Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 15, 2010


As I slept, I had a dream....

I was sitting on a cloud...what was I doing there? "My child...the charmed line, must continue...and since all of the chamed members are homosexual...we have made YOU, cabable to have children." An old person in white said, "You are not pregnant...but your body has been modified. Through magic, you are able to conceive." I just stared in shock, "The feeling in your stomach...that was I, or more on the lines. Us, We did that to you." He said that and alot of others orbed in around me. "It's not all set in stone. You are just able to give birth, so don't sleep around." One young elder said, not wanting to waste anymore time. The other elders looked at her, "Sorry, I just can't keep seeing us go in circles." she said, "So...I have to protect know, with a condom." She only nodded awkwardly. "It's time for you to go back...." They all said and raised their hands, lights came out and shot at me, orbing me back to my body.

"Angel...." Wyatt said kissing me awake, "It's time to wake up...we have to go to school, this time without something stopping us." I smirked, nothing will ever be the same again.

At school, I got to my first class, well Wyatt escorted me. He kissed me by the door and everyone looked at us, not in hatred but rather awe. "I'll see you later, angel." He said smiling his million dollar smile, "Okay, I love you." I said, truly meaning it. "I love you too." He said, walking away. I talked to the teacher and he just told me to sit, he either didn't like me or wanted to really get class started. It took me a minute to realize a few of the girls and 1 or 2 guys were staring at me. I just smirked and looked away, my eyes must be doing it. Purple eyes aren't anywhere close to normal...they are possible, but it's very rare.

"So you and Halliwell?" the girl next to me asked, I just nodded, "Lucky. He's 180 lbs of pure hot muscle. I can't believe he'd go gay...for you. Mandy is going to be so pissed." "Who's Mandy??" I asked, hoping she wasn't what I thought she was. " Wyatt's ex. They broke up about a week ago, and it wasn't pretty. See, Mandy was...cheating on Wyatt...He was a bit too rough in bed." Something hit me. "How do you know so much?" She smirked, "Because Mandy.And I want him back. So...unless you want your life to get harder...I suggest you and him split, K. Or I can resort to magic...." I looked at her again, "What?" She smirked evily, "Duh? Is anything going on in there? I'm a witch. I happen to think homos are sick. And...You turning him is just wrong..." "He's with me, because he wants to be...." "Our because he needed something to love...He's is a machine in bed, and loves to have sex. You know how many girls he's slept with in this entire school? Almost all of them. He's a player...when he gets what he wants from you, he'll ditch you like everyone else." She pulled out a necklace with a vial on it of glowing pink liquid..."With this baby, I'll have him back...It's a love potion." "You won't get away with it. I'll stop you." The bell rang, "Yeah, I don't think you will. They'll make sure it isn't stopped." She pointed behind me. The people who were staring earlier were behind me. The teacher and all of the other kids left, it was just us. "I can't believe you think you can stop us." Mandy said, "I'm a Cromwell...And a Charmed One...I will stop you." I said waving my hand and a pencils went flying at them and they shimmered out and back in, dodging them. "Wow, pencils...I'm so scared." Mandy said, holding up a fire ball. "I thought you said your a witch..." "I might be a witch, but I'm...also a demon. I'm half...which gives me the ability to go through with this and not care about others." With that she threw it at me, and one of her lackies grabbed my arms and wrenched them back. The fire ball was an inch to hit me, when I squinted my eyes causing the fire ball to stop. I nodded my head in Mandy's direction and it went for her. "Hmm...I guess it's true. You Charmed Ones are hard to kill. I guess I'll try harder." She sent a wave of fire at me. I put up a force field, that was invisible, but when the flames hit it, the shield fluxed and showed itself for a moment. Adam orbed in, sensing something was wrong. "Luke!" He yelled, Mandy opened up the vial and splashed some of the potion on Adam, "Do as I say, give this to Wyatt, saying it's something to help get Luke back." Mandy ordered from Adam, who was in love with her. "Yes, my love." Adam said orbing out. She sent fire balls at me, while the others shot fire streams at me. "Aaah!" I blocked them, It may stop them from burning my flesh, but the heat was still pretty bad. I was suffocating from the flames taking all of the oxygen away from me, I could only think of ways to save Wyatt and Adam, when I fell on my knees and I blacked out.

