Kiss Me Gentle Kiss Me Sweet

Published on Jan 12, 2023


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet 9 - a story by Outlaw


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet

मोहब्बत ऐसी धड़कन है जो समझाई नहीं जाती, जुबां पर दिल की बेचैनी कभी लायी नहीं जाती
[ mohabbat aisi dhadkan hain jo samjhai nahi jaati, zubaan par dil kii bechaenii kabhi laayi nahi jaati ~ Hasrat Jaipuri ]



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Out of desperation blew his pet dromedary,
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Thursday, 3 September 2020      

🍁  There was absolute stillness, an eerie silence... a hushed calm all around as Gunjan blinked open his eyes...

Taking a moment to get his bearings, Gunjan immediately became aware of the brilliant light of the day beyond the thick canvas - the glow distinct, and knew it must be well past dawn... sensing the comforting warmth against his naked back, a reassuring arm slung around him, protective, holding him... feeling the gentle breath wash over his nape and shoulder...

A gentle shudder coursing down his slender form as he recollected the previous night -- the raging storm outside, and their repeated, tempestuous love-making within -- blushing as he felt his tiny ass mouth twitch with the memory, his morning hardness flex and throb.

It felt nice and warm inside the sleeping-bag, snuggled so close... slowly rolling over on his back as he turned his face to look at the sleeping form by his side -- God, so fabulously good-looking, so incredibly handsome... so perfectly angelic as he slept!

Aakash looked absolutely stunning in the subdued glow of the day!

Those full lips slightly parted... the faint hint of two-days worth of unshaved growth shadowing his chiselled jawline and chin, enhancing the powerful sweep of the facial contours... adding to his masculine charm... the fine dusting above the well-defined upper lip making him even more sexy... maddeningly desirable... sending another shudder down Gunjan's spine!

And he went on staring, fascinated and enchanted... his impeccant little heart engulfed in love, suddenly slamming as renewed desire filled his soul...

Gently shifting, so as not to wake Aakash, Gunjan slowly reached down... his exploring hand sensing the heat even before his fingers touched the rigid flesh... softly caressing the throbbing hardness before wrapping his fingers around the turgid shaft... squeezing the flexing girth...

The response was instantaneous, Aakash letting out a slight, sleepy moan as his pelvis strut forward... but he didn't open his eyes, nor wake up... simply shifting a wee bit as his tongue tip flicked out, licking the lips... making a soft snoring sound as his mouth moved in that rhythmic masticatory, or chewing-like action associated with transient arousal... before settling down once more, his cock twitching with renewed vigour in Gunjan's grip...

🍁 🍁 🍁

Once Aakash was done flooding the boy's belly with his virile seed, they simply lay that way, both still joined in rapture... the still erect, fully engorged cock planted deep inside the fluttering colon, encapsuled in that fervid, snug flesh sleeve... limbs intertwined, snuggling close.

Aakash's arms wrapped tight around the shuddering little boy, holding him, kissing his head... Gunjan crushed in his embrace, furiously chewing on his turgid tits like a baby suckles his mother...

The ravaged boy-ass still agitated, the powerful rectal muscles repeatedly clutching and unclutching the still implanted penis, continuously squeezing the rigid piece of flesh!

Both perceiving each pulse and each flex of the other's intimate organ... sensing each throb and every twitch... feeling the heat, and the hunger as the freshly deposited love fluid gently leaked out from around the stretched orifice held wide by the phallic thickness...

Both wallowing in the nerve-tingling afterglow, languorous, sheltered inside the warm tent as the storm raged on outside.

And it did not take long for the renewal of desire -- Gunjan's ass, still the holder of Aakash's threshing phallus, soon sensing the resurgence of hunger as the shaft flexed with urgent longing...

Aakash's cock too percieving the reawakened concupiscence in the furious flutter of the moist membranes around his cock...

