Kiss Me Gentle Kiss Me Sweet

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet 7 - a story by Outlaw


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet

जंचता ही नहीं आँखों में कोई दिल तुमको ही चाहे तो क्या कीजिए
[ janch-taa hii nahi aankhon me koi, dil tumko hii chaahen toh kya kii-jiye ~ Majrooh Sultanpuri ]



There was a young lad from Bombay,
Who wasn't quite sure if he was gay,
Lost, confused and sad,        
He thought he'd go mad,        
But thanks to Nifty, he's found his way!



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Wednesday, 2 September, 2020      

🍁  The loud banging on the door woke them...

"What?" Aakash called sleepily, as the banging continued.

"Open..." Rohit called back.

"Why?" he questioned, stiffling a yawn.

"Yeah-yeah, I know," Rohit responded, sounding very annoyed, "pull on something and just open!"

As Aakash stumbled out of bed, searching for his boxers... Gunjan stirred, looking around... but couldn't see his clothes anywhere near the bed.

"What?!" Aakash asked, groggy eyed... parting the door just a crack, gasping as the cold outside air licked at his naked torso, immediately steeping back, "Whoa! It's fucking freezing, come inside!"

'Come inside ?!' Gunjan almost freaked -- he was stark naked under the blanket, his clothes in an untidy heap near the door, exactly where Aakash had stripped him the previous night -- how could he just let Rohit in?!

"It's past 8.30," Rohit hissed entering the room, sounding angry, and exasperated, "and you're still sleeping?!"

"Not anymore..." Aakash retorted, miffed, picking up his discarded t-shirt and pulling it on.

"And those two, still spaced out!" Rohit continued without pause, the tone fierce as he waved a hand to shut Aakash up, "You and Kashish were the ones most excited about Parvati Valley... hiking all day, early morning to late night... and I'm the one up and ready!"

"It was Madhav!" Aakash shot back.

"Oh, so now it's Madhav, huh?" Rohit bristled, indignant.

"Well, Madhav and Shubham..."

"They suggested the place, yes, amongst a few other," Rohit snapped, "It was you and Kashish who went gaga about hiking and treking... and exploring!"

"Oh, don't worry..." Aakash suddenly pacifistic, giving a small smile as he patted Rohit's shoulder, "we'll make it."

"Make it?" Rohit raged, now furious, "We were supposed to leave by eight and now we won't be leaving this place before ten... how the fuck will we make it to Kheerganga by lunch, huh?" suddenly turning towards the bed, looking at Gunjan as he lay huddled under the blanket, silent... just his eyes peeking out, "And YOU, still in bed, huh? Get out and get ready! I expected a lot better from you at least!"

"He.. he'll be ready in a while..." Aakash quickly interjected, leading Rohit towards the door, "You run along and we'll be down in a moment."

"All night at it, huh?!" Rohit asked looking over his shoulder at Gunjan, shaking his head, making the boy go even redder, "Didn't sleep at all? Or, have you too started smoking?!"

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁  It was cloudy, and cold, as they set out for the village... everything enwrapped in heavy haze as if a thick veil had been pulled over the landscape, blotting out the sky... the sun above, and the surroundings -- the track, the orchards, the distant peaks -- the air crisp and snappy, the swirling mist numbingly frigid, and moist.

And after a hurried breakfast, hurtling down that precipitous, fog enshrouded road to Barshaini - another bone-rattling, ass smacking ride - they had been amazed by the view -- it was like looking out of an airplane's window while flying high -- the whole land below them enveloped in a fluffy blanket of cloud, obliterating the valley from sight...

The hazy peaks in the distance becoming visible one brief moment, poking out above the heavy cover, and then gone... the mist constantly shifting -- varying, altering, and changing -- thick one moment, wispy the next... seeming static now, and then suddenly aflare, rolling and tumbling... wisps, like contrails, lifting off the mass before being scattered by the freezing breeze!

