Kiss Me Gentle Kiss Me Sweet

Published on Dec 28, 2022


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet 3 - a story by Outlaw


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet

ਡੱ਑ਾ ਇਸ਼ਕ ਇਸ਼ਕ ਀ੁ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਕਾਦੀ ਇਸ਼ਕ ਦਾ ΰ¨—ΰ©ΰ©°ΰ¨œΰ¨Ύΰ¨² ਖੋਲ ਀ਾ ΰ¨Έΰ¨Ήΰ©€
[ bada ishq-ishq tu kardaa aen, kadii ishq daa gunjal khol tae sae ~ Waris Shah ]



There lived a young dude near Dundee,
Alone in his cottage by the sea,
Aweary of lonesome life, Β  Β  Β  Β 
Without a lover or wife, Β  Β  Β  Β 
Nifty his sole succour, so keep it FREE!




🍁 "Kasol, day one!" Aakash grinned as they ran down the stairs, headed for the dining room.

"AH!" greeted Rohit as they entered, "There he is, Prince Charming, finally!"

"With his li'l pageboy in tow..." quipped Kashish, giggling wildly.

"Hey!" Aakash greeted the group assembled around the table, giving Kashish a fierce death glare.

"Hey guys!" Tony waved at them before turning to Gunjan, exclaiming, "You look radiant... the mountain air seems to have done wonders for you. You're glowing, little man!"

LITTLE MAN?! -- Well, no matter what the other boys thought of him, Gunjan knew he'd never like Tony, ever! Little-Man, huh?

"Gunjan, did you take a quick nap or what?" Rohit's abrupt query quickly brought Gunjan back from his hurtful reverie, making him stare at his senior, confused, eyes wide... before the flush slowly began creeping up as the import of the question sank in.

"Actually..." he heard Aakash say, "I asked him to shower first, and then dozed off..." the look artfully sheepish.

"Why didn't you wake him up, eh?" Kashish asked, grinning wickedly as he added, "Should've splashed some cold water!"

Ignoring Kashish, Aakash continued addressing Rohit, "Gunjan claims he tried waking me... shaking and prodding, but... well, he finally pinched my nose!"

The boys, except Rohit, roared, Madhav adding, "Way to go, little-bro!"

"It's too late for breakfast, and too early for lunch," Rohit informed, "so, we've decided a quick brunch would be in order before we set out."

"Yeah, that sounds cool," Aakash responded, "so, what's available?"

"I've already ordered... yes, for the two of you too, since you guys hadn't come down and it was getting late."

"Ew, what did you order?!" Aakash, a finicky eater, exclaimed in horror.

"What we all decided," Rohit replied smugly before turning to Gunjan, "Hope you okay with that, huh?"

Gunjan nodded, giving him a smile - well, he was okay with EVERYTHING as long as he had Aakash by his side!

And at that moment, as if on cue, the food arrived.

🍁 It was almost noon - a bright, sunny late morning - when they set out, slowly walking down to the edge of the surging river, and then wound their way up to the main street through lush wilderness and winding lanes... Tony their self-appointed official xenagogue, conducting the guided tour!

Surrounded by lush greenery, the swift flowing icy torrent thundered over a rocky bed, forming rapids as it hurried along... the azure sky overhead beyond the towering treetops... and snowy peaks in the far distance - stunningly beautiful; the boulder strewn riverbank dotted with thermal springs -- frigorific water and simmering pools side by side -- the rising mist from the freezing river mingling with the billowing steam from the hot springs, giving the place an aura of unique, unbelievable charm.

They emerged onto a narrow street... following Tony as he led them along the various lanes to the market area -- lined with stores of various kind, choke-full with every imaginable item: clothes, junk jewellery, fashion accessories... souvenirs, handicrafts and knick-knacks... colourful dreamcatchers, travel accessories and trekking/camping gears... exotic shawls and woollens, and unique hemp items - pouches, purses, sling-bags, and footwear - the line of stores interspersed with hair and tattoo salons, internet lounges, and quaint little restaurants, cafes, German bakeries, and what-nots!

