Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Jan 13, 2011


You know the rules, I don't own any characters; besides Luke. I hope you guys enjoy the stories, I love the feedback good or bad. I always have good though lol, some constructive and such. But I haven't gotten any hate so far. If you're too young, don't read. If you're not into 2 guys porkin' it....then you're obviously lost. No hate just love. Reach me at

Kiss My Charmed Ass:Chapter 11

I have been getting tired of morning sickness, for 4 months pregnant and I have a cannon ball in my stomach already. "Let's go to the club, and party a bit." Chris said, coming up to me from the kitchen. "NO! Damnit! I said, 'I don't want to go out.'" I yelled my face red from all of the blood rushing to my face in my mood swings. "Jeez, okay. I just wanted to cheer you up." Chris said slightly saddened, but not sure what to say. I burst out into tears, "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to yell. I just don't feel hot anymore. Wyatt and I haven't had sex lately." I cried into my hands. "It's because you don't let him near you, everytime he comes by and touches reject him." He said, putting his hand on my back. "I do? I can't believe I do that to him." Chris just snickered, "It's okay...just give him some, lately he's been walking funny. That boner never gets taken cared of." I felt so bad for deprieving my Wyatt of OUR special bond.

Glitting to my room.

I just didn't feel up to it....not that I didn't want too. I just felt so fat, I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a small pouch...but to me it was like I swallowed a bowling ball.

"Hey, sweetness." I turned to see Wyatt. "Hey, baby." I kissed him sweetly, feeling the effort he was using to not rip my clothes off and rape me. "I know what ypu want....come and get it." He didn't respond, he just took my clothes off and started to suck my nipples. They were so tender from being pregnant....even if for a few months. Slidding off his clothes, we got onto the bed. He pressed his crotch into me, our cocks rubbing into eachother. My moans were so loud, I was glad it was Chris who was home.

"I have been waiting for this for so long..."Wyatt said moaning as I took him into my mouth. Bobbing up and down on his 10in. It was filling my mouth way past compasity.

He was leaking precum, which was salty and sweet. Loving this...."Oh...yeah. Fuck yes! I'm gonna...ahh!" He came in my mouth, from not letting loose for so long; he shot a huge amount. I swallowed as fast as I could, but some dripped to my chin. Bringing my lips to his and kissing him, we swapped cum.

He pulled me up and forced me on my back. Placing my legs up and over my head, he ate me out. "Mmm, sweet. Just how I like it." My body tensed as he explored my body with his warm, wet tongue.

He got up and kissed me lightly, "Ready?" He asked smirking at finally getting what he wanted, to make love. Gasping""

He entered me slowly, kissing my lips. I felt him keep pushing,my face turning red from the pleasure. He was finally in all of the way, his pubs could be felt on my ass.

We began to rock back in forth in a motion. Meeting eachother at the plunges, I had him grunting like an animal with pure pleasure.

"I want you to ride me...." I didn't even think, flipping us over. I began my descent on his 10in. of destruction, and as my hole felt his tip he pushed up and was all the way in. Causing me to scream out, "Omg, are you okay?" He asked, my hair covering my face.

"I'm good." I began to ride him, "It just felt so food. You were hitting me in unbelievable places." He grabbed my hips to help me rise and drop. We were sweating like crazy, as we kissed. I couldn't take it anymore, I shot 4 loads in the air. 2 landing on Wyatt's face. 1 on his chest and the last on his abs. My hole tightened, and he came from the force. I could feel him shooting huge loads in me. The warmth taking me to new heights, I came one more time it shot to his chin.

I slumped down, tired as hell. Both of us breathing heavily, I couldn't hold myself up. He caught me and we kissed falling asleep.

Something about this didn't seem right... When did Wyatt ever call me 'Sweetness'?

I blacked out, hearing laughing. Opening my eyes to see I was in the Underworld. The Source was laughing at me. "You finally came out of it....I have to say, that baby is tough. He didn't let me in the bubble. I had to cast a spell to cause you to see everything you wanted to see. Now my seed is in you, it's going to stay that way. I have fallen for you the moment I saw were young. Your parents wouldn't let me have you...they cast a spell to keep me away. But they cannot keep me away. " He smiled kissing me, I was to paralyzed with fear to move.

"The Twice-Blessed's child is in you.....but so is mine, now." He looked so hot, exactly like Cam Gigandet, but his eyes were always fully black. "I hate you...where is Wyatt!?" he laughed, "He thinks you're dead. He's moved are no longer the one he loves." He said swaying his hand, a fire ball appeared. It grew and grew until it took the size of a tv.

Within the flames, I saw it....Wyatt was kissing some other guy. "I love you so much." Wyatt said to the man. He was African-American, with a dreads that looked like Lauryn Hills.

I began to cry, "How could you do this to me? When did this happen?" I asked desperately, wanting to know how long I have been 'missing' and how long Wyatt has been with this man.