After all, the amalgamation of vernal youth, and fresh carnal discoveries -- when energy is inexhaustibly aplenty, and vigor is unflaggingly abundant -- want comes nautrally... constantly... the young indulging in their every desire, fulfilling their every wish... unaware that soon, one day, the body will betray, but even before that, the seemingly ever fascinating, never boring, never tiring joy of sex will seem jaded... the fun, faded!

Aakash slowly reaching in... fingers sliding within the sperm lubricated diminutive crevasse, circling the thinly stretched lips clinging to his embedded cock... both groaning with renewed lust...

Both purring with euphoric joy, Aakash caressing the boy's face while kissing his mouth, Gunjan kissing back as his hand toyed with Aakash's balls... both aware that the night was young, and the storm would ensure that they wouldn't be disturbed!

Both hips suddenly awake, almost simultaneously beginning to sway as they began a new fuck... the eternally ecstatic saltation of procreation... the ever popular primordial act of breeding... fucking as the storm continued to rage outside!

They had finally slept in the wee hour of the morning, content and cosy in each other's comforting embrace... after indulging in every manner of lust throughout the night!

🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 "Aaaaaa-hhaaaa..." Aakash stretched, yawning some more as they crawled out of their tent, grinning as he stood up, looking down at Gunjan, "Day four, Kheerganga Top!"

It was calm and serene outside... the large, undulating grassy meadow, surrounded by the tall majestic snow-clad, cloud-draped mountains, fleshly washed clean and sparklingly green, looked fabulously pristine!

Not a hint of anything tumultuous -- no deluge, and no debris -- as if nothing had happened the night before!

"Good-morning, at least one pair's finally awake!" they heard Tony's mirthful greeting, and looking up found him sitting on a chair near the fire-pit... a steaming mug in his hand.

"Good-morning..." they greeted him back, looking towards their friends' tents.

"What 'good-morning', huh..." growled Kashish coming out of his tent at that moment, Bilal right behind him, "we could hardly sleep all night!"

"Thought the tent would simply fly away..." added Bilal, sounding grumpy, "or maybe get washed away!"

"But here we are, all safe and sound and tents intact, the sun still shining, and everything dry!" chuckled Tony, the boys joining him.

"Rohit still sleeping, huh?" Kashish suddenly asked, the tone incredulous.

"Good morning, and here's your coffee!" Ludivine greeted them walking out of the shack, tray in hand, nodding towards the huge trees behind them, "Rohit and Madhav went for a walk in the woods, and Braden's in the Kund, soaking up!"

"Figures!" Bilal exclaimed, dropping down on his haunches on a small rock as each boy picked up a cup, greeting her back.

And so they sat enjoying the apricity, soaking up the sun after the cold, wet night as they awaited the return of their friends.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 Breakfast done, and another half hour in the rejuvenating kund, and they were ready to explore...

[Since Tony had suggested they wait till after lunch for the hike down: "Let the grounds dry out a bit, or the rocks can get very slippery!"]

"Oh, there's a lot to do..." Tony had said.

One could climb through thick coniferous forest to the high meadowlands where the shepherds took their flock. Then hike further, through groves of silver birch, up to the snowline... on the way visiting Tunda Bhuj, Thakur Kuan, and Pandu Pul with its two natural rock bridges across the Parvati. Go further up to Mantalai (and the source of the Parvati river ), see the lake and the glaciers. Trek on, to Pin Parvati !

"Or, simply hike up the mountain behind the spring and visit the Kartik Gufa..." he finally smiled, "just 700 metres!"

The uphill climb was steep... and arduous, the cave temple small and quaint... the view from that height, spectacular!

Back down, they lazed some more, and after lunch set out for Barshaini and their return journey to Kasol, hiking down the same path...

Freshly washed by the night long rain, the luxuriant verdure clothing the versant now glistened in the bright afternoon sunlight... the gently fluttering foliage sparkling like so many gems. The forest alive with the multitudinous call of a million birds... and the resurgent gush of replenished rills filling the air...

