Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Dec 22, 1999


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story. If you are under 18 please leave.... if not enjoy.

Authors Notes: Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! email me or talk to me online... i maynot be the biggest conversationalist but it would be nice to hear from anyone... Mystic Darkness AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13 ICQ-- 55430960

Please forgive me about all the mistakes with grammar my computer is not working right so I had to format the whole stupid thing again...

Hey I would also like to give a shout out to LAUREN!!!woo hoo!! you go girl!! and please if anyone has time!! goread her story: "Lucky Me"... Please read my friend EG's story "Adam Zach and the BSB" And Dan... Whats up!!!!


Kissing Me Softly

He kissed me on the forehead and then we drifted off to sleep, me in his arms.

Kevin awoke with me in his arms, he laid there looking at the sleeping me. He kissed my cheek, I stirred a bit but did not awaken. Kevin slowly got out of the bed carefully and quietly not wanting to wake me. He threw on some clothes and walked downstairs and saw Jenne sitting at the table with her usual cup of coffe in her hands, reading the newspaper.

"Hey you," she said looking up from the section she was reading.

"Good Morning Jen," he said with a smile.

"Whats up with you? You weren't acting like that yesterday."

"Ummm what do you mean?" he asked trying to avoid the subject.

"You weren't so well ummmm 'up' I guess I could say."

"Oh, I have my reasons, I think you'll find out soon enough," he said grabbing a something to drink, and going upstairs.

As he went upstairs, Jen followed him without being seen. She crept after Kevin slowly watching every step he took and where he took it. Kevin made it to the end of the hall and looked around. He didn't see anyone and entered into my room. Jen saw him dissapear into my room and she knew exactly what was going on. She smiled, for Kevin and me. She would just have to ask me about it when the guys went to practice for tonights show. She turned back,and went back downstairs with a huge smile on her face.

Kevin entered my room, sat down beside me on my bed and ran his hand through my hair. After a few minutes of him 'petting' my head the door opened with Brian walking through the door.

"Hey Rich, do you have any soap I c...." He cut himself short at the sight of his cousin sitting right next to me on the huge bed I had, stroking my hair and looking down at me. "Kevin! What the hell do you think you are doing!" He nearly shouted.

"Brian shut up or he's going to wake up."

"Look Kevin, what the hell were you thinking, this could ruin your career. If he finds out and freaks out and tells the world, your career could fall out of exsistance."

I slowly began to awaken to the arguements of the two relatives. "Look Brian, everything is fine, would you just leave it?"

"Okay whats up with the two of you?" I asked meekly trying to cut in their conversation, wanting to know what was up with my new found boyfriend and his cousin.

"See Kevin, now what's your excuse?" he asked with a rage of anger in his voice.

"Excuse for what?" I asked grogaly.

"His excuse for sneaking in and out of your bedroom,"Brian snarled.

"Sneaking?" I repeated. "Is that what you were argueing about? Brian, Kevin wasn't sneaking around my bedroom," I said wrapping my arms around Kevin's waist. Kevin placed his hand on my back.

"You mean... Oh, I feel like an idiot. I'm sorry, I really am."

I laughed slightly, "Brian, look, you were justlooking out for your cousin. I understand, just don't jump to conclusions, and everything will be fine."

He smiled. "If either of you hurt the other one, you're in for it."

"Okay, but I don't think that will be much of a problem," Kevin said leaning down to lightly kiss me on the lips.

I smiled, and so did Brian, I guess he's cool with his cousin and all. Brian exited the room and left the two of us alone.

"So you ready, to get up?" He asked as he pulled me into his arms.

"Yeah I guess I should huh?"


"Okay," I smiled and gave him a kiss on his lips. He pulled me in closer and our mouthes opened. I felt his tongue crawl slowly in my mouth. I massaged his with my own and he pushed it in further. I rolled him ontop of me, and herubbed my back. I felt his tongue roam all around my moutn arcoss my tongue, teeth, and roof of my mouth. I moaned a bit with his tongue in my mouth. The kissing slowed and the intensene of the kissing lessened. Our lips parted and we stared into each others eyes.

"I thought you were gonna get up."

"Who said I didn't?" I said with an evil grin.

He laughed and helped me up off the bed, and helped me get ready.

We walked down the stairs together, no one was around, the house was silent. Jen must have taken them out or something. "Hey I think were alone," I said speaking up.

