Kiss Me Gentle Kiss Me Sweet

Published on Dec 26, 2022


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet 2 - a story by Outlaw


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet

মুক্তা যেমন শুক্তিরও বুকে, তেমনি আমাতে তুমি    আমার পরাণে প্রেমের বিন্দু তুমি শুধু তুমি
[ muktaa jemon shooktir-o booke, temnii aamaate tuumi, aamaar poraane prem-er bindu tuumi shudhu tuumi ~ Meera Dev Burman ]



**Some obscenely delicious, a few verbosely crafty,
Others ooze raunch, while some are simply wifty,
Whatever be your choice,       
Young men, hunks, or boys,       
Loosen your purse strings and read them on Nifty!



Monday, 31 August 2020      

🍁  The loud mechanical whirrrr followed by the distinctive 'Thwck ', and the wild tittering woke Gunjan...

And as he blinked his eyes open he saw Kashish, Madhav and Bilal towering over him... all three grinning down... their smartphones poised high!

"This is so going on my Instagram, right now!" he heard Madhav laugh, as the other two guffawed, all three phones going 'zzzhhhh-Thwck ' once more as they clicked.

Gunjan had no clue when he'd dozed off, his fingers still firmly wrapped around Aakash's magnificent cock... and that recollection instantly freaked him, setting his heart on a wild rampage - 'had the blanket fallen off? ' ... 'was he still naked under it? ' ... 'did the guys know? '...

Gulping down the yawn that rose he promptly looked down... relieved to see the blanket still draped over him, covering him fully, the edges securely tucked in... and a quick, furtive grope underneath soon calmed his nerves - his jeans had been pulled up and zipped!

Aakash must have done it after he fell asleep.

"Aww..." he heard Bilal say, "you guys looked so cute, all cuddled up and cosy!"

"And snoring!" Madhav added, taking another quick shot.

"Huh! I don't snore!" Aakash retorted sleepily.

"Dude, you do..." sniggered Kashish, "and I have the recording to prove it!"

Aakash stirred and slowly sat up, the blanket falling off... and with his heart almost skipping a beat, Gunjan quickly looked over, noting with a relieved sigh that his jeans too were up... the fly properly buttoned.

"Have we reached?" Aakash asked, stretching and yawning.

"Been over ten minutes..." Bilal replied.

"Then why didn't you guys wake us?"

"We just did," grinned Madhav, waving his phone, "after we got some real cool pics!"

"Where's Rohit?" Aakash asked, standing up.

"Down, checking our backpacks..."

"Rohit, the Responsible!" grinned Kashish.

"C'mon..." Aakash said looking at Gunjan, pulling off the blanket and throwing it over the seat, and together they got off the bus.

They were in Bhuntar - the gateway to Parvati Valley!

🍁  It was COLD outside, the whole area crowded, teeming with people that the arriving buses were disgorging... the air reverberating with people chattering... yelling... and hollering... cacophonous with cabbies trying to pick up prospective passengers for the onward journey... random honking and squealing tyres...

"Ah, there you are!" Rohit waved at them, standing over a stack of backpacks a little away from the bus, already sporting a thick jacket against the cold.

"Hey!" Aakash greeted back, going forward... both boys doing their usual 'palm-smack ~ clasp ~ shoulder-bump ' bro-hug; while the other boys quickly donned their jackets and strapped on their packs.

"Dude..." Rohit gasped making a face as they pulled back, "you sure do smell kinda wei..." suddenly breaking off mid sentence and then giving an impish grin exclaimed, eyes wide, "OH MY GOD!"

Gunjan could swear his heart did indeed miss a couple beats this time...

Flustered, Aakash literally jumped back, mumbling in a not too convincing tone, "Um, must be that stinky blanket the guy gave..." before quickly turning away, lifting his pack and taking out his jacket.

"Whatever..." Rohit let out a soft laugh, picking up and strapping on his own backpack, adding, "better take a shower as soon as we check in!

Gunjan stood frozen, feeling his ears growing hot with embarrassment.

"Hey!" Rohit smiled at him, coming forward and tousling his already messy hair, and then patting his own left cheek, dragged a finger to the corner of his mouth saying, "Little bro, you drool?! You've got crusts all over..."

