Kiss Me Gentle Kiss Me Sweet

Published on Jan 3, 2023


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet 5 - a story by Outlaw


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet

ये सोच सोच के कत्तई नहीं हैं रात मेरी,    के तुझको सोते हुए चाँद देखता होगा
[ yeh soch-soch ke kat-ti nahi hain raat merii,    ke tujh-ko sote huye chaand dekhtaa hogaa ~ Shahryar ]



There was an old gentleman from Dallas,
So very proud of his humongous phallus,
All day long browsed he Nifty,        
Ever magnanimous, never thrifty,        
His donations regular and exceedingly generous!




🍁 Gunjan still lay as he had left him - legs up, knees bent, and thighs spread wide... the deep cleft parted, glistening with his saliva, and the overflown semen... the impossibly tiny orifice pulsing with a steady beat...

Scooting down Aakash crushed his mouth back to that fluttering little hole... first kissing, and then licking... swirling his tongue tip over and around the pouting opening, stabbing at it... thrilling at the sounds of the boy's agonised croak... the hypnic jerks of his pelvis, and the spastic sway of his ass!

Pulling back he flipped the cap and filled his palm with the gel, slathering Gunjan's cleft with the slippery liquid, gently working it around the tight opening with his thumb and fingertips... slow and gentle... the fingers soothing as they massaged the whole area, especially the perineum... before applying some on his own crazily throbbing cock and climbing over, covering Gunjan...

The boy immediately wrapped his arms and legs around Aakash, moaning out aloud as he swayed his ass -- yes, he was ready, and completely willing... desperate for Aakash to take him... desirous to feel him finally enter him!

Gripping the base of his cock Aakash guided the tip to Gunjan's twitching anus... lining up... gently rocking his hips... soft nudges - not too much pressure, absolutely no force.

At first nothing happened... and then Gunjan lifted his ass... and Aakash felt the mouth flutter open, kinda pout out... he applied a slight pressure... a gentle push... and suddenly the swollen glans just popped in!

Aakash grunted as he felt the taut ring snap back, a powerful band, viciously tight around the neck of his cock, just under the sulcal ridge... the bloated head entrapped inside stifling moist heat... the exposed, tingling glans clutched in a fierce molten grip...

And he saw Gunjan's jaws drop as his eyes flew open... but the boy made no sound, his arms simply tightening around his shoulders... the nails digging in... feeling the fluid inner lining rake and chew at his buried cockhead like a toothless mouth!

Aakash held still, holding his hips motionless... giving the boy time to relax and adjust...

Gunjan's heart was slamming... his pulse racing... his whole body jolted by an uncontrolled jitter as he felt something HUGE, something HOT nudge... force his untouched aperture wide and enter... a steel-stiff entity sliding in deep... holding him stretched open!

Surprisingly, it didn't actually hurt -- just a short, jarring ache shooting up and spreading out from between his splayed thighs as the large head popped past the recalcitrant spinchter, and then a dull, pulsating throb... a weird sort of sensation of being held stretched, and held wide...

But it did leave him breathless, making him gasp wildly as his lungs screamed for air... and he tightened his grip around Aakash's shoulders, clinging on... his ass lifting higher, pushing back into the older teen's groin!

It must have been almost fifteen minutes before Aakash sensed a gradual easing of the fierce tensity, a slight relaxation... the tight sleeve seeming to relent, just a wee bit... the frantic spasms less violent... and he gave another slight jerk, thrusting his pelvis forward...

The sphincter once more fluttered open, stretching wide... the innards creating a vacuuming suction, and Aakash gained a quick couple inches before it snapped back, tight again... the grip vicious, and the heat intense!

This time Gunjan let out a small groan... the sound seeming to rise from the deepest region of his gut... his nostrils flared, noisily sucking in air through his open mouth...

Eyes still wide open, Gunjan stared up at Aakash, unseeing... his face a smarting red... tiny beads of persperation forming on his contorted forehead... the full lips stretched wide over the protuding teeth... and his fingers savage as he clawed Aakash's back... both his legs tight around the older teen's waist, shaken by uncontrolled, hypnic jerks...

