Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Dec 20, 1999


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story.

If you are under 18, please leave, (as if my words will actually mean anything as is.) but please leave if you are. If you are offended by homosexual acts please leave as well. And finally if its illegal in your area to view this or something dealing with that please leave.

If you aren't going to leave enjoy.

Authors Notes:

HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! Merry Chirstmas, Happy Chanuka, Happy Winter Solstice/Yule, Happy Kwanza, and Happy Holidays

Please email me or Talk to me online

Mystic Darkness AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13 ICQ-- 55430960

I would like to thank the few readers who sent in thier replies about my story... Thank you all so much... it made me feel good about this story Hey I would also like to give a shout out to LAUREN!!! woo hoo!! you go girl!! and please if anyone has time!! go read her story: "Lucky Me"... Please read my friend EG's story "Adam Zach and the BSB" And Dan... Whats up!!!!

Story Note: This Story is in early May, just the events like movies, TV show, et cetera are of today.... just placed at the month of May...

Kissing Me Softly

They loaded up the things again and AJ, Brian, and Nick rode in one car, and Kevin rode in Kat's car, and Howie with Jen and me.

We took off and we were on our way to my house.

We made our way down the roads and streets till we came up to my house. My house is pretty big as I said before, its not the largest thing out there and not even really a mansion, just like 2 houses put together I guess.

The guys jumped out of the cars and kind of just were in a bit of awe. I just smiled and we got their things out of the cars, and entered the house. Silver came running up to me as usual, and was her usual hyper self. I picked her up and held her. "So this is where you'll be staying for the next ummmmmmmm how many days were you going to stay?" I asked.

"Were here till Tuesday night," Kevin replied.

"Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.... Okay so thats three days."

"Rich, we have to thank you again for helping us out," Brian said with that southern caring state of mind he had.

"No prob, So would you guys like the grand tour?" I asked getting kind of bored with just standing in the hall with Silver in my arms.

"Sure" they all said one way or another.

I let Silver down and she followed us around the room from here to there. I showed them the living rooms and the dining room, kitchen, and library/computer room. I told them to go grab their bags. They did and I took them into the back hall where the stairs led to the rooms. I loved this stair case. It was one of those two sided ones that come on the sides and have one set after they connect. I just was easily amused by it ever since I was a kid. I showed them where the two bathrooms were that they could use, and then showed them each of the rooms. Each of the rooms had a some color scheme to it, with matching Queen size bead spread, and the rooms were about 20x20.

They each seemed to like the set up. I left them to decide their rooms and they ended up with choosing their favorite colors. Howie was in this dark purple room that was going to be for my sister when she grew up. Aj chose the room where there was a yellow/gold color scheme too it. Brian chose the blue room that was right next to Nick's green room. 'What a coincidence' I thought to my self and laughed a bit. And Kevin chose the lighter blue room right across the hall from my and Jenne's room.

They threw their things down in their room except for Howie, he had to make things neat and tidy. Aj had to make a joke of his neat freakish attitude, that cracked everyone up. After getting the guys rooms we went downstairs and out the back. I showed them the pool, the basketball half-court, and the oriental garden I kept. They seemed pretty impressed by the set up.

"Well what to do now," I asked getting bored of being tour guide and all.

"I don't mean to be rude and all but would you mind if I try out that b-ball court out back?" Brian asked.

"No, but one thing, why do you have to be so shy and 'may I' around me and stuff, treat me like an equal not someone who you have to ask permission from," I said.

He smiled and replied with a quiet 'thanks'. He, Nick Nicole, and Kat followed the two in a game of battle of the sexes headed off to the court leaving Aj, Howie, Kevin, Jen, and I all alone in the house.

"What about you guys?" Jenne asked.

They shrugged at it, and we just decided to go watch some TV, and talk and stuff. I found out quite a bit about them. They were all pretty cool, but each had their small little things that I mentally laughed at. Howie would always wink or smile slyly, Kevin would be shy or distant, and Aj could use some sedatives in my opinion.

"Hey guys do you mind if we just stay in tonight and do not go out to eat today?" I asked.

They really didn't seem to care one way or another. We called in Kat, Nicole, Nick, and Brian, and told them we were going to stay in and all (after finding out the girls beat out the two singers 34 to 27 which gave us a laugh). After talking a bit about what we were going to do, we decided on having oriental (after ruling out Nick and Aj's pleads for McDonalds), and decided to go out and rent some movies.

