Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Jan 9, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story. If you are under 18 please leave.... if not enjoy.

Authors Notes:

Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! email me or talk to me on-line... I would appreciate all thoughts on this PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Mystic Darkness AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13 ICQ-- 55430960

Sorry I didn't get this out... but I got a new comp and I had to set it all up... and the fact that my life is just so hectic

Hey I would also like to give a shout out to LAUREN!!! and please if anyone has time!! go read her story: "Lucky Me"... Please read my friend EG's story "Adam Zach and the BSB" SUP YULI!!! Go read his story... "Busta"... NetBoy.... Hey whats up... and MINE!!!!!!!!!!! And Dan... DUDE!!! What's up!!!!

Oh... And David... Of Nifty... THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH... Thank you for taking the time to post my story, and others as well.. I greatly appreciate it...

Kissing Me Softly

"I love you so much Kev"

"I love you too Rich, now get some rest." He kissed me on my cheeck and turned out a light on my nightstand leaving us in the darkness together and in love.....

I woke up again the same as the day before, to the annoying buzz of my alarm, and in the loving arms of my boyfriend. I smiled and kissed Kevin as soon as I got up.

I soon left his warm arms and got up to take a shower. I let the warm water run over me. It was wonderful to just let the water flow over my body. I was in that giddy, fool in love mood. I was in complete awe. Soon the water began to grow cold and I stepped out of the Arctic shower.

I quickly driend off. Threw on boxers, jeans, and a shirt; and ran downstairs to see my love. He was sitting watching a bit of TV, or surfing. I walked up behing him and slid my hands over his shoulders, down to his well devoped chest. I leaned over and kissed him gently on the ear and said a quiet "Hey you," into his ear.

"Hey baby, come around here," he said patting the couch area right next to him. I did as he asked and sat down in his arms. "So, whats up?" he asked after we both had became comfortable.

"Nothing, I just want to be in your arms. Oh and then there is the fact that I don't want to go to school today."

"Hey baby, don't worry you only have like 3 weeks left."

"Hey, you pay attention. There's a plus for you." I turned my head and kissed him on his cheek.

He turned and kissed me on my lips. I scooted in and pushed into the kiss. Kevin's hand came up and began to caress my face as he slipped in his tongue, which I gratefully accepted. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I broke the kiss with Kevin to see Jen stading there with a evil little grin on her face.

"So are you going to go to school today, or are you going to wear your stylish popstar lip, tongue ring?"

"I dunno, I think I kind of want to try a new accessory."

They both laughed, and I kissed Kevin and got up. Jen began to walk to the door. I stopped in my tracks, and she turned around and looked at me.

"What are you stopping for?"

"Hey, are you forgetting that we have another person we need to wait for and bring to school."

"Oh Yeah... Jason... duh..."

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get him."

I climbed the stairs and made it down to his room. I knocked on the door and entered his room. There ontop of the bed sat Howie and Jas making out. Howie was slowly pulling Jason back onto the bed as Jason took off Howie's shirt.

"Okay. I think I should stop you two," I started making both of them jump at the sound of another's voice. "Jason, see when you wake up, you are supposed to put on clothes, not take them off."

"Who says you're not supposed to take them off?" Jason asked with a devilish smile upon his face.

"You are such a lil perv. Well anyways, we need to go to school now, so say good-bye to your lil loverboy behind and lets get our asses to the 7th layer of hell..."

Jas stood up, kissed Howie quickly, whispered a sweet "Love ya" and joined me down the stairs.

School was boring, and hard at times when Jas's old 'friends' harassed him, Jen, and me. I couldn't understand what made them just throw Jason to the side like they did. I couldn't believe that someone would throw away so many years of friendship with someone because of some stupid thing that they can't help. I guess its just things that I am thankful that my friends were excepting of me.

Classes soon flew by and no tutoring secessions were planned today, so I was able to leave at the usual time of 2:30. I couln't wait to get back into my man's arms again.

When I arrived home, we found AJ just sitting back and watching Nick and Brian battle it out on my Dreamcast.

"Hey," AJ said realizing that someone besides videogame drones were in the room with him.

We all said our 'hello's and sat down. Jas and I soon found out that each of our men were doing something, Howie out for a bit, and Kevin was upstairs sleeping. So I decided to take a seat down, and watch Nick beat Brian in a few games of Soul Caliber.

Soon enough Brian threw down his controller getting mad at his losing streak. "Okay, I'm getting real tired of losing to you."

"Oh come on Brian, You know you'll never be able to defeat the video game master."

"Master?" I asked judging his boasting.

"Yes master, would you like to see if you are worthy enough?"

"Sure, but just I haven't played this in about 2 weeks."

"Whatever, just take the controller and play."

We chose our players, Nick being Mistuguri, and Me choosing Seung Mina.

"You picked a girl?"