Back in Barshaini they parked their bikes and stored their backpacks at the cloakroom of a local cafe... each just carrying a daypack - change of regular clothes, heavy jacket and inner thermals for the night, and the absolute essentials: Hand sanitizer, Surface sanitizer spray can, toothpaste/brush, sunscreen, chapstick, neck warmer/bandana, woollen cap/balaclava... flashlight and tons of Snickers and snacks...

"And don't litter..." Tony said for the nth time, "keep your trash, and once you're back here, you can dump it!"

"Yeah-yeah, we know..." Bilal muttered, in a foul mood, eyes red-rimmed.

Each also carried a bottle of water (no soda, and no aerated drinks - as Shubham had advised, and now Tony reiterated), the rain-gear draped over the rucksack... and of course, their sleeping bags!

Yes, they had all carried sleeping bags - at Rohit and Aakash's insistence.

"So many guys use them, and God only knows if it's ever washed or cleaned!" Aakash had exclaimed with a shudder, as they sat finalising the trip.

"So what, the guys go up there and masturbate in the sleeping bag, eh?" Kashish had sniggered.

"Each lot of new visitors then adding their own contribution to the CUMulative whole, huh?" Bilal had added with a smirk, both guffawing.

"Eww, gross!" Madhav had grimaced, shaking his head in disgust, "Cut it you guys!"

"Well, maybe..." Rohit answered, giving a crooked grin, "besides, couples also visit."

"Like you and Madhav, eh?" Bilal snickered in reply, nudging Kashish, both grinning.

"Yes!" Aakash had snarled, the tone disapproving, "And straight couples too!"

"We don't have to carry tents, since we can rent them... but I don't really trust their blankets and sheets, or the sleeping bags!" Rohit stated with finality, ending the discussion.

Little Gunjan had sat through the conversation - with all it's explicit reference to jerking off and sex - fidgeting coyly as he progressively turned red and redder, his ears buzzing with embarrassment... relieved when it finally ended.

🍁  "Day three!" cheered Madhav as the group set off, "Yay, Kheerganga, here we come!"

"What yaay?" groaned Bilal, "Rohit didn't even let me sleep!"

"Rohit, the Reprehensible..." grumbled Kashish, still foggily disoriented as he trudged alongside Bilal... behind the rest.

"Rohit, the Resolute!" grinned Aakash, punchng the air with his fist. "Ever dependable... love you, bro!"

"Yeah, Rohit, the Tyrant!" muttered Bilal under his breath.

They walked along the road, Tony pointing at the bridge to their right, "That's the way to Kalga, and the forest trail to Kheerganga, a mostly narrow, unmarked and steep path. Very challenging, not advisable for first timers."

Tony had already mentioned about the three routes to the high meadows of Kheerganga (and beyond) with its amazing vistas and refreshing hot spring: the popular, and preferred trail from Barshaini, via Nakthan (a gradual climb, but without the forest cover )... the more difficult one from Kalga, through dense pine forest... and the third from Tosh - all three ultimately meeting up at different points, continuing to Kheerganga.

"So, why don't we take the Tosh route?" Bilal had asked the previous evening.

"Simple," Tony had responded, "We have bikes, and if we go from here we need to come back to Tosh to collect our bikes... and if we're late, we can't drive down to Kasol in the dark, remain stuck here for another night. On the other hand, from Barshaini we can go to Kasol even if we are a bit late in getting back from Kheerganga!"

"I don't see the logic..." Kashish had commented, vacuous.

"You won't!" Rohit had smirked.

And so, they had decided on driving down to Barshaini, and then trek to Kheerganga.

The path - a broad, well trodden track - took them out of the tiny settlement, across a bridge over Tosh Nallah, or Toshi... circling around the base of the mountain to the left, before gradually opening up... rambling past orchards, the trees weighed down with the shiny red apples, ripe and ready... pears and plums... meandering through fields of maize and kidneybeans... slowly climbing higher... the Parvati thundering on down below.