Literally driven out of his young mind by the massive flesh column lodge in his snug little vestal passage... by the exquisite agony of his very first sexual intercourse!

In all his years of bedding numerous girls, Aakash had never encountered anything like this before... had never experienced anything like it, or even imagined anything like it -- the boy's ass was like a furnace - a seething hot cauldron of liquid fire; and the clutch - excruciatingly fierce, and torturously tight... making him pant, pant with lust and want... and an intense desire to bury himself deep, deeper within those tantalisingly moist folds, and explore every convoluted inch of that tight sleeve... lose himself completely in the churning depths of the boy's untouched, roiling innard!

But he held back, grunting with the effort -- he simply couldn't rush it and lurch in... rip and slam his way into the little boy... hurt him. He wanted it nice and slow... gentle and passionate... wanted the boy to feel, sense and experience every bit of it, and enjoy it as much as he knew he himself would!

He had been in an amazing state-of-being ever since that little hike to Chhalaal, enwrapped in a languorous sense of joy and contentment... a thrilling body-and-soul-warming euphoria, melded in blissful tranquility... his entire body tingling, his senses enhanced, and that heightened tactile cognisance filling him with desire, intense desire!

Making him HORNY like never before... Horny as Hell!

It could be the awesome weed, or, maybe, it could be the magic of the place... or, possibly that brief dalliance in the woods before Rohit called him away... but whatever it was, it had made him shamelessly caress and fondle Gunjan while walking back from Chhalaal... then, under the table at the cafe, the boy squirming in embarrassed coyness...

But this was also a very different kind of horniness - he wanted to give, and to lavish... to indulge and to pamper... to worship and to venerate... ending up spending over an hour just adoring every inch of the twink's divinely magnificent body once they'd finally got back to the room, in bed... so, why rush it now?

He wanted to make LOVE -- slow and tender love... on and on... all night long... not just have sex!

Relish and enjoy each moment... the slow build up, the gradual unfolding... and the final consummation!

Delight and exult in the stimulation... Rejoice and bask in the sheer glory of union, and coitus... Carry little Gunjan to the brink of sensual pleasure... Drive him to the very periphery of orgasmic passion and endurance... and only then strive for orgasmic culmination!

There was no urgency, no need to hurry... after all, they had the whole night!

Lowering his face Aakash covered Gunjan's open mouth, kissing him passionately, and the boy moaned in reply, kissing back... ravenous. His ass suddenly alive as he pushed back at Aakash's groin...

And Aakash responded by thrusting in once more... quickly gaining another couple inches -- now almost halfway in -- Gunjan's restrictive sphincter taut, stretched thin around the thick, pulsating shaft!

Gunjan's eyes had remained open all this while... wide and unblinking, yet unseeing... his mouth gaping, but the only sound coming out was a continuous gurgle... bubbling right into Aakash's mouth...

God, Gunjan couldn't believe it! He knew Aakash wasn't completely in yet, he could sense it, and yet it felt like the older teen's cock was about to pop right out of his gasping throat any moment!

It was such a weird feeling -- of being stretched... being stuffed... a singular sensation of being bloated from within -- and he could just groan and gasp in Aakash's mouth... his nails raking Aakash's back, leaving smarting furrows all over the smooth skin...

Gunjan had tried everything that his overworked brain suggested: relax his ass, open up wide, even push out... but no matter what, Aakash's cock was simply too big, and just wouldn't fit -- the tiny ass mouth simply too small, unable to open wide enough to accommodate the thick girth... his virginal rectum too incommodious to fit in that ginormous piece of teen meat no matter how hard he tried -- both boys huffing and puffing with the effort!

And yet, he wanted more, all of Aakash, even if that ripped him to pieces!

