Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Jan 2, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story. If you are under 18 please leave.... if not enjoy.

Authors Notes:

Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! email me or talk to me on-line... If I don't get any replies then I really don't know if I will continue this.. PLEASE EMAIL ME!!! Just to let me know every few stories that you are still reading and like it or hate it or whatever PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Mystic Darkness AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13 ICQ-- 55430960

Sorry I didn't get this out... but I got a new comp and I had to set it all up... and the fact that my life is just so hectic

Hey I would also like to give a shout out to LAUREN!!! and please if anyone has time!! go read her story: "Lucky Me"... Please read my friend EG's story "Adam Zach and the BSB" And Dan... DUDE!!! What's up!!!!

Kissing Me Softly

"Oh my god..." a voice said about 10 feet to our right.

Kevin and my head whipped around to see who said that. We saw J standing there his chin dropped and nearly on the floor.

"Well I guess we don't need to tell him now."

"YOU TWO!!!! YOU TWO ARE NOT!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!," he screamed.

"Hey Jason, please don't tell anyone about me and Kevin. Please, I mean we can't afford this."

"Hey no prob, Rich, I totaly understand, and now you are totaly making me jealous."

I smiled and Kevin hugged me. "Okay, well this is good now I don't have to explain why Kevin will be sleeping in my room now... and you can have his old room."

"Okay cool."

We got Jason settled into the the room, and seemed to be cool with the whole situation, and made a few jokes him popping a woody now that he has all these hotties around him. Kevin, AJ, Jas, and I all talked until Nick and Brian came home. Jason was really fitting in with all them, which was a really good sign. After talking for about an hour with the four band members he went back to unpacking, and I decided to help him.

"Rich, ummm do you have any tolietries, because I didn't grab them from my house. And the way things are looking, I don't think my parents are going to let me back in their house," he said looking up from one of the boxes he was unpacking.

"I have hair brushes, tooth brushes, and toothpaste, and all but I don't have any gel or stuff, because I don't use them."

"Okay so you wouldn't have any contact cleaning things would you?"

"Sorry hun, would you like to go get some? I mean we have about an hour 'til dinner."

"Really? Okay that would be cool."

"Now sound okay?"

"Sure why not?"

With that we went downstairs, and told everyone we were going out. Kevin decided to tag along. He was so cute when he said he was going to. I kissed him and we all got into my blazer and headed off.

Kevin had to play Mr. Popstar and hide himself with the usual hat and sunglasses. I never did get how that did anything if you really wanted to find a celeb wouldn't you just look for the people with the hat and sunglasses on? Oh well. We got the things Jason needed and some I grabbed some other things we needed still. I paid for the things we needed even after Jason's argueeing for the cost of the items.

We walked back to his car and he took of the cap and sunglasses. When I saw those beautiful green eyes I just wanted to give him a kiss, he just looked so damn good. But, I had to wait to get into the car for that.

We drove home from the boring trip of the store and walked into the house. I kissed Kevin and told him to go ask the other guys what they wanted for dinner. I walked upstairs to see how Jas was with the room.

When walked up the stairs and down the hall just to see the bathroom door open, and a towel-wrapped Howie step out of it.

"Hey D, sup! Hey I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Howie this is Jason," I said as if he were fully dressed.

"Um, hi Jason," he yelped a bit, and I laughed. Jason didn't have a reply and I looked over to see him with his jaw dropped. This made me laugh even more.

"So is this the second time you're just going to stand with with your mouth wide open or are you going to recover and pretend that nothing happened so you don't get even more embarrassed?"

"Oh sorry, nice to meet you Howie." They shook hands for a bit longer than I expected. It made me think about those two. Maybe I could play cupid tonight, but they might not need me.

"Okay you two, you know by shaking hands doesn't mean you are joined there permanently."

They both released their grasps and blushed deep red. They really did seem to be interested in each other. This was too easy.

"Awh you two are like 5th graders with stupid crushes and shit. Come on you both are blushing now, and well basically its not that hard to figure it out. So yeah, whatever, now Howie, Jason, I expect you two to be downstairs in about 10 minutes so don't go trying anything now," I said turning and going into my room quickly grabbing something and returning downstairs.

"Wait, you mean, you're gay?" Howie asked looking up at the taller youth.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you are too huh?"


"How long are you staying here?" Jason asked with a bit of hope in his voice.

"Tommarow night."

"Oh," Jason said a bit depressed, from actually having the chance with someone.

"Why, did you want to umm... well..."

"Well, yes, but..."

"Well, who says that we can't try something. Kevin is no doubt coming back to see Rich, so I can just tag along if we find something between us."

"Really?" Looking into the older mans eyes.

"Yeah," Howie said stepping in closer towards Jas. The two's eyes met and Jason wrapped his hands around Howie's waist pulling him close. Their faces crawling closer every second. Jason moved in the last few centimeters and pressed his lips onto the soft singer's lips. They stayed like that for a while. Howie pulled back to see Jason still there with his eyes closed and with a face of enjoyment.