"Yeah I think you're right," he said flashing me a smile. He has such a wonderful smile, I wonder why he doesn't smile a lot when they are in photoshoots. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him quickly on his lips. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I really like you Kevin." "I do too baby, I do too."

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked picking my head up and looking him in his eyes.

"Well I have to go to the rehersal at 3 which lasts 'til 6 or so... then we get an hour for dinner, we could get together then... and well then we have the concert."

"Okay, well when do you think you will get back from the concert?"

"About 11 or so."

"Okay, well I'll just make Jen stay up with me and wait for you. We can rent movies or something."

"You don't have to..."

I placed my finger over his mouth, "but I want to." and with that I kissed him on the lips. He lifted me up a bit in his strong arms and pulled me closer. Our tongues roamed around each other mouths. I ran my tongue along his teeth, which is a bit of a turn on for me, and he massaged the underside of my tongue while I was explored his teeth. I nearly fell right there but he held me up. The kiss slowly ended and a few light kisses ended it.

"I don't mean to be rushing it, but I think I'm fallin in love," I whispered into his ear.

"Baby, you're not alone, you're surely not"

I smiled, sighed, and laid my head down back on his chest. He kissed my forehead. We grabbed two soda, and headed over to the couch to watch something. We found a good movie and I laid my head over onto his lap and he ran his through my hair as we watched the movie. As I looked up at his beautiful face, I couldn't believe I was with him, hes just everything that I would want in someone: kind, nice, sweet, caring, cute, and well themselves, and I saw it in him. God was I ever falling head over heals.

He saw me staring at him and smiled. "Kiss for your thoughts?"

I kissed him quickly and just replied with a simple,"You."

He smiled and brought me close to him. The movie ended soon and we just sat there, talking. He talked a lot, and I just stared on, not really paying attention. He ended up saying something ending with "you know what I mean?" which totaly just brought me back to reality.

"Um yeah!" I said.

"You weren't even paying attention were you?" He asked with a cute little grin.

"No I wasn't, I'm sorry."

"That's okay," he said giving me a kiss. I smiled and leaned in for another kiss. The kiss was wonderful again I felt his tongue enter my mouth and I slowly ran my tongue along his. I felt him shudder from my slowness. I smiled as best as I could with his lips against mine and his tongue in my mouth. I slowly started to push my tongue into his mouth. I pushed it in pretty far and he gratefully swallowed it. I heard a low moan out of him and proceded on. The kiss was wonderful, and was he ever good at it. His arms wrapped around my waist and he slowly rubbed the small of my back. I moaned into his mouth very very quietly. The kissing slowed down a bit, but our lips were still glued together. We slowly began to end the kiss together. We slowed down to a stop and finished with 5 short kisses. I smiled and so did he. I became lost in his beautiful green eyes, until I heard someone clear his or her throat. 'Oh shit' I thought. I turned my head to see Howie standing right there behind the couch. "Hey D, whats up?" Kevin said as if nothing was wrong. I just stayed still in his arms.

"If I didn't know you better Kevin, I'd say you are! But, nothing really."

"Wait, You're not gonna freak or nothing are you?" I said nervously.

Kevin and Howie just laughed. "Baby, Howie wouldn't freak, Howie would get turned on more than he would getdiscusted."

I gave Howie a "WOA" look. And he just smiled and winked. "Yeah, I'm gay, so what, and the rumors are correct."

"So the rumor of you dating David Boreanez is true?"

"I WISH! but no, the last boyfriend I had was about four months back."

"Do you want a boyfriend anytime soon?"

"Wouldn't hurt."


I scooted into Kevin's arms more so Howie could take a seat next to us.

"You two make a cute couple," Howie complimented.

"Why thanks D. If Kevin wasn't and you were still gay or whatever, I'd totaly be chasing you down."

He laughed, and sat down next to us on the couch. We talked till the rest of the guys got home. I found out that Kevin and Howie were the only gay ones in the group. When the guys came through the door, all of them giving us a big smile, and Aj had one really perverted one on his face one that was like 'yeah I know what you've been doing with my boy'. Which made me laugh. I guessed that Brian clued them in on Kevin and Me.

Well it was good to see that the whole group didn't have a problem with the two of us. We all relaxed until the guys had to go out to the rehersal. I kissed Kevin goodbye and he told me where to meet him.

