Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Jan 19, 2006


While jogging thru the park one afternoon, wearing my blue sweat top with hood, blue running shorts, and my activskin undergear with tennis shoes, I happened across what appeared to be a rolled up joint laying on the side of the roadway. I'll bet someone was partying around here and must have dropped it, I thought. I swiped it up and put it in my sweat top pocket. Kept jogging as if nothing had happened to avoid drawing attention to myself, but not many people were around this time of day. I finally got to my car and went home not displaying it until I got safely behind my closed door at home. I put it on the kitchen counter top and fixed lunch for my lover Superman who was due in to have lunch with me at any moment. Tuna sandwiches, hot tomato soup, and crakers was the menu for today! While fixing lunch I kept thinking how I hadnt smoked a doobie in years, probably forgot how to handle myself. I set it in a drawer and decided to save it until Superman left. Superman had arrived and we were eating our meal, when he wondered how come I was so quiet. It's true, I wanted to get rid of him so I could get stoned, but for some reason he looked around the kitchen with his x-ray vision and sure enough, he found it. He walked over to the kitchen drawer, took it out and said, "Is this why you're not talking much?" "Superman, you know me better than that, I was going to dispose of it the moment you left. I found it in the park." "Hmph!" he said. he sat down and said to me, "I'll bet you were goin to smoke it. . . ." Superman rolled the joint between his fingers with a sly grin and looked at me. I kept eating and didnt say a word. "Maybe we should both smoke it!" I nearly choked when he said that! I had no intentions of getting stoned with the man of steel, no thank you. Nuh-uh. With a quick ray of his heat vision, Superman glared at the marijuana cigarette and lit the one end. "Viola!" he exclaimed and took a drag. I absolutely could not believe he was doing that in front of me. But it smelled so good, I had forgotten how I went thru that period in my life. He took another hit and leaned back on his chair. Then he reached over to me to offer me a hit. "Here, take some, dont make me an outsider." I looked at him shaking my head a little, and took it from him. I took a hit like the old pro that I was. Took one giant hit, and let it linger in my mouth before I blew it out. Superman just smiled with his big muscular ego, and said, "Hey! You're kind of cute when I'm stoned. You know that?" I took another hit, gave it back to him, and started to wash the dirty dishes. Looking at me from the table with a glaring eye, he said, "Hey. You still wearing those nice tight activskins under your s-shorts-s." It's true I hadnt changed, and was wearing them underneath. "That really turns me on, ya know? Need help with the dishes?" He got up and brought his share of the dirty dishes to me. I kept washing and he licked me around my neckline. "Superman stop, you're going to turn me on", as I shrugged some. Holding me with both hands around my waist, he pressed up against me. I could feel his manly bulge drive itself into the crevice of my shorts. It wasnt hard, but very suggestive. He turned me around and gave me a very hard kiss. French kissing me roughly and very smoothly. He took hold of both my hands and placed them between his thighs. French kissing me all the while, making sure I didnt go anywhere. I could feel the rough exterior of his well packed bulge I had grown to know and love. It showed signs of movement, as if twitching to get out. "Still like that?" he whispered in between kisses. He made sure my hands were side swiping his well developed red crotch, and I could tell he was enjoying it. He continued to kiss the side of my neck, as he plopped my right hand into the inner pouch of his huge bulge. Oh, I was gasping. I often wondered how I came to deserve this. I could feel his manhood! His big hairy, meaty, beefy cock manhood swishing around needily in that famous hard crotch of his. It felt moist without being sticky, and I wanted to pump him. Ejaculate him, grab him around his tool and make him feel right as rain with me. Instead, he grabbed firmly the edge of my shoulders and pushed me downward. Until I was face to face with what every girl wanted. Right between his lovely huge vivacious, curvacious masculine thighs was an embodiment ready for my reawakening of it's spirit. What always gets me about this man of steel is his uncanny ability to be gentle. Although forceful, his hands remained gentle and almost guiding to him. But it didnt take much navigation for me. I was now ready to smell, and sniff, and do whatever it takes to make him glad to be with me. As I rested myself upon his nice spandex trunks, I nosed his wobbling dickmeat, teasing it to go back and forth. I heard him breath a loud sigh, and I started to lick his cock head which was very strong and protruding outwardly. The outline was becoming unreal, and I mouthed him taking in the entire bulge head thru the interior of my mouth. Without sucking him I managed to let my talented tongue do the talking. Touching him on all sides and lingering it under his bulging cockhead meat. Daring him to make me want to suck it, right thru his shorts. "Take me baby. . .take me." I could hear him squeal. I kept vigil at letting his growing dickhead make it's own "come to me" venture. It grew larger, and longer yet. Until I had no choice but to give him what he wanted. Sucking him right through his tightened shorts, he took both his big masculine hairy hands and grabbed the back of my head, thrusting his hips. His dick was almost set to rip itself thru those aching shorts of his, when he let go of a heaving sigh, and moistened the inside of his shorts dreadfully. A big huge stain of precum juice appeared as a wet blot, and I could tell he had shot his wad. Wiping the moist end of his still bulging crotch against my cheeks, I let the Super sperm drip out. "OH", is what I heard him say next, almost to himself. "You are excellent. God, now I have to undress and clean myself. Why do you keep doing this to me??" Just a super mouth I suppose, I thought. His big legs moved away and he took a shower. Luckily, he had several clean pairs of Superman uniforms hanging in his closet. He came back in, dressed again in clean uniform, and kissed me on the lips. "Now you stay here," he said firmly, "I dont want anybody to take care of you but me, you got that?" He flew off in the distance. I honestly think, he neednt have to worry about a thing.


Next: Chapter 16: Sucking Machine

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