Over the next fifteen minutes or so, between kisses and caress... sweet nothings and endearments... with tender care and gentle pressure, slow jerks and careful hunches, Aakash gradually worked his cock into that smouldering, constricted passageway - inch after thick inch - and it was almost twenty minutes, or maybe more, when at long last, he succeeded... sinking in fully -- his pubic arch finally flush against the silky smooth perineum... his pelvis grinding against the satiny expanse of the boy's splayed thighs... his trimmed pubes tickling the boy's widely parted, glabrous cheeks... both boys letting out heavy grunts...

Aakash paused, holding still... continuing kissing Gunjan, letting the boy get used to the new feeling, to the phallus in his pristine ass.

The snug sleeve was fiercely tight, suffocatingly constricted, and the heat intense... the moist membrane seeming fluid as it rolled along the length of his embedded cock, tugging and squeezing at his flexing shaft viciously... as if wanting more... it was mindblowing!

It took a while, but once Gunjan's ass finally adjusted to the thickness buried in his virgin passage, the agitated rectum gradually becaming less vicious, more accomodating... Aakash finally moved, rocking his hips -- pulling back slowly and then thrusting in gently -- beginning the age old ritual of carnal intercourse... making tender love to the cute little shy boy that he'd so wanted to deflower!

Both groaning with the joy... both grunting into each other's mouth as Aakash's pelvis rose and fell, powering his cock in and out of Gunjan's fluttering rectum in an unbroken flowing succession... his swinging balls beating a steady rap against Gunjan's upturned tailbone... the aloe vera squelching obscenely as the pair copulated!

Languorous, and entranced... engulfed in a tranquil dreamy haze, Aakash caressed and kissed, fondled and stroked Gunjan, holding the whimpering boy in his arms, in a tender embrace, making slow and gentle love. Gunjan clinging on tight, his arms and legs fierce around the senior as his ass lifted up to meet Aakash's plunging pelvis each time, both their hips working in perfect harmony. Both vociferous in their vocal expression of passion, both unhurried as they indulged... unperturbed by time, unrestrained by bounds.

After all, there was absolutely no rush, there was no urgency... there was just desire, pure desire -- desire to please, and pleasure... to indulge and gratify... and by giving, derive joy and fulfilment!

Orgasm would anyway happen - at the right time, at the right pace... on its own...

Now was the time to just celebrate, and enjoy!

🍁 It had been over ten minutes since Aakash had ejaculated, had filled Gunjan's ass with his rich, creamy seed... and had rolled over, the tiny little boy now lying limp atop him; his arms wrapped securely around the still shuddering twink... lovingly kissing and stroking Gunjan's head resting on his chest... his shrinking cock still trapped deep inside Gunjan's snug sleeve, held firmly in place by the tight ring clutching his spongy girth... the vicious rectal muscles still trying to milk him, extract every last drop of semen remaining in the shaft...

Gunjan's two loads coating both their front, caking their torso -- both happy, both content... both highly satisfied!

It was well past one (AM) when Aakash's cock finally slipped out of Gunjan's ass... pushed out by the boy's savage proctal flexing... the voluminous cum instantly gushing out, the slimy liquid rolling down Gunjan's hairless perineum to irrorate Aakash's manscaped pubes, matting the neatly trimmed hair.

And that too felt amazing... both purring as they basked in the lingering afterglow of their beatific postcoital rapture, indulging in relaxed afterplay - oblivious of the time... unconcerned about their planned trip in the morning.

Both fully aware that that single union wasn't sufficient -- once wasn't enough! -- that they both craved more, would be doing it again, and probably again... repeating their act of copulation before the night was over...

Both Happy, both Blissful!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

Tuesday, 1 September, 2020      

🍁 The wet touch of something warm and wiggly behind his ear woke Gunjan...

He was on his side... and there was something warm against his back, flush along his entire length...

With eyes still closed, he lay still... wondering, when suddenly remembering -- he wasn't home, in his own bed -- he was in Kasol, with Aakash, stark naked under the quilt!

Quickly recollecting the previous night, blushing furiously at the memory... becoming aware of the dull throb between his legs - the soothingly sweet ache of first love, their vestal union - sensing the rigid heat of his own flexing penis between his thighs.