Gunjan could have died of shame at that very moment, feeling the heat rise further, his face going a bright red - well, it wasn't crusted drool... but the dried remnant of a totally different kind of bodily fluid.

"Go, splash your face with water, there's the tap..." Rohit added pointing to the small terminal building right behind him, before dropping his voice real low and whispering, "You too smell funny!" the grin mischievously knowing.

Gunjan couldn't go any redder, so he simply looked away, mortified!

Well, the blanket was neither stinky nor did it smell, and Gunjan could vouch for it... the smell that Rohit claimed they both reeked of, was entirely of a different origin, and any teen boy worth his hormones could surely recognise it!

"Okay... enough!" Aakash growled promptly stepping between the two, taking Gunjan's arm and leading him to the tap... looking over his shoulder as he snarled, "And you, Madhav, where's that bike guy of yours, huh?" the tone irritable and surly.

"Bro, chill!" Madhav replied giving Aakash a curious look before pointing towards the building across the street, "He should be right behind that hotel there."

"So, lets go then!" Aakash snapped... walking ahead, his grip firm on Gunjan's arm.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

"NEVER visit during the weekend, and NEVER take a cab!" Shubham, Madhav's older cousin, had advised them when they sought his views about their proposed trip.

Shubham had been to the Valley numerous times - with friends, and solo - and knew the area like the back of his hand.

"To fully experience, appreciate and enjoy the Valley, the pristine surroundings, the tranquility, you need to venture deep, you know, trek, and for that you need to have freedom and mobility. You can't really depend on the unreliable local bus service and their erratic schedules, besides, they have fixed routes, and don't take you everywhere, especially Tosh and Malana, which I'm sure you plan on visiting. The cabs will get you to most places, but they'll also fleece you...

"And since you're taking a bus, not driving up there, rent motorbikes at Bhuntar, especially on your budget... it's not only cheaper, and more convinient, but you are in control of your own movements and don't need to worry about missing the last bus, or availability of cabs!"

Yes, they had a tight budget -- well, pocket money (allowance) took you so far, and no further! -- they were convinced.

So, he gave them the name and address, "Vikas, nice guy, just tell him I sent you and you'll get a good deal and won't need to pay the rent up front!"

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

Vikas, the bike rental guy, was friendly and instantly remembered Shubham, offering them a discounted rate.

"Just the deposit," he smiled, handing them the keys, "you can pay on your return."

It was at Vikas' that they met Tony...

"Kasol?" the young man asked with a smile.

They nodded, smiling back at him.

"Right decision, and good choice..." he said nodding towards the three bikes. "The buses are horrid, and the cabbies are cheats!"

Anthony Braganza, 27 - presently living and working in Chandigarh, 10th visit in 4 years, every season... every inch!

"I just love this place!" he grinned, and then lowering his voice a tad for dramatic effect, added with a wink, "Wanna score, let me know."

And together they drove out of town... soon speeding along the spine-tingling, serpentine road precariously bracing the mountainside -- a steep rock wall on one side, and a sheer drop on the other -- the gurgling torrent of the Parvati River their constant companion... everything lush, green and verdant... the morning breeze in their face, frigid.

"You ride, right?" Aakash asked looking over his shoulder, almost shouting to be heard over the wind.

"Yes..." Gunjan nodded.

"I mean not just pillion riding, you drive the bike?"

"Yes!" Gunjan once more nodded his head.


Gunjan was with Aakash, Madhav rode with Rohit, and Bilal with Kashish, and leading them was Tony - his bike loaded with his camping gear.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

It was the second month of school after summer break 2019, and he was in tenth grade now, when Gunjan first noticed the look -- the look that Aakash was giving him, the way he looked at him -- eyes hooded, intense -- and it made his heart slam, each time.

He had just got his braces... and aside from the unceasing discomfort, the constant irritation, there was also the incessant pricking of a thousand tiny metal thorns - as if someone had stuffed a steel cactus inside his mouth. It was driving him crazy... making him do all sorts of weird stuff with his mouth, jaws and tongue in a desperate effort to ease some of the discomfort, avoid the wires from tearing into his cheeks...

And when he caught the boys giving him curious looks, it made him feel super awkward and extra self-conscious...

