Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 29, 2010


I do not own "Charmed" and I just wanted to write a story from it. I got alot of feedback and hope for some more. You know where to find me, I hope you enjoy the stories and continue to stay along for the wild rides.

Kiss My Charmed Ass:Chapter 8

I was asleep in Wyatt's arms, I loved being in his arms. I would try to get in them whenever I could. The radio turned on with, ("Only Girl {In The World}" by Rihanna) I got up immediately, and turned it off. I love the song, but it wakes up anyone, and I didn't want to wake up Wyatt. Today was his birthday.......he said, he had a surprise for me....isn't it suppose to be the other way around.

I got up and went to the attic, I felt like I should...something was calling me. There was no one there, I turned to leave when I was hit from behind with a potion. I slumped on to the floor knocked unconcious, a pair of bounty hunter walked up to my body and kicked me. "He's out. Let's get him back to the others." They shimmered out.

"Hey baby" Wyatt called out, "Hmm I guess he isn't here." Wyatt walked downstairs to the kitchen, wearing a baby blue v-neck and black skinny jeans. "Hey mom. Have you seen Luke?" he asked hoping. "No, I haven't seen him all day."Piper responded with a questioning face, "Hmm....I hope everything is alright. It isn't like him to go off, without saying anything...." Wyatt said, "Well....remember, it is your birthday today. Happy Birthday, by the way."

"Thanks mom." "No problem Wyatt. Anyways, he probably went to do or get you something that will show his love or something." She said smiling. Paige orbed in with Phoebe and Leo, "Happy Birthday!!" They said all together, "Thanks..." "Whats the matter son?" Leo asked, he could see something was wrong. "When did you and mom, know when you wanted to get married?" Wyatt asked, something INDEED has been on his mind. "I....well, we were forced into marriage because of the whitelighter/witch rule. But I'm happy when it happened...why?" He said truly wondering what was bothering his son. "Well...I wanted to ask Luke...If he would marry me." Wyatt said anxious of what his parents thought. "What?! That's great....but don't you think you guys are abit young?" Everyone said, Chris and Adam orbed in feeling the tension in the room. "What's going on?" Chris asked, looking at the looks on everyone's face. "Wyatt wants to marry Luke." Paige said smiling at the thought. "What?! Sweet! Congrats bro!" Chris said all excited, "Wait wait wait! I'm still wondering is this what you want, Wyatt?" Phoebe asked "Yes...with all my heart. I've known him for 4 years, it has been amazing. I wouldn't change it for anyone or anything in the world." Wyatt was smiling with the intensity showing through. "Well If your mind is set...then we give you our blessing." Leo and Piper said, kissing eachother feeling the love.

(In the Underworld.)

"Wake up, you pathetic wretch!" An angry said, splashing me with some oozing green liquid. Coughing"Who...Who are you?" I asked between coughs.

"I am Elsa, bounty hunter and this is my brother, Jabar" A brunette lady said, she wasn't ugly she was beautiful. Next to her was a guy, he was a 5ft. 9in blonde muscle bound freak, but he was cute. "Why did you get me?" I asked wondering who wanted me dead or something. "Your wanted by the Source" They said, "He's dead. I killed him." I said, smiling, Jabar hit me in the face busting my lip, making it bleed. "Oooh, that's gonna need some stitches." He smiled, "WAIT WHAT??? He's dead. Then who....." They said, a figure showed up from the darkness and shot flames at them and they disintergrated. "Well, what do I have here?" It was the Source, the one who looked like Cam Gigandet.

"What do you want?" I asked getting pissed after what he did, He almost ruined my relationship with Wyatt. "Well, what I got last time...just in my body. I want you for my own. Your power with my power, our child shall be great...." "How do you know do you know I can get pregnant???" I asked seriously scared for my life. "I was still there when you got pregnant the first time. I saw the black flame, it meant you were pregnant with a future Source. And by the looks of the flame, your family line has made you powerful. Also, you just told me...." He smirked evily, "I'm still in my boxer-briefs...." I said, finally realizing it myself. "I know...easier access." He said, coming at me. I swung my arms, but the potion must be keeping my powers bound longer. "Get away from me!" I shrieked as he tore into me, ripping my undergarments off and plunging inside me. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt somewhat between the pain.

"WYATT! ADAM! CHRIS! PAIGE! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" I yelled wishing someone would save me.

