Kiss Me Gentle Kiss Me Sweet

Published on Dec 31, 2022


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet 4 - a story by Outlaw


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet

طبیب کہتے ہیں کچھ دوا کر، حبیب کہتے ہیں بس دعا کر رقیب کہتے ہیں اِلتجا کر، غضب میں آیا ہوں دل لگا کر
[tabiib kehte hain kuchh dava kar, habib kehte hain bas dua kar, raqiib kehte hai ilteja kar, ghazab me aaya hoon dil laga kar ~ Daagh]



There lived a man about Phoenix,
Who loved to suck fresh, twink dicks,
Forever horny and dumb,        
Spliffs made the teens come,        
And he got his daily quota of probiotics!




🍁 They heard the wild cachinnation even before they reached the clearing... uncontrolled tittering... and as they emerged from the woods, Gunjan saw Kashish and Bilal, just sitting there, fingers pointed at each other, rocking and laughing away, convulsive... irrepressible.

Rohit standing over them, the look of disapproval writ large on his face... and Madhav, a few paces away, grinning silently, the look dopey.

"There you are at last!" Rohit sighed with relief, "Now help me get them to understand that we must return. And what are YOU grinning for?" he glowered at Madhav, "Pick up your trash!"

Gunjan noted the open knapsacks lying on the ground (the ones they had carried: sodas and snacks)... the empty packets and wrappers scattered all around.

Like an obedient puppy Madhav immediately scooted down, Gunjan and Aakash too joining in, gathering up the discarded chips packets and Snickers wrappers, the empty soda cans and water bottles, stuffing it all back into the knapsacks...

"Where's Tony?" Aakash asked standing up as Madhav slung both the knapsacks over his shoulders.

"He got a call and went towards the village," Rohit answered as Aakash walked over to where the two boys sat, laughing and giggling away, "will be back soon... I hope!"

"C'mon, buddy, up... up..." Aakash patted Bilal's shoulders, gently standing him up, while Rohit helped Kashish, "Let's go get some food!"

"FOOD?!" Bilal seemed to perk up, grinning widely, "Yup, food... I want shakshouka!"

"Shakshouka? Yay!" Kashish giggled, quickly adding, "I want pasta too!"

"Yes... yes!" nodded Bilal, eyes glassy - both immediately bursting into peals of giggles.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say buddy," Aakash replied with a smile, "C'mon, let's go..."

"Ah, there you are!" Tony exclaimed returning at that moment, adding, "Seems your two friends are truly euphoric, huh?"

The group soon set off -- Tony leading the way humming a popular Bollywood melody, followed closely by Bilal and Kashish, arms around each other's shoulders, giggling away at God knows what... Rohit and Madhav a few steps behind them, Aakash and Gunjan bringing up the rear, walking hand in hand.

The moon had finally clambered over the mountain tops, a shimmering disc, still tinged orange, brilliant in the crisp Himalayan sky as it cast it's soothing glow over the land below... but the cool rays barely filtering down under the lush overhead cover, the path crepuscular under the canopy, illuminated by the flashlight beams.

The tranquil surrounding, the silence of the dark woods... the magnified roar of the ever flowing Parvati, its foaming waters sparkling in the moonlight... the gossamer glow under the canopy, and the bobbing beams from the three torchlights... all making the trail seem etherial... Celestial... and Gunjan's fingers tightened around the older boy's hand, instantly sensing the soft pressure as Aakash squeezed his hand back in reply.

"Yes, me too... can't wait to get back, get you alone and naked under the covers!" Aakash whispered softly in his ears lowering his face, the tone husky, making Gunjan giggle coquettishly as a frisson of excitement shot through him... suddenly sounding like Kashish and Bilal.

Gunjan felt giddy - no, not from inhaling the smoke - he wasn't high, or stoned - but giddy with joy, giddy with euphoria... delirious in love!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 They returned to their rooms just past ten-thirty -- crossing over the bridge to the bus-stand, a pleasant dinner (the two boys still giggling away), and then the slow walk out of town...