So, from never being noticed, to being constantly stared at - by the boy he had been crushing over the past year - kinda freaked him out!

And then they won their first debate of that year, and Aakash came to shake his hand and thump his back... full of praise.

Gunjan was thrilled, his heart soaring... and that night he could think of nothing else other than how it felt when Aakash touched him... the sound of his voice... his smile... and, the smell -- Aakash smelt awesome!!!!

No, it wasn't some expensive soap, nor an exotic deo or perfume... it was his own, natural scent - so male... so masculine... so inebriating!

And suddenly Aakash was always there, right by his side as they sat discussing, tossing ideas... and after each win, hugging him, the arms tight around Gunjan's shoulders...

It was around mid year (just before winter break) when Aakash caught up with him during lunch break one day, "Hey, Gunjan!"

Gunjan stopped to turn around.

"Hey, I've noticed you never come for the cricket matches... or, basketball... you should cheer for your school, you know!" and as Gunjan squirmed silently, Aakash added, "This is my last match for the school, I want you there this Sunday!" - a firm command rather than a request or suggestion.

Ready to graduate, the seniors didn't play or debate much during the year end... Gunjan nodded.

"Cool!" Aakash smiled, and was gone.

Gunjan went with the rest of the boys - to cheer for his school, and his team - and was amazed as he watched Aakash play for the first time - he was scintillating - and as captain, he led from the front - with both the ball and bat - demolishing the opponent as the team rallied behind him, followed his every command!

During lunch break Aakash had sought him out and pulled him aside, "Don't leave after the game, I'll drop you home..."

So, while the boys left in the bus that had brought them, Gunjan stayed back, sitting alone outside the locker room, and once the team had showered and changed... going their different ways after their usual, boisterous 'brotherly' bonhomie -- back-thumps and bro-hugs -- Aakash took him for a treat!

"I'm glad you came," he said as they drove away in Aakash's car (yes, he had just got his license and was allowed to borrow the family car )... to a nearby, popular food joint... stunned as they stood at the counter ready to order when Gunjan told him about all the diet restrictions because of his braces...

"FUCK!" he gasped in genuine shock, "Then what do you eat? What CAN you eat?!"

Apologising profusely for being such an ignorant dork, being unaware, suddenly announcing, "My mom'll know what to make..." and took him home instead, brushing aside all protestations, "I promised you a treat, and I shall give it!"

And it was later that evening, while dropping Gunjan off at his place, that Aakash said it for the first time, "You are so cute!" - the voice hushed, the tone seemingly bewitched - his hand touching, almost caressing, Gunjan's smooth cheek... lingering for a brief while, before giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Gunjan remained awake late into the night, tossing and turning, a weird tingle filling his entire body... making his slim frame jerk and spasm intermittently... his throbbing teen cock rock hard, flexing furiously!

After that day Gunjan was regularly hanging-out with the seniors after school - mostly Aakash and Rohit - and a few of the others too.

And each time Aakash sat by his side, his arm wrapped around Gunjan's shoulders... the back of his fingers constantly caressing the smooth cheek... giving him occasional looks as he said: 'You are so cute!' - the tone hushed and amazed.

Always the same - 'YOU ARE so cute' - never 'YOU'RE so cute'!

Occasionally another guy, and a girl (neither from school) joined them - Madhav and Aditi.

Now, Gunjan may be coy and a bit naive, maybe even a little slow on the uptake when compared to his big-city peers... but he surely wasn't dumb, and it soon became obvious to him that Aakash was dating Aditi (though the gossip was that he had more than just one 'girlfriend' at any given time!)... while Madhav was clearly Rohit's boyfriend (yes, Rohit's friends knew about them).

For some unknown reason he took an instant liking for Madhav, and an intense dislike for Aditi - she made him feel strangely envious... and extremely jealous!

Though she was always sweet to him, even pinching his cheek, giggling in agreement whenever Aakash called him 'cute'!

And that too infuriated him!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁  Forty-five minutes, and they were in Kasol - once a sleepy little village now transformed into a 'town' with the steady influx of foreigners and backpackers!

"It's just a five minutes walk from one end to the other," informed Tony as they paused along the main street, "and everything that you may need is right here..."

