name is Thomas O'Brien, and I think it's high time I commit myself to granting you three good wishes, Superman! Now, what would be your first wish?" Superman smirked and said politely, "Well, first of all, my three wishes I dont think you can handle." Try me!" retorted the leprechaun. "Alright," said Superman, "Hows about peace, love, and harmony for all mankind?" The leprechaun nearly choked with laughter on that one. "Oh Superman, ya are a card, yu be. Ho, ho. No, I am only able to grant wishes that pertain to yourself. Lets see. . perhaps I can help ya! I know, hows about a nice change of clothin!" The leprechaun waved his hand at Superman and immediately altered the colors of his Superman outfit to variant shades of forest and light green. Superman was stunned, but the shades of green colors produced were complimentary to his physique and decided to enjoy it. "Now, before you do anything more. . ." Superman tried to exclaim at the wee man. However, the leprechaun was not done in his thoughts. "Now. . .Superman! I can read your mind. Ya must have a sexual partner ye be thinkin about? Someone you take a fancy too?" The small man turned sideways and swished his hand again, letting appear the figure of a young man dressed in a Peter Pan outfit. "Why lookee here. . .it is Peter Pan. Superman. . .why didnt you tell us wee folk you went both ways." Superman began to stumble for words and without saying anything, the mischevious leprechaun waved his hand yet a third time to produce a startling kettle of solid gold coins. Just then Peter Pan flew next to Superman and said , "I guess that's for our honeymoon!" "Now wait a minute, I never said I was gay!" yelped Superman. "You didnt have to Superman, I could see it in your eyes. Yur lovestruck for other men in tights!" responded the leprechaun. Superman's mouth lay way open and vulnerable to Peter Pan's agile kiss he lay on the man of steels open cheek. "When are we getting married Superman? Tinker Bell can be our maid of honor!" At that, Peter grabbed the man of steels chest outfit and pulled on it letting himself kiss Superman fully on his open lips. The wee leprechaun barreled over with laughter, and said, "I knew Superman was a gay man all along! Him and those sissy mary tights of his. How long can you fool America!" Although Superman had no idea he was disclosing his hidden sexual oppressions, he couldnt help but admit, he was getting turned on by being molested by one of his favorite comic book characters personified. This Peter Pan was not a young kid, but a rather young man who had developed himself into a nice young stud with beefier proportions than that of the movies. Superman reached over and could feel his nice round solid ass underneath those extremely tight green tights of his, and let what he thought to be Peter Pan, give him a continuous french kiss, while doing so. Peter's strong legs were what really intrigued Superman at this point, and could tell this fictional character had the total HOTS for him. Peter, in his lust for Superman, draped his cape and top uniform over the man of steels shoulders, letting loose the muscularity and density of Supermans deltoids and exposing his huge top hairy chest hairs and muscles. Peter then dropped the uniform enough to allow Superman's nipple to quiver out and let Peter take a strong lick and suction his lips around the huge mans tit, making Superman loose control of his discretion values in front of another smaller stranger. The leprechaun, in the meantime, was becoming somewhat distracted by another means of mischief. As Superman and the hunky Peter Pan were doing it, the leprechaun decided to alter his third granted wish. With a small puff of cold green dust appearing from his small hand, he blew on it to cover the potted kettle of gold. The crock then grew into quadruple of its original size, and the gold coins were magically transformed into chocolate morsels, covered in gold colored wrapping paper. Satisfied with his achievement, Thomas relit his corn pipe and began to toke on it. Relishing the thought that Superman was the giant fag the wee folk had talked about, in secret. Peter, had managed to ease himself downward toward the notorious Superman bulging crotch and gently licked at its exterior formations. Superman found himself leaning on the very wall his strong arms had held against on looking over the St Patricks day parade to begin with. His numb thighs were beginning to feel loose and slightly weak on letting this gorgeous manly storybook creature venture down on his