"So hows it feel to date a pop star?" Jenne said asshe saw the guys car pull out of sight.

"It feels wonderful. I think I'm in love. And Kevin is so well wonderful compared to Mike."

"Yeah you two look so cute together."

"Thanks Jen. Wow, I really do like him, I just wish it could last."

"Who says it can't? I mean who is going to get in your way if you two really want to be together?"

"I don't think anyone really, his management can't cause they make money off him, and well he can deal with me at school for another 3 and a half weeks I think!" I exclaimed like a crazed child.

"Yeah," she said. She gave me a hug and whispered into my ear, "I hope you two have a great relationship."

"So do I, so do I."

I went to go see Kevin after I talked to Jen and told mostly everything I thought about Kevin. It felt sogood to find someone to be with. I arrived at the restuarant at 6 o'clock sharp.

I entered the restaurant and saw Kevin right away. He looked damn good. He was wearing a simple dark bluedress shirt and a pair of black slacks, with a black overcoat thatfell to the floor, that was open just a bit. He looked good in darkcolors, but he looked good in anything in my opinion. Unlike me and my total black, he could do that, I had to on the other hand had to stick with dark colors because of my dark complection to look good. I laughed at the stupid comparison I was making in my head and went over to him.

"Hey baby," he greeted me with a hug.

"Hi, how long have you been waiting?"

"Not long, we got done with rehersal and I got ready quickly and came right over. Now shall we eat?"

"Yeah, I guess that would be good."

We walked over to the table that had been reserved. It was nicely lit by the candles a nice table setting, it was pretty high class, the floweres in the vase on the table were even fresh, and a good factor was that it was in the back, whichwas good for his star factor. We ordered our food and just relaxed.

"You look great," he said grasping my hand and massaging it a bit.

"Thank you," I blushed, "but look who's talking." I paused a bit taking in the full effect of the candle light glistening off his face. "I feel so good with you, I don't know whythough, and it's not like I date a pop star every day, so it's just wowing me sometimes."

"Rich, don't think of me as a popstar, please, I'mjust a normal guy, nothing too special, but I'm feeling the same thing."

"You're special to me... yeah okay cheesy line orwhatever but yeah, it's true."

He smiled at the little comment I made. "Rich, I have to tell you something, ummm..." he squeezed my hand tight.

"Hey, heads up," I whispered looking over towards a waitress coming over. He released my hand and got prepared to look "normal".

After the food came and we ate together just looking at each other. Dinner went on without either of us bringing up what Kevin had to tell me what he wanted to in the restaurant. Dinner was great, and it was wonderful, even more so because Kevin was with me.

After Dinner we went outside to his car, it was darkback there and he was like a nightlight or the moon, thatmade me feel really comfortable. It was near the back so we really didn't have to risk being seen byanyone. "Rich, ummm back in the restaurant, I wanted to tell you something. Well, lets see where do I begin?"

"Kevin, just tell me."

He took a deep breath. "Rich, look, I really care about you, and I like you a lot, well I guess what I am trying to tell you, is that... well... I've fallen in love with you. Rich, I love you. Now I don't expect you to say the same thing,it's just tha..."

I pressed my lips to his and he realized that he should shut up and relax. The kiss was short and yet so full of passion.

"Kevin, expect the same, I love you too, I love you Kevin."

We kissed again, this time it was longer and full of passion. Our tongues tangled and it was full of love. He held me tight and I stood there kissing the man I had fallenin love with. The kiss ended and we just looked at each other. "Wow," he whispered.

I smiled and he said he had to go. I quickly kissed him and he said he would be back at my house soon. I smiled and watched him drive off. I sighed and walked towards my car. Still in shock that he had fallen in love with me, and me with him.

I happily sighed and walked to my car. I jumped in my car and drove home thinking of Kevin. I felt loved and I was sure of it for once. Kevin wasn't like my others, he was truthful (or what seemed to be), unlike Mike, he was there for me, understanding, and sweet, unlike Jon, and he was just a good person throughout. I was in love, I could not think of anything else butKevin, how it felt to be in his arms, how I loved to talk to him, how everything felt safe and wonderful when I was with him.

I arrived home quickly, drove up to the driveway, parked my car and got out. I walked to the door, and it openedjust as I reached for the handle. Jenne stood there with a huge grin on her face, and right below her was Silver wagging her tail back and forth with her tongue hanging out just a bit. I laughed and entered the door to where my two best friends stood there.