[ Tony going off to meet some more 'old friends' ]

It had been a nice first day, yes, hectic -- reaching Bhuntar, then Kasol, walking around all day, and finally the short hike to Chhalaal -- but Gunjan knew that the day wasn't over yet... and the night had just begun. Aakash's roving hands (during the hike back, and under the table at the cafe), had made it amply clear, not that he was complaining... and the mere thought of the impending sent thrilling jolts up and down his enitre body!

Aakash closed the door and flipped the lock, "No one's going to interrupt us tonight, not again!" taking off his jacket.

Gunjan just stood there, looking up at Aakash, feeling a slight shudder pass through him...

"Go on, do what you need to do... take them off, brush, floss, clean... soak, whatever, and then come, quick!" the older boy smiled, beginning to undress.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

"What happened to your braces?!" Aakash had exclaimed when Gunjan met up with the boys once the trip had been finalised.

He blushed furiously, mumbing, "I... um, I got clear aligners..."

"So you don't need to wear braces any more, huh?" Aakash asked, curious.

"Dude, he's still wearing braces, but these are not visible," Rohit enlightened the ignoramus.

"It's transparent... um, thermoplastic..." Gunjan replied, giving a coy smile, "and I can take them off to brush and eat..."

"So, now you can eat everything and stuff, huh?"

Gunjan shook his head, "Um, yes, I can eat everything, but I can't eat or drink while wearing them... other than plain water, and need to brush and rinse before putting them back on after each meal."

And to Aakash's more curious queries, Gunjan explained the new regimen.

"FUCK, dude!" Aakash shook his head in disbelief, sighing, "Take them off, soak, clean, brush, floss... and then put them on! So, essentially you can't eat outside... worse than before!"

"How do you travel then?" Bilal wanted to know, "What'll you do in Kasol?"

"Take them off before each meal, store them in the case, and afterwards rinse and put them on. Once I get back to the room, I need to clean them, and brush," Gunjan shrugged with a smile, adding, "I'll carry two extra sets, just in case..."

Gunjan had spoken to his orthodontist, and asked, and the doctor had told him how to manage, "After all, it's just for a week, you'll do fine," the man had said.

"Every time you eat?" Bilal asked, wonderous, "So, no snacking, or drinks, eh?"

The boy shook his head.

"What a pain!" cried Aakash, giving Gunjan's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 As Gunjan walked out of the bathroom he saw Aakash stretched out on the bed, stark naked... watching some music channel on TV, the sound turned off... his cock, large and thick, languid on his pubes. The room redolent with the unmistakable whiff of weed, the air heavy with the swirling smoke.

Gunjan stood there, staring... Aakash looked so gorgeous... feeling his own cock begin to stir in his briefs!

"Finally!" Aakash sighed looking at Gunjan, "Now get here, quick!"

In a trance, Gunjan stumbled towards the bed, his pulse racing... and then paused.

"WHAT?!" Aakash asked, "Take off your clothes and get in! You've been driving me crazy all day, kept me hard the whole while, yet, I'm unable to get you alone... someone always barging in on us, no one allowing me to be with you!"

Gunjan just stood, making no effort at anything...

"Oh, c'mon, don't keep me waiting!" Aakash implored slowly raising himself on his elbows, one hand reaching between his thighs, the fingers stroking the rapidly hardening penis.

Gunjan blinked, letting out a small whimper... feeling the beginning of a tingle at the base of his spine... his eyes pleading.

"NO!" Aakash said firmly, shaking his head, "I'm not going to undress you again, you strip and get in bed, NOW!"

Poor Gunjan... and as he took off his clothes, his glasses, before finally pulling off his briefs and standing back up, his cock rock hard and throbbing... he noticed that Aakash too was fully erect, the humongous phallus twitching and flexing in joyous anticipation!

Impatient, Aakash finally reached over, grabbing the boy's hand and pulling him... wrapping both arms around Gunjan as he stumbled onto the bed... quickly rolling over on top, covering his mouth... both letting out moans as they kissed!