"Hey whats wrong with a girl?" Jen said trying to frighten Nick.

"Nothing, it's just that they suck in these games."

"We'll see Nick, just play."

The game started and I easily pulled off a few combos beating him the first round. Nick looked over at me and nodded with his approval. The second round came around and I wanted to play a lil game, almost like an ego tester (I let him win). I grinned when he did that "Who da man?" thing that many do. Then at the final battle I totaly whipped his ass letting him get two hits off of me. Nick was dumbfounded.

"Oh, Nick, the reason I haven't played this game in over two weeks is because I beat it in 3-4 days and gotten bored with it." I stood up and patted Nick on the back to try to get him out of a state of well looking stupid. "Well you guys, I think I'm gonna wake up Kev... I wanna see him NOW."

As I was walking up the stairs I heard Nick yell behind me "I want a rematch Rich, and next time you're going down."

"Yeah sure you will," I said with the upmost sarcasm as I walked up the stairs and into my room to find my adorable boyfriend wrapped up in a comforter. He looked so cute sleeping there, His muscles relaxed and still very well seen. I looked at the peak of his chest that shown from the top of the comforter, as it moved with every breath he took.

I slowly walked over to my slumbering love, and sat down next to him. I leaned over and kissed him lightly on his lips. He stirred a bit, but did not wake. I leaned over and kissed at his neck a few times. He stirred again, and again did not wake. I leaned over and began to kiss his ear lobe, then to move down the side of his chin, then to his lips, placing slow and soft kisses along my way. He very quietly moaned a bit, it was so faint, but hearable; he stirred once more and soon his eyes slowly began to open. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey baby, how was school?" he mumbled still awakening from dreamland.

"It was okay, how was your day and dream?" I said.

"Okay, but it would have been better if I could have spent it with you." He said pulling me down to lay with him.

"Yeah, actually that would have been good... I could have taken this nap. I really love being close in your arms."

"You mean like this," he said while pulling me in really really close.

"Yeah, that close," I said kissing him lightly.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Stay in your arms, I dunno, watch TV?"

"That sounds fine babe," He said grabbing the remote from the nearby stand, and handing me the remote.

"YOU DO LOVE ME!!!!! You gave me the remote!!!! Oh Kevin," I said with a burst of energy and doing a stupid mock of those old stereotypes.

"Yeah baby," he said rubbing his nose, lips, and chin against my neck. His gootee rubbing against my neck. I laughed a little, "Kevin, Stop that tickles".

"Oh does it," he said again rubbing his chin against my neck again.

"Kevin, please stop," I asked laughing a bit through the words.

"But its so cute when you flinch and try to escape." He said moving his hands along my waist.

"Don't" I begged feeling his hands move around to the front of me. He moved his hands along my stomach and began to so slightly tickle my stomach. I scrunched up a bit. "Please Kevin, don't." He ran his fingers along my waist faster, and along my stomch using the pads of his fingers to tickle me and make me try to curl up into a ball so he could not continue. I begged him to stop 'til I lost a lot of breath and just used what I had to laugh. He pulled me up onto himself and continued make me laugh. "Please... Kev... Please.... stop...... plea... se..... Kev... stop..." I gasped out when I really got tired of laughing.

"Okay," he said stopping and wrapping his arms all the way around me, "But, only because you are so cute and all". I had wound up on my stomach on top of him.

"I love you, baby." He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too, hun." I laid my head down onto his shoulder and wrapped my hands around his waist.

We watched TV for a bit until it hit me. "Kev...."

"Yeah babe?"

"You're leaving tonight aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am."


"Our plane leaves at 9."

I clicked the TV button on the remote. The time showed and it was about 4:30. "That means we only have like 5 hours together still."

"Only 5 hours? Did you just want to stop seeing eachother after I left?"

"NO! Oh, that was sarcasm.... but you knew what I meant in the first place."

"Yeah, I know. How about we just spend some time together, and relax, I just want to be with you until the next time I come to see you or something."

"That sounds nice." I kissed him softly. "Do you think we should be going back downstairs now?"

"Yeah that would be cool." We both rose up off of the bed and he grabbed a shirt, threw it over his head and we made our way downstairs.

We talked with the guys about the things that we were going to do for the night. AJ and Nick still begged for fast food. So Nick, AJ, Jen, and Brian all decided they were going to go out and leave us (Kev and me/Howie and Jas) alone. The four of us staying in decided to just have something nice and relaxing. Nick, Jen, AJ, and Brian all left to go out to McDonalds and then go out someplace else, giving the four of us time to be alone.

They left and we all gathered into the kitchen. We all decided to just make something together, and relax. We went into the kitchen and planned the dinner. Soon we were all moving around the kitchen with pots, pans, plates, and food to get ready for the dinner. We decided to have Chicken, potatoes, butter noodles. We finished cooking soon enough and brought the food, and drinks into the dining room.