Everything GREEN... Everywhere GREEN around them. Every bit of land clothed in the varied hues and shades of greenness... the sea of viridity punctuated by vivid splashes of the wild flowers - yellow and purple, red and blue - the fields and thickets alive with butterflies and bees... the ubiquitous weed growing everywhere!

"If you come here in April or May, these fields are lush with wheat..." Tony informed.

The gentle incline gradually becoming sharper as they climbed higher... the path suddenly rough and stony, hemmed in by wild growth - hemp and wildflowers.

"So, why are we putting ourselves though this, huh?" wondered Bilal between groans and grunts from way behind.

"Because WE came here to trek," came Rohit's sharp riposte, "chose Parvati Valley to trek... not just smoke," pausing for a moment before turning to look at Gunjan, adding softly, "or sit up all night exploring hidden bushlands and totem poles!"

No one seemed to get the drift of his sly aside, or even hear it... but it made Gunjan go red in his face, wishing he could simply dissolve and evaporate!

Gunjan had remained studiously quiet and silent all morning -- as they checked out of the Last Resort... hiked down to the village... at breakfast, and after reaching Barshaini.

He didn't speak as they checked and rechecked their stuff, put away their backpacks... assiduously avoiding looking up at any of the guys, especially Rohit... simply too embarrassed.

The path got progressively more rocky, the incline steeper, twisting and turning as it climbed higher... hemmed in by the wild growth... the sound of Parvati thundering through the gorge their constant companion, like a steady beat... the air resonating with the songs of a million birds, a well-orchestrated concert... the buzz of the bumble, flitting from flower to flower, an enlivening accompaniment.

And then, there was the sound of water... everywhere: trickling... tumbling... flowing... and gushing!

A tiny drip here, and a steady stream there... down the rocky versant, and over the boulders... gushing out from between huge rocks... flowing across the path... cutting channels - some narrow and deep, some wide and shallow.

Gurgling and frolicking over pebbles and rocks... cascading over boulders and ledges... weaving their way across the uneven ground as they hurried on to join the river down below...

The landscape adorned by numerous waterfalls -- big and small, straight and stepped -- neatly tucked away throughout, in every conceivable nook and corner...

Enchantingly beautiful... breathtakingly alluring!

The group tramped on... skipping over rills, or wading as it rushed across the path... crossing scary looking rickety wooden bridges wherever the channel was deep -- at places a mere wooden plank, or just a couple logs thrown across!

Madhav happily humming his uncommon tune, while Aakash and Tony chatted between huffs and puffs... Rohit mostly silent... and Gunjan by Aakash's side, the older boy's arm securely around his shoulder... Bilal and Kashish still trailing behind, heaving and hawing, leaning heavily on their walking staff...

"At this rate when will we reach the top, huh?" Rohit mused, stopping for the nth time, waiting for them to catch up.

"Let them be..." Tony called back at him, "don't stop, maintain a steady pace and keep walking, or you'll tire out... they'll set their own beat, the path's clear and well marked, no one gets lost here. Besides, there are tons of cafes along the route, they'll catch up with us ultimately!"

They had crossed a few -- tiny, ramshackle sheds of wooden posts and plastic sheets -- selling tea, water and every manner of snacks.

"For the average person it takes between three to four hours, for slower trekkers, about five hours... six max," Tony continued, "we've almost reached Nakthan, and after that, another thirty minutes, we'll reach Rudranaag. We can have lunch there... and should be up by four-thirty, long before dusk!"

They could already see the buildings through the foliage -- a colourful set of wooden dwellings precariously perched on the mountainside.

And as they got closer, they found the trek route lined with more cafes...

"We can take a break here," Tony suggested, "let them catch up."

The village of Nakthan clung to the hillside like a baby clings to his mother... a network of narrow pathways -- paved at places, bare rocks at others -- winding its way between the homes and other structures... up and down, curving around boulders and skirting rock walls... the surrounding fields and small patches lush with herbs - mint, dill, spinach, cilantro, ginger and whatnot.