And then, there were tiny little shops selling traditional chillums, exotic bubblers and bongs of every conceivable shape and size - the merchandise spilling out onto the street!

"Not many visitors, huh," Madhav observed as they rambled along, exploring every nook and corner, "nothing like what we had heard..." the lanes, and the market, surprisingly empty, the group encountering just a handful of fellow tourists - backpackers like themselves.

"Well, usually early September is relatively quiet... the crowd starts around month end," Tony enlightened the boys. "But then again, this year has been different, and the travel restrictions have just been lifted, give it a couple weeks and Kasol will be crawling with tourists soon!

"When is the peak season?" asked Kashish.

"All year round," Tony laughed in reply, "but the crowds' unbearable during summer, you know, mid-April to June... and October to December. But you'll find backpackers and firangs almost always, especially the weekends!

"You guys did right to come now," he continued as they rambled along the street, "it's my favourite time too, the monsoon is withdrawing, though it might still rain, everything is lush and green, in bloom... the waterfalls in full flow... the days pleasant, AND fewer people!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

Each year, in the short window between finishing with school and preparing to depart for college, the Debate Team planned a short trip to some not-too-far getaway -- the graduating seniors and their former junior teammates -- a small group of friends celebrating past memories, and commemorating the newly attained adulthood of the seniors!

It had nothing to do with the school, or the administration, just something that the boys planned and executed themselves... and over the years it had become a ritual.

But then, the year 2020 was different - with everything that had been 'normal'... been 'regular', being turned on its head!

In March, mid-way through, the exams got postponed, (which, after months of uncertainity were finally cancelled )... and then came the LOCKDOWN -- everything grinding to a halt. Schools shut and college plans on hold, nothing was normal again, and no one knew what to expect!

Plans for the annual trip never even took place.

Aakash had already gotten into NYU, Film Program!

But with the unfolding COVID-19 situation -- the strict safety protocols, the travel restrictions/bans... the University constantly adjusting its operations with each new emerging scenario -- Aakash couldn't leave as scheduled, and since he wasn't keen on the remote learning options offered, preferring real, physical classes... decided to wait for Fall 2020.

However, with no end to the months-long nightmare in sight, and cases still surging all across the US... and the status of physical classes still unclear, his Fall plans too seemed uncertain... frustrated, he decided to defer the start of his academic program to Spring 2021.

Meanwhile a phased 'Unlock ' had begun in June, with further relaxation announced in July... and once the 'night-curfew' was finally withdrawn on 1st August, 2020, Aakash and Rohit (best buddies since second grade) decided on going ahead with the Debate Team's much delayed annual excursion!

Calls were made, and friends met up...

After some very animated discussions, and some quick web browsing...places were shortlisted; and some more googling later, Kasol was finalised. After all, young boys on the cusp of adulthood, and fascinating varieties of farm-fresh weed... doesn't take too much time (or, debate) to decide!

Advice were sought, and older peers consulted... Madhav introducing his cousin Shubham to the two, and he drew up an itinerary.

Alas, parents were unwilling to allow their sons to go off gallivanting during a still ongoing pandemic -- none of the juniors (the new eleventh graders, and the freshly minted 'seniors') were able to get their parents to agree -- and aside from Aakash and Rohit, only Kashish and Bilal managed to convince their parents. Madhav, of course, would accompany Rohit.

But there was a catch: they could go if they so wanted, but parents' wouldn't be paying for the trip!

Now, the only travelling little Gunjan had ever undertaken were those routine annual visits - grandparents and uncles/aunts; and other family events - namely weddings. He had never travelled without his parents, and had never been on a school trip, or camp!

So, when Aakash's call came, he was thrilled at the thought of going away some place with Aakash... spending all day with him nearby...

"And I want no excuses," Aakash had said, "you have to come!"

Surprsingly, his parents didn't need much 'convincing', and Gunjan was on cloud nine when he called back to confirm his availability.