It was a while before Aakash pulled back his mouth and rolled off Gunjan, looking down at him, the fingers caressing the glowing face...

"God, you are so cute, Gunjan!" the older boy whispered, his eyes slowly travelling down the whole length of the quivering boy, the hand following... the fluttering finger-tips adoring every tiny inch of the totally smooth, hairless satiny expanse... caressing each fold, each curve, each gentle sweep of the adolescent contour... over and around the throbbing genitals... down the thigh, and back again... over the face, and then running through the silky hair...

The touch exquisite - gentle and sensuous - and instinctively Gunjan knew this would be different... different from what had happened in the bus... different from their earlier, brief encounters in the room and the woods... this time it would be totally unlike anything before. Aakash's tactual exploration producing a sensation that was impossible to bear... that little tingle at the base of his spine now becoming a raging tremor, making his whole body jerk and spasm uncontrollably.

"You cold?" Aakash asked, his hand pausing for a moment, "you're shaking!"

Gunjan shook his head, eyes wide, a slight whimper escaping his open mouth -- the room was pleasantly warm, and he wasn't cold -- the chill he felt was deep within the marrow of his bones... rising from the very depth of his being... he didn't know exactly what, but was keenly aware that the night would be new, unlike anything he'd ever known or imagined... experienced or witnessed!

Grabbing both his elbows Aakash lifted Gunjan's arms over his head... staring down... the armpits, like the rest of the boy, practically bare... sporting just a light growth of thin, delicate silky hair, almost translucent filaments... and with another groan Aakash buried his face in the left pit... kissing... licking... inhaling deep... making the boy squirm with the agony of unimaginable pleasure... getting the underarm sopping wet, the fine strands plastered against the pale skin...

Left and right... and left again... then down to the nipples, and back to the pit... maddened by the boy scent... the fresh, clean boy taste... unrelenting as he ate the thrashing twink as promised earlier... Gunjan noisy now, his groans and whimpers unrestraint.

Taking Gunjan's left hand Aakash placed it between his thighs... and as the boy wrapped his fingers around the hot, flexing hardness, squeezing, Aakash moved up... kissing Gunjan's mouth... his nose tip... the tightly shut eyelids... up to the forehead... then down the temple and back to the tumid lips... his hand gently stroking Gunjan's raging erection.

Releasing the lips Aakash's mouth moved down the jawline... the throat... across the heaving chest, reclaiming the left boy-tit... sucking on the pink little turgid nub... then further down... along the fluttering belly, around the pubes, and along the thigh... right down to the left foot -- kissing, licking and nibbling all the way... making Gunjan groan and grunt, his slender form twist and buck... his hand almost hurtful as he furiously fondled Aakash's genitals, squeezing the rigid shaft... tugging.

Aakash shifted his body in response, moving his hips higher, closer... giving Gunjan better access to his cock as he moved to the right foot and resumed his upward oral journey... circling the boy's genitals once more, and up to the right nipple, scraping the tiny, pointy nub with his teeth, biting down before pursing his lips and sucking on it... up to the lips... kissing the whole face!

Gunjan could only whimper and gurgle, his hand frantic between Aakash's thighs... fondling the thick appendage, the heavy scrotum... his eyes shut tight, his mouth gaping wide as he sucked in air... his heart thumping wildly, seeming ready to burst out of the heaving chest cavity!

Aakash pulled Gunjan on his side, kissing his right shoulder... one hand caressing down the back reaching for the smooth, firm globes, fondling the satiny buttocks... his fingers lightly tracing the crack secerning the full cheeks... reaching between the thighs, trailing the perineum to gently touch the tightly knotted scrotum, and then back again... dragging along the cleft... and up the spine, back to the shoulder...

His mouth following - the lips and tongue - lapping and licking, kissing and nipping its way down the boy's back... over his hips, and then the right butt cheek -- a gentle bite here, a tender nibble there -- down the thigh, and then up again.