"This is almost the halfway point..." Tony informed, "and also the easy part. After the village the route gets interesting, and once we cross the river and enter the forest, joining the route from Kalga, it gets very steep..."

🍁  "Which man in his right senses puts himself through this torture, huh?" grumbled Kashish as they set out after the short break.

"Men who don't fry their brain with weed all day, and night!" Rohit answered promptly, making both Bilal and Kashish snort.

"Dude, you guys are very lucky it's cloudy today," Tony said, "else this route, with no canopy overhead, gets blistering on a sunny day!"

"Thank the Lord for small mercies," grunted Kashish with an exaggerated roll of his eyes and a wry gesture.

"Thanks, indeed!" retorted Rohit.

They had hardly gone far when the most incredibly amazing sight greeted them - right out of some fantasy fairy fiction!

The path was but a narrow ledge weaving it's way along a rocky incline... when the ground abruptly widened... and there, right ahead was a natural rock formation: a tiered set of three elevated stages... a triple-decker platform, one above the other -- like a set of large, circular staircase! -- a torrent gushing down the mountainside, cascading over the three stages, from the upper to the lower, like a stepped waterfall... and then flowing right across the path as it curved around the dramatic open-air stageset of Mother Nature... down the mountainside. And, perched along the outer edge of the path stood another of those tiny wood-post-and-tarp 'cafe ', the chairs and table (with garden umbrellas!) arranged on each of the three tiers - a floating, alfresco restaurant!

"Imagine sitting here and sipping pipping hot tea, freezing water flowing over your feet!" Tony laughed as the boys got busy clicking... the lone man at the counter smiling indulgently... probably hoping he'd get some business on a dull day.

All along the path the group had encountered many local village folks going about their usual daily chores... and shepherds taking his flock of sheep and goats to the high meadows for a post monsoon feast... the regular mule trains - transporting every manner of essentials up and down the mountains...

They also encountered the ubiquitous DOG - just like in every single town and village, every trail and track - dogs of every shape, size and mix of breed... attaching themselves to the hiker or group... silently tagging along, like some mountain guiding-spirit, ensuring that the trekker never gets lost, or gets lonely!

But hadn't encountered or seen even a single trekker so far!

🍁 The path soon got more uneven, the climb tiring... the sounds and silence of the wilderness, the water gurgling all around... and the thunder of the Parvati their only company.

Madhav's humming had long given way to just harsh panting, Tony and Aakash's conversation first becoming intermittent, then falling silent... Rohit and Gunjan quiet and reflective... while the two sluggards continued with their mutter and grumble as they plodded on behind the group...

"There..." Tony huffed, "that's the temple, and right behind it, the famed Rudranaag Fall!"

It wasn't a plateau, it wasn't a valley... the greenery enshrouded land simply fanning out to form a spacious expanse encircled by the mountain... and out from behind the verdure and rock formation sprang a forceful jet of water...

It wasn't tumbling over boulders... it wasn't a torrent gushing down the rockface... but a narrow channel of milky white water hurtling down the versant, and then rising -- sprouting out like water sprayed from a fire hose -- the powerful stream arching high, taking the uncanny form of an upraised cobra's hood, before falling into the pool below!

There were a few wooden buildings scattered around, huts... a couple camping sites, and some cafes...

And for the first time they spotted small groups of trekkers - a few headed for Kheerganga, others on their way back to Barshaini.

"Let's eat..." Tony suggested, "you'll get proper meals here, the path ahead is steep, and rough... also, your stoner friends will get their much needed break!"

They sat there, waiting for Kashish and Bilal to catch up... Rohit and Tony chatting with the returning groups...

Aakash, arm wrapped around Gunjan's shoulder, fingers caressing the cheek, sat a short distance away from the crowd... enjoying the break, the captivating scenery.

"This place is so beautiful... God, wish I could kiss you now," he suddenly whispered into Gunjan's ear, "have been wanting to for hours!" and as Gunjan looked up at him, eyes wide, a slight hint of flush shading his smooth cheeks, added, "Tonight I'm gonna keep you awake... I won't let you sleep at all!"