Plans finalised, (as per Shubham's suggestion: early September - pleasant weather, moderate temperatures, and most importantly, least crowd), they set out for Kasol on 30 August, Sunday, 2020 - 5 days of wild excitement after the long months of crippling regulations, frustration, and exhaustion!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 "Here, this is the place I told you guys about..." announced Tony as they stood before a delightful little cafe set in its own small garden, away from the busy town area.

The group trooped in and took a table under the thatched umbrella in the garden... the young owner, Sunil, rushing over, greeting Tony like old friend.

They chatted for a while and then Sunil asked, "The usual?"

"Yes!" replied Tony, before turning to the boys and saying, "try their Israeli... they are the best!"

Well, they were here to enjoy, have fun, so why not... and they nodded, Rohit asking Sunil, "What would you suggest?"

Once the order was placed, Sunil asked, "And what would you like to drink?"

The boys looked at each other...

"Wanna try chang?" Tony asked, "It's the local rice beer."

"Sure!" the boys nodded, excited to try something new.

"You don't drink, right?" Aakash asked Gunjan, his arm tight around the shoulder, the fingers caressing the smooth cheek, "Not even beer?"

Gunjan shook his head.

"Dude, that's okay," Tony grinned, "beer, yes, but it's zero alcohol!"

"Then you can have..." smiled Aakash, giving the shoulder a light squeeze.

"Trust me," Tony smiled, "it's delicious, and absolutely alcohol free, you won't get a buzz, or get drunk!" before turning to Sunil, who had been patiently waiting for them to decide, "any chance you can get some chang for my young friends here?"

"Absolutely!" Sunil smiled back, and was gone.

"It's not very easy to get since it's not commercially produced or sold," Tony explained. "If you book a homestay, you can ask your host. And being very hospitable, they will acquire some for you... it's delicious and absolutely worth a try, one of the best things here!"

And as they waited, Aakash fished out a joint and lit it, taking a long drag...

[Surprisingly, Aakash hadn't smoked since boarding the bus, and when he did try to light up in Bhuntar after they were done with the bikes, Rohit had sternly ticked him off: "You'll be driving!", making him put it back, reluctantly. ]

And as Aakash passed the joint to Bilal, Kashish finally broached, "So... um, about... er, scoring... " leaving his query unfinished, dangling in the frigid air like the thick smoke Bilal had just let out, the smile broad as he looked at Tony.

Tony let out a laugh as he looked at Kashish, and Bilal, noting the sparkle in their questioning eyes, "Scoring, eh?"

"You're the one who suggested about coming-to-you..." Bilal responded hotly, miffed.

"Yes, I did, indeed..." Tony shrugged, but added nothing further.

"So?" Kashish queried, leaning forward.

"It's beautiful here, you don't need weed to enjoy the Valley..."

"Hah!" Kashish scoffed, the tone rude as he asked, "So, you don't smoke, eh?"

"Of course I smoke, but... " Tony grinned at the two, "I come here for the treks, not the weed, and Nature gives me my high!"

"So, basically you have no clue about where to get the stuff, eh?" Bilal sniggered, Kashish nodding his head vigorously in agreement, making Tony laugh.

"You know," Tony said, "I've seen it happen a thousand times before, and I'm sure as long as I keep coming here I'll keep seeing it happen... highschool and college kids from the cities, used to their degraded, faded weed that has lost its aroma and potency, and especially hash, going completely crazy after just a couple tokes, totally messed-up..."

KIDS?! -- the two glared at the man.

On and on Tony went - about city kids, and being unable to handle the fresh, pure and potent stuff available in the hills... blah... blah...

Rohit a strict non-smoker, and Madhav, who enjoyed an ocassional joint, but tended to keep away from it in deference to Rohit, remained silent, not too keen on the ongoing discussion... while Aakash, the chain-smoking pothead, seemed uninterested, his arm still wrapped around Gunjan's shoulder, the fingers continuing caressing the smooth cheek, enjoying the invigorating mountain air, and his joint...

Gunjan of course didn't smoke (not even tobacco), and neither did he consider it cool, but he somehow didn't like the man preaching...

"Dude, cut the lecture and just say that you have no clue!" Kashish finally snarled, the tone derisive.