"Jason... Umm I need to get into something that has a bit more material than just this."

"Oh yeah, sorry... but in my opinion, you really don't need it."

Howie smiled and made his way into his room, to change. Jason made his way downstairs to where Jen, Kevin, and I were sitting and talking.

"Hey Jas, how are you and Sweet D?" I said shotting for a deeper color of red to appear on his face.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Kevin interupted.

"Jason and D, had a bit of a run in upstairs, and they both seemed to be a bit attracted."

"A bit?" Jason said finally speaking.

"Okay maybe not a bit.... a lot would be it."

We all smiled and Jason took a seat next to Jen. We talked, a bit about him and Howie, and me and Kevin, and whatever came up from there.

We got together after we found the whole group and decided on lasanga for dinner. We all gathered around the huge table in the dining room and ate. I sat next to Kevin, and he scooted close up the left of me. I smiled and kissed him lightly even though the 'eewww's that came out of the 4 straight people in the room. I smiled and laid my head down on his shoulder. Kevin placed his hand on my knee and kept it all throughout dinner. I felt really nervous with him having it there the whole time, yet loving every second.

"So," I said after everyone had finished dinner, "How was it?"

They all nodded their approval with a few compliments.

"I think we need something else though," Jen said.


"Rich... Ice cream hun! come on! please?"

Nick and AJ both backed her up on that.... I just laughed and nodded and we all piled into my and their cars. We drove to the local Ice cream stand... They sold many kinds and it was a cool outside thing so the guys really didn't have to worry too much about their star status.

We all jumped out of the car and saw no one. "Hey look we're the only ones... this could be relaxing for once." Howie commented on the lil stand.

"Yeah," Kevin said with a sly smile while pulling me into his arms knocking me off balence so that he had to support me.

I laughed as did the rest of them. Kevin let me become stable once again and we went up to the window, got our ice cream and headed out to our cars where we just sat outside of them with eachother talking about everything that was pointless because we all seemed to be getting into a strange mood from the ice cream.

Kevin had finished his and got up to throw out his dish, while kissing me when getting up.

"Ummm aren't you afraid someone will see you when you do that?"

"Not really baby... they really aren't going to recognize us and no one is around."

"Okay," I said while swiping my ice cream cone across his nose, leaving a white glob of Vanilla on his nose.

"Hey, and I just trew out the napkin."

"Honey, you don't need it." I covered the tip of his nose with my mouth, and ate the ice cream. "Yum. See," I said with an evil grin.

A fake gagging sound fallowed by a "gross" and "sick" came out of Nick and Aj's mouthes. We all laughed and again Kevin pulled me into his arms.

Howie had found a nice spot resting on Jason's chest and the two looked happy together. Who know how long that might last. And they both were really cute. I smiled at them and then looked back at Kevin who kissed me on my forehead. I laid back and rested in Kevin's strong arms. It felt so right to be there and out in public almost, it felt amazing. I couldn't believe all of this. It was totaly sureal.

We soon finished the assortments of ice creams and what-not, and soon returned home. We all went our seperate ways: Aj and Jen went to the living room to watch TV, Nick and Brian outside for a simple game of one-on-one. They really did like that B-ball court. It got more use out of them than it did with me for about a year. And, Howie and Jason went upstairs with Kevin and I. Jas and Howie seperated not forgeting one really strong lip lock and went into the rooms they were staying in. I smiled.

"They're cute"

"Yeah they are baby, but not as cute as you."

"Shut up, I am not cute."

"Yes you are," he said while tickling me, making me jump and yelp. "Oh so you're ticklish? This could be fun." He began to tickle me and I had to wriggle free and run into my room. Kevin was close behind and soon I was in his grasps again and laughing hard. He had gotten me onto the bed so I couldn't run anymore.

"Stop... please.... babe... stop..." I panted out.

"Okay, just because you're so cute," He said kissing me quickly and smiling.

"I'm not..." He gave me a glare, and I knew not to continue. I smiled and snuggled up with him. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back slowly.

"Hey Kevin, can I ask you a question? It is kind of personal."

"Sure baby, anything."

"Kevin, ummm when did you lose your virginity?"

"Well depends on what you are talking about. I mean I lost it to a female when I was about 18, It was kind of my pittiful attempt to try to be straight and be what I thought my parents have always wanted."

"So your parent's know about you?"

"Yeah, and my mom knows about you too. I called her today, I hope you don't mind that I did."

I laughed slightly. "Kevin, I could care less who you tell, and who I tell, its just that I want to be with you. And Kevin, what about your first time with a guy. That is what I wanted to know."

"Oh that was when I was on tour a while ago. It was a fling thing and I really didn't like it like that. I mean it was something I will never forget and I was thrown in ecstacy, but I wish it would have been with someone I really cared for."