Gunjan quickly lowered his eyes as he felt an excited shudder course down his spine, his heart pounding at the words... his cock instantly growing hard at the thought... throbbing hotly.

Yes, he too would love that... make love inside a little tent under the wide open sky... have Aakash keep him awake all night!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 "Seriously guys, which sane person ever goes through this ordeal willingly, huh?" huffed Kashish as they crossed the Parvati and entered the deep forest - the long break, and the food seeming to do nothing to energise him.

"Slog up, only to climb down again..." grunted Bilal in total agreement, making Tony laugh, shaking his head.

"The view, dude," replied Madhav, panting, "the sheer joy and the experience..."

"Duh!" retorted Kashish, "For that you have National Geographic and Discovery channels!"

"And Bear Grylls..." huffed Bilal, "with popcorn and a joint, in the safe comfort of your own room!"

The gradient was steeper now, the trail ascending with a vengeance... getting tricky with each step, perilously rugged. The trail a sliver of mud and rock hugging the mountainside, treacherously narrow... the drop dizzingly precipitous.

And way below they could hear the Parvati thunder on - a fierce torrent - the milky-white water frothing as she cut her way through the narrow gorge!

At places the path was just wide enough for a single person to pass... while at other spots just a sharp incline of smooth, bare rockface - logs laid against pegs to aid the crossing -- one small misstep, a slight negligence, and one could trip and fall flat on his face (if lucky), or sail down the slope right into the pounding waves of the raging torrent!

Rough and jagged bedrock and gnarled roots of ancient trees, like so many fossilised veins, stuck out from the hard ground forming makeshift steps at one point, while at other places obstructed passage like ossified fingers laid across the path, forcing them to clamber...

Huge tree trunks and rocky overhangs formed tiny tunnel-like passageways at places... while stubby outcrops enclosed the path at other spots...

The craggy wall abruptly drawing back... opening the ground to small boulder strewn expanse of wilderness, the verdure hosting a hundred hidden waterfall secretly tucked behind the lush growth, the dappled trail criss-crossed by a hundred gushing streams and rushing runnels... before once more closing in, the rocky landscape precariously precipitous.

There was evidence of past rock falls and mud slides all around - the path cleared, the debris pushed aside - fallen logs and shattered boulders the mute testimony of those previous upheavals!

They now took short breaks whenever the trail broadened a bit and there was enough space to sit... as did the few other groups of trekkers that they now encountered -- everyone taking pictures and selfies... some recording vlogs -- all tired, but in high spirit.

The groups trekking down, returning from Kheerganga, giving them the thumbs-up, and broad smiles.

Then, there were other groups of boisterous young men too, huddled close under a dense cloud... large chillums belching thick smoke (like coal burning factory chimneys ) doing the rounds... the group smothered in fume, enshrouded in haze... happy as hounds!

Bilal and Kashish once more caught up with the rest... both huffing and puffing like those ancient steam locomotives of yore...

"Did you see?!" exclaimed Bilal between pants once he'd caught his breath, "Guys smoke even while trekking!"

"Yeah, you too can," grinned Rohit, "and then you might decide to go for a leisurely swim down below.."

Before the trip Rohit had made it clear: 'No smoking during the day...' -- they'd enjoy the place, trek and hike... and only in the evenings they could... 'if you absolutely must !'

A joint at lunch was the only concession he'd reluctantly allowed, since Aakash was adamant.

"And what, we're not allowed to smoke up there either, huh?" asked Kashish, surly.

"Yes, you can," Tony answered, "I mean, though it's a religious site, guys do smoke up there, and there's loud music and more... so, wait till you reach the top, and then light up."

"And now guys..." Tony announced after a short while, "hold your breath... and prepare yourself to be amazed!"

"Now what?!" groaned Kashish... before abruptly pausing, letting out a gasp.

"FUUUCKK !" exclaimed Bilal, his jaws dropping.