The stones still wet and slippery, the ground slushy at places!

The group negotiating the tricky trail past mule trains and shepherds with their flocks... a couple dogs soon joining them, tagging along!

It barely took them three hours, and they were down, back in Barshaini!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 As they walked to the parking area Aakash held out the bike keys, "Here, Gunjan, you drive."

Surprised, Gunjan stared at Aakash... in the past three days he'd never made that offer!

"Gunjan?!" howled Kashish, eyes wide, laughing wildly, "You serious, bro?"

"Of course!" Aakash simpered, "And why not, eh, he can drive, so what's wrong?"

"Driving a scooty around your neighbourhood is not the same as riding a bike!" guffawed Bilal, nudging Kashish.

"Especially, in the hills!" cackled Kashish, nodding his head.

"Um... city streets are fine, Aakash, but here..." Madhav began, but was cut short.

"Dude, it's only seventeen kilometres from here, and a very decent stretch of road at that," Aakash smiled, wrapping his arm around Gunjan's shoulders.

They had reached their bikes, and once the backpacks were loaded and secured, Aakash stood aside...

Suddenly self-concious as every pair of eyes turned to stare at him, Gunjan took the keys from Aakash.

Bilal and Kashish close behind, almost breathing down his neck... keenly observing as Gunjan inserted the key, both tittering softly.

"Guys, chill!" Rohit sighed irritably at the pair, "And I'm sure he rides better than either of you!"

"No, seriously," Bilal tittered, the look on his face artfully earnest, "the bike's more than twice Gunjan's weight, you absolutely sure he'll be able handle it?"

Kashish quickly adding, "And loaded with the backpacks, heavier now!" both giggling wildly.

"I can not only manage it," Gunjan suddenly snapped at the two seniors... well, ex-seniors, "I can race you to Kasol, you game, huh?!"

There was a brief moment of stunned silence, everyone staring at Gunjan, Tony turning around to gape at him with wonder... before the two boys burst out laughing.

"Whoa! Little man!" Tony exclaimed in awe, "You CAN talk! Over the past three days I've just seen you nod and shake your head, never heard you speak!"

"I'm not mute, okay!" Gunjan retorted instantly, the tone aggrieved, sitting astride the bike and jerking his head at Aakash, "Sit."

"Dude! ... Mr. Braganza!" Bilal and Kashish cried out almost simultaneously, both saying, "Gunjan's our star debater, won the cup for us this year!" both giving him that smug, 'so-there ' look.

"He can not only talk, but speak too... intelligent, and articulate," Bilal added, "And he's the new captain of our debate team!"

Somehow both boys quite forgetting that they had already graduated school, and it was no longer 'their' team... and neither was Gunjan 'their' captain !

Slightly taken aback by Bilal and Kashish's instant and fierce reaction, Tony simply smiled at Gunjan, touching his forehead with two fingers in the gesture of tipping his hat... making Gunjan smile back, giving a slight nod of acknowledgement.

[ Well, friends can do anything they want: tease, josh... yes, even indulge in some playful hazing... argue, have a scuffle, or even a raging fight... but... BUT, beware all ye outsiders, never dare interfere, or make fun, for then they'll close rank in defence of their own, and you'll be left wondering what hit you !]

"Careful, huh?" Rohit said rolling his bike over, tapping Gunjan's shoulder, "And don't race, you don't need to prove anything, to anyone!"

"Don't worry," Aakash smiled, sitting behind Gunjan, "I'm here right behind him!"

"Yeah, I know," Rohit smirked, "and that's why I'm worried!"


🍁 They had barely cleared the settlement, the three bikes leisurely cruising down the serpentine road along the incline, when Kashish suddenly speeded up, Madhav too pulling ahead...

"Don't bother..." Aakash whispered, leaning forward and resting his chin on Gunjan's shoulder, passing both arms around the boy's slim waist, "let them go, you drive slow."

