Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 16, 2010


This is a Aaron Spelling production written by Constance. I am happy to contribute to it. Please send me some feedback. For this story and "Cursed in more ways than one" and "Justin's Body" it isn't about Justin Beiber, it's about "Jennifer's Body". And a special thanks to all who sent feedback, as well as, the Nifty Archivist for putting up with me, and posting my stories. I'm a beginner...So please don't be too harsh, lol.

Kiss My Charmed Ass: Chapter 5

I woke up with breathing prongs stuck up my nose, I was in room. "Angel, are you awake?" It was Wyatt. "Yeah, what's going on?" I asked slightly nervous, causing the machine to beep a bit faster. "I'm so so sorry, it's all my fault...I got really mad, and you got hurt. I was pissed off that everybody came in while we were about to make love;My powers flared and an earthquake happened, causing you to fall, and you fell...hitting your head on the stair case.I'm so sorry, please forgive me...I love you so much" He said, his voice was hoarse and his eyes were puffy and red, he must have cried alot. "I'm okay, Wyatt. I forgive you, you didn't mean to cause that to me." I said, bringing his head closer to mine and I kissed him deeply, he wasn't prepared for it. He quickly adapted though, so he didn't choke. There was a knock on the door, "Hello, I am Doctor Jonathan Lee. I am here to check you out...I mean check your vitals and such." He said nervously, as he looked at Wyatt. He was obviously crushing on my man now. "Uhh..okay." I said, I kissed Wyatt again and the doctor seemed to be a bit drawn out of it, as if he was sad that we were together. " seems everything is alright. But you have a fever of 103.5 . "Oh thank goodness, I thought it was just Wyatt, turning me on to much." I saw the doctor blush, slightly wishing it was him who was with him. "I have to go angel, mom and the family are calling me."He orbed, "What the?!" I exclaimed he did it infront of the doctor, "Don't worry, I'm a witch doctor...I've seen it all...So you and him?" I looked at him and he blushed to a deeper shade, "Funny, doctor...If I didn't know any better...I'd say you have a crush on my man." He just blushed even harder if that was even possible. "I...I happen to think he is....very cute. I admit, I'm smitten." I laughed slightly, "But he isn't yours." I said and he nodded and left. I looked out of the window and I saw something freaky...a messed up old guy, he tipped his old hat to me, but that wasn't what was messed up. I saw his eyes he was blind, and he had claws, and a messed up face... with sharp teeth. And he was gone, I got up to follow and it was annoying. I had an IV in my arm, so I had to take it with me. I walked around until I reached the children's section....He was attacking the kids. I ran in and flicked my wrist and he flew against the wall. "Get out of here, run!" I told the kids, and he jumped to one, grabbing her and his eyes opened up to suckers that went to her face. She started to scream, but I grabbed the eyes and ripped them off. They were so squishy, I took em' and pulled them out of his face, causing him to scream. He swipped at me, while the girl got away. I kicked him in the balls...if he had them. He apparently did as he got all pissed and slapped me, I flew to the wall, with my IV coming out. My blood started leaking on the floor, alot of it, and I was losing it fast. "Evil that creeps, through the mind of children, where your evil seeps. With this spell, I send you to hell!" I said...performing my second made-up spell. I blacked out again from the lack of blood.......

"What happened?" I asked, looking around. "Your getting reckless..." A voice said, in the dark.

"I am give you something that I should've given you before hand." A lady said, "The full power of the Cromwell line. The powers are different....they are elemental...due to the fact that your our only descendant left who is a witch you get them all." She said putting her hand on my chest."I am Sarah Jasmine Cromwell." She said, "You will have to be careful, you can affect things around you, say...the weather, and the plants around you. You must be careful...if you let your emotions get the best of you or they will surely rule your every judgement.This is a great power we spread to you...with them, the Cromwell's helped shape the world and the magical realms. Fire is about life, control, light, and anger. Water is about life, flow, peace, and nuturing. Earth is about life, strength, power, and pressure. Wind is about life, mentality, emotion, and love. Comebine all of these things and you can destroy alot....or create...alot. hahaha, it's your choice. Hopefully you make the right choice."

I woke up and I felt different, "Baby!" Wyatt said kissing me, I couldn't even register before my breath was taken, and as a reflex Wyatt was blown back; not by my telekinesis, but by wind. "Wow" I heard Piper say, I looked and the whole family was there with a girl I didn't know. "Hey, I'm Melinda...Wyatt and Chis' sister...You must be the famous Luke, I've heard so much about. You don't know me, because I go to a all girl's school...well I use too. I'm moving back, we'll be the best of friends." She said, coming up and hugging me. "Why were you going to an all girls school?" I asked seriously curious, "Because I can't help but love men, and want to be 'With' them ALOT." She said getting out before Piper and Leo coughed getting her attention. "Your what? Wyatt's 18, Chris and I are 17, and your?" "16, I know I'm advanced." I chuckled alittle. "So...what was that?" Piper said, and I grabbed her hand...letting her see what happened...Something told me to do it.

"Wow, alot of power....and they didn't come to think about sharing it with us..." Piper said obviously alittle jealous, but at the same time not because she's always wanted a normal life. "Angel, maybe we should do something about your powers....." Wyatt said getting alittle serious and I got alittle angry. Outside, Thunder cracked aswell as lightning, and the wind blew, with the sky black. "Oooh, sorry." I calmed down and so did the sky... "Maybe I should think about sharing my powers with the Charmed Ones....."

In the Underworld, the Seer was busy; performing as many dark rituals as she could.....all she could do was give the Source a body to possess, but not bring him back. He was lifted up as a dark shadow, and entering Chris.......who's eyes flashed like the eternal night briefly. She smirked to herself, "This should be fun......." She said, and shimmered out.

"Hey everyone we need to go...." Leo said, "It's getting late and Luke needs hs rest." Leo said, "Wyatt you look tired you go, I'll stay with Luke tonight. Besides it'll give us the opportunity to get to know eachother...." He just looked at me then to Chris and nodded, giving me one last kiss before he walked out the door hesitantly. Chris gave Adam a kiss and then the rest gave us hugs and left. "I can stay...if you want." Adam said to Chris, "No!" Adam nodded and orbed out. "You know what's funny....That the first time you killed me....I felt you holding back." Chris said, and his eyes changed and I knew who it was in Chris. The Source, "Aaaah!" I screamed, and he shot a fire stream at me I forced it away, he then came through the flames and hit me over the head. I was awake still, but I was in pain, and the hit seemed to knock of my motor skill, because I couldn't move, just watch.

He took off my clothes quickly, but gently took make sure he didn't hurt me, he wanted to make me enjoy it. "My name is Sectare, and I will make you wish we were together." He said menacingly, his clothes were gone in a flash and as soon as it was he entered me...not trying to even make me enjoy it at first. "This will hurt, so you better get use to it" He said, and entered me and started fucking me....there was no love, just pain and anger. I couldn't fight all I could do was take as he plunged into me to the hilt. I just took it, and it started to feel better but my ass was aching like something fierce. I cried out in pain, as he came inside of me. A black flame danced over my stomach. I could feel it...I was pregnant. As we were done, the evil left Chris and he was shocked at what he saw. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry." He said orbing away while crying, "What the hell!" I heard a voice say, it was Wyatt and the doctor...."I can't believe you did this to me.....with my fucking slut!" Wyatt said, crying and orbing away, the doctor grabbed on to him and they orbed together away.

Next: Chapter 6

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