Right around the slight curve ahead of them was another incredible sight - a broad stream of rushing water tumbling down a gentle gradient from way above... flowing right down the slope...

And the path?

The spine-tinglingly narrow, meandering sliver hugging the rock face that they were following, went right ahead:   No guardrail... No handrail... No foot-rail... Not even a rope strung across  --  just a set of weathered rocks embedded in the course of the gushing waterway serving as stepping stones, rubbed smooth under a million passing feet!

"Ten steps, that's all!" Tony smiled as the boys stood in a file, peering over each other's shoulders at the bewitchingly scary sight, "The water will be freezing cold, so roll up your pant legs, and one at a time!" he added as they went ahead.

Just one person could cross over at a time - a one-way traffic - the flow and direction controlled by the trekkers themselves!

"C'mon, it's easy..." he encouraged Kashish, the first to go, "just stay to your right... and don't look down, there's nothing to see..."

"There, we've done it!" Tony grinned, stepping over on dry ground, the last to cross, "Wasn't that fun, huh?"

"That was more then 'just-ten-steps ', huh!" complained Kashish, the look surly.

"And we have to cross that again? On our way back, eh?" asked Bilal, the tone incredulous.

"Yes, you have to," replied Tony, "for this is the only way. And now it's just another 45-50 odd minutes, we're almost there so, giddy-up guys!"

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 The trail abruptly surged high... making the boys almost clamber up on all fours -- grabbing the jagged stones, the jutting roots, and branches, as they hauled themselves, and each other up...

And suddenly they were there - THE TOP!

A couple huge trees stood guard... the path gently curving past the silent sentinels onto the high tableland... a very large board welcoming the trekker to: 'Kheerganga'!

There was joy, and there was elation... but the tired limbs, and the overworked lungs, rendered the cheers mute... though the heart thrilled as the eyes drank in the glorious scene!

A vast expanse of boulder strewn meadow covered in a carpet of green lay before them: Kheerganga!

"Well, we'll miss the spectacular sunset..." said Tony as they walked along the flat, uneven track, "too cloudy!"

There were a couple shacks - same wooden structure with yellow and blue tarp - and beyond that a sea of colourful tents: a veritable township of canvas, nylon and polyester!

The path cutting straight through, the small clusters of camps and cafes lining the pathway on either side -- much like the South Gate causeway of Angkor Thom lined with gods and demons, or those of the Temples of Luxor and Karnak, lined with the sphinxes!

And there were other camps further away from the trail, towards the centre of the meadow... semi-circular encampments... and even a few, beyond!

"The sunset here is simple otherworldly..." Tony was saying, "the mountains, the snow, the sky, all changing colour as the day comes to a close... a kaleidoscope of bright orange, red and violet streaking the clouds and the sky... well, has to be witnessed to really comprehend!" he sighed.

The trail went on towards the farthest end of the meadow, to the very edge of the dense forest... and there, on the highest point of elevation stood the small temple -- a paved pathway with stone steps leading up to it -- steam rising from its side...

"So, what now?" asked Rohit, looking around, "Book tents first?"

"There's hardly much crowd," replied Tony, "getting a place for the night won't be a problem! We could instead take a quick dip first, and then book. The kund is open from dawn to dusk, so we have about an hour before they close for the day. It's an amazing experience, half an hour and you'll forget all your tiredness!"

Everybody seemed cool with the idea, and they headed towards the hot spring... checking out the camps as they went...

The place seemed deserted with only a few people sprawled out under the canopies that served as the sit-out area and open-air-dining space in front of the camps and cafes.

"The spring emerges behind the temple, the water channeled to the pool," Tony informed, "and then flows on..."

"Um... what are those?" asked Aakash, pointing towards the far corner to their right, beyond the green expanse, bordering the woods.

"That's also a camping ground..." replied Tony, "about a fifteen-twenty minutes hike, very secluded..."

"Can we stay there?" Aakash queried.

"Of course!" Tony answered, "But you have good options here too, and nice cafes..."