(In the manor)

"Hey do you guys feel that??" Wyatt asked, "No......." Everyone answers him, "I can feel Luke...He's in trouble!" Wyatt exclaims orbing out, With the Halliwells behind him.

(In the Underworld.)

I was going felt sooo good. But I couldn't go through with it. My powers felt like static as they were waking them up...the stress was helping. "Get out of me!" I yelled he flew out and off of me. "Fucking Bitch! This is going to happen whether you want it to or not!" He said, coming at me. His muscles rippling from the anger of my rejection. "What is it about that twice-blessed bitch, that you love!?!" He yelled entering me again, the aching feeling of being empty being filled again. "He....He actually took the time to get to know me. We may have loved eachother from the start...but he was a gentleman about it the whole time." I said weakly.

"I'm going to KICK. YOUR. ASS!" Wyatt said, orbing in. He yanking the Source off of me and shot a blast of pure golden energy at him. He was sent flying into the wall.

He orbed Excalibur into his hands and the Source flammed a sword into his hands and they started sword fighting. Sparks and flashes were flying everywhere with the clangs of metal cutting the air in a dangerous, yet musical tone. The sulfur within the cavern walls caught on fire and they were fighting in the flames. I was being surrounded by flames and started flinging dirt on the flames that came at me. I couldn't get away...water shot out of my hands...that's right! I forgot about my nature powers.

I started to bend the fire around me and suck it in to surround me. "How could I forget about these powers...who wouldn't want to bend nature." I was completely surrounded by fire, it didn't hurt at all. I love magic, the rest of the Halliwells orbed in and looked from Wyatt sword fighting the Source to me. "Luke! Are you okay?" Everyone asked, "I'm fine! NOW MOVE!" I yelled and shot the fire out and it hit the Source flinging him to the wall. I kept some of the flames around me to censore my body from the family's eyes.

"By the power within, I bind you to this place in this hour. Let the power of entrapment rain. Always to sustain evils lure to this place of hell, where all evil dwells." I say, grabbing Chris and Wyatt's hands. The Source glows a dark blue aura, and he is sealed to the Underworld. His soul not able to go anywhere if his body is destroyed or anything.

"Let's get the hell out of here." We all grab hands and orb away. The Source yells in anger and fusteration.

(In the manor.)

After getting dressed, in a white outifit. I just felt like I should go talk to Wyatt, Knocking "Come in" Wyatt walks in. "Hey...can we go somewhere?" he asks and I just nod. He orbs us to somewhere......The Golden Gate Bridge.

"Wow!" I yell, "Quite a view, huh?" He smirks happily obviously aiming to please. "It's incredible." I kiss him, he hesitates. I was beginning to think it wasn't good. "I'm sorry wasn't my fault he raped me." I began to tear alittle. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault." I then what was up... "So...I was wondering." He said, then got on one knee. OH DAMN THIS AINT WHAT I WAS THINKIN WAS GONNA HAPPEN!!!!

"The years I've known you have been amazing. I love you will all my heart and don't want anything to come between us. No matter how much I claim you as mine, it's never official. Marriage is official....." he said, I began to cry happily, I love weddings. "Luke, Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He smiled giving me that killer smile that he knows that I love and can make me do anything.

"Yes....Yes, Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. I will marry you."I smiled even harder my cheeks began to hurt. He got up and picked me up and twirled me around in the air, I was afraid of falling. I'm not afraid of heights, just the landing. "Oh Luke, you just made me the most happiest man, witch, Halliwell, or whatever I am in the world....I love you." He said, kissing me. I could feel the orbs take us, we were standing infront of the sun room. The Halliwells all of them were around, they cheered as we orbed in kissing. "Congrats!!!!" We looked at them and back to one another, kissing even deeper. The little kids saying 'Ewwww' they were in the ages 8 to 10 and were just learning that 'Cooties' aren't real.

I smiled at him, my love, my soul mate. "I love you Wyatt" He kissed me. "I love you too, Angel." He kissed me again. We went to bed and slept peacefully that night. I couldn't wait for everything, to happen. I was more giddy than a girl given a platinum credit card and told they could buy whatever she wanted and it didn't matter of the price and how much of it she bought.

(There's the next chapter. I'm sorry for my recent absense with everything going on it just got crazy. Don't fret, I didn't forget about all of you, I was just unable to respond and write.I was thinking about each and everyone of you guys out there. I love you guys, your great people don't let anyone tell you different. Enjoy...and tell me what you think. :D)

Next: Chapter 9

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