"Honestly, you guys don't need me," Tony replied, sweeping his hand in a wide arc, "any shit you want, you'll get it... it's all around you, everywhere. Just walk down the street and you'll have guys walk up to you, offering whatever you want. Walk into any cafe or store, yes, even that tiny grocery store, and you'll get it. It's that easy!

"But, yup, if you don't know your stuff," he added after a brief pause, "be prepared to be ripped off!"

A couple waiters appeared at that moment, carrying their order... and as they placed the food, the group fell silent.

"So, what are you looking to score, huh... weed, hash, ice?" Tony asked after the men left.

"Fresh weed..." Bilal began, tentative, still pissed.

"Malana Cream..." Kashish prompted, dour faced.

"And how about some Red Ice, or maybe Tosh Ball?" asked Tony, keeping his face straight.

"Red Ice, of course!" Bilal responded instantly, his eyes lighting up, adding with a slight shrug, "And Tosh-whatever too, why not..."

"Red Ice and NCR dudes!" Tony mumbled with an almost condescending snicker as he shook his head, leaving the boys fuming.

First 'KIDS'... and now 'NCR dudes' !!!

"Do you guys really need to smoke?" Rohit finally spoke, shaking his head disapprovingly, "Can't we simply enjoy the trip without you guys zoning out, huh?!"

"Duh! Trip, buddy, trip!" Bilal gave him a wicked grin, winking, making Rohit grunt in disgust and annoyance...

"Zoned and turbo fucked, dude, turbo fucked!" snickered Kashish, giggling outrageously, "Why else did we decide on Parvati Valley, huh? And why do you think your sweet li'l Madhav suggested the place, eh?!" making Madhav quickly lower his head, squirming silently.

Rohit gave Kashish a fierce look but remained silent... casting a disappointed glance at Madhav instead - probably for having successfully manipulated him on the sly.

The group fell silent, an uneasy hush ensuing as everyone suddenly focussed on their food, eating quietly...

"Um, this Cream... hash, right?" Kashish finally broke the silence, "and the Ice and T-Balls?"

"Not exactly, Malana Cream is charas, Red Ice is hash..." Tony replied, and then asked, "Do you guys even know the difference?" *

They were almost done... and as Tony began his detailed explanation -- about the difference between charas and hash -- finishing his food and gulping down the remaining chang, Gunjan got up and left the table (without even excusing himself)!

Well, he was neither interested to know, nor keen to learn... silently walking to the edge of the garden and leaned against the wooden picket fence, looking down the steep slope at the gushing river below: Happy. Hearing the drone of Tony's voice floating in, muffled by the river's roar.

"Hey, little bro..." Rohit greeted, joining him after a few minutes, "You good?"

Gunjan nodded, smiling at him.

"Like the place?"

He nodded again -- from a stoner’s Paradise, to a nature lover’s Promised Land, to a trekker's Dream Destination -- Kasol was everything it claimed to be, and though it had been just a few hours, still, Gunjan simply loved the place!

"So, did you really pinch his nose to wake him, huh?" Rohit suddenly asked leaning in close, the tone mirthful.

And as Gunjan looked up at him, eyes wide, the face quickly going red, the older boy laughed...

"It's okay... I've noticed how you look at him... been looking at him since the past couple years... how he looks at you! Well, I've been with Madhav since ninth grade, so..." letting out a laugh.

Gunjan quickly lowered his gaze, shuffling coyly.

"Oh, c'mon, you're a big boy, dude!" Rohit laughed, reaching out and wrapping his arms around the boy, pulling him in a warm hug.

And as Gunjan lifted his eyes he saw Aakash watching him... intently... a tiny spark of envy seeming to glint in those amazingly beautiful, dark eyes!

Gunjan's heart swelled with joy... after all, what's passion unless tinged with jealousy. It felt nice, and he simply couldn't help it, smiling coyly as he looked back at Aakash.

"C'mon, let's rejoin those potheads!" Rohit said pulling back, both heading back to the table.

"SERIOUSLY?!" they heard both Kashish and Bilal exclaim in unison as they sat down, the voice incredulous.

