Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Mar 7, 2012


You know the rules. Must be 18 or older. This has nothing to do with the life of any celebrity. Before I start I would like to say sorry I been gone for FOREVER. Someone thought it was funny to hack my Yahoo and change things making it impossible for me to get in it. Got a friend to rehack it lol. He's a genius, love ya Darrin your a great friend.

Kiss My Charmed Ass-Chapter 14


"Should we tell them that the pregnant Charmed one will die at birth?" An Elder asked to another. "'s better this way."

Halliwell Manor

Sleeping all was nice and warm. I was cuddling with Wyatt...subconsciously listening to his heart beat. When I felt a gushing like I pied myself...from my ass. Waking up I removed the sheet and quilt to see a huge wet spot. (I'm too old to be wetting the bed!) "Uhhhh Wyatt..." I called no response "...Wyatt" again nothing......

{In the Underworld}

"My liege, the Charmed one is going into labor"

The new Seer said to the current demon running things in their domain...he hasn't become source yet, but if you had to guess Zallak would be next Source. Zallak the demon of control.(You get the picture.) His body purple with spikes sticking out teeth that could eat metal and claws able to cut through anything except wonder he was running shit.

"Thank you I am fully aware of the situation at hand. I already have taken care of it." He snarled at her, she, cringing in his presence. "Leave me be." She bowed fading out of His presence.

Back in the manor "Wyatt!" I yelled as I smacked him across the face. "God Dammit!" He shrieked in pain, holding his face. "What was that fo..." he didn't finish as he saw and felt the wet stain. "Is it time?" He asked wide eyed. I was going to tell him yes, but I screamed in pain. He quickly put on some shorts and ran around the house. "Everyone get up! Luke's water broke...he's going into labor!" His voice was heard from outside the hallway. In an instant I heard doors opening and feet slapping the floor to get to me. Wyatt was helping me up. Piper ran in followed by the family they all looked tired. Except for Chris and Adam who were red in the face with their erections bobbing in their boxers. (Obviously they were TIRED, not sleepy.) Good Lord they were getting busy while I got the squirts.

The contractions were so painful I was crying, with Wyatt whispering in my ear soothing me."Shhh it'll alright. We practiced this... deep breaths." I used the breathing technique, it didn't help. Wyatt orbed us downstairs everyone on our trail.

" I got the clothes, and everything." Leo said calmly. "Great okay lets get...." a crash was heard from the attic. "Why now? Jeez!" Demons shimmered in. In a second that they shimmered in Piper had half vanquished. Phoebe has five.of them gone. Paige had the last five gone. " Okay..." but more demons shimmered in. Fire balls being thrown around. I lifted my hands and flowers appeared. I tried again and fireworks appeared. "You choose now to ruin my powers." I ask rubbing my stomach, earning 3 kicks. "Ahhh!" I yelped in pain.

The pain grew to an excruciating level. My face was red my veins were popping out I was sweating a flood here. " Oh crap we've got to move him." Phoebe's voice was barely heard beneath my screams. I could feel myself being lifted. The Halliwell husbands were moving me.Coop was cooing in my ear, I grabbed him by the collar, "out of my face!" He just continued. He put his hands on me a pink glow filling me feeling loved but it still hurt.

Heaven "We must atleast help....we can't let Him die." The Elders were discussing the newborn issue. "We have too...think of all the things that will happen without him. The children will be forever scarred without their mother." Another added. "What are we to do? Make him immortal?" He tried to reason. "No if we make him immortal we will never be able to stop him if somehing went wrong." One argued. "Well if we don't than they will all perish and so will the Earth itself!" A high elder reasoned. "Now let it be..." She commanded they all put their hands together powers gathering and a bright light was sent down to earth.

The Manor

The demons gone and I could feel myself slipping away. "Okay you have to do this!" Piper urged... my legs parted and they had Wyatt prepping me. "Ugh...push?....yeah, push!" I did as he said I was in so much do women do this? I could feel my anal walls stretching and moving over making room. "I see a head!" Paige yelped in excitement. Sure enough the head of a baby was being pushed out. With a slight magic glow to it as if a mini skin tight force field. Probably protecting it from harm. Chris and Adam holding my hands giving me encouraging words of support, together we were bring out the next Charmed generation.

Crying was heard from the baby, "Hey it's a boy...." Chris said, picking him up and cleaning him, wrapping him in a blanket. "Okay two more..." the second one just came out after that....following his brother. He began crying as Adam did the same as Chris did. "One more.." Piper's voice was heard as a blurred figure of her picking something up from another figure. "He's lost a lot of blood..I don't know if he can do another." A voice from the room said, they were all becoming less noticeable. "He's dying."another one went. I pushed one final time and exited my last baby boy. Leo picked him up and cleaned him. The machine flat lining, "No!"

I by body? It was so pale almost gray as a light entered it. It seem to do nothing. I watched as the boys were crying, their young powers glowing from them. The family was crying they were all crying....for me. "Screw the order! Luke has been always good and innocent despite his family's history." Piper said, they all joined hands, even the kids and baby's. They were all channeling magic into Wyatt. Who at the moment looked more like an angel or a celestial being the the actual counterparts. "Powers of the witches rise course unseen across the sky's come to us who call you near come to us and settle here. Bring forth the Angel of Death."

The angel of death himself was standing before them. "What is the meaning of this?!?" He called at them, "Bring him back." Wyatt's voice boomed, "he is not dead...he's no where on my list. In fact, I believe he was granted immortality. It takes awhile, it transforms his body from a human into....not so human. He will look the same, but you may find a tad different." His voice heard as whispers as he disappeared in a disturbing display of death.

"So we wait?" Wyatt asked, turning of the machine. "It's all we can do." The family came up to him gathering in a group hug. It was now 2pm in the afternoon. Wyatt started to clean my body, about to sew my asshole back together, noticing it was already healed. It looked like same as the day we first had sex...I was a physical virgin again.

"Well this should be fun, when you wake up it is so on!" He said to my body. Walking up to him I truer to touch him on the cheeck but my hand phased through him. He touched where I attempted to touch him "That which is not seen, let it be seen." A flash went off and his eyes directed towards me, as my ghastly form solidified. "You're alive!" He attempted to hug me, but I phased through the embrace. "But I'm stuck like this for a few hours...or days...or weeks. I just want to touch you Wyatt, to feel your arms around me."

He smiled,"same here." "How are the babies? Are they...?" "They're fine. Already being spoiled for only being an hour old." This brought such joy to my face, "I just

wish I could hold them. Isn't it law or something that their mother gets to hold them?" "If it's anything...were using your milk to feed them." I just put up a weird face. He laughed causing me to laugh as well.

"Now it's just the waiting game." "Yep". We walked to the kitchen seeing the baby's asleep in their Grandparents's arms. "You know I'd do it again right...." I turned to see Wyatt in the Sunroom. "What?" "I'd choose you...all over again." Whispering I cast a spell, "let the unfeeling finally feel." I kissed him deeply tangling my fingers in his golden locks. A moan coming from him. "Same here." We held hands as we stared out the window, the Colors in the clouds contrasting against the blue of the sky.

{Been awhile hope you like it. Tell me what you think. Email me at}

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