I quickly got out all of the things that was needed for the dinner and put into the wok, and let it settle. I asked Ona to watch the wok and have her make the full deal for me. She agreed and was great at the job too; she had cooked oriental food for me for the longest time.

The seven of us made it to the Video store, in five minutes and went in. Luckily there was only four people in there and they all seemed to be older than 25, the guys were pretty safe from teeny boppers. We quickly picked out the movies. We grabbed "The Rage; Carrie 2", and "Cruel Intentions". About two minutes, Nick saw the video game rentals.

"Hey Rich, do ya have any video game systems?" he asked.

They guys just cracked up and I informed him I had Playstation and the new Dreamcast. He begged for rental of a game and I just smiled and he ran off like a four year old to the little area of the games.

We rented the movies and video game, and headed home. By the time we got home the food was almost done. I thanked Ona for the help and got ready for dinner.

We sat down and ate dinner. We talked and laughed and had a good time. Nick and Aj picked at the food that they didn't know the food actually was, but still seemed to like the well known oriental foods. Howie, Kevin, and Brian seemed to like the food. Ona was her inquisitive self and asked each of the guys anything and everything. It was kind of funny. After dinner we made it into the living room and popped in "Cruel Intentions". It was a good movie and Ryan Philepe had a really hot ass. After the movie I got up and stretched. It was about 7:30 now.

Nicole and Kat had to leave for whatever reason, and said their good-byes and all. I led them out the door and to Kat's car, and watched them drive off. I made my way back into my house.

"Do you guys want to watch Carrie now?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"Nah, lets watch it when it gets darker out," Aj said.

"Okay, then what to do?"

"How about we take a swim?" Jenne put in.

"Swim?" Nick asked.

"Yeah she just wants to see all of you wearing pretty much nothing at all," I said. 'And I really wouldn't mind much either' I thought to my self.

They all laughed a bit and went upstairs to change. Nick being the slowest at it. I think he was a bit self-concious.

They all came down the stairs, everyone in a bathing suit and a t-shirt, except for Aj who just had a suit on. 'Figures,' I thought, 'he seems like the person who wants to be wearing the least amount of clothes.' I smiled at my comment and lead the guys out the door.

Jenne took off her overshirt and quickly went up onto the diving board and dove in, and I followed her.

"Come on in, the waters great!" She exclaimed while she wiped the strands of wet hair back.

Aj ran and jumped in right after she said that. And Kevin and Howie pealed off their shirts. Wow was that ever a sight. Thank god I was in the water which kept my little friend down a bit. Howie just dropped himself in and Kevin dove in the pool from the edge barely making a splash. Nick and Brian then shed their shirts. Nick being a bit shy. He did have a bit of a 'belly' or whatever but it was not that bad, nothing for him to be ashamed of. Nick and Brian lingered around the edge.

"Get your asses in here," Aj yelled with that raspy voice of his.

They smiled and jumped in. Nick being the child of the group obviously because of the "look out below" cannon ball off the diving board.

We swam around for a while and soon we started to get a bit crazy splashing and dunking each other. "Chicken Fights!" Jen yelled. With that Jen climbed up onto my shoulders and Brian got upon Nicks, and Aj lifted up Howie. Kevin just stood back and laughed. Of course Jenne won with her little throws she does best that she learned.

"Okay, I'll sit out this time," she said.

I gave her a crazed look. "Jen what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm doing you a favor, you should know better," she said with a very cynical look to herself.

"Come on, Rich, lets go, you and Kevin team up," Nick yelled from top of Brian's shoulders.

"What?" Kevin asked getting pulled back into reality. "Oh okay," he finished. With that I climbed up onto his shoulders. Okay now I had to think of all of the school assignments that I hated. Being on a hottie's shoulder and getting my hands on others was going to be kinda hard to control myself, but I was able to manage myself.

This went on a few times more. And the final time I was on Kevin's shoulders I felt his hand an inch or two under the end of my swim suit. That nearly made me hard right then, but I fell off his shoulders into the pool and shrugged it off.

After swimming for a bit more, we all got out and dried off. When the guys were drying off I got a few good looks at their asses when they dried off their legs and other areas. Howie and Brian seemed to have the nicest in my opinion.

Well with that we all returned inside and changed returned downstairs ready to watch "The Rage; Carrie 2". I popped some popcorn, two big bowls, and grabbed some sodas for everyone. Nick was on the floor, as well was Brian. Jen and Aj shared the one couch, and Kevin, Howie and I shared the other.