"Four thousand?! That's like... crazy EXPENSIVE!" Kashish gasped.

Tony shrugged, "It's over forty percent pure, the purest you'll get, and even a little can send you into orbit, especially people not used to such high quality!"

"Still..." Kashish sighed, shaking his head dolefully.

"Malana Cream's the most expensive product on the Amsterdam cafe menus..."

"One tola... and that's like less than half an ounce!" Bilal cried in disbelief.

The boys looked crestfallen, each lost in his own sad thoughts -- whoever had imagined that the famous Cream would be THAT expensive?!!!

"Well, if you do plan on Malana Cream, do NOT buy it anywhere other than in the village," Tony suggested, patting his mouth with the napkin.

"And what about Red Ice and Tosh Balls?" Aakash asked.

"Red Ice..." once more that snigger, "gives a nice high, but you can't take it out, I mean, it can only be stored and handled in cold climate, and simply melts if taken down to the plains. Tosh Balls, comparitively of low potency, has a spicy aroma and taste, can be harsh on the throat, but gives a smooth, long lasting high... a happy high!"

"And... the price?"

"Well, Red Ice..." again that snicker, "goes from about β‚Ή 3,000 to 6,000 per tola, while Tosh ball's around β‚Ή 1200 to 1500."

"Fuck!" Bilal exclaimed, "Seems we'll have to stick to fresh grass then."

🍁 As they walked out of the cafe and strolled back to the market area, small groups of firangs -- longterm resident foreigners (men and women) -- manifested themselves, clad in ragged clothes and harem pants... sporting tattoos and sun-bleached dreadlocks, or lulus festooned with colourful threads, beads, shells, feathers and every other imaginable little thing! Sauntering around with a vacuous look... or simply languid under a miasma of dense smoke at the numerous cafes, stuporous - high and harmless!

There were also numerous desi backpackers -- like so many flotsams and discarded detritus, remnants of the previous night’s extravagance -- each seeming lost in their own respective trip, probably recovering from, or reminiscing, the wild affairs of the night gone by...

"Jatas I've seen," observed Kashish with a snicker, "but blond jatas, well, looks awesome!" making the others laugh.

"Well, you do get to see blond jatas in Varanasi and Goa too, lots of dreadlocks around!" informed Madhav, who had mostly remained silent and quiet after the revelation at lunch... repeatedly eyeing Rohit, the look guilty, and repentant.

"So, you guys get back to your rooms and change, and we'll start around four-thirty," Tony suddenly announced as they neared the bus stand. "The daytime temperatures are moderate, but after sundown it gets COLD, so wear tracks or jeans, and carry something warm."

They were clad in calf length shorts and tees, each sporting a light jacket.

"What about you?" asked Kashish.

"Ah, I need to meet a couple old friends, and then I too will return and change for our little moon-lit night walk!" Tony grinned.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

The boys had planned their trip according to Shubham's itinerary: Kasol-Chhalaal-Tosh-Kheerganga-Malana - Chhalaal scheduled as a quick morning hike before setting out for Tosh.

And Tony seemed pretty impressed, "Dude, your cousin sure does know the Valley, this is one of the best five-day plan I've seen!" - suggesting they try the night-walk to Chhalaal instead.

"Hah, hike through the forest at night?!" Bilal had exclaimed in disbelief.

"Dude, it's a straight, easy hike, an amazing experience..." Tony had responded, "besides, tomorrow is a full moon, only a few lucky ones ever get to experience it!"

This was in Bhuntar, in the morning, as they sipped pipping hot coffee.

Being Tony's tenth visit, he didn't have a plan: "Now I simply let the Valley dictate, and my mood lead!" he had stated. His only 'plan' being the Chanderkhaani Pass to Naggar trek -- he'd already done the Naggar-Chanderkhaani-Malana before, and now wanted to do it in reverse.

Suddenly announcing, "If you guys don't mind, I would love to join you, do Parvati all over again like a first-timer..."

The boys didn't mind at all, in fact, they were already super impressed as he regaled them with stories and anecdotes of his past visits, and having him around seemed like a great idea!

