Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 19, 2010


I don't own the characters, but they are definitely cool. I hope you like it. Beware....this does not contain anything on celebrities.

Kiss My Charmed Ass: Chapter 7

(4 years later.)

Quite a lot has changed, I have stopped being a wimp with good luck. More into an independant person, who happens to be gay and a witch. I have been throw alot, Chris and I are now 21, Wyatt is 22, and Mel is 20 years old. We have gone through high school and our suffering through college, in New York to be exact. NYU...New York University....that's what some call it, I call it HELL.

Wyatt is on his last year and is a senior...he came out to everyone along with me and chris. Mel is in the middle, and has all the guys swooning. We orb home everyday, but we have to stay in a dorm to keep appearances. Wyatt got in on a sports scholarship...he was the top linebacker. Chris joined the swim team, and begged me to join aswell. I had to decline and go with Soccer. I go to Wyatt's games and He goes to mine, and we go to Chris' swim meets. Mel got in with drama and theatre arts scholarships, seems a Drama Queen can actually do Drama.

It was funny when we first got here, I was looked at like the 'Hot Freak', Wyatt and Chris were the 'Hot Golden Boys', and Mel was the 'Hot Fox'. Many guys were barking at Wyatt's door....they were pissed when they found out he was taken. Same as with Chris and I, they wanted was fun to watch, if you were others. Mel was getting cat-calls everytime she walked in the halls. One guy even grabbed her ass and she clocked him in the face.

This day was just like the same, or was it.............

I walked the halls and turned the corner, I was on my way to get to Wyatt. Of course I could have glitted to him, but then I might get magic exposed. I finally got into the hall where Wyatt's locker was and saw him being harrassed by the "QUEENS" they were a group of popular gay guys, they walked the place going for whoever they wanted and they have been targeting Wyatt the whole time we have gone to the school. It turned out that they were also witches....which abused there magic, so they were pushing the Elder's buttons, but since it was something we couldn't interfere with we couldn't do a damn thing. Anyways, it explained why they were popular, they did a spell. "Hey, leave him alone. He belongs to me." I said, to them about Wyatt with selfishness in my voice. "Please, we go for whoever we want. We want him and YOU aren't going to stop us." he said sending an energy ball at me. I just nodded and they stopped, then I used my mind to crush them until they were nothing. I dropped my books on the had a book of spells the sisters gave me, it was like a mini 'Book Of Shadows', it was just entitled 'Charmed' , It looked like a small leather-back book. It had blank pages, but when I asked for something it would find it; if it was in the original 'Book Of Shadows'. I ran and flipped in the air, with me feet landing in their two of their faces and as I landed I did a back flip landing on my feet. One went behind me and fights and legs started flying at me, Wyatt was just watching as if something was the matter...was he frozen?

I grabbed one and he shimmered out, followed by the others. When I looked around I notice something, Wyatt wasn't here...."Damn It!" I sensed and sensed, but couldn't find him. I walked to my books and picked them up, looking for my mini it was gone too. "Oh, for fucking damnation! They took it! It was a trap...." I said aloud, looking to see if anyone had entered the halls apparently no one has. I glitted back to the Manor, after texting Mel an Chris that something came up. I told them not to worry that, Wyatt and I would take care of it. Of course everything wasn' was far from it.

(The Queens Hideout.)

The Queens had Wyatt locked in a cage thats metal was mixed with unicorn horn dust. It caused the cage to be unescapable....from the inside. "It worked, the fool fell for it." One said, Skyler he was the leader. "Beware, Skyler. You don't know what you dealing with." Damion said he was the one who didn't like using magic for bad things but at the same time loves the results and thinks he's gone too far already to stop, "Please have you seen what we just did. We took out the power of three. Raise your hand if you think OUR magic is stronger than THE CHARMED ONES?" Jonathan said, he was a ass kissing piece of shit who plays boot-lick with his master. These guys were obviously smoking something, they only did it by surprise and blind luck. Nonetheless, they all raised their hands cheering. "Anyways, lets get the party started, I want an orgy here yesterday." Skyler said, he held the book of "Charmed" it was wasn't protected like the original is...I forgot to put up the shield.

"You will never get away with this!" Wyatt yelled, being wheeled in the room. "I think we will, don't worry Wyatt. I just want to show you what we could have, all of us together." Skyler responded. "I don't want to know anything, I'm happily taken." Wyatt said, "Oh but Wyatt, that doesn't mean that you don't have lust for us. And I will prove it." Skyler said, He snapped his fingers and the guys put a ball gag in his mouth. They stripped him naked and put him in leather chaps and boots, with leather arm bands. The guys shifted their clothes quickly and wore leather bondage outfits. Skyler walked infront of Wyatt and dropped to his knees, licking the head of his cock. One of them then put a video camera on so that they could send it too, me. To show me that Wyatt can be attracted to more than one person.

