Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Dec 10, 2010


All rights go to the creator of 'Charmed' and the people that helped put it all together. If you are to young, you shouldn't be reading this. If you do not condone male/male relationships.....then why are you looking at this in the first place. I want to thank you for the feedback, and hope for some more. I love it and need it to keep writing.

Kiss My Charmed Ass: Chapter 9

I woke up to the feel of something being put on my was a diamond ring. I looked up to see Wyatt smiling at me, I just wanted to kiss him.

"Hey, I have to go to work.....I want to stay with you." Wyatt said frowning slightly, putting a finger on my chin drawing me closer. Our lips touched and it sent tingles all over my body, I replied with a moan.

Looking at this lightly tanned muscular greek god.....who use to be top linebacker in highschool. I have to say, he is a wet dream. "I love you....future Mr. Halliwell" With that I laughed, "I love you too.Wow, from a Cromwell to a Halliwell." I gave him a hug and a kiss, but He had to go to work...he's running 'P3'. Chris works at 'Charmed', Piper's restaurant. I where. I have been fired like crazy....apparently people don't like it when the work areas are singed....demons just love throwing fire and energy blasts at me.

I've worked as a lawyer, a therapist, a male nurse, and a social worker. I haven't been to each for more than a few days and the place is filled by demons. Wyatt and Piper suggest I work at 'P3', but I can't see myself doing so....but aslong as I get to be with Wyatt...I'll do it.

I kissed him on the lips and dragged them to his cheek and to his adams apple. I sucked on it as he moaned, causing a hiccie. I stripped him from his clothes and he took off mine, I immediately attacked his cock. He was hard in an instant, it was still hard taking his 10in. Wrapping my tongue around the head and bringing as much as I could into my throat. "Oh fuck....God, maybe a few....couple of fucks won't hurt." He moaned, as his hand pushed me down on the rest. I learned from years of doing this to relax my I did he was face fucking me. After five minutes of it, He threw me on the bed and lightly licked my cock. I moaned, as he passes it and goes for my whole working his tongue and fingers in...immediately touching my prostate. "Oh God!" I yelled, He climbed up kissed me once and entered me. From the go we started fucking like crazy, he plunged into me with such ferocity that I was panting. He hit all the right places, my G-Spot was tingling and caused me to whimper loudly...he enjoyed my sounds. After about 30 minutes, he flooded my insides and I felt his cum in me....all warm and I couldn't help but feel funny in the stomach again. "I love you Wyatt." I said, kissing him. "I love you too, angel." He said kissing me even deeper. We took a quick shower making out...but he really had to get to work, so it didn't turn into anything major.

Getting dressed, in a white v-neck, brown leather/cotton mesh was very cool looking. I went with tight black jeans with silver lining, I wanted to look hot....and I don't even know why. Reaching in my pocket for a hair tie, I put my hair in a Faith Lehane style. Wyatt just left, with a white shirt/leather jacket. Black cargo pants and boots. He looked like he was going to kick ass....but he just felt like wearing this. I couldn't argue he was beyond hot, he kissed me once and orbed off.

I walked downstairs to see what was going on....Chris and Adam were making out. "Hey you guys........where is everyone?" They stopped kissing and looked at me, "Hey're pretty hot....wanna join us??" Chris crept closer to me, "No, that's okay. Go about your fun." I said trying to escape, then they shrugged and went back to making out. Then Piper and Leo showed fighting, "They should wait until marriage to have the baby." Leo said, trying to get his point across. "No! I want Luke to have the baby, as soon as possible." Piper said countering him at every turn. "Jeez, why does everyone else get to have emotional problems but me?" Paige's voice says as she and Henry start getting jealous with the emotions going around here. "You? What about me? We never kiss like crazy, and we never get to fight when a baby is born." Henry says to her trying to start a jealousy competition. "This is so annoying....ah, forget it." Phoebe says all tiredish, "Let's go watch TV." Coop says, agreeing and totally slothy. They walk into the living room, and just plop on the couch and flick on the tv; 'Family Guy' played and they just sat there.

"Jeez, what's wrong with everyone. I feel like I entered the Twilight Zone." I say, feeling my anger and annoyance climbing quickly. "CAN EVERYONE CALM THE HELL DOWN!?!" I yelled, the house begins to shake. It just wasn't normal right. "Baby, you are just perfect." Wyatt says kissing me, and then looks around. "I thought you were at work....." I said, he stopped me with, "Yeah I was, but realized it's mutha fuckin 'P3' The hottest club in San Francisco. It'll do fine without me....I just want to my precious angel..." He picked me up and whirled me around.... "Okay this isn't right...." I said, kicking Wyatt in the chest with both of my feet. Causing him to miss getting hit, by a fire ball. "Die Charmed Ones!" He yelled, I flung him with my telekinesis and triple axel flipped in the air, dodging another fire ball. I shot lightning from my hand and it fried a whole in his chest....he looked down at it, then exploded. The force sent me through a wall, I blacked out as my body began to bleed from the hit in the head.

Everyone seemed to snap out of whatever they were on and came towards me, "BABY?! NO! NO! PLEASE NO!NOT AGAIN!" He said, trying to heal me; but the process never happened. As they were about to call it, the wound healed by little orbs and were gone. My body lurched, as the air filled my lungs in shock. As my body was in dire need for air. "Baby!" Wyatt's voice called me from the darkness, as my mind finally caught up with my body. "What happened??" I asked, still in slight shock, "You died......but you're okay." He said happily and smiling. "Why was everyone acting crazy?" I asked, "Apparently we had a case of the seven deadly sins....I'd notice it anywhere....if I wasn't affected by it." Piper said, happily.

"Oh.....huh?. Nevermind, I feel funny." I said, burping up orbs. "Oh, that's not normal." Wyatt looked at me in shock....The sisters squealed in delight. "Oh my gosh! You're having a baby!!!" Paige says happily, "What? Yeah, in the future." I said, "'re pregnant....we all dealed with those symptoms, or atleast most of us. Phoebe was burping up pink light was pretty." Piper said, "First thing....we have to go buy baby clothes....and ......." The sisters started but were interrupted by Adam's orbing in. "I think the best thing to do would be to get him to bed....even though he is healed, I'm sure that was stressing. We wouldn't want it on the baby....even so undeveloped." He said, urging us all. "Wait.....when were you going to tell me you were pregnant?" Wyatt asked, alittle chocked up and saddened thinking I would hide something like this from him. "I wasn't pregnant........atleast not since THIS MORNING, were we did it." He only smiled and hugged me realizing it wasn't my fault. He wasn't sure if he was ready to be a father.....or even a husband.....but he would try his hardest....this he knew with all of his heart.

He orbed us back to our bed, without even thinking what to do next. He just held me, and kissed me....he was obviously scared, but he wasn't going to show it.

Sometimes being.....MACHO.....can get you killed.............

(There's the next chapter. I wanted you guys to read it, and not get over flooded with info. The story is Chapter formed not just an all in one go. Anyways feedback, please. I have been busy, Christmas being closer is getting everything abit crazy.)

Next: Chapter 10

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