"So how was your date?" She asked nearly begging for gossip.

"It was wonderful," I started off picking up Silver into my arms. "Kevin was so sweet, and so nice, and and and..." I said smiling wide.

Jen laughed. "So what else, describe, come on! Tell me what happened."

"I don't know what to say, we met he was looking fine as usual, we ate dinner, which was great, Kevin was sweet through the whole thing, and well it was awesome."

"Awh, Rich that is so great."

"Yeah, I know, but the best part is when we wereoutside." She opened her mouth but I hushed her so I couldfinish. "When we were outside we kissed, and well basically Kevin told me he loved me. I told him I did to, and well it just felt so right."

"Do you really LOVE him though?"

"I think I do. I thought I loved Jon, and Mike, and was about to give up my viginity to both of them when I was dating them, but I mean, Kevin, he's different, he's sweet, and caring, and a good listener and a good talker, and hes just someone I could fall in love with, and I think I have."

"Wow, the way you said that, it seems that its right. I hope you don't ever get out of that with him. I wish the best for you Rich."

"Thanks Jen," I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled.

"So, what are we going to do while you wait for your love to get home?"

"I don't know and don't care, I just want him here."

She laughed, "You're begining to become pretty pathetic do you know that?"

"Okay okay, so I'm becoming obsessive so what?"

She shrugged and we were off to go find something to do.

We called up Kathrine, and the three of us went out mini-golfing, a huge pastime between us. It's almost like a ritual, apathy creeps its ugly head around, so does mini-golfing to scare it away.

We had some fun with the courses and cheated the whole time, just for laughes and stuff. There was no point in compotition and its just between us. I was happy this was keeping my mindof Kevin, because I would be obsessing over him, and I think Jen had heard enough of that in the car, on the way over here.

After a while, we got many strange looks from others and decided just to sit down and relax.

Kat was talking about the usual music clics and of course because my man was a singer it brought back thoughts of him. I began to get that stupid glistening eyes and grin going and Jen knew right away what I was thinking about. Kathrine on the otherhand had no clue.

"Jen, what's up with Rich? Is he okay?"

"Yeah he's perfectly in fine, hes just been struck by cupid's arrow as people always say."

"Oh, so Rich, would you mind telling me who this Mr.Wonderful is?"

"Huh? oh Yeah... well I'm out of things to say, so I'm gonna make you guess. Okay?" She nodded. "Okay cool," I said starting up again, "Well ummm you know him, and hes older thanme."

"Okay well there are a lot of people I've met like that. How long ago did I meet him?"

"Not too long ago."

"Oh is that ummmm oh Josh from your martial arts school, hes a hottie, and he's older."

"No its not Josh, nor anyone else from martial arts."

"Well I know everyone from school that you talk toright? And you're haven't met anyone in school or else youwould have been like this on Saturday. So that means its not someone from school." I nodded with a evil grin. "So then when did I... OH WAIT!!! You're kidding me right, you cant be dating one of them!!!"

"And why can't I?"

"You're serious! Oh my god... thats just a surprise... so which one are you calling yours?"


"Woa, good choice, hey I may not be a fan of them,but i guess its cool, and he does look damn sexy."

"You should see him shirtless," I said with aperverted grin.

She and Jen both laughed. "Okay Rich, enough, Oh hey it's 9:30, we have another hour to kill, Kat you got any suggestions?" Jenne said taking command of the issue.

"I don't care we can do whatever, why don't we justgo walk down main street or something?"

"Okay cool," Jen and I both said. We both got up and made our way to the my blazer. We got in and drove off to the lines of shops and small restaurants.

We easily found a parking place and got out. It was nicely lit and there was not a big crowd so it was a pretty good night to be out. We walked down the rows of stores, going into the ones that sold pop culture things, and ones that sold the Pier1 things that made my house the way it was then. I bought some a blue vase that go well with the collection I have in the no-TV living room.

We walked around till we came to Kathrine's favorite shop. It was an occult shop, I don't know why they call themthat.

We walked in and were greeted instantly, we were kindof like repeat customers. We looked around and I found some new candles I wanted. Jen found a new book, and Kathrine always hada full basket of things.

We all gathered at the counter when Jen thought of something. "Hey Rich, What do you think HE will think of you being, well, a witch?"