hidden agenda. He could feel the small rolling tongue tip diverse itself along the exterior of his panty like type uniform. Wanting to dwell that moving tongue up inside the crevice interior towards the ultimate man meat sack. Superman was not one to be forward enough to take hold of this type of situation, and force his manhood on anyone he didnt know. Therefore, it was totally up to Peter to bring the man of steel to his knees. Peter had to admit, the man of steels legs were top par in manliness and good looks. But before he continued on, Peter took a sudden look around at the incredibly large crock pot of visual gold. What had happened to it, he thought. The leprechaun was floating on air, legs crossed, smoking on half witted pipe, seeming bemused by the two's sexual antics. Before Peter let his mouth transcend into the man of steels crotch any further, he got up and asked the leprechaun what he had done to the crock of gold he had just given to Superman. The leprechaun remained silent puffing on his pipe without saying a word. Peter reached over into the crock pot and grabbed a gold coin, there exposing its contents as to a mild bit of chocolate. "AHA! So thats what you've been up to. You changed the solid gold coins into nothing but kids candy! TINKER BELL. . .HEY TINK!!" Peter blasted into thin air. Out of nowhere a tiny bit of light emerge from the narrow skies, and the small round bouncing light stopped right in front of Peter Pan. Peter whispered into Tinker Bell's small pixie like ears and then the fairy gave Peter a quick wink. With a woosh of her tiny pixie like wand Tinker Bell took the small leprechaun by surprise and held him captive in a fairy dust force field, allowing him to float out into the open air to see the city view from the skies just 25 stories of tall builiding to show the leprechaun how far he was above ground. Thomas was strongly disrupted by this swift hoax, he thought. "Let me down. . .let me down!"he squirmed. "Wait. . .dont let me down. Dont let me down. I'll do anything. . .anything!! Dont drop me. . ." the leprechaun was suddenly terrified. Peter turned to Superman and said, "Leprechauns have vertigo, you know." Peter then turned to Tink and gave orders to let the small midget loose on the rooftop. The leprechaun fell to hit the hard rooftop, and was overcome with terrified fear of the fairies spells. "What do you ask of me. . .more three wishes!?" he asked, dusting himself off. "No," said Peter. "We want what you had already given us. Now change back the solid gold coins to thier original form! Or I shall play on my flute a song which small people hate for all eternity." "You wouldnt," cried Thomas. "We'd go mad! ALRIGHT! Alright now." Thomas O' Brien waved his hand once again and altered the forms of the gold coins to thier original shape and sequence, making them solid gold coins once again. Even setting the size of the kettle to its proper form. "I've should have known better than to fool with yu Peter Pan. What was I thinkin?" With that, the little man vanished after tipping his hat off to the beautiful illuminated Tinker Bell. "YEA," shrieked Peter, who jumped up and down, patting Superman solidly on his back. Tinker Bell stood with foot resting across the other and wondered about these two. "Tinker Bell," Peter said to her. "Thanks for all your help. Now if you dont mind, Superman and I are going to join the parade." Tinker Bell thought wisely and waved her wand towards the two men. Each began to wear small green masks around thier eyes with glittery jewels embroidered into them. Superman standing there in his muscular green supes outfit, and Peter grabbing ahold of Superman's hand. Tinker Bell let out a slight giggle, and vanished, along with the pot of gold besides her. "Tinker Bell will keep the pot of gold safe for us Superman. Want to join the parade? What are you going to do with your half?" Peter asked jokingly. Peter walked lovingly along the side of Superman as the two of them decided to walk it downstairs together. Peter cautiously grabbed Superman's waistline and then gently held Superman close to his hard butt as they walked together. Superman couldnt believe he was going to be making it with Peter Pan, and put his strong loving arm around Peter's shoulder blade. The leprechaun stood there silently behind an air conditioner watching the two grown men leave. Shaking his wee head a bit, he muttered, "Ay, the utter luck of the irish."


Next: Chapter 21: The Hillbilly Kid

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