"I finally used this plan, around a year ago. Time moves differently in the Underworld. 1 year is like 8 weeks. Your body has been in suspended animation, so nothing has changed."

I felt so alone, my captor had me. I was alone, Wyatt gave up on me. I was now the prisoner of the King Of All Evil.

"Get away from me!" I shouted, sending a wave of energy at the Source. It sent him flying to the wall, he got up and snickered. "That all you got." He taunted, "WYATT!!!!!" I shouted, screaming for him. I missed him so much, I wanted to die.

Bells began to ring and he appeared in a flurry of blue orbs brightly lite. "What the hell? Oh my fucking God!!! You're alive." He grabbed me and held me. I cried in his chest, more orbs appearing.....It was The Halliwells and that guy. They all gasped when they saw me, "Luke!"

I was crying, "Who's the baby crying all over my man?" The guy asked, angrily. "He's Wyatt's to be. He was taken, we all had a huge battle to get him back. He was thought to be dead, because the Source shot him with a flame throwings. He exploded, and Wyatt was too depressed to fight. We left...we couldn't kill the Source without the Power of Three." Chris whispered to him, "Anyways Calvin, you shouldn't worry. He isn't going to leave you just because Luke is back." Chris said sadly, wishing things never happened the way they did.

"Time for a Power of Three spell." I said, grabbing Wyatt's hand and Chris grabbed my hand. Calvin feriously pulled me away and pushed me to the ground. "I'm the Charmed One, now." He said angrily, they all said the spell, Wyatt and Chris had tears in their eyes. The whole family was crying, demons appeared to try and protect the Source. But they were immediately cut down by the Halliwells.

"Prudence, Penelope Patricia, Melinda... Astrid, Helena Laura and Grace Halliwell Witches Stand strong beside us Vanquish this evil from time and space" Nothing happened, "What the hell...." Everyone was shocked to see it didn't work. They all grabbed hands, trying it again. Nothing worked though, it appeared they couldn't do it.

"Fools, because you need the Charmed Ones...not some stupid replacement." The Source said, laughing.

A light appeared over me, and I could feel it. I was Charmed once more. "Powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies. Empower our spell, sending the Source to hell. Bring only pain, bring only misery...banish this evil from history." I said, adding to the spell.

"Prudence, Penelope Patricia, Melinda... Astrid, Helena Laura and Grace Halliwell Witches Stand strong beside us Vanquish this evil from time and space" We said with conjoined hands, lights escaping from our hands. All of the demons, and the Source were immediately vanquished being taken by fire and smoke.

We all just stared into the flames, I walked closer to the flames. I felt life was destroyed, Wyatt was with Calvin. I was alone, it felt worse than being dead...what was the difference anyways.

I was pregnant with....twins. One pure good and the other pure evil. I couldn't do this, I had to get rid of this all.

"Luke....What are you doing?" Wyatt said coming closer to me. "I'm pregnant...with OUR baby....but also HIS baby. He tricked me.....I gave up willingly. Therefore the baby can't be destroyed with a spell, only with a potion. But the potion kills everything, whats the difference from just dying right now. I don't have a were it. But you belong to someone else." I said, crying Wyatt grabbed me and began to yell. "Look at me! Don't you ever think like that.....I......I... I lo.." He was about to say, tearing up.

Calvin pushed me to the ground I was almost on the fires. "Fucking slut to evil. I'm going to cleanse the family of you." He tried to kick me in the stomach, but a force field appeard. It was like Wyatt's and one that was of Darkness.

My body began to react. My powers coming back up, to protect myself and the babies. My skin began to get pale and my veins could be seen. Darkness completely taking my eyes, "Fuck you!" My voice echoed and Calvin was flung away from me.

"You're the homewrecker. I have been with them for years, and you think you can just move in on my man." I said, shooting electricity at Calvin, Wyatt placed a force field around him. "Enough!" He yelled, "This isn't like you." He said towards me, and turned to Calvin. "Calvin...I...I don't love you. I love you...but not in that way. I thought I did....but....I guess not. I'm sorry." Wyatt said to Calvin who was now crying.

"Sorry? Oh can't just do that to me." Calvin yelled with tears rolling down his face. He threw his hand toward me and an arrow came flying at me. I stopped it with my powers, and sent it back at him.

"He's a Darklighter." I said smirking evily, I pushed my hands out palms facing forward and separated them, causing Calivin to explode in a big flurry. As he tried to regenerate, beam of powers both light and dark shot from my hands and completely shattered Calvin form existence.

"Wow....can we go home now." I said happily, kissing Wyatt. "I love you, Angel." He smiled kissing me again, "I love you too, Wyatt." We orbed away together. The family close behind us.

We were too tired to do anything, we collapsed into the bed and snuggled together. Kissing until we fell asleep.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it...reach me at I need feedback.)

Next: Chapter 12

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