Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Jan 18, 2006


Saturday night finally rolled around and I was so ready to spend a quiet evening with my honey, Superman. As usual I was in the kitchen preparing soft drinks, as my super hunk was in the living room changing channels to find something good on cable tv. He was crouching near the set, dressed in blue jeans and black t shirt top, fumbling with manual control box to change channels. For some reason he prefers to also to wear his Clark Kent glasses to help further the homebody illusion, in case anyone drops in. At last he decided to set the channel on "Fast and Furious", and luckily it had just started. I brought the two cokes with ice into the living room when Clark said he wanted a big bowl of popcorn. I put the cokes on the end tables while he was in the kitchen preparing the bowl of popcorn. Laying myself on the soft couches we had, he came back in with popcorn bowl. He looked so handsome, especially with his glasses on. I never told him I kind of liked him almost better when he wore them. He layed next to me and put the bowl between the two of us. I had already seen the movie dozens of times, but knew his off moments were extremely limited. As we were munching on the salted popcorn, he gave me a bite of his and put it into my mouth lovingly. I took it and chomped on it. I was beginning to fall asleep, when he moved over to me with popcorn balanced between his lips and gave it to me thru my mouth. I took it, but was not ready for the smooth kiss he placed on my lips. We went back to the way we were, and I layed my left hand on his muscular jean thigh. Actually planning to snooze, when he said, "C'mere. . ." and placed more popcorn down my mouth thru his lips and then using his strong tongue, probed the popcorn into the roof of my mouth again. This time he stayed a little longer, and gave me a nice french kiss that lasted five seconds. I didnt know whether to fall asleep or go crazy at this point. After awhile he grabbed my hand and placed it right on his blue jean bulge, making it nestle there. Oh my god I was thinking and almost nodded my head. He nudged me and said, "Whoops, I dropped some popcorn, want to get it for me hon?" I looked for where he might have dropped it and the only popcorn I could see was laying on his crotch blue jean area. I think I took the hint and bent over to seductively pick up the popcorn with my lips, trying not to touch his blue jean bulge. Maybe this will teach him! I gently licked the kernals of popcorn and munched on them just over his crotch. I sat back up and he looked at me with a slightly faint heart. He then grabbed a handful of popcorn using his big hairy hand and dropped the bundle back on to his bulging crotch area again. Giving me a satisfied look, he said to me, "There, want some more?" There are times I want it, and there are times I dont. I wasnt really in a mood for sex, but I do like to tease, so I humored him. But this time, instead of using my lips I simply arrogantly dusted off the popcorn with my hand, spreading it on the floor. He got mad. Oh did he get upset. He got up, placed the bowl on the coffee table and said, "C'mere. . .this is what I really want you to have." He came over to me and jumped with his legs on the couch, and unzipped himself. Out popped what must have been an already hardening dick, and it aimed itself right to me, long, hard and with demanding presence. Placing his right hand over the back of my head, he slowly krept himself further and further next to me begging me to not lick it. I didnt. You see, I am also very stubborn, and want what I get. He came closer to me and layed his cock shaft over the exterior of my mouth. Moving it just slightly back and forth over my lips, making me smell him. He smelled so good, but I resisted still. "Do you want it?" he asked me. "Do you want a hot dog with your meal?" With a firm grip, he forced his long thick hard dick to spread my lips apart, slowly! I could feel him entering my mouth and my tongue taste him. His long meat made it's solitary journey to reach my throat. It's a journey I've been used to with him and knew how he liked it. "OH" was all I could hear him say. I gave in and started sucking on it. He began pumping his hips. Driving it into me with hunky masculine force and relishing every moment. I could see his glasses were still on, and I let this platform relent my lust for him. I let him drive it into me as he began to fuck my mouth with my head kept steady by the soft back cushion of the couch. Just then he accidently kicked the bowl of popcorn, with the back of his foot, and it fell on to the carpet. "Just a minute," he sexually anguished, "I-I-I'll get it." But he kept pumping. "NO", he said. "I-I want you to get it." Pulling himself out, he propped me towards the carpet where the popcorn fell, and took off my pants. Exposing my naked butt, he layed me on the carpet area like a kneeling dog. "I want you to eat the popcorn with your lips, while I fuck you." He was so overheated while saying this, I did what he asked. Munching slowly on the popcorn, which still tasted good, he positioned his dick to prop on my hole. So there we were, him fucking me while I had some leftover popcorn spilt on the carpet by Superman. "There's nothing like fast and furious, eh, Robert. . .ol, boy?"

Next: Chapter 15: Supermans Bulge

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