The tactual luxury of stroking Gunjan's silky hair... of caressing his soft, satiny flesh... of feeling the smooth skin prickle under his fingertips, break out in a million goosebump... the sheer pleasure of his lips brushing over the velvety flesh -- was simply DIVINE!

God, he couldn't seem to get enough of the boy, wanting even more... groaning with desire as he pressed his mouth against the quivering frame... pursing his lips and sucking on the tender flesh... leaving hickeys all over Gunjan's trembling body - from neck to thigh... arm, hip and chest!

Rolling Gunjan over on his stomach, Aakash quickly shifted, almost mounting him, his cock slipping out of the boy's grip as his mouth clamped down on the nape of the boy's neck... sucking... kissing... nipping, making Gunjan whimper...

Slowly moving lower, kissing his way down Gunjan's backbone... taking small detours - now right and now left - rubbing his face, taking a nibble here, sucking on the flesh there... going up to the shoulders one moment, and then down again... finally reaching the base of the spine, kissing the tail-bone... drawing back his face to look in amazement at the glorious boy butt -- full and firm, smooth and satiny -- kissing both cheeks before dragging his tongue along the crack while both his hands fondled the fleshy mounds - open palm, fingers spread... squeezing the soft globes, repeatedly kissing the pair, taking small bites...

Gunjan threw back his head and wailed, his pelvis rising off the bed, pushing his ass high... his fingers clutching the pillow in a tight grip, as he whimpered.

Aakash moved lower still - down the thigh, and the calf... nibbling at the heels before moving up again... flicking his tongue along and under the gluteal crease... going higher, over the quivering mounds... back to the nape and shoulders, covering the boy completely... and then down again!

He had never felt this way with any of the girls he'd been with... and Aakash simply couldn't get enough of the boy... his hands ceaseless - grabbing, groping and caressing; his mouth pertinacious - kissing, nipping and sucking...

Maddened.   Ravenous.   Insatiable!

Up and down, On and on... leaving the ruddy mark of his visit wherever he went, Gunjan's tender flesh soon splotched red, covered with the hickeys!

Oh, Aakash could spend the whole night just adoring the boy, worship every inch of his glorious body... venerate each tiny portion of the slim and slender frame... and never stop!

"Unngghhh..." Gunjan moaned, (or was it a complaint?), his hand flailing wildly, repeatedly reaching down, as if in search of something, tapping the older teen's hip.

Bending his face close to the boy's ear Aakash asked, "What?" the voice hushed, barely a whisper.

"Please..." Gunjan groaned.

"Want to hold?" Aakash asked.

Gunjan nodded his head, letting out a slight sigh.

Rolling off he turned Gunjan on his side once again and quickly got into the sixty-nine position... presenting his privates to the boy... Gunjan's loins right in front of his own face...

With a grateful sigh Gunjan lurched forward, opening his mouth wide as he took Aakash in... his tongue lapping at the oozing tip, swirling over and around the swollen, engorged cock head... one hand firm around the thick base, the fingers of his other hand running through the trimmed pubes... gently tugging at the hair.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

Popular and well-liked -- elders, friends and peers... seniors, juniors, guys, girls -- by late ninth grade Aakash had the girls swooning all over him, constantly hovering around... practically mobbing him!

Well, boys will be boys, and who was Aakash to deny what was being freely offered without him even asking, huh? And soon the bad-boy persona took shape and emerged... his popularity only soaring!

As for guys, well, they were just guys -- good for hanging out, and being buddies with -- he never, EVER, thought of them, or even imagined them, sexually...

Not when his best buddy, Rohit, came out to him in ninth grade - simply wrapping his arms tight around his friend and squeezing his breath out, grinning widely!

And neither after the unexpected event on that blustery November evening, in eleventh grade... after the game.

Both schools were among the top, both schools highly regarded - not just in the city, but also nationally; both schools rivals for as long as they had existed... constantly competing, vying to takedown the other - be it academics, or be it sports.

Both schools repeatedly clashing in the finals of the prestigious inter-school basketball championship for the past decade - Aakash's school winning every year till they tasted defeat for the first time in end 2016 against a highly energised opponent...

