Kiss My Ass Santa

Published on Mar 3, 2014


Kiss My Ass Santa 5

Kiss My Ass Santa

Chapter 5

Getting the Grand Tour

The warm waters of the pool did wonders for Kyle and Peter and they were happy to dress and then follow Henry as he gave them a tour of the place. Santa was busy checking on Christmas dinner.

“Now, this is cool, literally,” Peter said as they entered a large cave which housed a jungle.

“The reindeer love this place as do some of the other animals,” Henry said.

Kyle looked up and smiled then pointed ahead. In front of them a naked elf with long blond hair was being chased by a naked brown-haired elf with a small belly. The two turned to Henry and the others and waved before running off into some bushes.

“So not everyone here has a perfect body,” Peter said. “The brown-haired elf had a belly, but he was still cute.”

“There are all types here,” Henry said.

“All types?” Kyle asked. “Even female elves.”

“No, not female elves,” Henry said. “But elves of different ethnicity and body shapes. The one thing we all have in common is a joy in life. We love being here and love one another.”

Kyle and Peter looked around at all the foliage s they followed a trail going upward.

“The underground warm springs here are why we can grow these plants. Our people live inside various caves.”

“Not in the igloos?” Peter said.

“No, the igloos house our workshops, but we live here in the heated caves.”

“What about the ice castle?” Kyle said.

“That’s used mostly for parties and celebrations,” Henry said.. “Even Santa and Nathan live in a cave.”

“How did Santa meet Nathan?” Peter asked.

“Oh, Nathan was high on Santa’s naughty list. Every year he would write a letter for Santa and leave it by the plate of cookies and glass of milk that would be set out on Christmas Eve.”

“What did the letter say?” Peter asked.

“It couldn’t have been worse than you running around telling Santa to kiss your ass,” Kyle said.

“It was,” Henry said. “Nathan used to end his letters with the phrase ‘fuck you, Santa.’”

“What happened?” Kyle said.

“Santa found Nathan and fucked him instead then brought him here for keeps, like you two. Nathan heard about you Pete rand felt like you and he were kindred souls and that you belonged here. Kyle too, but Kyle’s always been on Santa’s good list.”

They heard some giggles and low groans, and Henry put his finger to his lips for them to be silent before motioning them to follow him. Getting off the trail, they pushed aside some tall bushes and came into a clearing where they saw them. There were a group of six naked elves engaged in an orgy in the grassy clearing. Kyle looked at each other and smiled then waved to the elves who were waving to them.

“Come join us, new friends,” A bald elf who had a completely smooth body said. Below him a black elf was sucking on his hairless balls.

“What do you think?” Peter said to Kyle.

“Looks like fun. Have we got the time, Henry?”

“Yes,” Henry said, starting to remove his clothes.

Kyle and Peter followed suit and soon the three of them were naked in the middle of the elf orgy. While a curly red-haired elf sucked on his cock, Peter kissed Kyle. Henry made his way to them and soon the three were kissing and sucking tongues. A skinny black-haired elf lowered himself onto Kyle’s hard cock and began bobbing up and down on it. The black elf smiled at Peter then went to Henry and started fucking him.

“Hi, honey,” Henry said. “The newbies are Kyle and Peter.”

“Hi, folks, I’m Jacob—Henry’s spouse.”

“Hi, Jacob,” Peter said.

“Nice to meet you,” Kyle said.

“Let’s make a train everybody,” the curly-haired elf said.

Peter looked at Kyle for clarification but he just nodded.

Henry hot on all fours and Jacob continued fucking him.

“Peter, fuck Jacob. Someone fuck Peter and so on and so on. It’s what we call the train,” Henry said.

As Peter situated himself behind Jacob and got his cock inside him, he felt someone large behind him kissing his ear.

“Finally, my turn to fuck you, babe,” Kyle said, whispering in Peter’s ear. He gasped as he felt someone entering him from behind. Hearing Peter laugh at his reaction, he slapped his ass hard.

