Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 16, 2010


"Charmed" Was a great show, and I love it, as well as many others do. Please Enjoy and send Feedback. I will be writing ALOT, so please keep a weather eye out for my posts. You don't have to like em' but I really do this for the love of it and to entertain others. Please...let me know what you think, "I Live For Feedback!" lol.

Kiss My Charmed Ass: Chapter 6

I can't believe what happened. I got up, ripped the IV out of my arm and patched it up. I was very pale with dark rings under my eyes. I got my clothes and got dressed. I had to get to Wyatt and Chris. The doctor left with Wyatt, what would he want with him...unless he plans to be a fallback lay. No! I glitted away to Wyatt, he was drinking wine straight from the bottle at some apartment while the doctor was on his knees infront of him...unzipping his pants....I sent out my hand and flung the doctor off of him. "HEY! THATS MY MAN!" I yelled, Wyatt was on me in a second, "I don't want anything to do with you! You fucking slut!" He said slapping me, he was drunk. I kneed him and he fell to the ground. The doctor came after me, "You don't deserve him! After what you did...." I shot water at him and cooled it till it froze and it stuck him to the wall. "You don't even know him......" I said, "He's Wyatt Mattew Halliwell...a Charmed one, and son of a former Charmed One, He's the Twice Blessed and He's the reincarnation of King Arthur...and the one I have loved forever." He said, I looked at him like if I shouldn't do anything.... I had no faith....all this power and no ability to use it......

I glitted to Chris, leaving them like that. I as I got to him he was crying in the manor. "What did you do to my son, you sick son of a bitch!" Piper said and tried blowing me up, it made a gash in my stomach, where I shreaked in pain.

I cried, the family was there around me with mean faces. "Take my power, blessed be. Multiply it's strength by three." I said, with the words flowing into my mind, I could feel the power rush.

"Last the truth be told, let our lives unfold. So that we can relive our memories, and stop being enemies." I said, hoping all would be revealed. Chris stopped crying for a minute then started crying along with the rest of the family. Wyatt orbed in, drunk but crying. "I can't believe...." He said, "I thought the truth should be known....." I said glitting away. I left them all think about everything. Wyatt didn't know the truth and he called me a 'slut', he got drunk and hit me. Aswell as almost cheat on me. He had alot of thinking to do...even more so, on how to apologize. He really messed up, he almost cheated on 'ME' thats what he couldn't believe among other things. He didn't try to figure it all.

The witch doctor smoked in, tears in his eyes, he almost had Wyatt. He gave him a hug and tried to kiss him, but Wyatt pushed him away..."Do not, under any circumstances try to kiss me!" He threatened and punched the man. He grabbed his cheek and smoked away..... "I can't believe we did that to him...." Piper said and the family agreed.

"I'm going to make the Seer pay" Wyatt said and orbed to the underworld to kill the Seer. The Halliwell's wanted a piece of the action so they all orbed to the underworld after Wyatt.

In the underworld....

The Halliwell's orbed in looking around and found the Seer and me fighting, "I can't believe you did this...You ruined my life." I yelled, "Please, what life is that? They never loved you....just see how fast they turned on you." She said, and I looked deep in thought,"I can't believe they didn't trust me." I said, "Angel...." Wyatt said, "I call upon the ancient powers, in this night and in this hour burn the hell out of the Seer with this Spell, and let all things by right once again." I chanted and all flashed, and we were standing with the Seer burst into flames and everyone got over everything.... "Just a question, angel...What would you do if I really cheated on you?" Wyatt asked, "I'd leave you with a plaque that would cause you to have nothing but dead lovers and then kill myself...." He looked surprised and then sad, "No! Don't you ever say that...I love you...." He said, but I had something to say back. I grabbed his head and held it in place..."Without your love....I would die." I said, with a tear leaving my eyes. "Oh.....we still have to kill the evil in the baby....and send the Source back to hell." Melinda said, they all gathered around me and chris. Holding hands.... "Ashes to Ashes.Spirit to Spirit.Take His Soul and Banish this Evil." They chanted and Chris' eyes flashed and the evil left him. He joined the combined hands and they chanted again,

"Sisters three, unite in this hour, With the magic of Good we invoke, Rend this Evil from it's power, End his reign in eternal smoke!"

The black flame that was around my stomach appeared again and it vanished. I felt like something evil left me, it was great.... We all orbed was late and the family decided that we should just go to sleep.

Wyatt had other ideas...he wanted to make up for what he did and said, we were naked and he started licking my hole.

"You are so sweet...I love it." He said between slurps,I was gasping like crazy. "Wyatt your amazing..." We started to 69 and I licked the head of his cock. It was purple and ready to explode. I took an inch in my mouth and he moaned. Bobbing my head up and down, he tensed and came in my mouth. We got up and kissed, sharing his load. He put on a condom and,His cock entered me, and we started going at it like two rats in a wool sock. He pumped me for a good 15 minutes he started to pound me faster..."Ooooh Fukkk!" I said, "Oh Shit!" He said, I came and he tensed up and came into the condom. He removed it and tossed it in the trash can. "I love you, Angel." He said kissing me. "I love you too, Wyatt." We kissed again, our tongues battled for dominance, he won. I slept on his chest again, where I was suppose to be...everything was right in the world again........

Next: Chapter 7

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