Realising that Aakash was already awake... snuggling close, his warm body pressed against his back, his strong arms wrapped around him, holding him tight... the fierce hardness of his arousal flush against his right butt cheek, throbbing and pulsing with a regular beat... his warm breath gently washing over the side of his face as he swirled his tongue behind his ear.

Oh, it felt glorious... so amazing, and Gunjan wanted to relish that closeness... savour the moment. Treasure it.

But the recollection, those thoughts, and that wet tongue also sent an involuntary shudder down his spine, making him shiver... alerting Aakash of his wakefulness.

"Wake up..." Aakash whispered, nibbling his earlobe, "or do you wanna be late again, huh?"

Shaking off the slumberous lethergy Gunjan's body arched in languorous pandiculation -- his legs flexing under the covers as his arms stretched -- and immediately felt Aakash's hand glide down the front of his torso... reaching between his thighs for his morning hardon, the fingers wrapping around his engorged tool, squeezing... forcing a gasp out of him as his erect cock twitched with delight!

"Get up, lazy bones..." Aakash cooed, his hand gathering up Gunjan's whole package, giving it a soft, loving squeeze.

Gunjan turned to look at the grinning face of his senior, eyes wide -- so damn handsome in the soft glow of the morning light filtering inside the room -- his smile coy as he quickly rolled over, flinging his arms around Aakash, burying his face in the older boy's chest, purring with impeccant joy!

Aakash laughed, hugging him back -- one arm around the shoulder, the other hand patting the firm buttock -- "Good morning to you too!" and as Gunjan looked up, kissed his mouth... both suddenly groaning, filled with renewed passion, awash with fresh desire!

Rolling Gunjan on his back Aakash promptly climbed over -- arms still tight around each other, lips still glued -- the boy quickly wrapping his legs around the older teen's waist, swaying his ass high...

Releasing the butt Aakash reached for his own cock and gripping it sought out Gunjan's opening with his forefinger... readily finding the furiously twitching hole, running the fingertip over and around it... feeling and checking... and as the tiny mouth pouted out in invitation, fitting the swollen cock-head applied gentle pressure...

It was still well stretched... still sloppy and relaxed, and the bulbous glans didn't face much resistance as it parted the mouth and sank in... both letting out happy sighs -- Gunjan at the indescribable sensation of being penetrated, and Aakash at the intensity of the moist heat of the snug sleeve, the unbelievably fierce clutch...

And once fully planted, Aakash began the age-old ritual, the primordial cosmic dance of creation and regeneration... gently rocking his hips -- drawing back and then thrusting in, sending that gigantic piece of blood engorged flesh charging in -- a repeat of the previous night, everything exactly as it had been - warm and tender, slow and gentle - his hand now jerking the little boy...

Both susurrating their elation as they slammed at each other, making love in the silent room... both moaning with joy at the incredible pleasure, the sheer delight of early morning sex!

🍁 Aakash lay unmoving, still prone on the boy, panting... his cock still deep inside Gunjan, buried in his sizzling rectum, held in place by the fierce grip of the tight ring... the agitated inner membrane still fluttering viciously, squeezing and tugging at his spent, yet not fully flaccid shaft... as if intent on sucking out every last drop of liquid still trapped in the narrow passageway of his urethra...

Gunjan too lay still... his arms still holding Aakash in a tight embrace, his legs still wrapped around the older boy's waist... silent.

Both catching their breath... both wallowing in the amazing afterglow of consummation!

It was a long while before Aakash finally raised himself, lifting his face and looking down at Gunjan...

God, the boy looked so cute! -- all languid, the eyes shut, the mouth open... those red lips all puffed, the face flushed... his torso covered in cum, the slimy stuff also coating his own chest and belly -- Aakash simply couldn't seem to get enough of the twink!

He slowly tugged himself out, feeling the tight sphincter stretch as the head popped out, Gunjan letting out a soft whimper, his fingers digging into Aakash's arms, before finally releasing him, the legs slowly unwrapping...

Aakash kissed the nose tip and softly whispered, "C'mon, let's shower," rolling off Gunjan.