The group began fucking in unison until they began cumming into the asses in front of theme. One they’d gotten dressed again, they followed Henry and Jacob into a side tunnel that was slightly chillier than the others.

“It’ll warm up again soon, fellows,” Henry said. “We’re just making our way to the igloos you saw when you arrived.”

“Jacob, back in the jungle you referred as yourself as Henry’s spouse,” Kyle said. “What exactly does that mean here in this place where everyone seems to be fucking everyone?”

“A spouse is the person you share your home and life with, besides your houseboy.”

“But, how are things decided in a couple,” Kyle said. “What are the rules?”

“You’re definitely from the outside world, needing so many rules,” Jacob said. “Usually Henry and I meet at home after work and make our plans. If he’s tired and I need to fuck I just wander off and find someone, and vice versa. Sometimes we play together, sometimes not. Each spousal unit makes their own rules I suppose. I’ve heard that in the outside world people tend to be more jealous, but there’s no need for that here.”

They walked past a large empty warehouse space and peeked inside. Peter looked upward and saw the top of one of the igloos they’d spotted when they’d arrived.

“The igloos are just the roofs of these buildings,” Peter said. “Everything is underground.”

“It’s warmer underground,” Henry said.

“You mentioned having jobs earlier, Jacob,” Kyle said.

“Yes, that’s right. I work in toy production. This empty warehouse was filled with toys all the way to the roof a day ago. Henry probably already told you he works in the heated pools area.”

“And we are on the way to where you’ll be working, Kyle,” Henry said. “We heard that you had graduated from culinary school and were training with a pastry chef, so Santa thought you’d enjoy working in our dessert kitchen. I know the chef is anxious to meet you.”

“That will be fantastic!” Kyle said.

“That’s great news, babe!” Peter said.

In a short time they entered a warm hallway with shiny white walls then took a right turn and found themselves in a large room. Inside were tables filled with colorful and decadent looking desserts of all kinds. There were multi-tiered cakes, sweet puddings, rolls, Yule logs, and other delicacies.

“All these are for our Christmas dinner tonight,” Henry said. “Yummy, Marzipan.” He grabbed a fruit shaped treat off a silver tray then handed one to the other members of his group.

“Damn, that tastes good,” Peter said. “Speaking of things that taste good, guys, I have an important question. I haven’t fucked and sucked and whatever else this much in like—well never. And to be honest I’ve never been so potent. I mean I haven’t failed to get it up or shoot a load of cum.”

“That’s because your new here,” Jacob said. “This is a playground for adults like you, a place of pure fun and indulgence. Your body is reacting as it should here. But it will even out. When we’re hard at work there isn’t as much play time. There’s a lot of adrenaline in the air because the work is done and we have 24hrs off before we start again.”

“I guess that explains it,” Peter said.

An elf with a full red beard, and round belly walked into the room wearing a large chef’s hat on his head.

“Finally! You’re here! I am Chef Renoir.” He walked to Kyle and kissed both his cheeks. “And so handsome, it was worth the wait.”

“What about me?” Peter said. “Am I the dishwasher?”

“There’s another job for ex-naughty boy’s here,” Jacob said.

“It’s nice to meet you, chef, I’m Kyle.”

“Very nice to meet you, Kyle,” Chef said, before planting a kiss full on Kyle’s lips. He broke free and turned to Peter. “You must be his spouse, Peter,” he kissed him full on the lips. “You two will love it here, everyone does.”

“Well, Kyle,” Peter said. “I think I’ll leave you to check out your new workplace. Take notes so you can tell me everything that happens later tonight.”

“Okay, you got it. Hang on, though, where will we meet up.”

“I’ll stay and take him to your home when we’re finished,” Henry said. “Jacob, can you take Peter to his workplace and then to his new home.”

“Sure, no problem, sweet stuff,” Jacob said then kissed Henry. “Let’s head out, Peter.”

“Bye, honey,” Peter said with a grin on his face before kissing Kyle. “Off to the unknown once again,” he said to Jacob as they headed out the door.

To be continued

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Next: Chapter 6

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