"Hope you guys are carrying flashlights, an absolute must for any camping trip!"

They had nodded.

"Then no problem," he had grinned.

And so - night walk to Chhalaal it was!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁 No sooner had they entered the room that Aakash passed his arms around the slender waist, pulling Gunjan, crushing him in a tight embrace, his mouth seeking out the boy's... both horribly aroused, both gasping noisily as they gnawed at each other's lips... Gunjan sensing the heated tumescence pressed against his abdomen, feeling his own cock twitch and flex in his shorts.

"God, you've been driving me crazy all afternoon!" Aakash groaned pulling back for a moment, before gluing his mouth back, sucking on the lower lip.

"Nnghh..." Gunjan moaned, he too had been desperate all afternoon, hardly able to contain his urge, his longing... now wrapping both his arms tightly around the older teen's broad shoulders, rubbing his crotch against Aakash's thigh.

He felt Aakash slide his hands down his back, passing them over his butt, and under him... and suddenly the ground under his feet simply vanished as Aakash lifted him clear off the floor... Gunjan quickly wrapping his legs around older teen's waist, grabbing the shoulders even tighter, clinging on.

Aakash carried him to the bed and gently lay him down... climbing over him, covering him... limbs entangled and mouth still joined... both grinding their crotch against each other...

Pushing Gunjan's t-shirt up, Aakash's mouth quickly moved lower... the moist tongue lapping across the heaving chest, circling the tiny, engorged boy nipples - first the left and then the right... the lips pursing, sucking at the turgid tips... literally chewing on the tender little pink nubs... making Gunjan cry out as he pushed his chest high... his hands deserting the shoulders to grab fistful of Aakash's silky mane, the fingers curling tight.

Aakash famished as he alternated between the right and the left boy-tits... the tongue repeatedly wiggling down the quivering belly to prod at his navel, before moving back up... one hand between Gunjan's parted thighs, caressing the boy's flexing hardon from over the tented cotton...

Gunjan could only moan and groan in response, his hips swaying... his slender form writhing under Aakash's merciless oral onslaught, wanting even more...

God, if this is what Aakash meant by 'you-now-belong-to-me' back at the bus station in Majnu-ka-Tila, then yes, he would happily be Aakash's forever!

And as they groaned and gasped, lost to the world, they heard the soft rap on the door...

"Dude, it's almost four-thirty, you guys ready yet?"

They froze... and after a couple minutes of awkward silence Aakash called back, "Be there in a minute..." the voice thick with desire, heavy with disappointment and frustration.

🍁 Dressed appropriately, and carrying a hooded puffer-jacket, as Gunjan walked down to the lobby -- a few steps behind Aakash -- it seemed every pair of eyes were fixed on him... looking... and they knew, knew what he'd been up to, back in the room!

And when Madhav greeted him, "Whoa, dude, you sure ready for the night!" Gunjan quickly lowered his head, the face a smarting red - Madhav's broad grin... his twinkling eyes, seemed so telling!

"Late again!" jeered Kashish, "Don't say you took a quick shower this time!"

And as Aakash let out an irritable snort, Bilal squealed, "Dude, it's too fuckin' cold for multiple showers, I took one this morning, and the next one'll be after I get back home!"

"Let's go guys," Tony announced walking in, "it's almost five."

🍁 The short twenty minutes hike across the quaint hanging bridge over Parvati was neither strenuous, nor difficult... the path, mostly well laid and well marked, hugging the slope along the river, leisurely winding its way through the pine forest... a few stretches rocky and boulder strewn as it veered away from the river, bordering orchards and groves...

The stillness reverberating with the mellifluous songs of birds and chirps of insects - a mesmerisingly well-orchestrated symphony in the backdrop of the thundering river.

The path, all along, hemmed in by the lush bushes of hemp growing wild, just like elsewhere in the Valley!

And as they tramped on, they were greeted by huge billboards advertising campsites, and posters announcing moonlit terrace parties!

"Well, here we are, almost there..." smiled Tony, adding with a heavy sigh, "The weekends are really unbearable, a party in every nook, the mountains resounding with loud music... horrible!"