But Gunjan remaind still, unmoving... eyes closed, a small smile playing on his tumid lips.

"We also need to pack, we'll be leaving after breakfast!" Aakash nudged him, noting all those blotched marks he'd left the previous night, the boy's tender flesh covered in hickeys!

"Mmmh..." Gunjan purred, slowly opening his eyes and looking up at him.

"Chop-chop!" Aakash smiled, getting out of bed, standing up, his heavy genitals dangling seductively between his thighs... spent, but still large, his slimy cock glistening in the mellow light of the morning, "C'mon, dude, don't be lazy!"

"I can't walk..." the boy mumbled, quickly rolling over, his firm buttocks on full display... the mounds marked too.

"It hurts that bad?!" Aakash asked, the tone concerned as he quickly sat down, his hand caressing the naked form.

Gunjan began to nod, the full lips curled in a naughty grin, before abruptly pausing, shaking his head instead.

Well, it didn't actually hurt -- just a weird sort of a smarting sensation around the constantly twitching anal mouth... akin to something like a couple days old bruise - that dull, pulsing throb... sort of sore, yet somehow soothing and comforting !

Aakash bent over and gave the left cheek a quick nip, making Gunjan yowl, his ass jerking away, both laughing as Aakash swatted the retreating buttocks, "Can't walk, huh?"

This time Gunjan nodded, wiggling his naked butt as Aakash caressed the twin mounds.

"And what will you tell Kashish when he asks why you're late again... that you can't walk, huh?"

"You tell him that..." Gunjan replied, burying his face in the pillow.

"And what do I say if he asks why you can't walk?"

Gunjan remained silent, unmoving.

Aakash climbed back in bed cuddling the boy, kissing his shoulder... a hand gently slipping between the thighs as one finger slithered up the perineum, right into the moist, cum coated crack, "Did I really hurt you that bad, huh?"

Gunjan shook his head, his buttocks flexing, squeezing the wandering finger between the cheeks as it slid up and down the slippery crack.

"Want me to carry you to the bathroom?"

Gunjan lifted his face and smiled at Aakash, shaking his head... slowly sitting up, suddenly flinging his arms around the older boy and kissing him on the mouth!

🍁 Rinsing their mouth and putting away the brush Aakash opened the overhead shower and pulled Gunjan... both laughing, playful under the spray... two pair of hands groping, touching and fondling... Gunjan brazenly vocal -- no more coy looks and silent stares, and no more little whimpers!

Aakash's fingers gently circling each ruddy mark, lightly kissing the seal of his nocturnal passion... Gunjan simply moaning, his slender frame wracked by jitters of joy... his hand reaching between the older boy's thighs... the fingers toying with the fast hardening phallus.

Turning off the water they were soon soaping each other, giggling happily, their slippery hands sliding up and down... front and back... slithering between folds and reaching into crevices... exploring anew the already visited landscape of each other's body... both their breathing slowly growing heavy as the mood started to change... the air suddenly charged with sexual energy, both clearly horny!

Aakash's soapy fingers reaching under and slipping in between the boy's butt cheeks... the fingertip seeking out the dainty little opening, caressing the tender, sore toroid -- the mouth pouting out, distinctly swollen... still twitching and pulsing, the just deposited cum still oozing out -- Gunjan quickly wrapping his arms around his shoulder, groaning as he swayed his ass back at the exploring digits... once more delirious with desire.

Suddenly grabbing Gunjan's shoulders with both hands Aakash pushed him back... staring at the boy, his eyes roving all over, "God, you are so fuckin' cute!" he gasped, and then added, the tone laced with regret, "And I won't get to see you this way... all of you... naked!"

"Why?" Gunjan asked, confused... he was willing to get naked anytime Aakash wanted, all day if that's what he desired!

"Dude, we'll be camping... just tiny tents, no bedroom with light, and there won't be no bathroom either, just common shower stalls, or the hot springs..." Aakash informed, shaking his head. "Besides, the camping grounds will probably have tents right next to each other and..." but he couldn't finish the sentence...