Jason had lit candle for mood and atmostphere, so the room looked wonderful. It was going to be a great way to spend the night. I kissed we all sat down and I leaned over and kissed Kevin's lips. He smiled and put his arm around my waist, holding me for the dinner. The dinner was great, even having the serving the food to each other. After dinner we all just sat there looking over the top of the table at eachother and at our loved ones. I loved Kevin, and everything about him. I just wish that this relationship could last.

We moved from the dining room to the living room. Howie and Jason sat down in each others arms, while I laid down, resting my head upon Kevins legs. We stared into each other eyes, and he smiled. I couldn't help but sprout a huge grin on my face when I saw his.

"What?" he asked defensivly.

"Nothing, you are just so cute."

"Hey guys, what were we gonna do for these last 3 hours or so?" Jason asked glancing at his watch.

"Ummmmmm I dunno. All I know is that I'm getting a bit hyper.......... Wait the pool might be fun!" I exclaimed giving Kevin a evil grin.

"Now if we go with you will you two promise to not go skinny-dipping?" Howie asked.

"Probably but no promises."

We all got up and walked up the stairs to each of our rooms. We all soon changed into our bathing suits (I did go into the bathroom while Kevin changed into his, so no "looksies" for me!). We all met outside, on the cement area of the pool. The water looked so inviting. I loved the water and probably always will. The thoughts of comfortable water was cut short by a small splash, and a black pair of shorts diving into the water. I looked at the figure who arose in the water. It was my man, the water came pouring off of his face when he surfaced and he looked so good. He ran his hand through his hair to push back it all back.

"Well, are you gonna get in?" He asked while tredding water.

"Uh huh, and hmmm I thought the water looked tempting before!" I dove into the water, and swam up to him. "Hey sexy. You look good with water running over your body." I gave him a perverted grin. He leaned in and kissed me a few short times and pulled me in close to him. During this time, Howie and Jas had both jumped into the pool, and made their way into each other's arms. I smiled.

"They are so cute together." I said to Kevin.

"Yeah, I know. And its good to see Howie happy, he hasn't had the best relationships in the past."

"Oh, really?, wow.... I hope they have a long realationship, and don't get hurt from another. That would just suck."

"Yeah that would, but you know something I think would be even worse?"


"You and me breaking up..."

"Yeah that would, that really would. But I mean look at you, you could find someone really quick."

He blushed a bit. "But, I dunno, I might not find someone as sweet and cute as you." he said rubbing his nose against mine. It was not my turn to blush and I looked down a bit into the five feet of water that we were standing in.

He lifted my chin and kissed me lightly on my lips. "Rich I love you, and I really want this to last."

"I love you too, and I really want this to last."

"Okay," he kissed me once again. "Now how about we have some fun.... and go dunk both D and Jas?"

I just smiled a cynical grin and followed my muscly man. I dove under the water and when he was right behind the two... Kevin jumped up onto Jasons shoulders and began to push the two down while I swiped their feet out from under them. They went plunging into the water and down to wards me. They both glared at me as best as they could under water and pointed at me. I grinned and swam back up to the surface.

"What the heck was that for?" Jas said as he surfaced, with Howie right by his side.

"Nothing, we just got kinda bored and thought you two looked cute just standing there."

"Okay, well I guess thats okay," Howie said wrapping his arms around Jason's waist.

"Yeah," I added, just smiling at the two. "Okay, we'll be nice and not horseplay or whatever."

We stayed out in the pool for about another 30 minutes. Kevin looked so good in just swim trunks, good thing I was dating him, cause I was staring at him a whole lot. :o)....

We got out of the pool and Kevin wrapped a towel around both of us, hugging. It was so warm there, and it felt so safe I really didn't want him to leave.

We again climed the stairs and changed into our normal clothes. Kevin changed into his "don't want to recognized" clothes. He turned and kissed me when I came up next him.

"Wow, I can't believe you are leaving already."

"Yeah, I know, but I will keep up with you, and just try to see you. Rich, this is not the end of our relationship I promise you it isn't."

"Yeah, okay. Do you need help packing?" I asked.

"Um that would be nice." He pulled me into a hug, and I started to help him pack, making lil remarks about boxers and what-not, anything to get my mind of him leaving.

The other guys had came home from their lil night out. Time passed by and soon, it was time, time for us to drive out to the airport.

The drive was pretty quiet. Jen offered to drive so Kevin and I could sit together. I just sat there against him while he held me, and grasping my hands on the car ride. The last thing I wanted was to have him be miles and miles apart from me, but he had a job, and I had school, so I would just have to deal.

We soon arrived at the airport. The guys dropped off their rental car, and met up with us again. We ventured down the gray hallways and through the gates of the airport. It was pretty empty. I guess it was because it was a Tuesday night, a school night, and at about 9 pm that factored into that. I was glad though, because I could still be with Kevin and not have to deal with all the teeny boppers that I heard about them from time to time.