Set amidst lush fields, and surrounded by the deep woods, Chhalaal was a magnificent little mountain village on the opposite bank from Kasol, with beautiful old wooden homes of traditional Kaath-Kuni architecture, and some ungainly brick and mortar structures of newer vintage... dotted with guesthouses and cafes... the riverfront crowded with campgrounds... largely commercialised, yet managing to retain it's rustic, old world charm.

The view... the sheer splendour of the surroundings - Extraordinary!

"We're here guys!" announced Tony with a huge grin, "look around, laze by the river, or take a quick jaunt into the woods, but stay within sight of the village and don't go too far... eat, drink and be merry!"

"Being merry's fine, but how about getting euphoric, huh?" asked Kashish with a grin... his eyes gleaming.

"HAH!" Tony almost howled in response, "And there comes the answer to your question, walking on his own two feet!"

The boys turned to look... as a young man, barely out of his teens approached Tony, arms outstretched, face beaming, "Tony... Bro, welcome back!"

They hugged, thumping each other's back... and after a few loud pleasantries, and some hushed exchanges, hands were shaken, and the man left with a wave.

Tony led them through the village, showing them around, "And this is the village temple," he informed, "forbidden to all outsiders... and this path, to the left, leads to Rashol... another tiny, amazingly beautiful village hidden deep inside the thick forest!"

"Shubham had mentioned it, said it's lovely, but one should spend at least a night there or no point in going..." Madhav remarked.

"Exactly!" Tony nodded, "It's about a four-hour hike... well marked tracks, but very steep and rocky, and no point in going up just to return almost immediately. And beyond Rashol, after crossing the Rashol pass you can reach Malana..."

"This is the way to Malana?" asked Madhav, seeming confused, "Then what about Jari?"

"Jari is the path you'll take," Tony explained, "it's the short, easy route, while this is a tough, 12+ hour trek!"

"Okay..." they nodded.

"And Rashol is also known for it's own cream," Tony enlightened with a smile, "said to rival that of Malana's!"

With the exploring done, pictures and selfies taken, Tony took them past a couple campsites... to the edge of a wooded highground overlooking the river, and plonking down on a bare rock held out his hand, "Here, farm fresh grass," he offered the boys, "virgin breed... the real, Himalayan heirloom!"

They stared at the sealed mylar bag of a substantial dimension on his palm... a slow smile lighting up their countenance!

"Pure desi ganja !" Tony grinned.

As Kashish reached out Aakash asked, "How much?" making Kashish pause.

"Did you see me paying him?"

"For free?"

Tony shrugged, "Want it or not?"

Aakash reached into his pocket extracting a booklet of rolling-paper, Tony taking out a box of pre-rolled cones from his knapsack... and soon they were rolling joints...


Gunjan looking on in amazement, wide-eyed -- he had watched Aakash strip naked and then dress... but hadn't noticed him take anything, let alone the pack... was unaware that he even had anything in his pockets other than his wallet and the room key!

"This shit's amaaazzzing!" exclaimed Bilal, coughing.

"Awesome, dude... awesome!" agreed Kashish, the dense curling smoke forming a nimbus around his nodding head.

The little clearing where they sat soon swirling with the bluish haze as the joints got passed around. Gunjan finally looking away, wrinkling up his pert little nose at the strong, overpowering odour.

Well, if brevity is the soul of wit, then surely loquacity must be the soul of weed -- the boys simply couldn't seem to keep their mouth shut as they sat smoking and munching... babbling away between mouthfuls, giggling and guffawing!

"Gunjan!" Rohit smiled sitting down by his side, passing him a packet of potato chips and a can of soda, "now just sit and watch the fun as they get baked... don't worry, you won't get high by merely catching a whiff. I've been in a room with them, and still kept my sanity... here it's open air!"

Gunjan declined the offer, shaking his head.

"Oops, sorry!" Rohit smiled apologetically, "Almost forgot..."

And so the two sat, talking... and watching - Rohit keenly observing Madhav, Gunjan's eyes fixed on Aakash.