"Honey are you ok?" It was Piper's voice that called me out of the darkness..."What happened?" I asked, Chris and the Sisters were around me, in the sun room. "You tell us? I can't get ahold of Adam...or Wyatt." Chris said, pacing. "I..." and a flash of memory came back..."Mandy! She did this. She drugged Adam, and I'm guessing Wyatt too. With a Love Potion." I said, Chris stopped pacing and a tear appeared in his eye. He knew that Adam loved Mandy, but he had hope since it was a temporary potion. "Call A Lost Witch Spell?" He asked Piper, she nodded. "Book of Shadows!" Chris called out and it orbed into his hands."I know what I want, but not where to find it..." The Book, started flipping pages until it got to the spell...Piper left and came back with an Athame. Chris cut his finger and I cut mine, and spilled the blood on the floor.

Power of the witches rise Course unseen across the skies Come to us who call you near Come to us and settle here. Blood to blood, I summon thee. Blood to blood, return to me.

Chris and I summoned Wyatt. "What do you want?" He said angrily, "I'm busy with my love Mandy." He said, "Wyatt...It's me Luke." He started at me and I continued, "The one who loves you and you love back." I hoped it would spark something. "I don't know what your talking about, I only love Mandy." I teared a bit. "It's not real." I said grabbing him into a kiss, He pushed me off, and bitch-slapped me. "Get off me, fag! I'm not a faggot, like you." I started to cry lightly, "I'm not perfect, but I don't deserve this..." I said, and suddenly I glitted away...(Think of a flash of white lights, sort of like orbing but quicker and I don't need to have been to the place before to go there.)..."Wow, That was strange." I said, on the top of the Golden Gate Bridge. How do I change this... "You must cast a spell..." A voice said, and I got scared, "Do not fear...I am not going to hurt you...." I looked around,"Just cast a spell, now. Be off with you." I glitted back to the Manor. Wyatt was there arguing with everyone, and Adam was there aswell. "Mandy is our love!" They yelled, and I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote.As soon as I was finished, Mandy shimmered in, and immediately sent a fire ball my way. I held the paper to the fire and it flashed to ashes. It burned my hand, but it was worth what was about to happen... "Let the Truth be Told, Let our Lives Unfold.So we can Relive our Memories and Stop being Enemies." I chanted holding my hand, Wyatt and Adam's eyes flashed. My hand was chared and bleeding, "Baby.." Wyatt, said walking to me and gave me a hug, Adam did the same to Chris. "No!" Mandy said, snapping her fingers and her lackies showed up. "Burn in hell, homos!" She yelled as they shot fire streams at us. Chris grabbed my hand and I grabbed Wyatt's we weren't in the right order but hopefully magic will forgive us. "Fire that burns bright, used for evil on this night.Twist and turn, make your user burn." I said, and We all chanted together, the guys did it in synch with me even though I didn't know how these spells came to me. "Small of mind, big of woe. The pain you caused, you now will know." We said together and Mandy and her lackies blew up, in flames. "Well...that the end of that." I said, before I glitted Wyatt and myself into his bed. "Oh, angel. You saved me.." He kissed me and we started to make love, as we were naked, the door opened with everyone walking in and squealling then walking out. "What the hell!" Wyatt said, angrily. "Wait here." He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waste, and stomped down stairs. The house started to shake with earthquakes..."How could you!" Wyatt started, "Were sorry, you guys just left so quick. We thought something was wrong." I tried to walk down stairs, but the earthquakes started again and I fell down the stairs, blacking out with a gash on my head. "Baby!" I heard Wyatt yell, as I sinked into darkness.

Next: Chapter 5

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