"That's how I want it," I kissed him and continued. "I want it to be important, and special, and romantic. I just want it to be something I want to share and not 'Oh look here we go just him sucking me off' instead of something like 'it was special and it wasnt just sex it was something special.' Do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean" he said giving me a hug. "Is there any chance I might be that person at sometime in this relationship. I really do love being with you."

I smiled. "Sure, I guess so. It's just that I'm really nervous. What if I do something wrong, or what if something goes wrong totaly, what if... well something just isn't what I want and totaly screw's it up, and we just seperate..."

Kevin placed his finger over my mouth. "shhhh.. baby, I don't want any of that to happen. And just because you were nervous, doesn't mean everything is going to go wrong. It's not the end of the world if something doesn't go perfect and all. It's just something that shows love, and caring. If you do mess up, which I don't think you will, it doesn't mean you love me any less, or I will love you any less. I love you Rich. I know there is something more between us than just a sex appeal."

I looked deep into his eyes. His eyes held such love out to me. I slowly moved in and we kissed. It was special, and strong, but our lips just touched, nothing more. When it ended, I looked at him, he smiled at me.

"Thank you Kevin, I love you."

"I love you too Rich. And I promise your first time will be romantic if it is with me."

"I know it will, and I feel I really could share myself with you, I just need a bit more time."

He smiled again and we embraced in a warm hug. He made all my worries go away. I had really fallen in love, and was ready for anything with him. I loved him, and I wish I could spend my whole life with him. I could not describe how good it felt to be in his arms, and feel loved and easily say you loved someone and meant it fully, when you care nothing else mattered, and you were in your own little world where it was peaceful and calm.

"Rich, would you like to get ready for bed now?"

"Yeah," I kissed him and we headed into my bathroom and got ready.

We both brushed our teeth, and he washed his face. When it was time for me to wash my face he stopped me, and took the soap into his hands. "Let me," he whispered. I nodded and he kissed me lightly, smiling.

He lifted me onto the fake marble designed counter. He dipped his hands into the warm water and slowly wet down my face ever so slowly. Our eyes we're stuck on eachother the whole time. He smiled and picked up the soap again, lathering his hands. Once he had enough on his hands he proceded to place it across my face, tracing every point and contour of my face. All in this silence, my heart was running fast and I was in awe. Once he had finished with the soap, he whispered, "Close your eyes." I did as he said and he slowly began to take a wet cloth and rinse of my face ever so slowly. After all of the suds were gone, I opened my eyes and he took a towel from nearby and slowly began to dry my face off. He craddled my face in his own hands. My eyes were lost in his never leaving them. He finished and set down the towel, glancing down where to set it.

I gently placed my hand against his face and pulled his face back towards mine and slowly pulled him towards my own. Our lips met and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt his tongue slowly enter my mouth. Every movement between us was so slow and gentle, yet so full of passion. I felt his tongue roam around my mouth. I gently massaged his tongue within my mouth, and hugged him back. The kiss soon ended slowly and our foreheads came together. Our eyes still closed.

"I love you Kevin," I whsipered softly.

"I love you too baby."

Our eyes opened and I looked into his eyes. They had a glossy look to it. And I could tell mine were even glossier than that. He pulled me in again and pulled me off of the counter. We walked back into my room, his hands on my waist the whole way. We stopped at the bed.

He reached over and grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and lifted it over my head, revealing my six pack and average developed chest. He kissed me once the shirt had landed on the floor, dropped. I placed my hands onto his shirt and slowly began to unbutton his shirt, and pull that off. I then pulled off his undershirt, and kissed him also. I looked at him, he was beautiful. His abs were tight and a very good six pack had shown. His chest was very well developed and sexy. His arms were bulging muscles compared to mine. I couldn't believe I was with him. He reached for the button on my jeans, and I gasped.

"Rich, this doesn't mean anything tonight. We don't have to do anything remember. And I really don't want to. I want to save it for a bit, and I want you to relax and enjoy it when you are ready."

I nodded and he pulled down my pants and kissed me. I did the same with him. I could not believe I was with someone as great as him. It just 'wowed' me the whole time. He was so dreamy, sexy, sweet, cute, kind and charming. I truly loved him.

He lifted me off my feet and put me onto the bed and slowly rolled onto it himself. He wrapped his arms around me once again, and I cuddled as close as possible.

"I love you so much Kev"

"I love you too Rich, now get some rest." He kissed me on my cheeck and turned out a light on my nightstand leaving us in the darkness together and in love.....

To Be Continued....

Okay pplz well that is Chapter 6... I'm sorry for the extreme shortness of this one but I have writers block PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!! PLEASE!!! EVEN IF YOU ALREADY EMAIL ME LET ME KNOW YOU ARE STILL READING!!!! PLEASE I BEG OF THEE!!!!! :o)

Thank you... Please email me PLEASE!!!! IM BEGGING!!!! Mystic Darkness

Next: Chapter 7

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