But the very next year, (Aakash playing for his school ), they snatched it back, denying their rival the chance to retain the Cup.

Then, in late 2018, once again the two old rivals met in the finals...

Aakash and his team dominating every department of the game from the moment the whistle sounded, and it was a glorious win for Aakash, and his school... the packed indoor arena exploding with wild cheers as Rohit, along with his teammates, lifted Aakash on their shoulders... the opponent leaving the court silently, their schoolmates departing wordlessly.

After the shower and change, as Aakash bid his pals goodbye and headed to the parking lot, he found Kushank standing near his bike...

"Hey!" the boy, captain of the losing team - all male and macho with raffish good looks - greeted him with a smile, his right hand raised, elbow bent, and thumb sticking out, "Ride?"

"Sure!" Aakash smiled back, "Where to?"

"Home..." Kushank grinned, "missed my ride," fishing out a fat joint and offering.

"Here?!" Aakash exclaimed, quickly looking around -- it was Kushank's school, and obviously he knew better.

"Let's go home," Kushank said pocketing the joint as he climbed in behind Aakash, "there's more where this came from."

Rivals but not foes, they had known each other for years now... not only meeting on court, but also crossing path regularly at the usual teenage hangout points... exchanging courteous smiles and polite nods... nothing more.

Though Aakash had noticed Kushank's on court behaviour, especially over the past year...

Now, basketball's a highly charged, so-called 'no-contact ' contact sport... but there was never any aggression, never a confrontation, just a constant hovering around -- an almost unobtrusive shoulder slam here, and an all but imperceptible crotch brush there -- whenever they were in close proximity; and Aakash had also noticed the look - a weird sort of gaze - both on and off court, leaving him wondering, but clueless, till Rohit enlightened him, teasing him.

But no matter what those glances meant, what those on courts contacts signified... and no amount of bodacious joshing by Rohit before each game, Aakash remained focused - no distraction, no deviation - his game impeccable!

This being Kushank's final school year, and his last game (he'd graduate soon)... was the joint a peace offering... an amend for past infractions?

WHATEVER! Who says no to a good joint, huh? And so, Aakash went along...

"No one's home?" Aakash asked as Kushank led him up to his room, the huge house silent.

"Huh," Kushank smirked, "my dad's on tour, as usual... and my mom's busy with her orphans !" taking out his bong and going about preparing for a good time.

Long story short: after about an half hour, they were both in a very happy zone - Aakash sprawled out on the bed, Kushank by his side, both gazing up at the lazily swirling smoke clouding the cool air of the room... when Aakash felt the hand on his crotch... undoing the fly, and looking down found Kushank crouched between his spread thighs... reaching in to extract his cock, hearing him let out a happy gasp as he saw Aakash's penis... quickly pulling down his jeans and boxers... kissing, licking and stroking the rapidly hardening phallus...

Well, the moment those moist lips closed around his throbbing shaft, Aakash instinctively knew that no one... absolutely NO ONE can give head like another guy... and closing his eyes let out a soft sigh as he lost himself to the sheer pleasure of a good blowjob!

Kushank wanted to meet up again, tried many times... but Aakash was firm - he liked his girls; and yes, a mouth was a mouth - true - but he preferred his pair of lips with lip-gloss on them!

Yes, he had enjoyed the blowjob... but he didn't desire a repeat.

Kushank persisted, promising him more than just a mouth... but Aakash simply wasn't interested.

Aakash loved sex, enjoyed it immensely... and he also loved to participate, deriving his pleasure by giving pleasure in equal measure; not too keen on having things being done to him while he just lay there, like a dead log. He loved making out, was a sucker for long, extended foreplays... reveled in the slow buildup of passion... loved to drive his partner wild, before finally consummating!

And he had absolutely no interest in, or fascination with, the male anatomy... and more importantly, had no sort of feelings, or emotion, for Kushank - so, hooking up for a fellatio, no matter how mind-blowing... or simply to fuck his ass, wasn't exactly appealing!