"We can still do whatever we want, yes, in the dark... and we'll be silent!" Gunjan opined firmly looking up at Aakash, his hand squeezing the older boy's rigid cock, stroking the pulsating length.

"SILENT, hah!" Aakash almost roared out laughing, "Gunjan, you are LOUD! You make a lot of noise!"

"So do you," Gunjan retorted, wrapping his fingers around the whole package and tugging hard, "grunting like an angry bull!"

"Ow!" Aakash gasped, "No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do..." Gunjan laughed, "and you snore too!"

Eyes wide and jaws gaping Aakash looked down at the tiny boy, before grinning widely, "How would you know, you fell asleep before I did!"

In reply Gunjan pulled Aakash by his cock to the tap and washing off the soap dropped down on his haunches, taking it in his mouth, happily slurping along the throbbing length, the tongue swirling, his other hand playing with the heavy testicles... making Aakash grunt... looking up as he eyed the older teen while bobbing his head... managing to still grin with his mouth stuffed.

"Aaah... " Aakash gasped loudly, reaching for the tiled wall, palms flat, hips bucking... the heavy balls repeatedly smacking Gunjan's chin as they swayed with the uncontrolled jerks of his hips.

Releasing the phallus Gunjan looked up, "See, you too make a lot of noise..." grinning triumphantly, his hand still stroking the furiously twitching column, his tongue tip repeatedly flicking out, lapping at the oozing precum, when suddenly standing up he demanded, the voice husky, "If you can't do it in a tent, then do it now..."

"God, yes, I'll do it... whenever you say, wherever you want" Aakash cried, wrapping up the little boy in a tight embrace, the tone tinged with a hint of regret as he added, "but I still can't get to see you naked in the dark tent!"

"Use the torchlight to see," Gunjan giggled naughtily... the voice heavy with lust.

Aakash laughed, "You've never camped, right?" and as Gunjan shook his head, added, "People outside can see the shadows, you know, silhouette... I don't know what kind of tent they have, but depending on the fabric, and thickness, a light inside will cast shadows, which will be visible at night." grinning wickedly.

"Let them see!" Gunjan shrugged nonchalantly, his hand once more caressing Aakash's raging genitals, "But honestly, only a very bright light, or possibly something like a car's headlight, or a searchlight, shining through from one side would cast silhouettes, bu... "

"FINE!" Aakash cut in, "I'll do just that, strip you naked and make wild love out in the open!" but no longer laughing, the voice husky... quickly turning him around and pushing him against the tiled wall, spreading his thighs...

And as Gunjan responded by lifting and pushing his ass back... Aakash placed his cock between the soapy butt cheeks, sliding it along the slippery crevice... his hands roving the slender frame - from chest to groin - tweaking the engorged nipples and fondling the boy cock... both loud once more, both breathless as Aakash humped Gunjan's ass...

Face and palms pressed hard against the cold tiles Gunjan shoved his ass back into the older teen's groin, swaying it against the sliding cock... his hungry moan soon becoming an urgent plea... lifting up on his toes and raising his ass higher... offering himself to Aakash.

Gripping the thick base Aakash guided his penis to the waiting hole... gently nudging... and immediately felt it part, his cock head slipping in -- the already open sphincter, the slickness of the earlier load, and the soap aiding in the smooth penetration -- Aakash soon gliding in to the hilt!

🍁 They walked out of the bathroom together, freshly showered and dry... Aakash's fingers still running all over the boy's naked body, repeatedly reaching down to fondle and squeeze those full, firm globes.

Gunjan giggling coquettishly, his hand brazen as he toyed with the older boy's swinging genitals -- carressing the cock and cuddling the large, dangling balls -- the same set of balls that had just deposited two massive load deep in his gut... loads that were continuously leaking out of his crazily twitching anus... smearing his freshly washed and dried butt crack... the deep cleft slippery against each other as he walked!

Both pausing every few steps, to kiss... insatiable... when Aakash abruptly pulled back, staring down at the cute little boy, his eyes going all over the slender form, sighing as he asked, the tone slightly embarrassed, "Ah, did you bring any full-sleeve turtleneck... um, t-shirt or sweater?"