The movie went on, and the five seemed to jump here and there, while Jen and I just laughed. They just gave us the freakiest looks after the movie. Maybe it was because we were laughing our asses off and it was supposed to scary, even though we did jump a few times when it was near the very end. We all jumped at the end, and Jen seemed to just "mistakenly" get onto Aj's lap. They both didn't seem to mind at all.

By then it had gotten late and we all were very tired. Everyone went up the stairs and went to their rooms, and got ready for bed. We all said goodnight and went into our rooms. I walked out of my room to go check the last things to do at night, when Kevin came walking out of his room.

"Hey, what's up?" I said

"Nothing, I just wanna say thanks for letting us stay here and all. I think its wonderful that you're letting us stay here," he said with a wonderful smile.

"Really it's nothing, look it's my pleasure."

"Well thanks, I just wanted to say thanks," he said.

I smiled. "Well you're welcome." I turned to go back to my room.


"Yeah?" I turned to him.

"What do you think of me?"

"What? What is that supposed to mean? I mean you have a kick ass personality, and you're a great person."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I never meant... damnit" he dropped his head.

"What?... Is that not what you wanted? Did you want me to say I didn't like you at all?"

"No! Look Rich," he looked me directly into my eyes, "... Rich... I'm... oh never mind."

"Ummmm okay," I said confused.

There was an awkward silence between us. I didn't know what to say and I don't think he did either. "Kevin, what were you going to say?" I said still wanting to know.

"Ummm well, Rich... I..."

"Look Kevin, If you don't to tell me what you are well whatever, then don't, but if you do go right ahead, I'm a minded person and all. So, whatever's up to you."

"Well umm okay," he took a deep breath, "Rich, I'm... Rich, I'm... Rich, I'm gay... and... and well, I... kinda... like you."

"Wha..." I was so surprised I couldn't even say a full word.

"Fuck, now you hate me don't you? I should have listened to Brian when he said never to try a thing. I'll leave you know, I just hope I haven't hurt anything between us," he turned from me and my dumbfounded expression. This Demigod of a person just told me he liked me. I couldn't believe it... I just couldn't believe it.

"Kevin wait," I said turning him around. "Kevin don't say anything yet. Look you're a great person, and you have great views on things, and you're beautiful. Kevin you aren't the only gay male in this room," I said placing my right hand on his waist.

He looked in my eyes, and he knew I was not kidding him. "Well where do we go from here?"

"I don't know, but could WE start something?" I asked.

He smiled and pulled me in close and held me tight. That was wonderful, his arms made me feel so safe and yet so turned on. We kept staring into eachother's eyes, our faces moving closer and closer. Our lips touched, so soft and light, but it was so wonderful and sweet. I pulled back to look into his eyes, and we both smiled.

"Wow," I whispered.

"So you really want to try this?" he whispered, both of our words so quiet and caring.

"Yeah, I really would like that. And it would really help me get over my last boyfriend."

"Okay then," he said with a kiss on my forehead.

"Could I have one of those right here, sexy?" I asked pointing to my lips.

With that our faces drew close. Our lips met again and our kiss was wonderful as it was before. Our lips parted together and I felt his tongue by the entrance of my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pressed the tip of my tongue against his and teased him to follow mine. His tongue entered my mouth, his warm, strong tongue entered my mouth. It felt so good and he kissed me so soft and gentle but with such passion I nearly dropped right then. Our tongues tangled in my mouth, and it was ecstasy. The kiss slowed down and stopped with short kisses at the end.

"Wow," I said again, "That was just... wow."

"I'm feeling the same thing, baby."

"Is that what I am? Your baby?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, look if you..."

"No, I like it... umm Kevin?"


"Would you come to my room tonight, not to start anything or whatever, I just want to be by you."

"Sure, I would like that" He said wrapping his arms around me tight and giving me a hug.

With that we went up the stairs, and into my room. We pulled off each others shirts slowly, he had a gorgeous body, I my hands lingered on his muscles for a few minutes, and then we took down each others pants leaving us both in boxers, both taking a slow time at this. The whole time we never lost eye contact. I was really beginning to fall for him. He threw the covers to the side of my bed over, picked me up, and set me down right in the bed. Then he climbed into the bed right next to me and brought me close and held me. He kissed me on the forehead and then we drifted off to sleep, me in his arms.

To be continued...

Okay there you go Part 3.... Sorry part 2 was so sucky and all but I had to get the plot across... now there will be relationship building... not with just Kevin, but others... The next story should be up in two or three days, I have no life... break is going to be good for me...

Please feel free to email me. Mystic Darkness

Next: Chapter 4

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