Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Jan 6, 2006


The space alien looked around, and walked cautiously towards the city, with well equipped laser gun packed on his belt. The male alien used his remote to close down the entrance to his spaceship as he continued his walk into venture. The alien was a seven foot tall green rather good looking man, in spite of his all green color and space helmet with two electrodes peering out of the top. His face was like that of a fortyfiveish man with strong cheekbones and very well defined features. His body was muscular, yet lanky for his tall size. Everything about him was colored green including his glass studded boots and tightly fit clothing. He wore a thin helmet much like a motorcycle riders but form fitting over his head. His venture into the city was more of an inquiry, since he lost his way to another planet and stopped here to rest. Approaching the city, he pushed a button on his belt and made himself invisible. There he walked cautiously thru the streets as not to get in anyone's way. He was becoming confused. Where he lives most everyone shares the same look, both men and women. Here there were too many types and he, quite frankly, could not tell some of the males from the women. With a sigh of unrest he wandered back to his spaceship nestled in the nearby forest. Suddenly he spotted a a being at his spaceship, looking at it with curiosity and concern. This being was most decidedly unlike any of the others he had seen in the city. It was an unusual creature wearing the most gawdy type outfit he could imagine. He shook his alien head and wondered if it was a male or a female. He checked his memory banks and explored what he had learned from alien civilization class. First this being was very attractive, even pretty. Second this being was wearing skin tight uniform much like his own but off color. This being had gigantic nipples and very hard tight tits! Still on, this being was wearing what was classified as female civlization type pantyhose and exposed panties worn by women. This creature must be a FEMALE the alien thought. Sensational he thought and moved in closer still invisible. AH, the alien went on, a letter he recognized! The letter of "S", which meant something. But what?? Simple, sanitary, seduction. . .seduction. Perhaps. . . .SEXY!!! That's it! It's a sexy female wanting company. Mmmm, and very nice shaped legs too! Just look at the way she's moving. HUH. . . .and look at that butt. GORGEOUS. I must have a better look see. The alien turned himself back to visible and with a quick grasp of his laser pointed it at Superman and let HER have it!! Superman was soon caught in a blast of green glow that held him prisoner for a brief time. The glow seemed to suck the power out of the Man of Steel little by little as he began to feel like a mold of jello. Superman landed on the green grass perspiring from what seemed like a power outage to his super abilities. The green alien, who was very much into domination, slid his hand to his bulging crotch and unzipped a hidden zipper from the front of his green pouch. He gave a sudden enthusiastic grin on anticipating doing this space creature a few quick favors. Grabbing the Man of Steels curly black hair with one hand he forced Superman to edge his face towards his crotch area. This creature has very nice seductive lips, I wonder if the S. . .oh, who cares. With a swoop of his hand and the displaying of his dick breaking free of the opened zipper area Superman was forced to swallow alien cock. Quickly did Superman find himself swallowing the whole enchilada and the head of it made its home in the extreme back of his throat. The greenish balls smelled of dust from another galaxy and not from this world. But the alien was determined to make Superman suck his alien cock by being held by his head and having it forced to slide in and out of, and around the juicy green meat. Superman found himself grabbing on to the aliens well muscled legs as if trying to keep him from taking anymore, but to no avail. His arms were too weak to keep him from being bobbed around like a loose rag doll. UMMMM, murmured the purring alien. This bitch can really suck on it. I wonder how the pussy feels. Especially with those funky panties on, and that nice hard round butt. Green alien dropped Superman flat on the ground leaving his cape swishing to one side, and Superman's butt diplayed in the air, with his legs spreading curiously while trying to prop himself up with weakened arms. HMMMM, real nice! This calls for immediate action, and the alien walked behind Superman placing his hand firmly on the Man of Steel's posterior crevice and sliding his green hand up and Next he grabbed the top of Superman's trunks and pulled them downward exposing a very hot looking PUSSY. Even the hole was gyrating and contortioning itself with the struggling of Superman trying to get up. The alien did not feel remorse as he kneeled behind his venture and prodded his alien cock up into Superman's ass. Boning him for all it was worth!! Sloshing his 10 incher into the Man of Steel as he went over to push down on the back shoulders and bury Superman's face in the wet green grass, moaning profusely. His green balls ricochet like a steam engine catapulting into the beings deep hole with fervorish vigor. Superman found himself unrelentingly bound by the creature alien getting rump rocked hard by his unrelenting swashing cock. The jammer hammer breaking itself into his buttocks was mind boggling, but had to accept it's wanting intrusion. He hoped it would be over soon, when the alien turned him around on the ground and place his thighs over his face making him still swallow a very hard green goblin. Minutes passed as the alien humped his face with massive force and finally let loose a spastic spasm of jism right into his throat, making Superman grovel for more. Light green juice overflowing over all sides of his mouth. Superman started to choke, but the tall overgrown man pulled out and stood up. With an alien WHEW, the man winked at Superman giving a slight click with the side of his mouth, and walked away. The alien man turned around and pressed a translator button on his belt. He said to Superman, "Thanks space woman, perhaps we can meet again sometime." He pressed the button again, and said, "ADIOS!" He continued to walk back to his ship. SPACE WOMAN, Superman thought. "What a dumb alien!"


Next: Chapter 11: Lost Love Letter

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