They had already checked their baggage and we had found our way down into the departing area of their flight. They only had about 20 more minutes to get onto the plane.

"So.... I guess this is it." AJ said finally breaking the silence of everyone. They all knew what was running through each others minds, as well as mine, Jen's and Jason's.

"Yeah, I guess it is." Jen smiled for a second, and then returned to a normal expressionless face.

"So I guess this is a 'see ya 'til next time' situation huh?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I guess it is." I said looking up a bit to see the rest of the group. "So do we just go around saying good-byes and stuff?"

They all nodded, and soon enough I got a hug from AJ, with a optimistic lil "have fun, stay cool" comment coming from his raspy voice.

Nick, who gave me a quick hug, saying "I want a rematch on that dreamcast." I just smiled and said good-bye. It was kinda sad how obsessive this boy is.

"Take care, be good, and see you soon probably," Brian said as he gave me a hug.

"Hey Brian, take care of Kevin for me... I know it sounds corny but you know how relationships are." He smiled and nodded.

Howie came up, grasped me for a hug. "Hey,make sure Jason is okay." I laughed because of what I had just said with Brian. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just said that to Brian."

"Oh, okay. And Rich, thanks for everything."

I smiled. Great, now came the hardest one to say good-bye to. I don't know why this would be so hard. It was just annoying the shit out of me. I mean I was gonna see him again sooner or later. But, why in the world was this making me so uptight, and all?

"Well... I guess this is good-bye for a bit" Kevin said pulling me out of thought.

"Yeah, I guess it does."

"Rich, don't be sad or whatever mood you are in. I promise I'll call you whenever I can."

"Thank you, but I mean, this is going to be hard, with you so far away."

"I know, but no one ever said life was easy, and well you are part of my life, so if you can just put..."

"Yeah I know."

The other guys had began to load the plane. Howie and Jason must have made their lil good bye short and sweet. Kevin looked over at them.

"Well, I guess its time for me to go."

I looked down at the floor avoiding looking him in his eyes. I didn't want to be this emotional.

"Rich, I promise you I'll call you tomarrow." He said lifting my face to look into his.

His face wasn't the happiest either. "Okay, well... um... Good bye then?"


"I love you Kevin."

"I love you too Rich. I love you."

He pulled me into a strong hug, and then from out of the blue, put both of his hands on my face and pulled me into a deep kiss. I was caught off gaurd. I didn't think he was going to do this in a public airport. But still he persisted with the kiss. It was strong and reasuring. His tongue ventured into my mouth and felt every milimeter of it. I nearly fell because my knees had gotten weak. He pulled back from the kiss, and we both looked into each others eyes.

"I love you baby." He whispered to me.

"I love you too. I always will."

He hugged me tight, and then ran to board the plane waving at me. I watched him go down the runway. I was going to miss him a lot. But hell, he said he was going to call, and well I'll just have to believe that.

After seing him fade off into the gate, I looked around no one was really around. Which was good. That meant that probably no one saw Kevin and I.

I watched as the plane left the gate and rolled out onto the runway and then out of sight.

I sighed and Jen came up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and Jason who was standing right behind her. I smiled at them both.

"Well, that was one hell of a good-bye kiss you got there." Jenne said as she grinned at me.

"Yeah" was the only answer I could reply with.

"Yep, and I mean he took a big risk. Howie just kissed me on the cheek and then left saying he was sorry that he couldn't do more."

I smiled at them. "Well, and I feel really good that Kevin, thinks im that big of a risk."

"And, damn you two looked so cute together. I must say I am jealous. I mean I wish I could have had that..."

"Had that? what is that supposed to mean"

"Nothing" she said jumping into defense mode.

"Yes it did. Had that... Jen what did you do? Did you go and find some one night stand?"

She kinda scrunched up her fance a bit as if to say I was on the right track. She was kind of afraid of what might happen.

"Wait wait with who though? Do I know him?"

She nodded.

"Who?.... Recently?" Another nod. "... Wait Yesterday morning... You camed downstairs all peppy. You had sex the other night before then, that is the only time I have seen you like that, which was what four times. But anyways... who with?"

She played that, you should know better than that game with me and just laughed nervously.

"No way.... No freaking way.... You did not, did you?"

She nodded again...

"Oh my god.... I can't believe you.... You had sex with AJ?" I nearly yelled.

She again slowly nodded her head.

To Be Continued...

Well okay people... thats it for section 7 or whatever.... This section sucked and well I had writers block so please be nice if you email me about this one... The next section will be out in about a week... sorry but school is killer so I'm gonna have to take some more time on these. Thank you for all of you who are sending me lil notes on my story I greatly appreciate it.... Mystic Darkness

Next: Chapter 8

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