"The only thing we need right now is to check-in and a warm shower!" sighed Bilal.

"Exactly, so, which one is a decent place?" asked Rohit, looking around... checking the various hostel and hotel signboards and signages.

Shubham had already told them about a few places -- backpacker haunts on a shoestring budget, or, the better equipped places just beyond town... suggesting they rent tents instead: 'On your budget that's the best option !'

"You want dirty, cramped and cheap, you'll get many, right here... but if you're looking for a decent place, you need to go to the older part of town... nice, clean rooms, lovely view, affordable. And then," he added, patting his camping gear, "there's the camping ground by the river!"

"Um... we're not carrying any camping ge..." Bilal began, but Tony cut in.

"Yes, I carry my tent and stuff, but you don't need to, every village here has camping grounds with tents, big and small, you rent them, just like a hotel room. Anyhow, you guys ARE lugging your sleeping bags though!"

"That's for Tosh and Kheerganga..." Madhav began...

"No!" Aakash, shook his head vigorously, "No camping, I need a room, with an attached bath!"

Madhav nodding his head, "Yeah, atleast today..."

"Fine, then follow me..." Tony smiled, "I can get you the best that's available!"

"Uh, you mean those resort types in the woods?" asked Kashish.

"Not exactly 'resort'..." Tony smiled with a slight shrug and then added, "these guys here don't even change the sheets, and the bathrooms, well, you'll want to wait till you return home!"

"But aren't those places, like expensive?" Bilal wondered.

"Yes, they are, especially compared to these joints," Tony smiled, "but, as I said, come with me and you'll get your room, and a great deal too!"

They followed...

It was a beautifully crafted wooden structure set in a small garden bursting with flowers, and they got three adjoining rooms on the second floor - spacious, beautiful... with an amazing view of the valley - and, surprise-surprise, well within their modest budget!

"I don't believe this!" Bilal gushed as they entered the room, "Tony really does know this place!"

"And can wrangle a deal!" giggled Kashish in response, both dropping their backpack and flopping down on the two beds.

"Well, I'm famished, lets shower" Bilal said getting up and opening his backpack, "and then grab something to eat..." pausing a moment to ask, "you wanna go first?"

"Nah, you go..." Kashish replied, heading for the balcony.

🍁  Aakash closed the door and flipped the lock... turning to look at Gunjan as the boy stood there, just inside, near the door.

He took a step forward... and as the boy looked up at him, his slender frame wracked by a sudden, spasmodic jitter, Aakash reached for his backpack, unstrapping and dropping it on the floor... reaching back up, taking off the glasses and placing them on the small table nearby, before cupping the boy's face, lifting it... kissing him on the mouth.

Gunjan gasped, a shudder coursing through his entire body... his mouth opening... and he felt Aakash slip in his tongue, making him groan into the older boy's mouth.

Releasing his face Aakash slid his hands down the boy's torso to wrap around the waist, tugging him in closer... and Gunjan could only respond by wrapping his own two arms around those powerful shoulders... pressing his shivering frame against his senior's, instantly sensing the intense heat under the denim against his abdomen... the unmistakable rigidity distinct!

Well, he too was raging in his own briefs... his young cock hurting as it sought space to stretch out...

Gunjan's breathing was erratic, noisy... and he was sure he'd pass out... simply black out... when Aakash suddenly drew back, quickly taking off his heavy jacket... before grabbing the hem of Gunjan's t-shirt and tugging it off... and even before Gunjan could gather his wits, Aakash was undoing his jeans' button!

With a whimper Gunjan's hands reflexively lowered, grabbing Aakash's in an attempt to stop him -- this wasn't a dimmed bus at night, nor were they covered under a blanket... the room was bright with daylight!

"I want to see you..." whispered Aakash in his ear, hushed and breathless, "all of you!"

Gunjan's hands faltered... and in that instant Aakash unzipped his fly and hooking his fingers in the waistband of the briefs slid both pieces of garment past his hips... pushing down... till they dropped and Gunjan stood bare naked.

Aakash stepped back, his eyes taking in the sight before him...

"No, don't cover!" he said as Gunjan's hands instinctively moved to cover his exposed, brazenly engorged boy cock, adding, "I'm hard too..."

