Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Mar 28, 2011


I do not own any of the characters of 'Charmed', this does not hold any info on celebrities and their personal lives.

I've been gone for awhile....Computer problems, and such. You don't want to know how bad it got...but I'm back. When I got back, I didn't get alot of feedback, so I was thinking maybe no one wanted to read my stories...BUT a few fans came out of nowhere and started asking me to continue. This is for you......

Kiss My Charmed Ass:Chapter 13

It has been great, Wyatt has cooked every meal. We have been making loving all over...the bed, the kitchen, the shallow waters. Being on an island was great...but We were both feeling homesick.

1 hour later

"Baby, you ready to go?" Wyatt's voice calling me. "Yeah, I have everything." I answered, "Okay good. Clothes...manor." Wyatt said walking up to me, waving his hand at the clothes. Orbing away to the manor, "I really enjoyed our time here." I said kissing him.

"I know, but we have to go now. Besides it's best we get going you're 8 months pregnant." I just nodded. He kissed me, as I felt a litter of orbs taking us.

"Welcome back you two." Piper greeted, then swatted Wyatt's shoulder.

"Ow!" He yelped, "What was that for?" Wyatt asked, a light expression of false agony. Piper smirked to it, "You know damn well. You orbed off right after 'I Do' couldn't have waited to atleast say 'bye' to everyone?" Wyatt blinked, running a hand through his hair.

"I wanted it to be special and spontaneous. Besides, when we said, 'I Do' we were married; I wanted to spend all of my time with him." He said tightening his hold on me.

"Yeah okay, just...welcome home." She said fake huffing, she wasn't really angry. It reminded her of when she was with Leo, how spontaneous they were with their love for one another. It brought back memories.

"Welcome home, bro." Chris said, running towards us with Adam on his trail. Both giving us hugs, "How was it? You have to tell us." Chris said smiling, grabbing me by the hand. Wyatt let alittle grumble towards Chris for taking me away.

We all sat at on the chairs in the Sunroom, telling Chris and Adam everything...well almost. =D

"Hey Wyatt...Luke." Billy said, walking in. "You're cute...hahaha. Sorry, I'm Billy." She said giving me a huge hug. "I'm Luke." I responded, "Oh I know who you are. I have seen a few pictures." She smiled, I laughed.

"Melinda told me alot about you." Billy said putting her arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, you're not alone. I have similar parental issues." Mel came walking in, giving me a hug from behind. "What no hug for me?" Wyatt said alittle red in the face. "Sure honey." I gave him a hug, with him smiling contently. "I love you my angel." "I love you too Wyatt."

I looked towards Chris and Adam, they were holding hands. Smiling that sweet and innocent smile, that comes from two lovers that KNOW they are MEANT to be with eachother...SOULMATES.

"Whoa, I have to sit down." I scrambled to get back to the chairs. "What's the matter baby?" Wyatt voice full of conscern. "Nothing." He wasn't buying it, "Seriously I'm fine, the baby is just kicking alot." "We need to take you to the doctors anyways." Piper said, walking in with the rest of the family.

"When?" I asked, Piper smiled, "Now." She responded. "Comeon." She took me by the hand, Wyatt ran along to catch up. The sisters smiled following, Chris and Adam came along aswell, leaving Leo, Henry, and Coop to watch ALL of the kids. "The rewards for loving a 'Charmed One'." Leo joked and the men laughed.


We went to a witch doctor. I was glad that we didn't have to wait so long. I was getting tired of hearing whispers, coming from other witches and magical folk. 'The Charmed Ones....that one is pregnant, with the Twice Blessed's child.' It was rather annoying.

"Why are we such big celebrities, in the magical world?" I asked, "Well we have been fighting alot lately and have always stood for good. We been protecting all magical creatures when trouble yeah, were pretty much the shit." Chris responded with a smirk.

I started crying...moodswings, "I don't want to be a celebrity. The baby's never going to be left alone, people are always going to want something from it." Wyatt just held me hand, while rubbing my shoulder. "Don't worry about it, angel." he kiss my cheek. "How can I not!" I suddenly was angry. Everything began to float. "These people are like bees waiting for the chance to sting! I'm tired of demons trying to kill us, and the baby. It's not even born yet, and there have been alot of attacks." I growled, "Calm down, angel. Everything is fine." Wyatt said with concern in his voice."It isn't good for the baby." With that I was calm again...well crying...but I wasn't angry.