Gunjan looked up at him, nodding, curious at the question.

"Um... I know, a sweater would be too uncomfortable all day," Aakash said, almost apologetic, his hand reaching out to caress Gunjan's neck, "but the marks I left last night... the ones on your torso, hips and ass is okay," once more patting the plump mounds with both hands, "but the ones on your neck and arms are awkward. A jacket would cover the arms, but the neck... only a turtleneck... or if you have a bandana... a scarf maybe..."

"I got a t-shirt, turtleneck and full-sleeve," smiled Gunjan, his eyes twinkling, "I'll wear that."

Aakash shrugged, quickly kissing his mouth, "Now let's get dressed, pack and go down!"

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 Just three tables were occupied when they walked in... Rohit and Bilal at the fourth, having their breakfast.

"Hey!" Aakash greeted the pair going over, Gunjan right behind him... the two nodding in reply, mouth full... Rohit giving Gunjan a peculiar look, his eyes travelling up and down.

"You cold or something?" he asked, swallowing.

Clad in jeans and the heavy knit polo-neck, long-sleeved shirt, Gunjan shook his head, uncomprehending.

"Well, dressed like you're setting out for a night hike..." Rohit observed before putting a forkful of food in his mouth.

Gunjan blushed furiously, shuffling as he stood silent... his eyes, for a brief moment, fluttering up at Aakash.

"How's the food?" Aakash quickly asked, looking towards the buffet table at the far end of the dining room.

"Good," Bilal replied, "nice spread!"

"C'mon..." Aakash called, briskly walking towards the buffet table.

And as Gunjan was about to follow, Tony returned, his plate loaded, greeting the boy as he sat down, "Hey, on time today!"

Gunjan smiled in reply, turning away... but had barely taken a couple steps when Tony asked...

"You okay, little man?"

Gunjan paused, turning to look at Tony, wondering... but nodding nonetheless.

"You're walking kinda funny..." the man commented looking at him curiously, "hurt yourself last night while hiking back in the dark, huh?"

Gunjan literally froze at the words, standing rooted to the spot... his eyes widening even further as he stared at Tony, his face quickly turning a brilliant red - Stunned into silence... Totally Horrified!

Through the corner of his eyes he saw Rohit instantly set down his fork and spring up, quickly coming over...

"Gunjan, don't just stand here yapping..." he exclaimed urgently, grabbing his arm and leading him away, "get your breakfast, and eat first, we don't wanna be late, now, do we, huh?"

But little Gunjan's heart was slamming, his ears burning hotly... and being late, or food, was the least of his worries as wild questions rushed through his buzzing mind -- Did EVERYONE know? Had they all noticed? Was his gait that obvious?! Did it give away their previous night's activity?!!!

Oh, the shame of it all, feeling his tiny little pucker suddenly push out, pulsing and twitching with a vengeance... the dull throb now suddenly more intense... becoming acutely aware of the slimy moistness between his cheeks with each step he took.

🍁 "So, where's Madhav and Kashish?" Aakash asked sitting down at the table.

"Right here!" Madhav announced in reply, - droopy eyed, a sheepish grin pasted on his handsome face as he flopped down on the empty chair beside Rohit.

"Overslept... or, too much weed, huh?"

Madhav smiled some more, but remained silent as Rohit let out a snort.

"Kashish still sleeping?" Aakash asked looking at Bilal.

"I'm right behind you, dude!" Kashish responded, thumping his shoulder.

Bilal almost spluttering, barely able to control, before howling with laughter as soon as he'd swollowed the food in his mouth, "He almost greened out last night... went all crazy after we returned!"

"Fuck you!" Kashish snarled, giving him the death glare, "And what about you, huh?"

"What would you know du..." smirked Bilal, but quickly stopped as Rohit glowered at him.

"Both of you, shut up and eat," Rohit barked irritably, "we have a long day ahead..."

🍁 Breakfast done the boys gathered at the parking lot, backpacks strapped and ready to go...