"Um... you said this is a holy precinct..." Aakash explained, "and the notice board at the entrance says no smoking and all that other stuff, so..."

"Yes, no smoking, no alcohol... nothing loud or wild..." Tony replied with a shrug, before letting out a sigh, "but, unfortunately, people do carry alcohol with them, they smoke pot, there's super loud music all evening... and they even have raves in the woods... so, you can smoke."

"Well, I'm not just talking about weed," Aakash said, "I also smoke tobacco, you know!"

"That's refreshing to hear!" laughed Tony, not in a condescending way, but with genuine appreciation, "To respect and honour Nature, the local culture and beliefs, is so rare these days, it's good to see that you care... and yes, we can book tents there, just a little extra walk!"

Ten minutes of brisk walk and they had reached the kund -- a large, stepped tank right below the temple -- the water clear and smoking... the pool totally empty!

And there was another huge board informing visitors about the sanctity of the site, requesting that rules be followed: 'No Littering', 'No Smoking', 'No Alcohol', 'No Nudity'... about maintaining silence... about first taking a shower under the overflow channel before entering the pool... and even about not peeing in the pool !

"C'mon guys!" grinned Tony, dropping his pack and beginning to undress. "We're in luck, I've never found the tank empty before, ever!"

"Fuck... it's freezing!" exclaimed Kashish pulling off his jacket, giving a horrified shudder as he hugged himself.

"Freezing, huh?" laughed Tony, already out of his clothes, just in boxers... briskly walking to the side of the tank and sitting under the overflow pipe, thoroughly wetting himself before trotting up the steps, "Wait till after sundown, then you'll find out what freezing really means, especially with the cloud cover today."

Gunjan, slightly apart from the rest, hesitantly... self-consciously, took off his clothes -- he was not only undressing in front of others for the first time, (of course, Aakash was an exception ), but would be in his tiny briefs, while the rest were all sporting boxers... assiduously avoiding looking at Aakash... afraid that his sight, the close proximity, would make him throw an instant boner!

Though already aware that they'd be taking a dip in the spring -- which, in all innocence, he'd assumed would be the next morning, never considering a situation where they'd end up in the pool as soon as they reached the top ! -- Gunjan, as usual, had pulled on his briefs that morning -- (not that he had any boxers, for he only wore briefs ) -- carrying his pair of shorts for the proposed swim in his daypack instead.

God, should have worn it... he mused as he stepped out of the tracks...

"WHOA, DUDE!" he suddenly heard Bilal exclaim, making him quickly look up... wondering... abashed...

But Bilal was staring at Aakash, not him.

"Your back, it's all scratched up, bro!" Bilal gasped, making everyone turn to look.

Gunjan froze, his heart turning cold with shame and embarrassment -- the red furrows distinct on Aakash's smooth, unblemished skin... clearly visible, for all to see!

Taken slightly aback Aakash quickly reached up, over his shoulder, mumbling, "It was those mosquitoes... you know... Chhalaal, and Kasol... I must have scratched too hard."

"Mosquitoes, eh?" Kashish grinned, reaching out, running his finger along the marks, smirking.

"Yeah, mosquitoes!" snapped Aakash, slapping his hand away.

"You mean they got under your jacket, inside your shirt and had a feast, huh?" joshed Kashish, grinning wickedly, "Your blood must be extra tasty!"

"Yeah, how come we never got bit, huh?" simpered Bilal, joining in.

"Nah... it wasn't Kasol..." mused Kashish shaking his head, "it must have been back home... after all, the mosquitoes knew he'd be away for a whole week!"

"A parting treat before the trip, eh?" gaffawed Bilal, "So, these are the fading reminder from Monday afternoon!"

"Yeah..." sighed Kashish, "a memento, to cherish..." both nudging each other.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do, huh?" Rohit questioned, the tone resigned, "Such losers!"

"No, seriously, just look..." Kashish exclaimed with feigned concern, the face straight, the eyes twinkling with puckish glee, "he needs medical attention... some first-aid at least!"

