Kissing in the rain

By Andy Lamy

Published on Jul 30, 2011



Hey, hope you like it, it came from a walk in the rain and hornyness lol.

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Kissing in the Rain

The rain was coming down hard, the wind was howling, and it was colder then I could ever remember it being this time of the year. It was July and had been a hot one so far with temperatures going into the forties and fifties. It had been so hot the pizza place I had worked at had to close because the freezers broke down and all there supplies went bad. I was out of a whole days worth of hours. That had been two weeks ago though and as I thought about it anger welled up in me, I hardly noticed the rain pelting down on me.

They had fired me a week later telling me I just wasn't learning fast enough, they wouldn't even let me finish off the week. I was so mad that I had phoned up my mother and she came and got me and now I was back home looking for a job and vowing to never go back to that dammed city. I planned to rent a house here in my hometown of Elwood.

A crack of thunder brought me back to the present and the rainy night I was out on. I looked up and saw I had made it to the kindergarten to grade twelve school I had graduated from not even a year ago. Deciding to go into the playground and walk around I headed towards the gate. I wondered through the play structures and swings I had not been on in years then made it to the field where we would sit in during the lunch break in the summer and watch the boys play what ever sport they had decided on that day. I could remember almost drooling over the handsome young men of my grade as they ran across the field after the ball. One in particular always caught my eye. His name was jack, Jack Cornfield he had sandy hair cut short a round face, soft usually kind eyes of blue, and even when he was older a body that looked like that of a boy.

Again a crack of thunder brought me back and I looked up the rain had gotten even more heavier as I had stood in the field remembering. I was about to go back when I heard feet sloping towards me from the direction of the middle of the filed which was shrouded in darkness. I peered out in the dark and tried to see who it was but I could see nothing.

"Hello?" I yelled over the wind and rain "Who's there?"

the sloping footsteps continued with no answer I got my cell phone from my pocket and shone it out in front of me and I was able to see an outline of a man or possibly boy who was about my height. As he got closer I could see he wasn't wearing anything except a T shirt and jeans. He must be freezing I thought as he got closer. When he was about ten feet from me I could finally recognize him I gasped and dropped my cell phone. Which made him laugh a joyful full bellied laugh.

"What are you doing here" he said

I couldn't say anything, I never thought id see him again so soon.

"I...I thought u had moved" was all I said

Jack looked down at the ground shuffling his feet perhaps pretending to look for my phone.

"I did....but it didn't work out." he said "thought u were going to ACC?"

now it was my time to look down and pretend to look for my phone.

"Yea..same didn't work out."

"Ah, well we have our first tidbit of advice to tell our grandchildren then" Jack said

I smiled "things don't always work out as you planned"

"yep, ain't that the truth, funny thing is our parents told us that" Jack laughed his big belly laugh again and ever in the darkness I could see the sparkle in his eyes.

"So what you doing?" I asked

"OOH working on my dads farm, hes getting old you know so he needs help. I'm also working at mainline also" Jack ran a hand through his soaked sandy hair.

A pale light came out of hiding and we looked up as the moon showed itself.

"what you up to then, back home for good?"

I sighed and started to walk again gesturing for him to follow me "I got fired and was tired of the big city so I came home. Gonna rent s house here in town"

"Oh well that's good, good luck." Jack said

we walked along and talked of other things like our old class mates and what they were up to.

"I heard Susan married Tony" I asked Jack nodded

"he got her preggers" he burst out laughing and so did I

"Always thought that would happen to her she was always a huge slut" I said

"yeap" jack said

after that we talked about other people in town gossip I knew but he didn't and vice versa. It was like old times in the beginning of high school when we had been friends. We would hang and talk like this after his hockey practice in the winter and and soccer practice in the spring and summer.

Soon we found ourselves at in the middle of the field.

I looked up at the stars, they were so bright and clear I had never seen then like is in the city.

