Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 10, 2010


Thanks to Constance M. Burge and was produced by Aaron Spelling and his Spelling Television company, with the show runner being writer-director Brad Kern. For making the story and series and the whole foundation upon other stories are created from, sort of like their grandchildren they know nothing about. Reach me at

Kiss My Charmed Ass-Chapter 1

I had all my reasons to run, I was found out to be gay....I was thrown out of the house...but that wasn't why I was running. Somethings, looked like they were people, but

they had weird markings and eyes and claws. I was running with a back-pack on trying to get away when next thing I know they appear infront of me like if he shrouded or

shimmered? Shimmering seems more appropriate. "Get Him!" I heard one of them yell, I ran into three hot guys..."Hey! Watch it!" a 5ft. 7in. guy with brown hair and

hazel eyes that looked almost green, yelled at me..."Sorry...Looking back and seeing the guys approach me...I run again."Hey! Wait I think he's the innocent....hey!" they

called after me, but I just kept going until I realized this was a dead end. As I turned around the monsters were there. Then one by one the started to explode, "Huh?" I was

stumped, as I was on the ground. It was the guys saving my life. A guy with black hair and grey eyes the just looked like metal, who was 6ft. was throwing what looked

like potions since they were in vials, and a 6ft. 3in. with blue eyes and a freshly cut new due, they killed the monsters and came towards me. "Stay away from me!" I

exclaim, with my hands in my face as if to deflect something, and they are thrown back by an invisible force. "What the hell?" the dark black haired one says, but the

blonde comes up to me with his hands in the air as if to show he surrenders and won't attack me. "I won't hurt you...I just want to help." He kneels down, as I start crying,

he grabs on to me an pulls me into him. "Don't worry, I won't let anything hurt you." I just put my arms around his neck and pull him in closer.I'm a very emotional person,

and put that with tragic, heartbreak, and get an 17 year old blubbering baby. Don't get me wrong, I'm not always a cry baby...I've just been through alot. "Hey

it's alright." he sooths my to sleep, not what he was trying to do, but it got me to stop crying. I lightly snore, as he pulled me up and carried my bridal style. "What would

an angel like you be doing in a bad place like this?" he asks himself quietly, "I want to take him with me..." "What?! Wyatt, we don't know anything about him." Says the

dark haired one, "Adam, you can't expect me to just leave him. He obviously needs help. Besides...I don't want to leave him alone...not ever again." "Your kidding, you

don't know anything about him." The brown hair says, "The only thing you do know is that he was running from some demons, and he's cute. But you don't know what's his

name, or where he lives..." he continued "I don't need to know. Not yet,anyways...jeez chris look at him. He's what 5ft. 6in and lean, slightly muscled...sure he used magic,

but it doesn't mean and he didn't LOOK like he KNEW what he was DOING." Wyatt made up his mind, he was taking this , Dirty blonde haired that went to shoulders,

violet eyed(Due to medical condition, caused light purple eyes.) stranger-angel as he put it home. He didn't say a word, he just orbed home, back to the Halliwell Manor,

with Chris and Adam on his tail. As he got there, he was in his room, and placed the stranger onto the bed, then took some of his clothes off, just to get him

comfortable...though he was tempted, he didn't think it would be noble to see the angel in all his glory...just yet, without his consent...but boy was he hoping he would see

it soon, he was so hard, as soon as he took hold of the angel. [groan] "Help..." a voice said, [whimpering] I open my eyes... "Please...please, don't hurt me." I get even

more scared, He walked slowly up to me...It was the blonde guy. He got on his knees, and started rubbing my right cheek, "Why would I hurt my angel...?" I couldn't


what happened next, leaning in closer are faces got closer and closer until our lips lightly touch. I could feel the electricty run between us, as the tingles spread all over

my body, until we deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth. I pulled him into the bed and he climbed on top of me, as we madeout for 5 minutes, but felt like an

eternity. When we stopped he got off, and got to one side of the bed, pulling me into his chest were I layed my head on his muscular chest. "I'm....I'm, my name is,

Luke.... Luke Arie Cromwell." I said, alittle self conscious on how I fallen inlove with a guy, who's name I do not even know. "I'm Wyatt Matthew Halliwell."

In that second, I heard little tiny bells...then as the sound went away. A two guys appeared, "Wyatt...Is he okay?". "Yeah, Chris. He's ok, I won't let anything happen to

him." I snuggled into Wyatt, not wanting to let him go. Feeling as if, someone was going to take him away from me. I won't let that happen. "Chris and Adam, come here."

"I'd like you to meet Luke Arie Cromwell." I got up and held out my hand to the guy I now know as Chris. "Hi, I'm Luke." I smiled shyly, Chris just shakes my hand and

smiles. With his staring I could see he was trying to take in the sight. "I'm Chris, and this is my boyfriend Adam Irons." He says, and smiles towards Adam, then pulls

him into a deep kiss. I just blush, but feel tired again until all goes dark..... "What happened?!" Chris exclaims, "He's okay, I think he just fainted. Probably

overwhelmed" Chris just smirks to himself at the thought that the kiss was really hot. "Okay, well I think that's enough excitement for the night. So, Good Night." Wyatt

says, a bit tired himself. Kicking out Chris and Adam. He got into bed, and snuggled into my unconsious body. Even though I was unconsious, I could feel Wyatt. "I hope

I can keep you, as MY piece of Heaven."

A few hours later, I woke up to light snoring, it was Wyatt. I sat up, looking at the moon as its' light shone proudly over me. I looked at Wyatt, a perfect being. I started

to sing...I couldn't help it.

(Aaliyah's "Are You That Somebody?")