Wyatt's cries were muffled by the gag. Skyler put the rest of Wyatt's cock in his mouth. It was so warm and wet in his mouth that Wyatt couldn't help but enjoy it, moaning to Skylers effort that he eargerly increased with the moaning. They guys started licking Wyatt all over, two licked, bite, and sucked on his nipples, causing him to moan. Wyatt was ashamed to the fact that he was loving this, and didn't want this to end. He wouldn't give this up for anyone, not even me. They removed the gag and he was moaning and panting. "Oh fucking God! Yeah! More!" Wyatt urged, They increased their efforts, then stopped, "Why have you stopped?" Wyatt said between gasps of air his lungs so dearly needed. "Don't worry my do love me.." Skyler said, to which one of the guys coughed, "I mean...US..." Wyatt's eyes teared and he nodded, "I love you guys, I need you. Luke was never THIS GOOD........" Skyler smirked at hearing this, "Good........" The guys gathered around Skyler as he picked the book back up, "Attraction Spell: I conjure thee, I conjure thee. I am the Queen, and you are the Bee. As I desire, so shall it be." They say together, and the lust that Wyatt feels is increased. "Now lets get the party really started!" Skyler yells, "Oh fuck, yeah!" Wyatt says being unstrapped and uncaged. Wyatt goes to Skyler and kisses him deeply, trailing down his body until he reaches Skyler's groin. "Oh Yeah!Suck it bitch!" Skyler exclaims happy everything is going well. Wyatt stops and lines his cock with Skyler's hole, Wyatt is leaking massive amounts of precum. He just shoves himself fully in. "OH FUCKKK!"He says, the pounding is intense. Even though that a spell was used on Wyatt, he can't help but enjoy it. He feels bad on how this will affect me, because he wants to stop being with me to be with the Queens, but he figures he has to live his life and I have to live mine.

One of the Queens grab the video camera and shimmer to me, placing it in the attic and then leaving before I can see him.

(In the Attic.)

I feel like something bad is happening and I feel like my heart is breaking. I'm looking in the Book of Shadows trying to find something to stop all of the nonesense. I hear a shimmering sound and find a video camera, on the couch. I go to it and turn it on, watching the video {All that just happened was played.} It gets hard to see as my heart completely shatters. The sky all over the world begins to darken and thunder is heard as well as lightning flashing in the sky. The wind picks up to that of a tornado, one that is too powerful to calculate. The lights go out and I'm sitting in the dark, with the video playing still. Hearing all that Wyatt said, before the spell. "He doesn't love me anymore............." I say, lowly and the window in the attic implodes letting in a lightning bolt that fries the camera. My eyes are completely black and my skin gets impossible pale, while my veins grow visible and black. The power of the Cromwell line all working together, the good the bad and the between. Mixing with the Halliwell magic I have within me. "Hello......"A familiar voice says,

The Halliwell family come rushing in, hearing the commotion. "Honey....are you..."Piper asks, I lift my head and shriek in the night, as the lightning flashes brightly it shows me, in my completely PISSED OFF STATE!!!! "Honey, what's the matter...." Paige asks, "Get away from him........" Phoebe says warningly, as she struggles to hold herself up from all of the emotion she feels her nose begins to bleed.

"So much much hatred, the rage....the fury, the betrayal, the pain, the wrath, the sorrow...........too much of too many!!!!!!!" she yells in pain, she begins to sob and feel emotions that are the opposite of what I feel, she fears me. "Luke!What's wrong......" Chris says trying to calm me down. I get off the couch and face them, with all of the continuous lighting flashes they didn't need the lights in the attic to work, the house started to get shake violently as well as things started to fly around and swirl around me. (Think Jean Grey, when she is PHOENIX.) My body began to glow as if I was a miniature sun, I rose in the air. "HE BETRAYED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, my voice being echoed into the sky. "I WILL HAVE REVENGE AGAINST YOU, WYATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL DESTROY YOU WITH ALL OF MY POWER FOR BETRAYING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, the others looked on in horror as I addressed the world that where ever Wyatt was he'd hear me.

(In the Queens Hideout.)