"Dude, it actually looks pretty fresh," Bilal observed, quickly grabbing Aakash's hand and lifting it up, "your nails must be real sharp!"

Gunjan standing silent through all of it... totally mortified... face red, eyes lowered -- after all, it was his handiwork, from the previous night!

"Enough, guys!" called Rohit, exasperated, "Aren't you cold anymore, Kashish?"

"Fuck, yes!" Kashish grimaced, quickly walking up the step to the pool, Bilal following, both giggly...

"Uh-uh, first wash yourself under the overflow channel, only then you can enter the pool!" Tony wagged his finger, pointing towards the notice board.

The water was really... really HOT, the boys yowling out loud at the first contact between foot and water...

"Splash yourself with the water a bit, and then sit under it..." Tony suggested as he swam around the empty pool.

"Splash?" exclaimed Madhav, "Our hands will burn before that!"

The frigid air licking at their naked body however made the group quickly sit under the flow before clambering up and plunging in... and soon it was not only bearable, but surprisingly comforting... and even pleasurable!

The trek had been exhilarating and exhausting... enchanting but gruelling -- an experience never to be forgotten -- and now, immersed in the hot pool of the sulphur spring, all that exertion seemed to seep right out of every pore - refreshing and rejuvenating them!

And they were soon swimming around... laughing, having fun as they frolicked in the water!

Gunjan too, finally relaxed, past the mosquito scare, enjoying the soothing waters, the swim... observing the scrawled messages on the upright planks bordering the pool, essentially the same request: 'No littering', 'No smoking', 'No alcohol', 'No noise', 'No naked bath', 'No sex' - wondering why would people even do such things!

"With this cloud you'll miss the stars too!" he heard Tony say, sitting on the inner step of the tank, neck deep in water, suddenly sighing as he added, "Hope it doesn't rain..."

The boys gathered around, sitting down... looking up at the cloud covered sky.

It had been cloudy all day long... but now it seemed to be getting ominously darker, the look, fierce...

From their vantage point they could see the whole tableland spread out before them -- a vast open space surrounded by thick forest, ensconced in the midst of the encircling amphitheatre of cloud-clad, snow-capped mountain peaks... the serrated crests now just a faint outline, dull bluish-grey against the overcast sky -- heavy mist swirling all around blurring the view even further in the fast fading light of the day.

"Little man, did you take a tumble before you travelled here, huh?" Tony suddenly asked looking at Gunjan, "You seem to be covered in bruises!"

Gunjan froze -- in all the excitement on reaching the top, and the anticipated dip in the famed hot spring of Kheerganga, (and of course, his initial worry about tiny briefs and boner ), Gunjan had forgotten all about the hickeys. Tony's unfailing observation now sending his little heart into overdrive, his face going a fire-engine red as all eyes (except Aakash and Rohit) turned to look at him!

But there was nothing he could do -- the water was crystal clear, so he couldn't hide his shame under it... nor could he cover himself with a towel... take shelter under a blanket... or wrap a shawl or scarf to conceal his carnal escapades -- NOTHING!

"Yeah, dude, seriously, what's all that..." queried Bilal, looking him up and down curiously, "you fell or got punched, huh?"

"Little bro, your shoulders, your back..." Kashish started to say, when Aakash sprang up...

"Enough of relaxing, we should now go and book the tent!" he announced, putting an end to all discussion of falls and punches. "Besides, I'm hungry!" he added, stepping out of the pool.

"Yes, we should go..." Rohit agreed, standing up, "get the tent and change."

"Yeah, I'm hungry too!" Kashish nodded, up on his feet.

"Well, you're right, I guess..." Tony sigh, slowly standing up, "it's almost dusk, and the guy will soon announce Time-up !... so, we better leave."

And thus, all unwanted attention was successfully diverted... all eyes off embarrassed little Gunjan!

🍁 to be continued...       

Copyright © Author, (2020), 2021-2022

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