Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Jan 15, 2006


Superman whisked in thru the back door looking very dismayed. He came inside the kitchen to get a glass of water, and drank it quickly. I asked him what was wrong. With both his muscular arms he set on the kitchen counter, he said to me, without turning around, "Lois discovered a love letter I was going to give to you in a Valentine's gift." "What happened?" I asked. "Nothing," Superman remarked, turning to me. "Just that both Lois and Jimmy took me to a secluded conference room to give me a little talking to, that's all!" "What did they say?" I inquired. "They sat me down, we all sat down, and they said I should have told them from the beginning, and that we were partners through thick and thin. But that's not all! Lois made it clear to me that she has no hard feelings. Plus she has secretly been seeing another gentleman behind my back also." "You're kidding, that's great! Now you really are free and dont have to apologize for anything." But Superman, now standing there arms half crossed looked dejected. I didnt know what to tell him. He walked by me upstairs to take a shower. I decided right then and there to make his favorite desert to help cheer him up. I took out the ingrediants and recipe to make his favorite apple and blueberry pie. After starting the major part of the task, I heard the front door slam, and went to the front window. Superman, dressed as Clark again, got in the car and drove off, out of sight down the road. I decided to return to finishing the pie I was making and let him have some time to himself. Long after the pie was complete, I then sent him a happy text message addressed to his cell phone telling him I made his favorite pie for him, but received no answer. It was close to bedtime and now I was feeling dejected. A little bit angry also, when I heard the car skid into the driveway. I stood in the middle of the living room anticipating trouble and he walked in. He gazed at me. He was drunk! Clark, looking dazed, nodded his big body some, swaying only slightly. He looked back up at me and stumbled forward. He then reached for his top tightly fitted dark grey shirt, and took it off! Exposing his big hulking hairy chest and hard nipples. After throwing his shirt to the side, he jaunted over to me and began to grab me around my waistline. "Did I ever tell you how handsome you look when I've had a few?" I didnt say anything, but he grabbed me harder. "C-c-come to think of it. . . .you look handsome to me when I'm sober!" "You've been drinking!" I said to him sternly. "You smell like a brewery, let me go. . .let go of me!" He looked at me and said, "No. No, I'm-m n-not going to let go of you, you need to let go of ME! You're the one that's hanging on. You're the one that needs to let go. . ." with that Superman tossed me up and held me in both of his masculine hairy arms, and took me upstairs. When we both got upstairs, we entered the bedroom and he layed me down flat on top of the kingsized bed. There he forced my pants off and then my shirt top, making me disrobe until I was naked. He took off both his shoes, and then his pants. He walked over to me with just his cotton briefs on and pulled the waistband to let it snap on his hard belly. "You know what you're going to get tonite?" Superman began massaging his growing cock under his briefs with his right hand. Without looking down he said, "You're going to get this." Then with both his hard hands he let his briefs slide down to his ankles using both hands to guide them and twirled the briefs in the air. Needless to say he was acting silly when he then put the briefs over his face. He moved in towards me with briefs still on his face and said, "Go ahead. take them off. C'mon. Take my cotton briefs off of me. Honey." But he didnt wait, cause he pulled them off and chucked them. Pulling in forward to give me a kiss on the lips. His big legs setting themselves on the edge of the bed and landing his choppers over mine to give me a huge smelly alcohoic kiss. "I've been wanting to do this all evening. I want to marry you, you know that." Kissing me gently on my shoulders now, he said, "I want to have you and call you my very own and no one else's. Can I kiss you?" That's when he moved in solidly and forced his tongue into my mouth making us both hit the bed. All I could feel was that hard tongue telling me it's story of the hard liquor he had been drinking earlier in the evening. His tongue swirled around inside me wanting to give me all he was feeling. Never had I smelled such a man before, Superman hardly ever drinks any kind of alcohol. However, on this night, he smelled dreamy. The liquor smell mixed with his musk cologne. I was in monster heaven. All he wanted to do was french kiss me and let the aroma of his intoxication dwell within me as if wanting to share his ultimate erotic mode. Soon he asked me to roll over. And I did. With both his huge muscled legs guiding themselves around mine, and his mussed hairline falling downwards over his forehead, Superman let his throbbing aching cock do the talking. Bouncing around only slightly, he jabbed it in me! Without preparation he set his big hard cockhead to meet my quivering hole. With his overwhelming domination he sank it into me and began fucking me slowly with no hesitiation. Moving yet closer he let his entire cock melt to the far end of my intake. I breathed in a big sudden breath of gulping sigh! Superman then started to give me a slow and rocking hard fuck. Keeping both arms held upright with both hands, he let his buttocks do the action of a stud man in heat. Making the bed move back and forth in solid motion, my head was moving to the rhythem of his movements. Superman kept driving it in faster, and needed total release! His balls bounced around in the backside of my butt!! He was huffing and puffing for what he wanted to be the thrill of his lifetime. Huffing and puffing solidly letting his huge manly hairy chest gyrate to the fucking motion. In a matter of minutes he came directly spilling his wad cum down the chute of my anus hole. Filling with tons of cum wad grease that had not been there before. Superman was aching in his throat trying not to let on his agonizing ecstacy. He kept pushing and pushing it in trying to get rid of every single drop. Then he yanked it out. the whole nine yards, or it sure felt like it! He layed down beside me with a very satisfying grin, and said to me, "Now how's about some of that pie!"

Next: Chapter 12: Hidden Love Letter

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