And then Kushank left for college, and that was that... till, at the beginning of the next school year Aakash finally noticed Gunjan...

Now, Gunjan was DIFFERENT...

And he simply drove Aakash insane!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 Aakash was seeing a cock up close - practically sticking in his face - for the first time... and he stared at Gunjan's erection, fascinated!

[ NOTE: Locker-rooms here are different, and showers separate, individual stalls - towel clad torso being the norm, nudity isn't part of the typical locker-room experience. ]

It was just as cute as the boy himself... twitching and flexing right there, in front of his eyes... the pubic arch covered by a light smattering of fine, straggly strands of straight silken hair... fanning out in a semi circle... the shaft smooth and bare, the skin thin, almost translucent. The mid-sized balls drawn tight to the base of the penis... the hairless scrotum, a ruddy pink.

One hand still caressing the boy butt, Aakash reached out with his other hand, and taking the cock pulled down the foreskin completely... exposing the engorged glans, swollen purple with arousal... and for the first time stuck out his tongue - the moist tip engaging the taut frenulum, wiggling over and along the super sensitive membrane, titillating the sulcus...

[ He had done it with the girls a hundred times, gone down on them... after all, a penis is nothing but an overgrown clitoris ! ]

"Uummhhh..." Gunjan emitted instantly, his pelvis jerking... the cry muffled by Aakash's thick girth.

Intoxicated with lust (and a desire to lavish), Aakash moved his face closer, pursing his lips and kissing that point... feeling the cock pulse and flex as another throaty groan escaped Gunjan's stuffed mouth.

Aakash licked down the throbbing shaft, swirling his tongue over the tightly knotted testicles, and back to the glans... flicking his tongue over the stretched frenum along the way... furling around the glans, tickling the sulcal ridge... and then down once more... rapidly repeating the action... driving Gunjan wild -- fascinated as he saw the boy's pelvis jerk and sway in response, the muffled moans louder!

The warm mouth sloppily sucking his cock, the furious hands savagely tugging at, and fondling his genitals, now a mere pleasurable sensation, faint and distant... Gunjan's crazily flexing cock, his gyrating hips, and the loud, guttural groans, more immediate, more real...

And as he licked down the underside of Gunjan's rigid penis, his tongue tip limning the raphe -- that tightly wound, chorded ridge of tissue rising at the meatus and travelling the length of the penis, over the ball-sac, down the centre of the perineum, leading tantalisingly into the crack -- tracing its journey down to the satiny, hairless perineum... when a new desire suddenly arose in his heart, and he wanted to see more...

Grabbing Gunjan's upper thigh he lifted the boy's leg, spreading it... and heard another throaty groan -- was it a protest at being so blatantly exposed? or was it merely the vestal cry of bashfulness? -- but whatever it may be, the leg was pliant and there was no resistence as Aakash hooked the knee under his armpit... slowly reaching in with both hands and gently parted the cheeks... finally, fully laying bare Gunjan's most private, most intimate orifice to his curious gaze...

The breath escaped his lungs with an audible gasp as he saw it for the first time!

The ruddy ridge drawing a straight path down the middle of the smooth perineum... into the satiny cleft... along the centre of the gently sweeping silk smooth vale of the twin mound... went right up to the anus: a tiny little speck -- a miniscule dent set deep in the valley... a crinkled little ding, tightly clenched shut -- delicate and dainty, tender pink... slightly ruddier than the paler shade of the surrounding skin.

Like a pearl lovingly hidden in the bosom of an oyster - as beautiful as the boy himself...

And just like the rest of him: Untouched, Unsullied and Pristine!

Delightfully Divine!

Woozy with wonder and delirious with desire, Aakash licked his way straight to tiny wrinkled, tightly clenched opening... lashing at it with the tip of his tongue...

"UUMMMHHH!" Gunjan's whole body quivered, his ass bucking wildly as releasing Aakash's cock he let out the loud cry -- it was sheer agony, agony of mind-numbing pleasure -- his legs jerking, his hips grinding up, shoving his ass into Aakash's face, his head thrashing on the pillow... his hand furious around the older teen's cock, squeezing the rigid shaft with renewed vengence!