Yes, Gunjan had said he could race them... and yes, he could, indeed... but Rohit's sane words stopped him: he didn't need to prove anything... to anyone... and yup, they weren't in a race!

They were here to enjoy!

And as the two bikes vanished around a sharp bend ahead, Gunjan suddenly gasped -- a frisson of shock coursing through his slender frame, his heart aflutter -- sensing a hand reach between his spread thighs... cupping his exposed crotch, the bike careening sharply before he quickly steadied it!

So, this was the revenge Aakash had vowed, huh?!

That thought, and the totally unexpected touch sent another shudder down Gunjan's spine, almost instantly understanding it all -- Aakash offering him the keys... asking him to drive !

Well, Aakash could grope all he wanted, Gunjan wouldn't let a mere hand on his crotch bother him... distract him, or detract him from his concentration -- he would drive on, all the way to Kasol, and drive well!

But hey, that was both his hands between the legs now... caressing the thighs, fondling the bulge... cupping and squeezing!

And poor Gunjan, there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it!

He couldn't close his legs... he couldn't press his thighs together... and neither could he slap away Aakash's hands... sensing that unmistakable tingle at the base of his spine... quickly slowing down instead!

But wait... Oh God, Aakash was actually undoing his fly!

"Stop!" Gunjan implored with gritted teeth... feeling that familiar tingle begin to expand... gradually radiating out, slowing down further... but managing to keep the bike steady.

"Don't you dare stop the bike!" threatened Aakash, the tone menacing, swiftly pulling down the zipper and reaching in...

The fingers feeling, rubbing and fondling the slumberous boy-lump before slithering to one side and snaking inside the briefs... grabbing the spongy flesh tube and dragging it out from under the cotton... Gunjan gasping, feeling himself beginning to stiffen!

"What are you doing... stop!" Gunjan hissed urgently, the bike wobbling once more as Aakash's fingers curled around the fast swelling penis, squeezing the shaft...

"Just checking!" Aakash snickered jubilantly, suddenly pulling the boy-cock right out of his pants -- out in the open -- caressing the hardened, twitching column with both hands, before beginning to jerk!

Actually... Really... JERK!!!

What was Aakash thinking, huh? Not only touching him, but unzipping his fly and pulling out his dick in broad daylight... on a road, with traffic... and now, jerking him off!

And at any moment another bike, or a car, or even a bus could come along... and anyone, everyone would notice... would see!

"STOP... Aakash, please..." Gunjan pleaded once more, literally panting as he slowed down further, now struggling to keep the bike steady, his entire body shuddering as he felt the tingle surge, engulfing his whole being.

"Spring loaded, huh?" grinned Aakash, giving the throbbing shaft a loving squeeze, "Let's see how quick I can make you shoot your load while riding!"

"NO!" Gunjan gasped with horror, "Please don't!" the tingle now a raging firestorm, the bike meandering.

"You did it to me..." Aakash whispered, one hand relentless, stroking... while the other toyed with the knotted nuts, "on the way to Tosh, and now it's my turn!"

Now, Gunjan could debate on that point all the way to Kasol - yes, he did indeed touch, and had even patted Aakash's bulge, but then, he did not unzip his fly, nor take out his cock... and he surely didn't jerk him off!

But Gunjan didn't see any benefit in contending his senior's evidently false assertions, apologising instead in a bid to end the matter right there!

"I'm... ah, s... sorry fo... for that day!" Gunjan averred between gulps and gasps, "I won't do it again, promise..."

"Hey, but I want you to do it..." Aakash smirked as he kept jerking the flexing, throbbing boy cock, "I like it when you feel me up, play with my cock. Promise me you won't stop!"

"Pro... promise!" Gunjan vowed, desperate for some relief, "I... I... uh, I'll do it, but please stop now, Aakash... um, pe...people can... ah, people will see!"

A bus had just appeared around a curve up ahead in the distant, approaching fast... and would soon pass them.