"Day two," announced Tony with a broad smile, "off to Tosh!"

Almost 20 kms from Kasol, Tosh was another beautiful little village carefully tucked away in the bosom of Nature, high up in the mountains with some magnificent view of snow capped peaks - a hippie and backpacker hotspot!

It would take them about an hour at most, and they would cross Manikaran on the way (though they wouldn't stop), and then Barshaini... getting off the highway and taking a side route to Tosh - essentially an unpaved, mud-track!

"The bike ride from Kasol to Tosh is one of the best things of Parvati Valley," Tony informed the group as they set off, "the road, the view, the dense forest and streams, literally paradise!"

And once more they were riding along the winding road as it threaded its way clinging the mountainside - lush and green - the vista breathtaking, the air crisp...

Gunjan hanging on tight, his arms wrapped around Aakash, his head resting on the older boy's back... feeling the warmth, the reassuring strength pulsing through those teen muscles as he negotiated the twists and turns... the sharp bends... his masculine scent filling Gunjan's nostrils over the refreshing fragrance of Nature... his mind flooded with the memories of their togetherness -- the night before, and the incredible couple hours that morning...

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 "Hey, you asleep or what, huh?" Aakash's loud query over the rush of wind brought Gunjan out of his happy reverie recollecting their time together, "You're leaning way too back, dude, move in closer..."

'Move in closer, huh ?!!!' Gunjan wondered as he leaned further forward, pressing himself against his senior's back -- he was practically plastered against Aakash's back, what with the two backpacks on the luggage-rack of the bike right behind him -- there was hardly any space between them, both his arms wrapped tight around the waist, his head resting on Aakash's shoulder!

And suddenly a very naughty idea crept into his head - the shy little boy was indeed getting bodacious !

Slowly lowering his right hand... sliding it down... Gunjan reached right between Aakash's spread thighs, the palm pressing down over the older teen's exposed bulge, the fingers curling under the distinctly warm package!

Taken by complete surprise, the bike wobbled, before Aakash quickly steadied the vehicle, slowing down.

"Huh?!" Aakash gasped turning his head a bit, looking over his shoulder, making Gunjan giggled as he gave the bulge a gentle squeeze, "Frisky, are we?"

"Um, just wanted to check..." Gunjan whispered mischievously, the tone flirty... suddenly feeling wanton as a frisson of sensuous joy shot through his entire body... giving the bulge another quick squeeze.

"Ah-hah," grinned Aakash, speeding up, "don't you worry, I'll have my revenge!"

"What revenge?" Gunjan laughed happily, "I simply touched..." but moving his hand back up, hugging Aakash tighter.

Aakash smiling silently as he quickly caught up with the group...

Though it had been a surprise, and yes, even shocking, Gunjan's unexpected hand on his crotch actually felt nice, the gentle pressure when he squeezed felt amazing... and now he felt his cock begin to stir as he reminisced their time together - earlier, in the room - just hours back, recollecting the moments in the shower... little Gunjan finally discarding his timid demeanour and getting bold and vocal...

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🍁 "Hey! Slow down!" Gunjan's urgent tap on his shoulder brought Aakash back to the present, "They're stopping..."

Aakash slowed down, going over to where the gang was parked.

"A leisurely ride, eh?" grinned Kashish, looking at the pair as they screeched to a stop.

"What's the rush, huh?" Aakash retorted, taking off his helmet.

"Barshaini," Tony announce, "and that's the way to Kheerganga, but today we take this road, to Tosh," he said, pointing.

"So, why did we stop here?" asked Bilal.

"Well, we can either park here and trek to Tosh, an amazing experience..." Tony said, "or, we can drive, whatever you guys decide."

"How far?" Kashish asked.

"Almost four kilometers," Tony replied, quickly adding, "but the last bit of trek is a steep climb..."

"Let's drive," Aakash said, Madhav and Kashish nodding in agreement.

"Fine, let's go then!" Tony grinned, putting his helmet back on.

🍁 to be continued...       

Copyright © Author, (2020) 2021-2022

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