"Boy, I been watching you like the hawk in the sky up high and you are my prey

Boy,I promise you if we keep bumpin heads, I know that one of these days.We goin' hook it up, while we talk on the phone.But see, I don't know if that's good

I been holding back this secret from you, I probably shouldn't tell it...if I" I would've continued, but I realized something. Wyatt was up, and listening to me sing.

"Please don't stop your voice is beautiful..." I just let the rest flow..."If I let you know...You can't tell nobody, I'm talking 'bout nobody, Are you responsible?

Boy I gotta watch my back. Cause I'm not just anybody,Is it my go, is it your go? Sometimes I'm goody-goody; Right now I'm naughty-naughty . Say yes or say no

Cause I really need somebody,Tell me you are that somebody?" I sang and finished, it always helped with my emotions. "I'm sorry..." I started, but Wyatt put his hand

over my mouth. "I don't want to hear you say that...I...I love you..." He got out, "What? But you don't even know me." I said, a bit sadly that we couldn't move forward

because, we barely knew eachother..."It doesn't matter...I love you." He grabbed my arms, pulling me closer to his chest. "I'm...I lo...I love you too." I couldn't believe

it. I just proclaimed my love for him. I was scared to say it... But I knew I felt it, I couldn't deny it.

The next day, I woke up, realizing that Wyatt wasn't with me. So I got up and ran out of bed, to the stairs and started calling him. "Wyatt! Wyatt!" As I turned around, I

ran smack-dab infront of Wyatt, with him smiling at me. He placed his hands around my waist, and put his chin on my head. "Are you okay, Luke?" he whispered softly,

"Yes, now that I have found you...I am." I leaned up slightly and kissed him deeply, exploring eachother's mouths. "Comeon, I want you to meet the rest of the family."

He led me through some stairs and to the kitchen were there were 3 ladies, one cooking and yelling at the other two. They were laughing their asses off, I couldn't help

but feel at home. They turned to me smiling, "So this is your new...friend...Wyatt?" The pale one with crimspn lips, "I have to say you found yourself a cute one" the

other one said. "Hi, I'm Phoebe." She shook my hand, then the other, "And I'm Paige..." she smirked at me, "And I'm Piper. Wyatt and Chris' mother." She gave me a hug,

I tensed up abit, but I loved it. "Hey, relax. This here, is a hugging family, so get use to it." Wyatt said coming from behind me and wrapped me in his arms. Just then

Bam! Adam and Chris, come flying from the living room. "I have good news and bad news" Chris says panting as if he ran a marathon, "We have demons coming out

of the wazzoo! and I don't even know what a wazzoo is!" I got scared immediately, and ran to the corner. Wyatt would've come after me, but a demon shimmered in and

punched him in the face. Chris floated in the air and kicked the demon in the back, but he recoiled and snap kicked his stomach. More demons appeared, and grab hold

of the sisters. Adam was pinned against the wall, and the rest were coming after me. "GET AWAY!!!!" I yelled, waving my hands at them and something unexpected

happened a force wave left them, piercing the demons and causing them to combuste. I started crying as the rest of the house started to shake. "Stop it!!" I yelled, and

Wyatt got free and blew up the demons. Then came after me, "Calm down, baby. You need to calm down." I jumped in his arms and started to calm down. "Shhh" He

shushed me, I couldn't help but feel this was my true place. "Sleep my love, everything is okay." He whispered and I was out like a light. Chris walked up to me and

Wyatt, and as soon as he was close enough. We were all incased by blue lights that were penetrating upon us, from the Chandalier. "Wow, so your the new Charmed

Ones." A voice, from nowhere said. Then it's body grew...showing Zankou, "I'm here for the boy. I know what your going to say...OH NO! ZANKOU! Your suppose to be

dead....But see. The New Source needed me. He has some...ideas, and they require HIM!" He points to me. I wake up immediately and send him flying with my powers.

Smashing into the walls, and I couldn't help but say the words, they just came to me. "Evil who hides in the night, I destroy you with my might! Where you dwell, you can

not have these Halliwells...With this spell, I send you to Hell!" Chis and Wyatt, grabbed my hands in the moment to hold me back thinking the spell wouldn't work but

when they grabbed my hands lights glew from our enclosed palms. Zankou shouted out in agonizing pain, he couldn't hand the pressure it sent him. So he combusted into ashes, and stained the carpet with them. "Wow, that was pretty good" A man looking alot like Wyatt said, "Dad" Chris said, hugging the man. Wyatt pulled me along

to him, "Hey I'm Leo, and you are?" He looked at me in a fatherly way, "I'm Luke. Luke Arie Cromwell." He looked at me and pulled me from Wyatt and gave me a hug.

"Well...welcome to the family. I hope you can stay for dinner or do you have to go somewhere...." Piper said, hoping I would stay. "I, I don't have a place to live..." I was about to finish, but Wyatt stopped me, "What? You don't live anywhere?" He said with pain, I shook my head. "So, then I can keep you with me..." He looked at Piper and Leo, "Please...." He started but this family doesn't seem to let people finish. "No need to beg...I can't keep someone out on the street. Even more so, since he his your boyfriend..." I got red in the face, "We aren't boyfrien---" Wyatt covered my mouth, with his in a eternal lip-lock...I wish. "Actually...Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked, in a quick almost, scared of rejection voice. "N...Yes, yes I will be your boyfriend Wyatt Mattew Halliwell...I can't be away from you now that I have found you." Without warning, he orbed us, to his room. And We went back to sleep.

[Hey everyone, it's me...I am starting my own Charmed story...I love the series and would like to contribute to it. Please tell me what you think. Bare in mind this is the first Chapter and there is ALOT more to come. I love writing so, I will try to update ALOT :D ]

Next: Chapter 2

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