"Nah," Aakash asserted, chuckling evilly as his hand continued to stroke the crazily twitching phallus, "my hands are covering your dick, and your oversized jacket is shielding my hands from view, no one will see... unless, of course, you want me to unzip your jacket and expose you... show the world your cute boner!"

Gunjan could only let out a defeated whimper... literally shaking now, dangerously close to crisis, slowing down even further... the bike barely crawling as it weaved an unsteady path down the empty stretch of road.

"Besides, even if they do, let them see, who cares!"

"Problem with the bike, little man?"

Tony's familiar but unexpected voice... the question... literally froze Gunjan, his already slamming heart skipping a couple quick beats... his flexing and throbbing dick in Aakash's grip going flaccid in a single twitch!

And turning his head he saw Tony riding alongside, the eyes questioning under the visor...

Shamed... Mortified... Unsure... Gunjan finally skidded to a stop.

Should he be embarrassed... or should he feel relieved?!

Rejoice perhaps?!

Excited at being asked to drive, (a sure sign of being treated as an equal )... still amused with Bilal and Kashish's earlier joshing and his challenge to them... and terribly pleased with their proud proclamations in his defense...

Totally focussed on the road... delirious with joy at having Aakash slump over his back, holding him...

Gunjan had absolutely forgotten all about Tony!

About whether the man had driven off ahead... or was lagging behind...

"Um, no problem!" Aakash smiled in answer as Gunjan sat frozen, abashed, "I just needed to pee, so..." leaving the sentence unfinished, his hand still under the jacket, still holding the now shrivelled boy-cock.

"Ah..." Tony smiled, shaking his head, exclaiming, "and we just left Barshaini!"

Aakash gave a sheepish grin, and a shrug... gently withdrawing one hand from under the jacket and placing it on Gunjan's thigh, the other hand still holding the soft cock sticking out of the fly.

"Hold till Manikaran..." Tony called over his shoulder as he pulled ahead, to let the bus pass, "We'll be there soon... but, if you must go, then there's Raskat on the way, just a couple minutes from here, you can pee there. This isn't a very safe spot to stop, you know, just a narrow ledge, with two sharp turns at either end!"

"Sure, cool..." Aakash nodded, lifting his hand to pat Gunjan's shoulder, "we'll stop at Raskat then, okay?" waving at Tony as he drove away...

And as they watched Tony go... they saw a bike emerge around the bend, heading their way... Madhav's distinct canary-yellow windcheater brilliant in the afternoon light announcing the return of Rohit... probably coming back to check what was keeping them!

🍁 Back in Kasol, after a fun-filled couple hours spent exploring the little prilgrim town of Manikaran -- visiting the ancient Shiva Temple (watching devotees and tourists cook rice in muslin bags dipped in the hot spring in the temple precinct ), the Kulant Pith and its Kund, the famed Manikaran Sahib, and the numerous other hot springs along the river bank ! -- they first booked the rooms, and then dumping their luggage set out for another hike to Chhalaal just as the sun was setting!

Yes, another thrilling night hike... the moon, still full!!!

They got back around mid-night... HIGH (of course, except Rohit and Gunjan ) and HAPPY...

Back in the room, flipping the bolt Aakash picked little Gunjan up in his arms and carrying him to the bed began to slowly undress him... caressing and kissing each tiny inch of quivering flesh as it got exposed... missing no part, no fold, no crevice... lavishing the writhing boy with tender loving care -- probably making amends for his earlier deplorable, inexcusably terrible behaviour on the ride back from Barshaini -- driving little Gunjan to the brink of sanity... before finally taking him in his arms and mounting him... both crying out as he penetrated the boy... making slow, gentle, passion-filled love...

Both starved and ravenous, repeatedly reuniting in carnal conflagration... till the approaching dawn finally forced them apart!

🍁 to be continued...       

Copyright © Author, (2020), 2021-2022

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