Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Feb 11, 2006


SO I was sitting at the table awaiting what could be a very nice romantic evening. Everything was all set to go! Fine white linen table cloth, fine table napkins wrapped neatly, nice clear glasses on pedestals, and the room itself was nice and clean. Two candles sat on the table not yet lit. Superman had been cooking all afternoon, not telling me what he was doing or allowing me in the kitchen, for any reason. I was virtually twidling my thumbs on the tablecloth. At last he brought in the main dish while wearing two pot mits. Of course he was dressed as Clark, and looked a bit fatigued at cooking all day. But he was happy when he set the dish down on the proper wire plate holder, and went, "Ta, Daaaa!" I just nodded my head from side to side and sure enough, he made a large dish of lasagna. He came over to me and gently kissed me on the forehead and softly scratched my back, before comforting me over my shoulder. "Well what do you think? Not bad on the first try, eh? Just like Mama Louise!!" God I was thinking. . .is he trying to be funny or what? I was waiting for him to take his arm over my shoulder, when he said he had forgotten something. He went to the shelf drawer and reached in for some heavy duty matches. There he carefully lit both standing candles, and it did make all the difference in the world. The room actually began to look different. Then he went over to the kitchen and turned off the kitchen light. COZY, I thought. I went over to the small portable refigerator and got us some diet cokes to drink. Superman got the small cocktail ice container and plopped ice in each glass as I poured. We both sat down and we both gave thanks. I happen to love lasagna, and was the first to attempt to slice the dish. Superman just sat down looking at me, with silverware in hand, awaiting his share of the deep dish he was so proud of. I could tell he was waiting for my critical response to how it tasted. I bit into it and sure enough, it was a good tasting lasagna indeed. So nice and stringy with cheese, which of course is another one of my favorites. After a few bites, Superman acted like he just thought of one more thing he'd forgotten and went to the living room for it. He came back with it and put the small red ribboned with red stripped box next to my dish. While sitting back in his chair, he said, "It's for you. . . Happy Valentines day." I looked at him and asked, "Do you want me to open it now?" "No!," he said. "You can open it whenever you wish. I dont care." I gave him that EXCUSE ME look I'm good at giving at, and he busted out laughing. "It's nothing important," he said," I just want you to know how much I love you." Then he resumed eating his lasagna carefully with his fork. I decided to open it at this point and must admit the wrapping was unusually beautiful. Like it had been department store wrapped for Christmas. I opened it and found an assortment of ribbed condoms. I smirked and looked at him holding the condoms, "What do I need these for. . .I dont fuck." Wiping his strong mouth with one of the table napkins, he said to me, "They're what you'll be taking every night this week!" (Lonnngggg pauuusssseeeee). "FROM ME." "Go ahead. . .count em. There's seven of em. One for each night. I expect you to take every one of em from me for the next week. Their exotic, erotic, and silky smoooooooth." Then he sat back and let out a self relying grin, still chomping slowly on his food. I looked at them and each one had the basic color of red and dark red except for one which was blueish. CONDOMS, I thought. Just what every girl dreams of! "Tell me, Mr. K! What are you going to give me for this coming Christmas. . . .a dildo?" That smart remark didnt take well with Superman who immediately lost his smile. "Look you horny bitch," he snapped back. (Can you tell we've been together for some time now?) "You're lucky it's me that wants to fuck you!" "OH," I said. "And I suppose you want me to bend over right this minute. . .Mr. CUM EASY!" With that he shoved the white napkin down to the floor area and said, "FUCK YOU, THEN." He got up off his chair, "I dont need this." But his little walk away number didnt last as he got mad enough to come over to my side. He crouched down beside me and talked to me in my ear, while I was concentrating on the hearty lasagna. "You dont need me, what you need is fuck machine, you know that??" He was beginning to look as red as the lasagna meal. He grabbed my right arm and shoved it between his meaty legs. "You feel that? HUH? That thing wants you. But you dont realize it. How much I want you to love me and it wants to love you." Chewing on my food, I turned to him and said sweetly, "Sez you." He just kept looking at me as if I was to say some sort of apology to him, but went for my coke with my left hand. "That's it!" he commented. "You're going to get fucked, and you're going to get fucked tonight." He got up and grabbed his dish before going back into the kitchen to wash it. He didnt even bother to turn on the light. That night, in my pajamas sitting in bed, I awaited his "curtain call". You know. . . he always fucks me. It's just that now he's got these fancy sh-mancy tulip like frilly things he wants to put on while doing it now. After brushing his teeth he came in wearing his usual topless macho garb with pajama bottom only. He came over to me and crouched again by my side of the bed this time. He apologized for his behavior, and managed to sneak out a soft lone rose from behing his masculine back. It was on a long stem and he placed it on the table next to me. I took off his glasses and said, "I'm sorry too babe. Sorry it couldnt be a more romantic evening for you." He gently kissed me on the hand and bent over to kiss me on the lips. It was a nice soft kiss, and the kind I had been hoping for on this day. But then he broke away and whispered to me quietly, "but, I'm still going to fuck you." With that he got on the bed and put both his legs in a V shape over and around me. He probed his strong stomach muscles against my lips and I tasted the hairs that rested outside of them. He smelled nice and clean and I had no problem wanting to make love.But all I could do was hug him for now, as I reached over to grab him around his beautiful butt and press against his thick heavy hamstrings. I think he was amazed that I didnt try to at least lick him on his abs. To tell you the truth, I usually am a pretty horny guy in bed. Especailly with him as my lover, and husband. As I started to feel his big shapely legs, I remembered how extremely erotic I can get with this big