Thrilled, Aakash responded by grounding his mouth over the tiny portal... his tongue lapping at it...

And as he continued to lick, Gunjan took his penis back in his mouth, sucking on the flexing column noisily... his throaty groans and torturous grunts once more muffled...

But Aakash wasn't satisfied... the angle wasn't quite right, his access restricted... and swiftly getting up (his cock slipping out of Gunjan's mouth, and grip ) he flipped the boy on his back, moving between Gunjan's legs... gripping the knees and lifting them high, spreading them wide... looking down at the saliva drenched crevice as he scooted down... mesmerised by the sheer beauty of that small portion of anatomy between Gunjan's parted thighs -- the genitals, the silky smooth perineum... and the deep cleft between the firm globes with the hidden gem within... so small, so delicate -- slowly lowering his mouth!

Pushing the ass higher, off the bed and holding the cheeks wide apart with the palm of his hands, Aakash pursed his lips and kissed the tiny toroid... and then licked the whole length of the cleft from the base of the spine to the scrotum... rapidly repeating it, the tongue stabbing at the tightly clenched orifice each time he passed over it....

"Uuuhhh..." Gunjan writhed with joy and delight... his ass swaying with pleasure as he ground back at Aakash's mouth, his hands gripping the pillow!

God, Aakash was driving him out of his mind! He'd never experienced anything like it before... had never even imagined such exquisite pleasure possible!

It was intolerable... unbearable, and reaching down Gunjan grabbed fistful of Aakash's hair, tugging as he groaned... but the teen wasn't done yet... maddened by lust as he slobbered away... on and on... up and down...

Both unconcerned with the time, unmindful of the hour -- Gunjan in the throes of never experienced sexual arousal, Aakash totally immersed in the boy, completely engrossed in extracting every bit of joy by providing mind numbing pleasure!

And as Aakash lapped away -- his thumbs gently massaging the ass-crack, the perineum, and up along the groin - the pressure light, the touch soothing -- he saw the mouth quiver, and there it was -- the anal wink! -- the tiny little mouth visibly pushing out... the delicate ass lips unfurl and pucker!

Well, how much can one groan, and for how long ? Gunjan had gone hoarse -- his cries and wails, groans and whimpers now merging into a contiguous gurgle of meaningless phonation -- his mind numb, and his body insensate, simply twisting and jerking, swaying and bucking... his fingers fierce in Aakash's hair, tugging desperately...

He could bear it no longer, and yet he didn't want it to stop!

Aakash suddenly lurched up, opening his mouth wide and drawing in the tightly knotted scrotum into his mouth, literally sucking on the sac... making Gunjan cry out loud, his pelvis bucking and hitching.

The tight lump felt amazing in his mouth... and Aakash hollowed his cheeks, creating suction, sensing a slight slackening of the velvety skin... the balls rolling in the pouch...

It was but a small step - between ball-sac and cock - and releasing the testicles Aakash lifted his mouth and holding Gunjan's stiff penis by the base, slowly took it in!

For someone who had never kissed, had never made out even once in his enitre young life, to have so much happen within the short span of twenty-four hours, and for such an extended period of time... culminating in a real blow-job! - well, Gunjan didn't even last a whole two minutes... strutting his hips high and thrusting into Aakash's mouth... exploding! - thick ropes of sizzling boy cum gushing out of the tiny slit, flooding the older teen's mouth!

Aakash stayed with him till the final spurt, and then releasing the boy cock swirled his tongue over and around the super sensitive glans, making the boy squirm... tickling the frenum before licking his way down the fast softening shaft... over the relaxed scrotum, and down the perineum... back to the tiny opening -- now fluttering wildly, pouting out with each dying twitch of the flaccid penis -- the whole region sopping wet with Aakash's overflown saliva, and Gunjan's spilt, leaked semen.

With a final kiss Aakash quickly crawled up... covering the boy, grinning down at him, "That was another huge load!"