The day had long gone dark, and though the moon had risen, it was still hidden behind the lofty mountains... and therefore not visible yet, but the sky was aglow... the dark silhouette of the towering trees clear against the brilliant star-studded sky... the foaming waters sparkling in the moonlight like gem encrusted molten silver... the distant snow-clad peaks flushed with a reddish-orange hue... the air decidedly cold.

The lights from the various camps, and the village - a subdued luminescence - was visible through the trees, beyond the shrubs and undergrowth... the music, and the cheers, floating in across the woods as people awoke to the evening...

The loud laughs and happy banter had by now given way to ocassional hoots and raspy guffaws... and then there was just silence...

"Don't worry..." Rohit whispered into Gunjan's ears, "that's not the couch-lock, just wait and you'll see..." grinning widely.

Gunjan didn't know what a couch-lock was... and honestly, he didn't want to know. But somewhere deep down he wished Aakash would stop... he didn't quite like seeing him this way.

And as he mused he saw Madhav get up, and leaving the group come over... his face beaming as he sat down by Rohit's side, wrapping his arms tightly around, nuzzling... purring and giggling... Gunjan quickly looking away, yes, embarrassed.

"Rent a tent, you two," Gunjan heard Aakash say, and looking up saw him walking over, "or wait till you get back to the room!" placing his hand on Gunjan's shoulder, "C'mon, let's go for a walk..."

"Guys, stay within sight..." Tony hollered as Aakash led Gunjan away into the surrounding woods... the boy's heart slamming wildly, his whole body atingle.

Pushing Gunjan against a tree trunk Aakash leaned in, his body pressed against the boy's... the back of his fingers caressing the smooth cheek... breath hot against Gunjan's face... both pair of eyes staring in the darkness, gaze locked.

Gripping Gunjan's chin Aakash tilted his face up, kissing him...

Gunjan groaned, reaching up to grab Aakash's shoulders with both hands, his cock already hard in his briefs!

And as the boy whimpered, rubbing his raging crotch against the older boy's thigh, Aakash kissed his way down Gunjan's throat... and then licked up the jawline... swirling his tongue along the helix... before gently nibbling the lobe... moving back to bite the full lips... both horribly noisy -- the boy breathless, Aakash relentless... kissing and chewing the lips without pause or break... unceasing...

When suddenly Gunjan let out a shocked gasp as he sensed a freezing hand on his belly... slithering under the thick tee and heavy jacket, making his warm skin cringe and shudder, every follicle in his hairless body bristling at the touch...

"Ungghh..." Gunjan let out a moan of protest at the cold intrusion, clinging on tighter, kissing back in desperation... but the hand reached in higher, seeking out his turgid boy-tits... the fingers tweaking the engorged nipple!

Both panting, in the throes of mindless arousal... when another frisson of shock shot through Gunjan's slender frame as a frigid digit slipped past the waistband of his heavy tracks... swiftly sliding down the back, right inside his briefs... sending another shiver coursing through his entire body as the cold hand grabbed his warm buttock...

He shuddered at the chilling contact, whimpering into Aakash's mouth, and felt the hand push him harder into Aakash's groin...

"I want you..." Aakash whispered hoarsely pulling back his mouth, "I so want you, Gunjan!"

"Yes..." Gunjan nodded, his voice barely audible, his heart thumping wildly.

God, Yes! ... YES!

Yes to whatever Aakash wanted! Yes to whatever he meant!

And as Aakash glued his mouth back, they heard Rohit's loud call in the darkness "AAKASH!"

The voice clear and distinct over the distant roar of the river... cutting right though the cacophonous music coming from beyond the trees...

"We need to go..." Rohit shouted urgently, "or we'll have problem getting these two back!"

The lips paused, holding still, as if frozen... Aakash's hand still clutching the butt cheek, fingers poised over the engorged boy tit... both letting out a frustrated groan.

"Aakash..." Rohit's voice came floating through the woods once more, "both are total goners, utterly fucked!"

"Aargh!" Aakash growled finally pulling back, stamping his feet in exasperation.

🍁 to be continued...       

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