mega-dude. I opened his pajama bottom by unbuttoning it at the top of the fly, and then opened the second one down. I could see his squirming worm holding itself steady through the bottom area, and I knew my destination. All I could do right now was kiss him all over his pubic hairs on top and try to tease him while slowly going downward. The pajama bottom began to fall down to his thighs as I scooped up his hard cock into my mouth. He has such a nice perfectly shaped piece of cockmeat. No foreskin and always it seems ready to go when you need it. So long and firm and oh, so suckable. I asked him when he was going to get one of those condoms, and he said he had one right under his pillow. I reached for it with my left hand under the pillow and at first couldnt find it. Finally he reached for it, because he could see it with his X-ray vision and got it for me. He wanted me to put it on for him. A nice hefty ribbed red condom, I was wondering what it felt like. Gently holding, and rubbing my head with his strong hand, he said,"Oh I'm sure you're going to like it." I couldnt believe he was trying to ruin the mood with his macho smuck quips, but I let it ride. I attempted to break open the plastic exterior so as not to break the condom. It was becoming as bad as opening a ketchup device from McDonalds. Finally it tore open and I gave it to him. But with both hands, he guided the both of us to slide the slick red condom on to his dick. That thing looked huge and RED. I was wondering if it was fluorescent. He allowed me to sniff it, and I licked it a little. Then he shoved the thing into my eye cavities as I let him do this playfully. It smelled like one of those things you get at an adult scented book store. Finally he had enough and said, "C'mon." And he wanted me to roll over on to my front. Que sera, sera I thought. This is definately not the first time! He reached over to the side table drawer and took out our trusty lube. I put my head into the pillow expecting a wild rollicking night. Especially after his outburst at the table. I was wondering if he still had vengence in his heart. I heard the table drawer slam, and he was set to do his thing. Man I could feel his big body move into place and the thumping of the red ribbed condomed dickmeat pounding at my backside. The thing began bouncing around my tail end and didnt make any sudden moves other than the constant bouncing. Finally he shoved it into my crevice hole and began his descent. By now I was sure my hole had adjusted its capacity for accomodating his ultra huge man meat, but was curious about the feel of the red ribbed condom. My first thoughts were that it felt like a space suit. My honey's dick was now encompassed with a far away space helmet. I almost laughed! Slowly and expertly he brought the thing to the far interior of my capability. Moving himself slowly and with a soft sigh of comfort, his legs started up with his Superman momentum. I could feel the ribbs tickling me from the inside now. Superman, on the other hand, was feeling the sensual part of it. Burying it deeper and driving his dick to fuck me in and out. His meaty shaft taking ahold of it's realm once again, Superman driving the thing into me and making him feel as every bit as good inside himself. His arm did the usual adjusting of resting itself on the wall, while his left hand rested on the left side of his buttocks area. Superman was never one to make a whole lot of noise, but it seemed he was always content to feel the sexual fuck deep down in himself. Almost into his very soul while letting his cock have the glory. The ribbs I was becoming used to, and the bed itself was beginning to shake momentously. I could hear him gasp, and then he got on his arms like a dog and started to fuck me somemore. My butt was really taking a virtuous pounding, and I felt like my glutes were being shoved higher and higher. "Oh yeah." Superman started with his verbal exclamations. "C'mon baby! Take it like a man. See what that ribbed form does to me? Yeah. Take it. Take it, honey." Superman's head propped upward towards the ceiling as he closed his eyes in a youthful gaze. His tongue swishing inside his mouth.His hips and buttocks were rollicking and pushing himself to the limit. Pumping every last push and pump of the ribbs into his meaty hefty lover's vagina! Letting his bottom love have at it in a wild and frenzy flesh of dick wad meat love! Not wanting to cum too soon, he kept it at a level of getting his horny rocks off. Letting the pump be the ruler, and enjoying every flesh ribbed condomed flutter. I started to cry out, becuase he ws doing it unusually hard. As if trying to break my bottom! "See, what did I tell ya!" he spoke. He kept gashing it into me. "Your getting FUCKED! Long and hard, just like I said. See, bottom boy? Your taking everything I've got to give to ya!" At this time he really let me have it, and I thought the bed was going to break. It kept hitting the wall with the headboard. He grabbed the wall with his right arm once again, and braced it. All the while fucking me to the hilt! "Here it cums," he warned. "OH YEA, here it comes. OHHHhhhhhh. . . . .damn. . .fuck! G-jezzuzz." He let it pop, and I could hear him take a breath of relief. The sweat was beginning to drip from his forehead and face. (He always does that). His stomach was heaving in a walloping hard pant. "Uh!" he went. Still keeping himself leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and looking like he was thanking God for mercy. He pulled out and the condom stayed in. He looked down and laughed. "Gee. . .I-I hope you enjoyed your Valentines gift as much as I did! (FUNNY, FUNNY) I thought. He got up and took a shower with his big beefy body. I took the red hanging thing out of me and threw it into the trash can right next to me by the door. When he came in to sleep in the nude, he kissed me on the lips with his self satisfying grin, I went in to the bathroom to freshen up myself. By the time I came back to bed, Superman was deep in the covers fast asleep snoring away. His big body taking up more than half the kingsize bed. I took the red rose and gently swabbed it around his ear. Here was a man that was totally out to lunch. I fell back into the covers with him and held him snugly. Then he grabbed my arm and covered my hand with his and said to me, "GOOD NIGHT!" "Oh Youuuu." I playfully jabbed him with my right knee, and he smiled and laughed. Believe it or not, we talked to each other quietly under the covers for another hour. It was a nice Valentines Day indeed.


Next: Chapter 20: St Patricks Day Parade

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