"I'm such a horrible person, I snapped at you." Sob "I don't deserve you." Wyatt kissed me silencing my sobbing, "It is, I, Who doesn't deserve YOU, my love." I smiled.

"Okay, I'm Gladice." A female doctor said coming in. "Okay, Mr. Halliwell." She said, "I'm not the one who's pregnant." Wyatt said, curiously. "No..not you. Sorry, I'm guessing your HUSBAND. Hmm...Mrs. Halliwell." She corrected herself, refering to me.

"Mrs.Halliwell, want you to relax." She asked me a few questions, apparently when the mention of where I was going to give birth, I responded not sure. But Chris and Adam both said they were trained as Midwives. She was slightly against it, but she knew the Halliwells were famous for it.

"It's going to be cold." She said, She put blue gel on my stomach that gave me goosebumps from the cold. Rubbing a little scanner on my stomach. "Whoa!!!" She exclaimed, "Sorry, just not something I see everyday coming from a Witch." "What's wrong?" I was concerned for the baby..."'re have triplets." She said, showing 3 figures. No wonder my stomach was so big.

"" Wyatt wasn't looking so good. "Wyatt..." He looked like he was going to throw up.

I was stunned myself, but I was fine. "I... need some air." He orbed away quickly. A tear began to form and it trickled down my cheek.


Chris and Adam, orbed at the manor and got Leo. Telling him the situation. He understood immediately. Off they went to Wyatt.


Wyatt was on the Golden Gate Bridge sitting down. Leo, Chris, and Adam orbing in behind him.

"Wy..." Leo said sitting beside him. Chris and Adam taking their flanks. "What if I'm not ready to be a dad...What if I mess up." Wyatt started tears falling slightly, "What if I'm a bad father, I work too much,or become a drunk.What if I don't love my kids....what if I just shun them?" He cried into Leo's shoulder.

"I went through the same thing. Firstly, don't you love the kids already?" Wyatt only nodded, "So that eliminates that one. You have been sober for months now, eliminating the drunk one. I have never known you to shun anyone. I can already tell that you're going to be a great dad...You're always there. With all of your charges and work and such, you always make time for Luke...eliminating the other one. Lastly, Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect...I dare anyone out in the world who ever existed to say that they are perfect. I've known you to always fix whatever problems come your way. AND When you say your not ready...THAT's when you are. Because no one is ready for life.It happens, and all we can do is accept it and manipulate it to how we want it to be. Of course there are going to be screw ups...But Life moves forward. Besides aslong as you stay and love 'Your' family, then everything with be fine." Leo said, kissing Wyatt on his forhead.

"Thanks dad....." "No problem, now lets go.I hear you have a wifey who's prego with your 3 kiddies who needs your lovin."

Wyatt only smiled as he orbed them all back to the manor. ........................................................................

We were all at the manor, I was waiting for Wyatt. I was sad.....I needed him. Orbs appearing behind me, "Wyatt." I ran up and kissed him. He held me tightly, "I'm sorry. I just...had a moment..." I hugged him around the neck. "It's okay. Completely understandable." He let go, and bent on one knee. Lifting up my shirt, and kissing my stomach, just below my naval. "I can't wait for you three...I'm going to spoil you rotten." He kissed it again and got up kissing me. With his hand on my stomach. "I love you angel....I will always be here." I began to tear up, "I will always love YOU, Wyatt." Kissing eachother the family slipped out of the sunroom giving us some space.

We looked around finding us alone. We shared a laugh at that and headed off to bed. It was a tiring day.

(That's the next chapter....sorry It's been awhile. Anyways, I'm back and have alot of ideas. I might have to stop with a few stories. "Too Much Blood In The Chocolate." It doesn't seem to be 'felt' anymore. "Slaying and Being Slayed" Will be on more waiting, Buffy series is getting less popular. I keep hearing about "Percy Jackson and the Olympians." I watched it, and read a few books. I have to say, I think Logan Lerman is so cute. I might just have to make something out of that. "Unexpected Moon" will continue, I just have to come up with a way to play it all out. I have alot of ideas, I just still have to put it on the playing field. Besides with Gaian being a very powerful seems to be heading off into my Xmen story. I don't want that. Besides I don't think I like it that much anymore. It seems to draw too much attention to the comics,when i want people to focus on the Story itself.

I was seriously thinking about stopping with all of the writing. Show me some feeback and I'll see if I have anyone whos out there listening still. =)

Reach me at

Next: Chapter 14

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