Gunjan just stood there, face erubescent, eyes shut tight... arms limp by his side, shivering uncontrollably... his heart thumping wildly... and his penis, flexing and twitching with shameless abandon; feeling a tinge of embarrassment, and exhilaration... nervous thrill, and bashful excitment - all at the same time!

And as he stood there, holding his breath, he heard Aakash exhale, "You're not just cute, Gunjan, you are beautiful!" adding after a brief pause, "Now undress me..."

Gunjan's eyes instantly popped open at the words, wider than usual, he heart skipping a few wild beats as another shudder passed down his spine... his lips furiously working at shutting his open mouth, cover his teeth...

Aakash sat perched on the edge of the bed, looking at him... watching him... the eyes dark, piercing.

'Undress Aakash?! ' ... 'Finally see him in all his naked glory?!! ' -- What more could a boy ask for???

"C'mon, we need to hurry..." he heard Aakash's voice float in through the mind numbing haze.

Stepping out of the bunched clothings at his feet Gunjan stumbled forward... standing naked between Aakash's spread thighs... his boy cock pointing high, doing its own erotic dance with each pulse of the flowing blood... each beat of his rapidly thumping heart!

Hands shaking horribly, he bent forward and gripping the hem of the older boy's t-shirt tried to tug it off... but it seemed an impossible task... his hands simply refusing, or unable, to obey the command his brain had given... till Aakash came to the rescue, pulling off his tee and throwing it aside... leaning back on the bed, on his elbows.

Gunjan gulped seeing Aakash's well defined, naked torso for the first time, smooth and hairless -- exquisitely sculpted, delicately chiselled... the beginning of abs distinct -- the underarms lush... dark, silky strands peeking out seductively.

Dropping down on his knees, he reached for the fly... slowly, laboriously working each single button open... fascinated as he saw the boxer push its way up between the undone fly... the sheer fabric seeming to throb and pulse with a life of its own as the engorged member under it flexed and twitched.

Hooking his fingers in the waist band of both the jeans and the boxer, Gunjan tugged... Aakash dutifully lifting his ass off the bed as the boy slowly pulled it off... sliding it down the thighs... past the knees... right to the ankles... and finally off!

Gunjan wanted to, desperately wanted to, look... see... feast his eyes upon Aakash's genitals... but inexplicably kept his eyes lowered... simply unable to look up at the object he so desired... the object that he had already felt and touched... had stroked and even sucked...

He could sense Aakash's eyes on him... watching him, observing him... waiting...

He knew the urgency of the situation... the moment... and yet felt weirdly timid even after the events of the previous night in the bus... when he saw Aakash stir... slowy sitting up, the movement seeming to snap him out of his numbing stupor... and unable to resist any further, he finally lifted his eyes... staring widely at that point between the older teen's spread thighs... mesmerised!

Oh, if Aakash was stunningly handsome, gorgeously goodlooking... then his cock was even more so... a spectacular work of fine art!!!

A perfectly sculpted column of alabaster rising high from the neatly trimmed patch of dark silk... tall, straight and thick, engorged with blood... encased by the tautly stretched, smooth, almost translucent skin... the fine network of blue-green veins clearly visible... pulsing... the glowing pink crown partly exposed... the tiny slit at the tip adorned by a single drop of sparkling dew that had just oozed out... like a drop of liquid diamond!

The scrotal sac large and heavy... smooth and satiny... sagging low with the weight of the distinctly enormous, fully loaded orchises!

Crouched between the spread thighs, eyes fixed on that glorious package... Gunjan could only wonder and marvel... and desire...

Oh, he could spend the rest of his life simply looking at Aakash... and his young manhood -- admire and adore, exalt and glorify, kiss and caress every tiny inch of his flesh for all eternity! And yes, kiss and lick and suck him too, forever! Drink every single drop of the ambrosial nectar that his balls could produce!

He could hold back no more, and with a sigh, throwing all modesty and coyness to the wild winds, Gunjan, like a brazen hussy reached up... placing his palms on Aakash's thighs... gently caressing the smooth flesh, as he slowly reached higher... finally wrapping the fingers of both hands around the thick flesh column... squeezing the turgid shaft lovingly.