Gunjan opened his eyes briefly, staring up at his senior, blushing furiously as he threw his arms around Aakash, hugging him tight, letting out a small whimper... sensing the rigid phallus of the older boy pressed against his groin, throbbing hotly... quickly spreading his thighs further apart in invitation.

Aakash lowered his mouth and kissed Gunjan, slipping in his tongue as the boy parted his lips... giving him a taste of his own cum, both moaning as they kissed...

Pulling back Aakash kissed the nose tip, looking down at Gunjan... and as the boy opened his eyes once more, staring up at Aakash... their gaze locked...

No words were spoken -- no questions asked, no reply sought, no requests made, and no answer verbalised -- and yet, the glazed eyes conveyed their combined yearnings... eloquently expressing their mutual desire.

Gunjan's steady, wide-eyed gaze... the dilated pupils, his moist, parted lips... his flared nostrils clearly communicating his imprimatur...

Yes, Gunjan knew what next... knew what was about to happen... and he wanted it, wanted Aakash -- wanted to feel him on top, over him... feel him all around, surrounding him... feel him deep inside, filling him!

Wanting to hold Aakash tight as they made love...

Gunjan instinctively wrapped his legs around Aakash's waist -- for that seemed to be the most natural thing to do -- gently swaying his ass, feeling the thick slab of meat slide along his moist, slippery ass crack - hot and rigid!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

Ever since the day Aakash first 'noticed ' Gunjan at the start of his final school year in mid 2019 (over a year now) -- captivated by his enticingly awkward charm, beguiled by his cute innocence -- had, for some totally inexplicable reason, wondered... entertaining an unusual, lingering curiosity about the boy - about his sexual status - thoroughly intrigued... and more strangely, aroused -- yes, AROUSED!

Of course, he had already noticed those shy, stolen glances, the nervous twitch of those full lips... and once the urge got too strong to control, or ignore, he had befriended Gunjan... soon hanging out with the boy regularly, becoming even more fascinated with each new encounter... somehow certain that the shy little awkward boy was indeed a total virgin...

That conclusion in turn, birthed an intense new desire in him... a desire of introducing the kid to the joys of sex -- yes, have sex with little Gunjan ! -- take his virginity!

Aakash couldn't exactly explain his fascination with the boy, neither his weird curiosity... nor even his odd arousal... or the freshly awakened, absurd desire -- not that he was bothered with any of it, or sought answers to -- so, when the trip to Kasol happened, Gunjan joining the group at his insistence, he saw his chance...

Gunjan's answers to his questions, his uncontrolled shudders at being caressed and kissed, his fumbling under the blanket - [all in the bus the night before] - had only confirmed his assumptions, and at that very moment Aakash had decided that he would indeed mate the boy: Breed him, and Seed him!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 Now that Gunjan lay before him -- naked and ready, hot and horny -- offering himself up, Aakash finally about to fulfil his long cherished, carefully nurtured dream ~ of deflowering Gunjan ~ he wanted to make it special for the little boy too!

They were no longer just making-out, not anymore, they were about to have REAL sex -- Gunjan for the first time! -- and Aakash wanted the moment, Gunjan's first ever experience, to be not just special, but exquisitely beautiful, and totally memorable - something that he would always vividly remember and eternally treasure!

He never had sex with a guy before, true, (though Kushank had offered his ass on more than one occassion )... but he sure knew the mechanics... was well aware of the fact that guys didn't get 'wet' on arousal (like girls do), and needed to be well lubed for a smooth, painless and enjoyable penetration... and it was his responsibility to make it that way, get the boy ready!

And since he wasn't into fucking guy ass, he didn't go around carrying lube with him - the best he could do was either use his hand moisturiser (it was mild and perfume free), or aloe vera...

Kissing those red lips once more Aakash rolled off Gunjan and got out of bed, quickly going to the bathroom and soon returning with his toiletry travel pouch, extracting the tube of aloe vera before hopping back in bed...

🍁 to be continued...       

Copyright © Author, (2020) 2021-2022

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