"OH FUCK!!!!!" Wyatt yelled, as he emptied his sac into Skyler...... "HE BETRAYED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL HAVE REVENGE AGAINST YOU, WYATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL DESTROY YOU WITH ALL OF MY POWER FOR BETRAYING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHRIEKING!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole warehouse got dark, feeling the affects of my emotional overflow. "Something tells me that this was a bad idea......" Damion says, feeling scared. "You think!" one of the guys says, "Maybe we shouldn't have shown him the video, seems like it pissed him off........." another says, "You did what?! What video?!" Wyatt demands fearing something, "Oh nothing, I just sent your ex....a present." Skyler says not afraid, "I.....I can't believe this, Oh God....this isn't good." one says, saying what Wyatt was about to say.

(Halliwell Manor.)

I continued to float until I couldn't take it anymore. I Super Nova out, (A combination of whirling and lighting teleportation with quite a bit of flaming.) To the Queens.

(Queen's Hideout.)

"There is nothing to fear he can't.....I appear in a Super Nova "HOW COULD YOU!!!!!" I yell my voice still combined into the sky as if two people of the same voice just much more evil say at the same time. As I point to Wyatt, a lightning bolt shoots out from my finger and almost hits, missed because he orbed out and back in, not being able to leave. A light flashes in his eyes and the attraction spell is broken, "Baby, please....." Wyatt finally snapping out of it, he hates when people use magic to affect him. "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT....I SAW THE VIDEO, I HEARD THAT YOU LIKE WHAT THEY DID TO YOU, AND YOU SAID YOU LOVED IT. YOU CRAVE IT, YOU NEED IT. THAT THEY WERE AND ARE BETTER THAN ME. THAT YOU LOVE THEM. YOU DON'T WANT ANYONE COMING BETWEEN YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!" I get out, the Queen's gang try to shimmer,but find themselves stuck. I face them smirking, "NICE TRY! YOU THINK YOU CAN HURT ME LIKE THIS AND GET AWAY WITH IT?!" I ask all of them. I begin to float, and the same affects are taking place just like in the Halliwell Manor. "I love you,Wyatt. I...I...can't believe that I would have to do this......." I say lowly but my voice is somewhat still amplified. The rest of the Halliwells show up behind me. They are still shaken, but are determined to stop me. "Powers of the witches rise course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near. Come to us and settle here."They say, "A mistake has been made this day, for that my emotions have been played. I summon death's hand as I make my last stand...I hear by quite being charmed as I quite my life, all is done and what's left of me is now but none.Let my feeling be shown to all I wish for them to be known, that each day they know how I feel, with this spell my fate is now sealed." I say with the last bit of magic I have left, and I kill over dead. "No, no, no, no.........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Wyatt yells with the after affects of my spell hit all who were there like a shock wave. "No!!!!!!" Wyatt yells, "WITH ALL MY POWERS, I USE THIS SPELL! RETURN MY LOVE TO ME THIS DAY, OR ALL THE LIVING AND DEAD SHALL PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!REVERSE IT ALL TO THE TIME IT STARTED SO OUR LOVE WILL NOT BE APARTED!" he says with pure fury, over his true love committing suicide, than rather kill him, that no matter how bad he hurt me, I would love him.

My body begins to glow, and all that happens is reversed to the point where Wyatt was in the hallway. Wyatt turns around and quickly says a spell under his breath, "With this spell your life ends this day, I'm sorry, but theres no other way." He whispers and they each fade away.

"Hey baby, how was school?" I asked cheerfully. "It's okay, it's better now that your here." He says kissing me. He grabs me and holds me tight, "Don't ever think I don't love you okay." he says and I just nod, alittle stunned at what he just said.

(At the manor.)

I was napping, I don't know why but all of a sudden I felt a power awaken in me. But it left me tired, and so I took a nap.

Wyatt was down stairs talking to the family, "So he doesn't remember anything about what happened so, I want everybody to keep there mouths shut. If something happens to him, I will hurt you...maybe even kill you." He says darkly, tearing abit, "It was just so hard, to accept him dying, that through all that he wouldn't kill me." They all hugged him, and I walked down stairs. "Hey, are there any cookies around here. I'm hungry for something sweet." I say, "I'll bake you some...." Piper says, I rub my belly that gurgles, "Yum!" The family smiles and laughs together it being contagious we all do it, while I hug Wyatt to me.

(OK, that was the next chapter. It was unexpected, but I thought that 'Charmed' Has so many twists and turns with people being affected in some way that causes them to gain powers or be changed into that of a deity. So I thought it would be cool to show, what Luke is capable of....If you piss him off to a degree that you never should do so. Send me feedback love ya, Till next time.)

Next: Chapter 8

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