And as Aakash let out a soft, tremulous moan, Gunjan lurched forward, lashing out with his tongue... gathering up that single dew drop before kissing the tip... his fingers pulling down the foreskin all the way before opening his mouth and taking the bulbous head in... wrapping his full lips tightly around the flared rim!

Aakash's hips strutted up as he sucked in air with a loud hiss... and then let it out with a long drawn 'aaahhhh...' reaching down and grabbing the boy's shoulders.

And even before Gunjan could begin working his lips any further down along the crazily flexing shaft, Aakash pulled him up and over... wrapping his arms around the boy, hugging him tight... rolling over, his mouth seeking out the boy's, kissing him furiously... biting down, chewing on those juicy, red lips...

Gunjan groaned with impeccant joy, grinding up his hips, rubbing his hardon against Aakash's abdomen... and though he was a wee bit disappointed at being denied the cock... forced to relinquish it... it didn't really matter much, for he could feel the raging tip poking and prodding his perineum... and that felt amazingly good!

But again, Aakash broke the kiss and pulled back, looking down at Gunjan, fingers of one hand running through his hair... their gaze locking.

Caressing the boy's face with the back of his fingers Aakash groaned, "God, you are so cute, I could simply eat you... all of you!" the voice hoarse, the eyes hooded, making Gunjan blush some more, his heart racing...

Oh, he wanted this moment to never end... feeling his cock, trapped between their belly, give a fierce twitch... sensing the older boy's cock, pressed against his thigh, too pulse and flex... when abruptly Aakash sat up...

"C'mon, let's go..."

Stunned and devastated, Gunjan lay still, looking up at the older boy, uncomprehending...

"WHAT?!" Aakash exclaimed in feigned astonishment before grinning, "Dude, we need to take a shower and join the guys, and if we don't rush Rohit will come knocking on the door. Now, we don't want that, do we, huh?"

Slowly, reluctantly, Gunjan sat up... giving Aakash an accusing look...

"You can do whatever you want, tonight, but now, get your toothbrush and come!"

With raging cock pointing ahead like directional arrows, toothpaste and brush in hand, the two boys headed for the bathroom...

Honestly, how can someone be this astonishingly perfect and beautiful ? Gunjan wondered looking into the large mirror over the washbasin as they stood side by side brushing their teeth... his eyes admiring the reflection, repeatedly stealing glances -- the amazingly well formed torso, the glorious masculine contours, the flex of the muscles of his arms and chest as he brushed... the constant twitch and pulse of that large, engorged apendage between those powerful thighs...

"WHAT!" he heard Aakash and quickly looking up into the mirror saw the teen watching him, "You sure are one horny little dude!" Aakash said giving a frothy grin, making Gunjan go red in his face with embarrassment, "And yup, you make me crazy horny too!" laughing as Gunjan lowered his gaze.

Rinsing their mouth, Aakash opened the shower, setting the temperature before pulling Gunjan under the spray... getting them both thoroughly wet.

Turning off the shower Aakash picked up two sachets of the shower gel and tearing them open poured the content of one onto his palm, daubing it on Gunjan's head... and shoulders, before emptying the second one and smearing the liquid all over the boy's body... tearing open another sachet and slathering his own torso with it... before beginning to lather the little boy...

The strong fingers gentle, yet firm, as it worked through Gunjan's hair... down his neck, and under his arms... lower still... tweaking his nipples and running across his heaving chest... fluttering down his belly, and right through his sparse silken pubes to gathering up the aroused genitals, the fingers twirling around the rigid shaft, giving his erect cock a couple quick strokes... making him squirm and twist, jerk and wiggle... his hands grabbing Aakash's arms for support, the fingers digging in as he groaned and grunted with the sheer pleasure of it all -- the touch of those hands, the gliding fingers, the joys of wet, soapy caress -- clinging on tight for dear life!

"C'mon, don't be selfish, soap me up too!" grinned Aakash looking down at tiny little boy as he slipped one hand between Gunjan's thighs, under him... sliding his open palm back and forth under the balls, and along the smooth, hairless perineum... a finger slithering into the crack... sliding over, and touching that tiny, tightly clenched opening... feeling it flutter.