"bet you don't see stars like these in the city" Jack said as he had read my mind

"nope. Just an orange haze" I laughed

Jack chuckled and sat down patting the ground next to him. "sit down buddy for old times sake, just like in grade nine and ten when we would come out here on nights like these"

I looked down at Jack and in the moon light I could see his soaked shirt and formed nicely around his smooth but slightly defined chest and stomach. Lower regions of my body stirred and I sat.

"dude take your coat off that thing looks heavy" Jack said puling at the sleeve

it was still pouring so my shirt underneath was already soaked and leaving my jacket on wouldn't make much difference but it was cold I didn't want to catch a cold. Jack took his shirt off and laid down and my mind was made up. I stripped my jacket and my shirt off at the same time. It was a bit of a shock but I got over it quickly as I lay down next to the half naked jack.

"Wow we haven't down this in years eh?" Jacked asked and put his arm next mine barely touching but I could feel the heat coming off it.

"No we haven't, I tried with others but they never understand and would usually think me wired" I said and turned my head to him to see him doing the same our eyes met.

"that's because they never understood you like I do" Jack said

"or did don't you mean" I said bitterness coming to my voice as I remembered the way he had rejected my advances on a night such as this only a year ago "if you understood me so why did you go off with Sally"

"I was stupid, full of shame and my dads drunken ramblings and threats. Forgive me" Jack said and

Jack reached over and touched my cheek with the back of his hand. "let me show you that I'm ready to love you like I should have all those years ago"

I sighed and grasped Jacks hand with my own and kissed the back of his hand.

Jack brought my hand to his lips and kissed it also then leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his were hot and moist. As the traveled down my throat and onto my chest they felt like a hot branding iron on my freezing skin. Then suddenly I gasped as a hand groped my stiffening crotch.

"Oh god Liam I've dreamed of this moment ever since graduation. I longed to dance with you at the party but sally wouldn't leave me alone and my dad kept a close eye on me" Jack was half draped over me and was kissing my neck and chest in between words.

"then why didn't u come to me the next day I would run away with you, I would have followed you any where don't you know that?" I said and held his head on my neck with his hair.

"my father mad he knew what I was up to he yelled...and beat me....i couldn't...just couldn't go through that again. You've no idea how frightening he is."

I could feel tear streaming out of Jacks eyes now onto my shoulders. Jacks grief could not stop his libido as he tightened his grip on my crotch

"OH god Jack" I said and groped at his hot and sweaty back and shoulder blades.

"love you so much, past doesn't matter, we are together now" Jack said a hand slipped into my pants and took hold of my cock. "I'm gonna make you so happy my love"

next thing o know Jack is going down on me and I am rendered speechless as he is quickly bringing me to climax.

"Oh fuck yea" I moan as Jack swallows every bit of my cum and sucks me dry right until every drop has come out. "let me do the same for you"

I pull down my pants further and roll over in the grass not even noticing the rain, cold and wind.

"hmm, I've dream't of that sight many times" jack said and I head him unzipping his jeans and taking them off. Then his cock is in the crack of my ass and jack is kissing my back. "I love you Liam never forget that"

I grunt as he slips his cock into my ass right to the hilt, he is slow and stays in resting on me still kissing my back.

"Fuck me love" I whimper and reach for his head with my hand and turn my head and kiss him.

Soon he is thrusting faster ramming my ass hard but with tenderness. All the time he keeps his lips on my back or neck.

"oh god yea I miss your tight ass my boy" Jack said abandoning all restraint and fucking me hard and fast even slapping my ass once or twice.

He came and I felt it wet and hot in my ass he collapsed on top of me and still in me.

"That was awesome Liam I forgot how great your ass was." Jack panted

"and I forgot how talented you were with your lips and tongue" I replied "so what now?"

"what do you mean my love" Jack asked

"I mean do we pretend this never happened or do we start sneaking around like last time?" I asked

"didn't I tell you all that matters is right now and right now I plan to get you back to the house I'm renting and your moving into and letting you fuck me like I did you. I don't care what comes tomorrow only what happens tonight. And you should do the same"

Hey guys hope you liked it, might write some more, please review!!

email me!

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