"Oh shit, I never thought of that. What if he hates me, what if he doesn't understand, what if he just ditches me or something?"

"Woa, Rich, I'm sorry I ever brought it up. If he really loves you then he would be able to deal with you being Wiccan, unlike Jon, as we all know, he tried to do a burning at the stake thing."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I mean he should know,and I want him to know, he's special to me already, and well I want to be with him. Okay yeah I'll tell him tonight." I sighed.

"Okay now lets check these things out, because I really want to get a better bag than this annoying one they make you shop with." Kathrine said lookind down at her bag.

We all laughed and went to purchase our things. Mebuying some votive, taper, and drip candles along with someinscense; Jen getting a new book, "To Ride a Silver Broomstick"; and Kathrine an assortment of candles, stones, herbs, and other things.

After we were done with the shopping we went backhome and Kathryn went her own ways once we got back to myhouse.

Jen said she was going to go upstairs to get readyfor bed and left me to wait for Kevin. She wished me good luck and climbed the stairs to her bedroom.

I pulled out the new glass vase that I had bought, which was dark blue and set it among the collection of green,blue, red, yellow, purple, and orange vases and candle holders. I loved it when candle light reflected off the colors. I smiled and pulled out two votive and one taper candle from the ones I bought today. I lit them with the matches that were always out next to this set up. I turned off the lights and saw the wonderful aray of colors, I sat down in a nearby chair, pulled off my socks, curled up, and watched the illumination of colors dance across the wall. Silver made her way upon the chair, soon enough as she always does whenever she finds me. I pet her for a few minutes and just thought of Kevin. I sighed and relaxed.

"It's beautiful," I heard a voice say from the entry area. Kevin stood there, the candles made him look like some mystical being standing there. He walked over to me and bent over to give me a soft kiss on my lips. "It's beautiful, Just like you."

"Someone is a fan of the old pick up lines aren'tthey?"

He laughed and I moved over in the big chair so he could sit down next to me. He sat down andquickly wrapped his arms around me and Silver jumped onto his lap. "Well someone seems to like you" I said as Silver curled up in Kevin'slap.

"I guess so. She's cute," he said petting her on the head. "I've been waiting to have you in my arms for the longest time it seems."

"And, I've been wanting to be there. So, where are the other guys?"

"I think they went straight up to their rooms. How was your night, what did you do?"

"It was good, I went mini-golfing with Jen and Kathrine, and then we went shopping for stuff. What about you? How was the concert?"

"It was good, but I still wish you would have been there."

I kissed him on his lips softly and looked into his eyes. My mother always told me that eyes were the doorway to someone's soul. And I think she was right because I really wanted to try this door and find out where this one led. I sat up a bit so I could look him directly in the eyes, those beautiful green eyes. His eyes were beautiful, and did not seem to have a lie in sight. 'Well here goes nothing,' I thought.

"Kevin I need to talk to you, it's important."

"Oh? Well I'm here," he said pulling me in close and holding me tight. It felt so good to be there in his arms, I hope I would be able to stay there.

"Kevin first of all, I love you, I really do. I haven't felt this good with anyone before. Kevin I need to tell you something but I'm afraid of losing you."

"Baby, I love you too, and I want to be with you too,even if we just met the other day. I think I could live with anything you throw at me." He kissed me on my forehead to reasure me.

I took a deep breath. Well here goes. "Kevin, don't freak out or anything, but ummm well... lets see... how do I say this..."

He hugged me closer as if to say 'its okay, just tellme'.

"Kevin... I'm.... I'm Wiccan. Wicca is a positive religion that has been like given the 'thumbs up' from the government for a positive religion. I don't believe that satan is good... I believe that it is evil and everything.... My god Kevin, I'm sorry if it bothers you and all but I can't change me, it's who I am, and I am worried I may lose you if I keep it from you and you find out," I sped out pretty fast, but slow enough have him hear everything.

I looked at him. He really didn't have an expressionon his face. He was totaly dumbfounded.

To Be continued... (Im not that big of a person with Cliff-hangers, don'tlike them and don't think I will write them much, so it kindasucks as one)

Okay thank you everyone...The next story should be out in two or three because of Winter Break and all... Thank you for those of you who are emailing me!

I greatly appreciate it....Please email me: Mystic Darkness

Next: Chapter 5

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