"Nnnghh..." Gunjan let out a timid moan, parting his legs... his head coming to rest on Aakash's chest, his hands tighter... relishing every bit of the contact!

"C'mon, don't be lazy..." Aakash pleaded, his other hand now passing around the boy, slipping and sliding over and across the satiny smooth mounds, caressing the soft boy butt... the fingers working the suds into the crack between the cheeks, the touch gentle and sensuous ...

Gunjan lifted his head and slid his hands down Aakash's arms... moving onto his chest... slowly working the soap across flexing pecs and shoulders... reaching under his arms, feeling his fingers tangle with the lush, silky hair... moving down the sides to his hips... and then towards the centre... across the firm abdomen... and up his chest once more... then down again...

Both squirming, both gasping at the incredible sensation that the slippery fingers were arousing in their young body... making their flesh, their skin, tingle... their stomach flex and their cock twitch.

Gunjan, eyes shut tight, reached lower now, running his fingers through the trimmed pubes, to Aakash's cock... touching and caressing the rigid, flexing penis... wrapping his fingers around the shaft, squeezing...

He heard the older boy groan, the hips strut forward... and opening his eyes looked down at the cock in his hand... bewitched by its beauty, pulling back the foreskin and running a soapy finger around the flared rim, over the exposed glans… seeing Aakash's hips strut and sway uncontrollably, gasping... slowly stroking the shaft before reaching lower and cupping his testicles, hefting the scrotal sac... gently feeling the balls within, fondling the pair...

Aakash responded by slipping his fingers deeper into the crack of Gunjan's ass... going straight to the tiny, miniscule dent there - the clenched little opening... making the boy groan out loud, his ass lifting and pushing back as he gently pressed down with a finger tip.

His hands moved up once again, reaching for Aakash's engorged nipples... the thumbs moving in circles over the taut pair… and then under the arms once more, fingers curling in the hair, tugging... his mouth claiming the left nipple!

Oh, that moment... the incredible sensation... both boys were loving it... their arms almost simultaneously wrapping around each other, as they hugged tight... their body slippery and slithery... smoothly sliding against each other... Aakash's erect cock flushed against the boy's abdomen, Gunjan's cock pressed hard against the older boy's thigh... hands gliding as they explored the perfect male contours -- each gentle sweep, each flawless line, each masculine curve... the fingers limning the lineation of every single inch!

The bathroom resounding with their combined groans and moans... their harsh breath and their desperate gasps... till Aakash suddenly, once more, pulled back, quickly opening the shower and stepping under the spray, pulling Gunjan and turning him around.

"Now, let's take care of this!" Aakash whispered reaching between the boy's thighs and grabbing his erect cock with one hand while passing the other around the slender waist, pulling him in... beginning to jerk him off in real earnest...

Gunjan reached up and grabbed Aakash's arms, leaning back... feeling the older boy's hard cock pressed against the small of his back.

It took about two minutes, and with a loud cry Gunjan thrust into Aakash's fist, his cock shooting powerful volleys of his teen spunk... splattering the tiled wall with thick gobs of his viscous cum!

Eyes still shut tight, nostrils flared, his knees giving way, Gunjan slumped... but Aakash held him... kissing the nape of his neck as his hand continued to gently stroke the fast softening boy penis...

Once Gunjan regained his breath, Aakash washed him thoroughly, and pulling him out from under the shower, dried him...

"Now, go and get ready while I finish up..." he smiled, and as Gunjan looked down at Aakash's still rigid, still flexing penis, he laughed, "Yes, I need to take care of that too!"

Gunjan instantly looked up, into Aakash's eyes, the look questioning... expectant... almost pleading.

"NO!" Aakash laughed shaking his head before adding, "You can play all you want, but later tonight... now, we must really, really hurry, before Rohit comes banging on the door!"

Gunjan had just finished tying his laces when Aakash walked out of the bathroom... sparkling clean, gloriously naked... his cock and low-hanging balls dangling enticingly between his thighs -- finally soft, but still frighteningly large -- the whole, humungous package seductively swinging as he walked!

"Ready?" Aakash asked, going over to his backpack.

🍁 to be continued...       

Copyright © Author, 2020, 2021

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